Food Biochemistry 1

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Food Biochemistry




• fleshy or pulpy plant part commonly eaten as a dessert due to its sweetness
• ripened ovary of a plant (which means that it contains seeds)
• include both true fruits and spurious fruits, as well as seeds of cultivated and wild perennial
• common classification: pomaceous fruits (e.g. apple, pear), stone fruits (e.g. apricot, peach),
berries (e.g. blackberry, strawberry, grapes), citrus fruits (e.g. orange, grapefruit, lemon),
tropical and subtropical fruits (e.g. banana, pineapple, avocado, figs, dates, mango, papaya),
shell(nut) fruits (e.g. cashew nut, peanut, walnut, almond), wild fruits


• plant or plant part that is served either raw or cooked as part of the main course of a meal
• fresh part of plants which, either raw, cooked, canned or processed in some other way
provide suitable human nutrition
• an herbaceous plant containing an edible portion which, from a botanical point of view, may
be divided into: algae (seaweed), mushrooms, leafy(e.g lettuce), shoot (e.g. asparagus), root
(e.g. carrot, radish), tuber (e.g. potatoes), inflorescence (e.g. broccoli), bulbous (e.g. onion)
stem or stalk (e.g. celery), seed (e.g. green peas)

A vegetable-fruit is the fruit part of a plant that is not sweet, usually served with the main course
of a meal, like cucumbers, squashes or tomatoes


• a group of cultivated plants belonging, botanically, to the Gramineae family

• major cereals: wheat (Genus:Triticum), rye (Secale), barley (Hordeum), oats (Avena), rice
(Oryza), corn (Zea), millet (Pennisetum)


• edible seeds and pods of certain flowering plants (include beans, lentils, soybeans, peas)
• any of a large family of plants characterized by tru pods enclosing seeds
• Oilseeds are legumes with high fat content (e.g, soybeans, sesame seed, sunflower seed,
peanut seed)
• Nuts are a well-balanced, nutritious food, providing protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals,
unsaturated fatty acids and phytochemicals, consumed out of the shell, or as pastes or
incorporated into confections

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