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Research in Nursing & Health, 1995, 18, 179-1 83

Focus on Qualitative Methods

Sample Size in Qualitative
Margarete Sandelowski

A common misconceptionabout sampling in qualitative research is that numbers are unimpor-

tant in ensuring the adequacy of a sampling strategy. Yet, simple sizes may be too small to
support claims of having achieved either informational redundancy or theoretical saturation, or
too large to permit the deep, case-orientedanalysis that is the raison-d’etreof qualitative inquiry.
Determining adequate sample size in qualitative research is ultimately a matter of judgment and
experience in evaluating the quality of the information collected against the uses to which it will
be put, the particular research method and purposeful sampling strategy employed, and the
research product intended. 0 1995 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.

A common misconception about sampling in lected enough data. These factors are the subject
qualitative research is that numbers are unimpor- of this article.
tant in ensuring the adequacy of a sampling strat-
egy. The “logic and power” (Patton, 1990,
p. 169) of the various kinds of purposeful sam- NEITHER SMALL NOR LARGE, BUT TOO
pling used in qualitative research lie primarily in SMALL OR TOO LARGE
the quality of information obtained per sampling
unit, as opposed to their number per se. More-
Adequacy of sample size in qualitative research is
over, an aesthetic thrust of sampling in qualita-
relative, a matter of judging a sample neither
tive research is that small is beautiful. Yet, inad-
small nor large per se, but rather too small or too
equate sample sizes can undermine the credibility
large for the intended purposes of sampling and
of research findings. There are no computations
for the intended qualitative product. A sample
or power analyses that can be done in qualitative
size of 10 may be judged adequate for certain
research to determine a priori the minimum num-
kinds of homogeneous or critical case sampling,
ber and kinds of sampling units required, but
too small to achieve maximum variation of a
there are factors, including the aim of sampling
complex phenomenon or to develop theory, or too
and the type of purposeful sampling and research
large for certain kinds of narrative analyses.
method employed, which researchers can consid-
Reported sample sizes are often too small to
er to help them decide whether they have col-
support claims of having achieved either informa-
1 1 am indebted to one of the anonymous reviewers of this tional redundancy (Lincoln & Guba, 1985) or
article for the phrasing “small is beautiful.” theoretical saturation (Strauss & Corbin, 1990).

Margarete Sandelowski, PhD, RN, is a professor, Department of Women’s and Children’s

Health, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This article is part of the ongoing series, Focus on Qualitative Methods, edited or contributed
by Dr. Sandelowski.
This article was received on September 7, 1994, revised, and acceptedfor publication Novem-
ber 28, 1994.
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. Sandelowski, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, #7460 Carrington Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7460.

0 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0160-6891/95/020179-05 179


Impatience, an a priori commitment to what will purposes, but qualitative researchers value the
be seen, or a disinclination to see any more may deep understanding permitted by information-
incline researchers to stop sampling prematurely. rich cases and quantitative researchers value the
Seeing nothing new in newly sampled units or generalizations to larger populations permitted by
feeling comfortable that a theoretical category random and statistically representative samples.
has been saturated are functions involving the Although a sample of one will never be sufficient
recognition of what is there and what can be to permit generalization of findings to popula-
made out of the data already collected, and then tions, it may be sufficient to permit the valuable
deciding whether it is sufficient to create an in- kind of generalizations that can be made from
tended product. These functions are acquired and about cases, variously referred to as id-
through experience. For example, I have noticed iographic, holographic, naturalistic, or analytic
in my own development and that of students with generalizations (Firestone, 1993; Lincoln &
whom I have worked that beginning qualitative Guba, 1985; Ragin & Becker, 1992; Simons,
researchers often require more sampling units 1980; Stake & Trumbull, 1982).
than more experienced researchers to “see” and In qualitative research, events, incidents, and
to “make.” One expert qualitative researcher (P. experiences, not people per se, are typically the
Stern, personal communication, 1989) intimated objects of purposeful sampling (Miles & Huber-
that we often have all the data we will need in the man, 1994; Strauss & Corbin, 1990). People, in
very first pieces of data we collect, but that we do addition to sites, artifacts, documents, and even
not (or cannot) know that until we collect more. data that have already been collected are sampled
Ultimately, information can be deemed redundant for the information they are likely to yield about a
or theoretical lines deemed saturated-only for particular phenomenon. Sample size in qualita-
now (Morse, 1989). tive research may refer to numbers of persons,
Conversely, sample sizes may be too large to but also to numbers of interviews and observa-
support claims to having completed detailed an- tions conducted or numbers of events sampled.
alyses of data, especially the microanalysis de- People are certainly central in all kinds of inquiry
manded by certain kinds of narrative and obser- approaches in the health sciences, but they enter
vational studies. Even in qualitative projects qualitative studies primarily by virtue of having
aimed at explicating regularities across pieces of direct and personal knowledge of some event
data, a high premium is still placed on discerning (e.g., illness, pregnancy, life transition) that they
the particularities or idiosyncrasies presented by are able and willing to communicate to others and
each piece of data. While qualitative studies may only secondarily by virtue of demographic char-
involve what are considered large sample sizes acteristics (e.g., age, race, sex).
(over 50), qualitative analysis is generically
about maximizing understanding of the one in all People Versus Purpose
of its diversity; it is case-oriented, not variable-
oriented (Ragin & Becker, 1989). Any sample When qualitative researchers decide to seek
size interfering with the case-oriented thrust of people out because of their age or sex or race, it
qualitative work can, accordingly, be judged too is because they consider them good sources of
large. information that will advance them toward an an-
alytic goal and not because they wish to general-
ize to other persons of similar age, sex, or race.
ISSUES IN PURPOSEFUL SAMPLING That is, a demographic variable, such as sex,
becomes an analytic variable; persons of one or
One of the major differences between qualitative the other sex are selected for a study because, by
and quantitative research approaches is that qual- virtue of their sex, they can provide certain kinds
itative approaches typically involve purposeful of information. Accordingly, only as many per-
sampling, while quantitative approaches usually sons of a particular sex are included in a study as
involve probability sampling (Kuzel, 1992; Mor- is necessary to obtain that information. There is
se, 1986, 1989; Patton, 1990). Patton (1990) de- no mandate to have equivalent numbers of wom-
scribed 14 different types of purposeful sam- en or men or numbers of persons of each sex in
pling, involving the selection for in-depth study the proportions in which they appear in a certain
of typical, atypical, or, in some way, exemplary population.
“information-rich cases” (p. 169). Researchers in Sampling on the basis of demographic charac-
both domains of inquiry often have to resort to teristics presents something of a problem in
sampling they know is less than ideal for their achieving both informational and size adequacy

in qualitative studies. There is currently a strong studies in which a phenomenon is investigated in

impulse (and federal mandate) to eliminate gen- one group at a time (either simultaneously or se-
der, race/ethnicity, and class bias in research by quentially). The design for such studies will in-
including members of minority or traditionally clude more than one purposeful sampling strate-
disempowered groups typically underrepresented gy: for example, homogeneous and maximum
in research, and by including women and men variation sampling, where person-related homo-
typically underrepresented in certain domains of geneity is maintained while variation in the target
research, such as men in family studies and wom- phenomenon is sought. After a series of such
en in studies of heart disease. Trost (1986) de- studies has been completed, a larger synthesis of
scribed a “statistically nonrepresentative strati- findings can be undertaken in which the re-
fied” sampling strategy whereby researchers can searcher can more adequately address the ques-
select persons varying in demographic charac- tion of whether and how a variable such as gen-
teristics to achieve representative coverage and der is important in understanding a phenomenon.
inclusion. That is, while the sample is statis-
tically nonrepresentative, it is informationally
representative in that data will be obtained from SAMPLE SIZE IN DIFFERENT KINDS OF
persons who can stand for other persons with PURPOSEFUL SAMPLING
similar characteristics. In her illustration involv-
ing a study of families with teenagers, five sets of Different kinds of purposeful sampling require
naturally and artificially dichotomized variables different minimum sample sizes. For example, in
(one or two-parent family, one or two or more deviant case sampling, where the intention is to
children, housed in an apartment or home, with a understand a very unusual or atypical manifesta-
high or low income, and with a male or female tion of some phenomenon, one case may be suffi-
teenager) were combined to yield 32 kinds of cient. Yet, even a sample of one requires within-
families to be sampled. A similar kind of sam- case sampling (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The
pling plan can be used to ensure inclusion of researcher must decide which of the varieties of
females and males, and persons varying in social data concerning the case to sample to explicate its
class, race, cultural affiliation, religion, or other atypicality. This is especially evident in cases in-
dimension. volving aggregates of one, such as a family, com-
Although this kind of sampling accommodates munity, or organization. Even when an individual
a new, laudable, and necessary moral conscious- is the focal one, the researcher must sample from
ness concerning underrepresented and, therefore, the wealth of data obtainable from and about that
often misrepresented groups by partially accom- individual. In short, any one case offers a variety
modating the logic of probability sampling, it of data that must be sampled in sufficient quantity
may wholly contravene the logic of purposeful to make the case.
sampling. Strictly speaking, sampling for varia- Maximum variation is one of the most fre-
tion in race, class, gender, or other such back- quently employed kinds of purposeful sampling
ground or person-related characteristics ought to in qualitative nursing research and typically re-
be done in qualitative studies when they are quires the largest minimum sample size of any of
deemed analytically important and where the fail- the purposeful sampling strategies. As in any
ure to sample for such variation would impede kind of sampling, the more variability there is
understanding or invalidate findings (Cannon, within the confines of a qualitative project, the
Higginbotham, Leung, 1988). Deciding a priori more numbers of sampling units the researcher
that a sample will include a certain number or will require to reach informational redundancy or
percentage of individuals in various demographic theoretical saturation. Researchers wanting maxi-
groups may meet federal and other mandates for mum variation in their sample must decide what
inclusion of traditionally excluded persons, but it kind(s) of variation they want to maximize and
may also result in a sample with a kind of varia- when to maximize each kind. One kind of varia-
tion that has little analytic significance or detracts tion already described is demographic variation,
from analysis goals (Morse, 1989). More impor- where variation is sought on generally people-
tantly, such a sample may be too small ade- related characteristics.
quately to address the analytic importance of A second kind of variation is phenomenal vari-
such factors as gender or race, or, alternatively, ation, or variation on the target phenomenon un-
too large to favor the deep analysis that qualita- der study. For example, the target phenomenon in
tive projects mandate. a study of couples who have obtained positive
One way to resolve this dilemma is to design fetal diagnoses is diagnosis, which varies on such

dimensions as type and time of diagnosis, and the vations, and qualitative ethological studies, about
instrumentation used to make it. Like the deci- 100 to 200 units of observation.
sion to seek demographic variation, the decision Additional considerations in matching sample
to seek phenomenal variation is often made a size to method are within-method diversity and
priori in order to have representative coverage of the multiple uses of a method. Phenomenology
variables likely to be important in understanding offers a good illustration of how within-method
how diverse factors configure a whole. This kind diversity and the particular use to which a method
of sampling is also referred to as selective or is put can alter the requirements for sample size.
criterion sampling, where sampling decisions are In a phenomenological case study, one case can
made going into a study on “reasonable” be sufficient to show something about an experi-
grounds, rather than on analytic grounds after ence that a researcher deems significant for spe-
some data have already been collected (Glaser, cial display (e.g., Wertz, 1983). One case will
1978, p. 37; Schatzman & Strauss, 1973). not be sufficient, however, if the researcher’s in-
A third kind of variation is theoretical variation, tention is to describe invariant or essential fea-
or variation on a theoretical construct that is asso- tures of an experience. For example, a phenome-
ciated with theoretical sampling, or the sampling nological study, as interpreted by Van Kaam
on analytic grounds characteristic of grounded (1959), will likely require 10 to 50 descriptions
theory studies. A theoretical sampling strategy is of a target experience in order to discern its nec-
employed to fully elaborate and validate theoreti- essary and sufficient constituents. When phe-
cally derived variations discerned in the data. Ini- nomenological techniques are used in the service
tial sampling for phenomenal variation permits of a goal other than to produce a phenomenology,
these theoretical variations to be identified. A such as generating items for an instrument, at
program of research employing grounded theory least 25 descriptions of an experience will likely
typically begins with a selective or criterion sam- be required.
pling strategy aimed at phenomenal variation and
then proceeds to theoretical sampling (San-
delowski, Holditch-Davis, & Hams, 1992).
Researchers control the number of sampling
units required to achieve informational redundan- QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE
cy or theoretical saturation by deciding which STUDIES
category of variation to maximize and minimize.
This decision is a matter of fitting the sampling Studies combining qualitative and quantitative
strategy to the purpose of and method chosen for approaches involve additional considerations in
a particular study and appraising the resources determining sufficient sample size. Indeed, so-
(including number of investigators and financial called methodologically triangulated studies pre-
support) available to conduct the study. For ex- sent researchers with many dilemmas (beyond
ample, purposeful sampling for demographic ho- the scope of this article), the resolution of which
mogeneity and selected phenomenal variation is a depend on the researcher’s stance concerning the
way a researcher working alone with limited re- compatibility of the philosophies and practices of
sources can reduce the minimum number of sam- qualitative and quantitative inquiry.
pling units required within the confines of a single With respect to sampling, the logics of proba-
research project, but still produce credible and bility and purposeful sampling are arguably suffi-
analytically and/or clinically significant findings. ciently irreconcilable in most cases to preclude
using the same subjects for both quantitative and
qualitative purposes (Morse, 1991). Subjects se-
SAMPLE SIZES FOR DIFFERENT lected for the purposes of statistical represen-
QUALITATIVE METHODS tativeness may not fulfill the informational needs
of the study, while participants selected for infor-
Just as different purposeful sampling strategies mation purposes do not meet the requirement of
require different minimum sample sizes, different statistical representativeness. Accordingly,
qualitative methods require different minimum whether primarily quantitative or qualitative, or
sample sizes. Morse ( 1994) has recommended whether designed for purposes of completeness
that phenomenologies directed toward discerning or confirmation (Breitmayer, Ayres, & Knafl,
the essence of experiences include about six par- 1993), such combination studies would require
ticipants, ethnographies and grounded theory two samples drawn simultaneously or sequen-
studies, about 30 to 50 interviews and/or obser- tially according to the two logics of sampling.

Yet, it can also be argued that among persons Lincoln, Y. S . , & Cuba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic
chosen according to the logic of probability sam- inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
pling, there will likely be articulate informants Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative
whose selection for the qualitative portion of a data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
combined study can be justified as purposeful.
Morse, J. M. (1986). Quantitative and qualitative re-
The purposeful sample would have to be expanded search: Issues in sampling. In P. L. Chinn (Ed.),
only if the data obtainable from the participants Nursing research methodology: Issues and imple-
already sampled was deemed informationally in- mentation (pp. 181-193). Rockville, MD: Aspen.
sufficient. Similarly, no additional sampling may Morse, J. M. (1989). Strategies for sampling. In J. M.
be necessary in studies where further information Morse (Ed.), Qualitative nursing research: A con-
obtainable from standardized instruments is de- temporary dialogue (pp. 1 17- I3 I). Rockville, MD:
sired about a purposefully drawn sample. The Aspen.
caveat here is that the researcher use the data Morse, J. (1991). Approaches to qualitative-
from these instruments for purposes of fuller de- quantitative methodological triangulation. Nursing
Research. 40. 120-123.
scription, rather than to draw statistical inferences.
Morse, J. M. (1994). Designing funded qualitative re-
search. In N. K. Denzin & Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.),
Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 220-235).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
CONCLUSION Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative evaluation and re-
search methods (2nd ed). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Determining an adequate sample size in qualita- Ragin, C. C., & Becker, H. S. (1989). How the micro-
tive research is ultimately a matter of judgment computer is changing our analytic habits. In G.
Blank, J. L. McCartney, & E. Brent (Eds.), New
and experience in evaluating the quality of the
technology in society: Practical applications in re-
information collected against the uses to which it search and work (pp. 47-55). New Brunswick, NJ:
will be put, the particular research method and Transaction.
sampling strategy employed, and the research Ragin, C. C., & Becker, H. S. (1992). Whar is a case?
product intended. Numbers have a place in ensur- Exploring the foundations of social inquiry. Cam-
ing that a sample is fully adequate to support bridge: Cambridge University Press.
particular qualitative enterprises. A good princi- Sandelowski, M., Holditch-Davis, D., & Harris, B.
ple to follow is: An adequate sample size in qual- G. (1992). Using qualitative and quantitative meth-
itative research is one that permits-by virtue of ods: The transition to parenthood of infertile
not being too large-the deep, case-oriented couples. In J. F. Gilgun, K. Daly, & G. Handel
(Eds.), Qualitative methods in family research
analysis that is a hallmark of all qualitative inqui-
(pp. 301-322). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
ry, and that results in-by virtue of not being too Schatzman, L., & Strauss, A. (1973). Field research:
small-a new and richly textured understanding Strategies for a natural sociology. Englewood
of experience. Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Simons, H. (Ed.). (1980). Towards a science of the
singular: Essays about case study in educational
research and evaluation. Norwich: University of East
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