1st qtr-PHILO

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 7, Central Visayas
Division of Canlaon City
Cluster 1
Jose B. Cardenas Memorial High School-Main
Senior High School Department
First Quarter Examination

NAME:_______________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION:______________________

TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the LETTER of your correct answer at the space provided before the number.
____ 1. The Greek term for Philosophia means:
a.love of wisdom b.wisdom c.love d.all of the above
____ 2. The Greek Philosopher who believes that Philosophy is brought about by man’s sense of wonder.
a.Philos b.Sophia c.Platp d.Aristotle
____ 3. Branch of Philosophy that deals with correct reasoning.
a.Metaphysics b.Logic c.Epistemology d.Ethics
____ 4. Branch of Philosophy which deals with moral questions and dilemmas.
a.Metaphysics b.Logic c.Epistemology d.Ethics
____ 5. Branch of Philosophy which deals with questions about reality and existence.
a.Metaphysics b.Logic c.Epistemology d.Ethics
____ 6. Branch of Philosophy which deals with nature of knowledge and knowing.
a.Metaphysics b.Logic c.Epistemology d.Ethics
____ 7. Plato believes that Philosophy is brought about by man’s sense of ________.
a.Worry b.Wonder c.Wisdom d.Wander
____ 8. The belief of Descartes in rejecting or questioning established ideas.
a.Aesthetics b.Senses c.Wisdom d.Doubt
____ 9. The branch of Philosophy which deals with beauty and being beautiful.
a.Aesthetics b.Senses c.Wisdom d.Doubt
____10.This always lies at the heart of any inquiry.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Truth
____11.Statement which needs to be examined to determine whether true or false.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Truth
____12.These are statements which are observed to be real or truthful.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Truth
____13.This is the clear awareness and understanding of something.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Truth
____14.This is a statement that could go beyond providing facts.
a.Beliefs b.Arguments c.Explanation d.Opinions
____15.These are statements that assume a claim is true and provide reasons to support them.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Opinions
____16.These statements are encountered mostly in formal debates.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Opinions
____17.These are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by facts and are mostly
based on person’s experiences and views.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Claim d.Opinions
____18.This statement is already a judgment based on certain facts.
a.Knowledge b.Facts c.Beliefs d.Conclusion
____19.The general term commonly used to refer to the entire human race.
a.Man b.Person c.Self-awareness d.free will
____20.This enables the person to act whenever he or she wants to and makes self-determination possible.
a.free will b.Person c.Man d.self-awareness
____21.This is a much more complex term which generally refers to a human being granted recognition of rights.
a.free will b.Person c.Man d.self-awareness
____22.This refers to the person having a clear perception of oneself, including his/her thoughts, emotions, actions.
a.self-awareness b.free will c.person d.man
____23.This is the result or effect of an action or condition.
a.Morality b.Consequence c.Dignity d. Transcendence
____24.This is the inherent value of a person which can’t be expressed in quantifiable terms or valued innate right.
a.Morality b.Consequence c.Dignity d. Transcendence
____25.This is the goodness or badness of an act.
a.Dignity b.Transcendence c.Morality d.Consequence
____26.This is the ability to surpass limits.
a.Dignity b.Transcendence c.Morality d.Consequence
____27.This is the capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.
a.Interiority b.Homo Sapiens c.Free will d.Externality
____28.This is the branch of Philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place in it.
a.Biocentrism b.Ecocentrism c.Environmental Philosophy d.Anthropocentrism
____29.This view considers man the most important species on the planet.
a.Biocentrism b.Ecocentrism c.Environmental Philosophy d.Anthropocentrism
____30.This view believes that all organisms have inherent worth and should be valued and protected.
a.Biocentrism b.Ecocentrism c.Environmental Philosophy d.Anthropocentrism
____31.This view places great value on ecosystems and biological communities.
a.Biocentrism b.Ecocentrism c.Environmental Philosophy d.Anthropocentrism
____32.This demands the use of natural resources in such a manner that these are conserved for the next
a.Prudence b.Frugality c.Equity d.Sustainability
____33.This relies on the three important principles:environmental integrity, economic efficiency and equity.
a.Prudence b.Frugality c.Equity d.Sustainability
____34.This is the ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior.
a.Prudence b.Frugality c.Equity d.Sustainability
____35.This is being thrifty with the use of one’s resources.
a.Prudence b.Frugality c.Equity d.Sustainability
____36.This perspective advocates action to address environmental problems.
a.Biocentrism b.Ecocentrism c.Environmentalism d.Anthropocentrism

TEST II.TRUE OR FALSE. Write if the statement is correct and if the statement is wrong. Write your answer at
the space provided before the number.
____ 1. People who engage in philosophy are lovers of wisdom.
____ 2. Philosophers have often wondered and argued about the role of philosophy in man’s life.
____ 3. To love wisdom is to have an insatiable desire for truth.
____ 4. Reflection is not necessary when a person is willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings and actions.
____ 5. A Philosopher hides his identity because he is afraid to communicate.
____ 6. It is not necessary to gain validity and acceptance in seeking for truth.
____ 7. Statements about the world or reality are propositions which may or may not carry truth.
____ 8. Ad Hominem is attacking the person presenting the argument instead of the argument itself.
____ 9. Hindsight is the tendency to see future events.
____10. Appeal to emotion is the use of emotions such as pity or sympathy.
____11. Bias cannot be avoided in any discussion or debate.
____12. Conclusions are speculations only.
____13. Embodiment is the union of body and spirit which enables a person to do and experience all the things that
make human persons.
____14. Human love is symbolized by a heart while scientific love is associated with an increase of hormones.
____15. Transcendence means overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us of certain
____16. Humans are stewards of nature.
____17. Humans can never transform and change the environment.
____18. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it.

TEST III. ESSAY ( 6 points). Answer the question below.

“Do you believe that humankind has done enough to address the challenge of climate change? “
Support your answer.



Subject Teacher

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