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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention to an issue I have experienced during my
recent visit at your hotel. I checked into Room 134 on 13th of April and stayed for
7 nights.
Before entering the room, I immediately noticed a few issues that made my stay
uncomfortable. Firstly, the air conditioning was not working properly and the room
was inconveniently warm, despite my attempts to adjust the temperature.
Secondly, the carpet in the room was stained and appeared to have not been
cleaned in quite some time. Last but not the least, the bathroom was not properly
cleaned and there was a full bin of garbage that made it unpleasant to use.
I brought these issues to the attention of reception on the first day of my stay but
unfortunately, they were not resolved during my stay. I had to endure
uncomfortable sleeping conditions due to the faulty of the air conditioning, and the
lack of cleanliness in the room made it difficult to feel relaxed.
As a frequent traveller, who has visited 14 countries I understand that issues can
arise and it is fine, but I was disappointed that my requests were ignored and were
not solved during my visit. I believe that guests deserve a clean environment
during their stays, and these issues fell short of that standard.
I would appreciate it if you could take the necessary steps to rectify these problems
and prevent them from happening in the future. Additionally, I would appreciate
some form of compensation for the inconvenience and discomfort I have
experienced during my stay.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
John Johnson

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