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JOIN US & LEARN WEB DEVELOPMENT The Quick Refresher JAVASCRIPT INTERVIEW QUESTION + ANSWER Var, Let, Const Closure Unshift() & pop() 0, Null, Undefined Anonymous Function Learn all in one place Unescape() & escape() Event Bubbling New Operator @developers_community._ | JOIN US & LEARN BR SAVE THIS POST WEB DEVELOPMENT Q1 What is difference between VAR, LET & CONST? “The difference between var and let is that var is function scoped while let is block-scoped ” YES VES YES YES VES NO NO YES YES const @developers_community._ X | Q2 What is Closure in JavaScript? Closure in JavaScript means an inner function have access to the variables that are defined in the outer function. Whenever we are declaring a function inside another function we are actually creating closures. Closure Example -> Complete overview - The Global Scope has access only to > dlobalvariable. It doesn't know about variables inside outerFunction or the closure inside outerFunction. outerFunction has access to outerFunctionVar and globalVar (the string “global scope”). It doesn't know anything about what's inside of its closure, Inner- Function. Our closure (innerFunction) has access to outerFunction and all of its variables, as well as everything in the global scope. JOIN US & LEARN BR SAVE THIS POST WEB DEVELOPMENT Q3 Explain unshift() & pop() methods push/pop/shift/unshift in Javascript pets.pop() pets.shift () & removes _ pets=['8', ‘a A) \ inserts inserts pets.push(' ‘ pets.unshif¢t (' & ‘) & Well pop and push are easy enough to remember. As for shift and unshift 29 Easy to remember if you mentally drop the "f" in shift / unshift: shift removes elements and unshift addsthem:)-[——sdJMar2 @developers_community_._ xX JOIN US & LEARN BR SAVE THIS POST WEB DEVELOPMENT Q4 What is difference between 0, NULL & UNDEFINED? 0 - It's just the number zero. let a = null; null - Null means that something console. log(a); was defined but is not set. // null undefined - Undefined most ea typically means a variable has console. log(b); been declared, but not defined. // undefined e Non-zero value null undefined @developers_community._ X JOIN US & LEARN BA SAVE THIS POST WEB DEVELOPMENT Q5 What does the following statement declares? = ifm it declares a three dimensional array Q6 Define event bubbling? /| Window mw JavaScript allows DOM elements ( ——_—’ | to be nested inside each other. In CF such a case, if the handler of the Docuraent child is clicked, the handler of f parent will also work as if it were | clicked too. 1 Event Capturing ‘| Pee 3. Event Bubbling / ( \L eae if Q7 How cana value be ( ) appended toanarray? “| cae 1 = | i Ny

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