Form C1 TB 30 Hours

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READING AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze


In Reading and Use of English Part 1, you read a short text They may also test your understanding of verb patterns,

EXAM FOCUSED Around 30 hours

with eight gaps. for example whether a verb is followed by an infinitive

Building block 2 SECTIONS IN CLASS

There are four multiple-choice options for each gap. or a clause.
You choose the word or phrase that best fits each gap. The gaps may also test your understanding of
complementation, for example which preposition certain
The gaps can test your knowledge of differences in precise
words are followed by.

Use the Exam Trainer in class or for self-study

meaning between similar words, of collocations, or of
Some gaps may test your knowledge of phrasal verbs an
Use Test and Teach sections.
words that occur in fixed phrases.
linking words.
Each question is worth one mark.

• Test — An
FORMULA C1 ADVANCED Exam Trainer and Interactive introductory practice
Practice task How did you do?

1 Read the first paragraph of a text about an animal 2 Check your answers.
eBook are unique, full colour components which can task tests learners
called an octopus. Choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D). There is an example at the beginning (0). 3 Read the five answers for Ex 1 again, including
the example.
be used independently or in combination with the to see what they THE OCTOPUS: 1 Which answer tests your knowledge of a phrasal verb?
2 Which answer tests your knowledge of the patterns of

Coursebook. The Exam Trainer uses a Test, Teach, Test already know and
an extraordinarily talented animal
words that typically follow a vocabulary item?
Which answer tests your knowledge of a fixed phrase?
Octopuses are far from the one-hit wonders of the animal

approach to exam preparation for each part of the exam. allows reflection on

kingdom, having (0) C the world’s oceans
for the past 300 million years. They are especially well
Which answer tests your knowledge of collocation?
Which answer tests your knowledge of precise meaning
known for their astonishing intelligence and ability to
4 Look at the four sets of words in context. What do you
There are different ways that you can teach from the Exam current performance. change colour in order to blend in with their surroundings.
The (1) majority of species live in
notice about how each one is used? Then look at the
gaps in the text in Ex 1 again. Can you see why the
surface waters but a small number are found in the ocean
Trainer depending on the overall length of your exam depths. They have an amazing ability to squeeze into
and through the smallest of holes and spaces, and live 1
answers are correct?
The vast majority of the population agreed with the

preparation course and how much class contact time you

government’s policy.
a largely (2) existence, only meeting
up with others of their species to breed. Octopuses are, An enormous number of people came out to watch
the fireworks.
for the most (3) , predatory animals.
have available. If you have longer courses (40—60 hours), Their diet is largely (4)
crabs, shellfish and worms.
up of small fish, The announcement attracted an immense amount of

you might decide to work through each complete exam • Teach — This section
A gigantic statue appeared in the empty square overnig
0 A existed
READING B resided
AND USE C inhabited
– Part 1 DMultiple-choice A lone figure appeared on the horizon, slowly moving
1 A vast B enormous C immense D gigantic nearer.

part from the Exam Trainer in class. For shorter courses provides practice of Strategies
2 A lone andBskills
solitary C lonely D unsociable James liked the solitary life that living on the island

Fixed phrases 3 A measure B amount C share D part

(20—40 hours), you can choose which elements of the Test, strategies and skills Gaps 4 in A made and Use
Reading taken
B of builtare often D put
C texts
English Part 1
filled by words that are found in fixed phrases.
Leanne felt lonely once the children had gone.
Fiona felt unsociable that evening so decided to stay in

Teach, Test and full practice exam you use in class or for
3 The reviews serve as a measure of how good this film i
to improve learner 1 Use the nouns in the box to complete the fixed phrases
in the sentences below.
No amount of persuasion could convince Martin to
change his mind.

homework. Here we are providing an example for around performance and balance desire hesitation horizons
notice power room things
We’ve had our fair share of bad weather lately.
Good luck had a part to play in the team’s success.

30 hours. enables them to 1 All considered, third place in the

competition was perhaps a fitting result.
4 The team is made up of both men and women.
No one has taken up my offer of a lift to work.
2 I don’t know why the concert was cancelled at such short

approach the exam 3

As an actor, it’s not always possible to strike a
Collocations The new teacher really helped to build up her confidenc
A shopping
Gaps often test knowledge centre is being
of collocations: putthat
words up where the old factory

Building block 1 COMPONENTS between work and home life. usedMany

naturally go together. to be.of the collocations are formed

with confi
READING dence.
AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze
4 Max had a burning
a young age.
to be famous from with verbs. It is important to learn as many of these as
you can.
5 Kelly did everything in her to get a deal
with a publisher. 3 Choose the verb which best completes each sentence.

Students 6 There was definite

Danny’s performance.
for improvement in 1 She told her daughter to close her eyes and
a wish.

M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 7
7 The judges had no in awarding the A get B make C do D have
prize to Olivia Hanrahan. 2 The teacher asked the students to

• Exam Trainer or the Interactive eBook C1 8 Reece decided to expand her by note of the new lesson times.


FORMULA is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Using Pearson’s trusted
exam know-how, FORMULA C1 ADVANCED takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components to
create an effective exam-focused package whatever your teaching and learning scenario. Its truly flexible
applying for work in other countries. A take B use C put D write
EXAM TRAINER and Interactive eBook

components are designed to work independently for short and intensive preparation or in combination
for longer exam courses. Adaptable for the classroom, independent study and blended to fully digital
learning environments – create your own FORMULA for exam success. ADVANCED
3 Fiona Max making the dinner and went

with Digital resources and App

FORMULA C1 ADVANCED Exam Trainer and Interactive eBook are unique, full colour components which
can be used independently or in combination with the Coursebook. The Exam Trainer uses a Test, Teach,
Test approach to exam preparation for each part of the exam. An introductory practice task tests learners
to see what they already know and allows reflection on current performance. A teach section provides
2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. swimming.
A left B allowed C let D sent
practice of strategies and skills to improve learner performance and allows them to approach the exam
with confidence. The final exam-compliant exam task tests how well they can apply the strategies and skills
they have practised. 1 It was sometimes difficult to hold / grab / seize / grasp
the complexities of the plot. 4 Playing the piano really naturally to

Use the final Test sections with some exam tasks carried out
FORMULA C1 Advanced Exam Trainer with key provides:
• Easy-to-use preparation in the order of the exam • Speaking boost tasks provide extra practice for
2 Seven shows in one week really had / took / put / made some people.
with key

from Reading and Use of English Part 1 to the Speaking paper.

Speaking Part 4.

A appears B develops C arrives D comes

• Tips from exam experts on how to approach
• A Test, Teach, Test, approach for each part of
each paper. •
the exam.
Smart answer key* for all exam task exercises.
their toll on Gina’s health.
• About the exam sections give comprehensive FOR EXAM SUCCESS EXAM TRAINER with key
5 I can’t always the difference between

under exam conditions.

• A complete digital package including fully

information about each exam part.
How did you do? sections help students identify
Interactive eBook, Digital Resources and App
containing course audio, exam videos and
and Interactive eBook
3 The singer even broke / smashed / cracked / split a few

where they are in their learning.
Detailed Strategies and skills input and activities
grammar practice activities.
* with key only jokes between songs. a true masterpiece and a fake.
to boost exam performance Part-by-Part.
A state B reveal C tell D say
4 What drove / sent / pressed / steered her to give up
Sheila Dignen & Jacky Newbrook

For teachers For students

acting remains a mystery. 6 Appearing on TV allowed Nathan to
Practice task
• Verb
• Teacher’s Book with Presentation Tool, • Coursebook and Interactive eBook*,

Test — The final exam-

Digital Resources and App including: Digital Resources and App
a lifelong ambition.

- Test package
5 I had no idea he believed / maintained / held / felt such
• Exam Trainer and Interactive eBook*,
- Photocopiable activities Digital Resources and App

patterns A fulfil B complete C conclude D finalise

- Grammar presentations • Coursebook Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources
and App
strong opinions on the issue.
- Guides on dyslexia, classroom

1 Read the first paragr

Mark Little

management and mindfulness for exams • Exam Trainer Interactive eBook*, Digital Resources
and App

6 The newspaper headline really activated / caught / 4 Choose the correct word to complete the collocations
compliant exam task
* available with and without key

Sometimes you need to think about what kind of pattern

TEST Mark Little motivated / encouraged her attention.
in the sentences. monitoring animals c
follows a verb, e.g. an infinitive, a noun, an -ing form or For
7 questions 1–8,
The test didn’t read
really the/ award
present text below
/ donateand decide
/ raise any which the
1 The film is being shot on site / location / position word
/ set at which best
Formula_C1_ETKEY_CVR.indd All Pages 15/12/2020 11:34

a that clause. great(A,
answer difficulties
B, C ortoD) Diana.
best fits each gap. There is an example
tests how well they can each gap. There is an
the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
These technical flaws create / cause / offer / pose very
at8the beginning (0). 2 There’s a need for trained mechanics in the country’s
real threats to the film’s success.

9 Choose the correct verb pattern to complete each work / job / labour / occupation market.

the strategies IS THE 10,000 HOUR RULE A MYTH?
There’s nowhere near / close / like / approaching enough
news on TV these days.

1 It’s anticipated that prices will rise / prices rising as a result For a number
Discuss or answer. of
years, there has been a 4 Ecotourism is a real growth trade / business / industry /

• Presentation tool and/or Exam Trainer and skills they

of the decision. widely- (0)one goal you’d
1 If there’s belief what
D want to achieve, thatwould
it a corporation these days.
C1 2 Consumers should beware to spend / of spending 5 He promised me he’d come, so I hope he keeps his
be? Whatskill foryou10,000
would hoursit?will turn anyone into a truth / fact / talk / word.
do to achieve

have practiced.
beyond what they earn. world-class expert. Perhaps unsurprisingly, few have6been
2 What do you think the phrase ‘15 minutes of fame’

Teacher’s Notes and Digital resources The receptionist spoke only broken / damaged / spoiled /
means? What’s your opinion of celebrity culture?
3 The bank’s policy just seems to complicate matters sufficiently (1) to put this theory to the
injured English so I couldn’t understand him.
further / further matters.
test. The (2) originally appeared in a
4 He couldn’t envision to make / making so much money
8popular psychology title, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.
in a single deal.
A key stipulation of the concept was that the practice
5 Staff were instructed to avoid / avoiding talking to the in (3) had to be ‘deliberate’ practice.
M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 8 09/12/2020 12:33
media about the issue.
A casual half hour a day strumming a guitar would not
6 The director was invited to give / for giving a presentation (4) this requirement.
at the event.
However, recent research into deliberate practice has
Linking words (5) to some intriguing conclusions.
Louise Manicolo
Some questions test your knowledge of linking words The study (6) that even in something as
and phrases. traditionally practice-based as learning a musical instrument,
deliberate practice (7) for just 21 percent

Example teaching scenario

of the observed improvement. When it comes to professions
The notes for each exam part provide: 10 Complete the sentences with the linking words in the box.
such as business, in which the skills are (8)
consequently interestingly nonetheless less tangible and more difficult to define, the figure falls to

• an Exam part overview which summarises the content in Depending

or owing to whereas

Healthcare has improvedon thealthough,

dramatically number of classes within the
a tiny one percent. So, if practice is responsible for such a small
proportion of the improvement, what is causing the rest?

each exam part section 30-hour

the same.
, life expectancy has remained about
course, you could providekept single
said 0 skill
thought or held

• a list of extra Formula Digital resources The outward journey took three hours

multiple skill lessons.

the return was more than double this.

deduction you



• a dyslexia focus which highlights tasks which dyslexic He must have enjoyed the performance

2-hour classes.
he wouldn’t have stayed for the whole thing.

students might find challenging and provides ideas for

4 all his money by the end of the first week and
5 A pointed B finished C decided D achieved
had nothing left for the rest of the holiday.

making suitable adjustments A 2-hour class may consist of the

5 Four extra concert dates have been announced
high demand for tickets. amounts
A uncovers
B reveals
C exposes

• a warmer task to focus students’ attention and get them and

Use of English — Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze
The water temperature was only 6°C, but she went
swimming .
cautiously uncertainly doubtfully
8 arguably

ready for the lesson ahead, and a cooler task to round (1 hour) and Speaking — Part 1 Interview (1 hour).

off the exam part at the end A lesson of this type would enable a brief introduction
M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 10 09/12/2020 12:33

• detailed teacher’s notes for each exercise as well as to each part of the exam and some input and practice.
embedded answer keys
• alternative approaches to some exercises
• ideas for using the Speaking boost questions, as
well as extension ideas if you wish to enhance the
communicative aspect of your exam classes


F01_FMLA_TB_C1GLB_20328_PLIM.indd 15 19/01/2021 09:17

Create your own Formula


Multiple choice cloze (1 hour)
Use the Exam Trainer Presentation tool for each page.
READING AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze


In Reading and Use of English Part 1, you read a short text They may also test your understanding of verb patterns,
with eight gaps. for example whether a verb is followed by an infinitive
There are four multiple-choice options for each gap. or a clause.
You choose the word or phrase that best fits each gap. The gaps may also test your understanding of
complementation, for example which preposition certain
The gaps can test your knowledge of differences in precise
words are followed by.
meaning between similar words, of collocations, or of
words that occur in fixed phrases. Some gaps may test your knowledge of phrasal verbs and
linking words.

Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes for Warmer and ABOUT THE TASK to
Each question is worth one mark.

Practice task How did you do?


start the lesson.

1 Read the first paragraph of a text about an animal 2 Check your answers.
called an octopus. Choose the correct answer (A, B,
C or D). There is an example at the beginning (0). 3 Read the five answers for Ex 1 again, including
the example.

Which answer tests your knowledge of a phrasal verb?
Which answer tests your knowledge of the patterns of
an extraordinarily talented animal words that typically follow a vocabulary item?
3 Which answer tests your knowledge of a fixed phrase?
Octopuses are far from the one-hit wonders of the animal
kingdom, having (0) C the world’s oceans 4 Which answer tests your knowledge of collocation?
for the past 300 million years. They are especially well 5 Which answer tests your knowledge of precise meaning?
known for their astonishing intelligence and ability to

Students carry out the Practice task and try the reduced length task to
change colour in order to blend in with their surroundings.
4 Look at the four sets of words in context. What do you
notice about how each one is used? Then look at the
The (1) majority of species live in
gaps in the text in Ex 1 again. Can you see why the
surface waters but a small number are found in the ocean
answers are correct?
depths. They have an amazing ability to squeeze into
1 The vast majority of the population agreed with the

become familiar with the task type.

and through the smallest of holes and spaces, and live
government’s policy.
a largely (2) existence, only meeting
up with others of their species to breed. Octopuses are, An enormous number of people came out to watch
the fireworks.
for the most (3) , predatory animals.
Their diet is largely (4) up of small fish, The announcement attracted an immense amount of
crabs, shellfish and worms.
A gigantic statue appeared in the empty square overnight.
0 A existed B resided C inhabited D dwelt 2 A lone figure appeared on the horizon, slowly moving
1 A vast B enormous C immense D gigantic nearer.
2 A lone B solitary C lonely D unsociable James liked the solitary life that living on the island
3 A measure B amount C share D part
Leanne felt lonely once the children had gone.

Students carry out How did you do? activities and reflect on the task they
4 A made B taken C built D put
Fiona felt unsociable that evening so decided to stay in.
3 The reviews serve as a measure of how good this film is.
No amount of persuasion could convince Martin to
change his mind.

have just completed.

We’ve had our fair share of bad weather lately.
Good luck had a part to play in the team’s success.
4 The team is made up of both men and women.
No one has taken up my offer of a lift to work.
The new teacher really helped to build up her confidence.
A shopping centre is being put up where the old factory
used to be.

M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 7 09/12/2020 12:33

Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes to go through the How did you do?

READING AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze

Students carry out the Strategies and skills activities. Strategies and skills

Fixed phrases
Gaps in Reading and Use of English Part 1 texts are often
filled by words that are found in fixed phrases.

1 Use the nouns in the box to complete the fixed phrases

in the sentences below.

balance desire hesitation horizons

notice power room things

Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes to provide guidance

1 All considered, third place in the
competition was perhaps a fitting result.
2 I don’t know why the concert was cancelled at such short
. Collocations
3 As an actor, it’s not always possible to strike a Gaps often test knowledge of collocations: words that

on how to approach each task.

between work and home life. naturally go together. Many of the collocations are formed
4 Max had a burning to be famous from with verbs. It is important to learn as many of these as
a young age. you can.
5 Kelly did everything in her to get a deal
with a publisher. 3 Choose the verb which best completes each sentence.
6 There was definite for improvement in 1 She told her daughter to close her eyes and
Danny’s performance. a wish.
7 The judges had no in awarding the A get B make C do D have
prize to Olivia Hanrahan. 2 The teacher asked the students to
8 Reece decided to expand her by note of the new lesson times.
READING AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze READING AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze applying for work in other countries. A take B use C put D write
3 Fiona Max making the dinner and went
Phrasal verbs Prepositions 2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. swimming.
1 It was sometimes difficult to hold / grab / seize / grasp A left B allowed C let D sent

Pick and choose which sections

Some questions test your knowledge of phrasal verbs. The correct choice for a gap sometimes depends on
the complexities of the plot. 4 Playing the piano really naturally to
Sometimes the whole phrasal verb is missing, or sometimes correctly matching the option with the preposition after
2 Seven shows in one week really had / took / put / made some people.
just the verb or the particle. the gap.
their toll on Gina’s health. A appears B develops C arrives D comes

TIP: Make sure you learn as many phrasal verbs as you can. 7 Choose the correct option to complete
3 Thethe sentences,
singer even broke / smashed / cracked / split a few 5 I can’t always the difference between

to focus on in class depending

paying attention to the preposition injokes
boldbetween songs.
that follows. a true masterpiece and a fake.
What prepositions are the other words followed A state B reveal C tell D say
5 Choose the option which best completes each sentence. 4 What drove by?
/ sent / pressed / steered her to give up
Which words are not usually followedacting
by a preposition?
remains a mystery. 6 Appearing on TV allowed Nathan to
1 Madeleine into an old school friend a lifelong ambition.
1 The prices were I had no
5to those the he believed / maintained / held / felt such
on idea
while she was visiting the city. A fulfil B complete C conclude D finalise
internet. strong opinions on the issue.

on the strengths and weaknesses

A bounced B knocked C bumped D collided
A consistent B matching C comparable D alike headline really activated / caught /
6 The newspaper
2 After reading the article, Rick decided to 4 Choose the correct word to complete the collocations
2 motivated
to popular belief, bread encouraged
is not /the best her attention.
Practice task red meat from his diet. in the sentences.

food for birds. 7 The test didn’t really present / award / donate / raise any
Verb patterns A cut out B take away C give up D keep off 1 The film is being shot on site / location / position / set at
EXAM TASK 1 Read the first paragraph of a text about a project A Contrary B Opposing C Contrasting D Distinctive
great difficulties to Diana.
3 Ruth found it hard to work out what the writer was the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

of the group. Students can

Sometimes you need to think about what kind of pattern

monitoring animals called humpback whales. Think of 3 The company was fined because its8 actions
These were not in
technical flaws create / cause / offer / pose very
at in the poem. 2 There’s a need for trained mechanics in the country’s
follows a verb, e.g. an infinitive, a noun, an -ing form or For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which with the law. real threats to the film’s success.
the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in A intending B trying C pushing D getting
a that clause. work / job / labour / occupation market.
answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). A contract B accordance C duty D assurance
at the beginning (0). 4 It took a while before the effects of the medication started 3 There’s nowhere near / close / like / approaching enough
4 He decided to write to the manager in
9 Choose the correct verb pattern to complete each to in. SPEAKING BOOST news on TV these days.
IS THE 10,000 HOUR RULE A MYTH? of the staff member’s behaviour.

complete the sections they are

sentence. A shoot B kick C jump D hit
A concern B regard C connection D respect
Discuss or answer. 4 Ecotourism is a real growth trade / business / industry /
1 It’s anticipated that prices will rise / prices rising as a result 5 The management put several proposals corporation these days.
For a number of years, there has been a 5 The videos are for
1 anyone
If there’swho
onewants to
goal you’d want to achieve, what would it
of the decision. for staff to discuss and vote on. 5 He promised me he’d come, so I hope he keeps his
widely-(0) D belief that practising a A forward B out C through D over
learn to play the guitar. be? What would you do to achieve it?
2 Consumers should beware to spend / of spending truth / fact / talk / word.
particular skill for 10,000 hours will turn anyone into a A aimed B intended C directed
2 What doDyou focused
think the phrase ‘15 minutes of fame’
6 Andy’s uncertainty about what to do

familiar with at home.

beyond what they earn. world-class expert. Perhaps unsurprisingly, few have been 6 There’s no need for you to be with your
the opinion of celebrity culture? 6 The receptionist spoke only broken / damaged / spoiled /
from a lack of experience. means? What’s
3 The bank’s policy just seems to complicate matters injured English so I couldn’t understand him.
sufficiently (1) to put this theory to the A appeared B approached C created D stemmed
arrangements for the meeting.
further / further matters. A disturbed B troubled C worried D concerned
test. The (2) originally appeared in a
4 He couldn’t envision to make / making so much money popular psychology title, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell.
in a single deal. Easily confused words 8 Complete the sentences with the 8prepositions in the box.
A key stipulation of the concept was that the practice
5 Staff were instructed to avoid / avoiding talking to the Sometimes you need to choose between words with similar
in (3) had to be ‘deliberate’ practice. meanings. about in of on to with
media about the issue.
A casual half hour a day strumming a guitar would not M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 8 09/12/2020 12:33
6 The director was invited to give / for giving a presentation (4) this requirement. 1 I realised I was completely dependent
TIP: Think carefully about the particular meaning
at the event. Alice to translate everything for me.
each word has, and also think about the prepositions,
However, recent research into deliberate practice has
collocations and patterns each word is used with. 2 Professor Atkins had dedicated her life
Linking words (5) to some intriguing conclusions. the study of these fascinating creatures.
Some questions test your knowledge of linking words The study (6) that even in something as
6 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 3 Please leave the building by the nearest exit in the event
and phrases. traditionally practice-based as learning a musical instrument, a fire.
deliberate practice (7) for just 21 percent 1 The president condemned the shocking response as an
4 There’s certainly no harm applying for

Students can complete the

10 Complete the sentences with the linking words in the box. of the observed improvement. When it comes to professions act of violence / force / aggression / fighting.
the talent show.
such as business, in which the skills are (8) 2 The acclaimed / commended / admired / applauded
5 I’m in two minds learning to dive.
consequently interestingly nonetheless less tangible and more difficult to define, the figure falls to violinist played some of her most popular pieces.
or owing to whereas 6 I couldn’t keep pace the fastest runner,
a tiny one percent. So, if practice is responsible for such a small 3 Despite being favourites, the team were systematically /
so ended up coming second.
proportion of the improvement, what is causing the rest? comprehensively / broadly / exhaustively beaten in

Exam task at home using what

1 Healthcare has improved dramatically although, the final.
, life expectancy has remained about
the same. 0 A kept B said C thought D held
4 He was alarmed to discover that $4,000 had been SPEAKING BOOST
subtracted / detached / extracted / withdrawn from his
2 The outward journey took three hours 1 A disciplined B controlled C restricted D ordered Discuss or answer.
account without his consent.
the return was more than double this.

they have covered in class to

2 A deduction B principle C value D regulation 1 What is the greatest challenge sport has faced recently in
5 There was a lot of assumption / speculation / deduction /
3 He must have enjoyed the performance 3 A request B demand C subject D question supposition about who would be the next party leader. your opinion?
he wouldn’t have stayed for the whole thing. 2 Apart from physical fitness, what do you think the benefits
4 A complete B succeed C meet D reach 6 Temperatures at the research station plunged / dived /
4 He’d spent all his money by the end of the first week and crashed / collapsed as soon as night fell. of exercise are?
5 A pointed B finished C decided D achieved
had nothing left for the rest of the holiday.

help them.
6 A uncovers B reveals C exposes D releases
5 Four extra concert dates have been announced
high demand for tickets. 7 A amounts B accounts C generates D justifies

6 The water temperature was only 6°C, but she went 8 A cautiously B uncertainly C doubtfully D arguably
swimming .

10 9

M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 10 09/12/2020 12:33 M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 9 09/12/2020 12:33

Building block 4 DIGITAL RESOURCES

Before class Why not try? C1


Video: About C1 A photocopiable activity from

1D Perfect and continuous tenses — This is me
1 Talk about one of the 2 Talk about one of the 3 Talk about one of the
following: following: following:

Advanced: Overview, the Digital resources.

A something you have A a place you have visited A Something that will have
changed in your house many times in your town/ changed in your home
recently city town/city by the time you
B something you are B a place you are visiting in have retired
changing in your house your town/city in the near B Something that is

About C1 Advanced:
at the moment future changing in your town/
C something you will have C a place you have been city
READING AND USE OF ENGLISH – Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze changed in your house in visiting in your town/city C Something that has
the next year since you were a child changed in your town/
city in the last ten years

Use of English, About C1

ABOUT THE TASK 4 Talk about one of the 5 Talk about one of the 6 Talk about one of the
following: following: following:
In Reading and Use of English Part 1, you read a short text They may also test your understanding of verb patterns, A a tradition the people in A something you have A something you’ve been
with eight gaps. for example whether a verb is followed by an infinitive your country will still be been planning to do for a spending a lot of time on
or a clause. upholding long into the while

Advanced: Reading and

B something you are
There are four multiple-choice options for each gap. future B something you planned spending a lot of time on
You choose the word or phrase that best fits each gap. The gaps may also test your understanding of B a tradition the people in to do in the past, but at the moment
complementation, for example which preposition certain your country have started never did C something you will be
The gaps can test your knowledge of differences in precise upholding in recent years C something you have spending a lot of time on
words are followed by.
meaning between similar words, of collocations, or of C a tradition the people always planned to do in the future

Use of English Part 1. words that occur in fixed phrases. Some gaps may test your knowledge of phrasal verbs and in your country have that you will have done
linking words. stopped upholding by this time next year
Each question is worth one mark.
7 Talk about one of the 8 Talk about one of the 9 Talk about one of the
following: following: following:
A something in your life A a group or society you A something you have
Practice task How did you do? you have wanted to give are part of in your town/ done for your community

up recently city that you are proud of

1 Read the first paragraph of a text about an animal 2 Check your answers. B something in your life B a group or society you B something you are doing

Less time
you are giving up have been part of since for your community that
called an octopus. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C something in your life you were young you are proud of
C or D). There is an example at the beginning (0). 3 Read the five answers for Ex 1 again, including you will have given up in C a group or society you C something you will have
the example. 20 years’ time will be part of in the near done for your community
future in five years’ time that will

Ask students to complete the first
1 Which answer tests your knowledge of a phrasal verb? make you proud

2 Which answer tests your knowledge of the patterns of

an extraordinarily talented animal words that typically follow a vocabulary item?
3 Which answer tests your knowledge of a fixed phrase?
Octopuses are far from the one-hit wonders of the animal

practice task at home and do How

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020 4

kingdom, having (0) C the world’s oceans 4 Which answer tests your knowledge of collocation?
for the past 300 million years. They are especially well 5 Which answer tests your knowledge of precise meaning?
known for their astonishing intelligence and ability to
4 Look at the four sets of words in context. What do you

did you do? activities in class.

change colour in order to blend in with their surroundings.

Quick homework
notice about how each one is used? Then look at the
The (1) majority of species live in
gaps in the text in Ex 1 again. Can you see why the
surface waters but a small number are found in the ocean
answers are correct?
depths. They have an amazing ability to squeeze into
1 The vast majority of the population agreed with the

Pearson Practice English

and through the smallest of holes and spaces, and live
government’s policy.
a largely (2) existence, only meeting
up with others of their species to breed. Octopuses are, An enormous number of people came out to watch
the fireworks.

Need something extra or a change

for the most (3) , predatory animals.

App activities.
Their diet is largely (4) up of small fish, The announcement attracted an immense amount of
crabs, shellfish and worms.
A gigantic statue appeared in the empty square overnight.

of pace
0 A existed B resided C inhabited D dwelt 2 A lone figure appeared on the horizon, slowly moving
1 A vast B enormous C immense D gigantic nearer.
2 A lone B solitary C lonely D unsociable James liked the solitary life that living on the island

Video: About C1 Advanced:

3 A measure B amount C share D part
Leanne felt lonely once the children had gone.
4 A made B taken C built D put
Fiona felt unsociable that evening so decided to stay in.
3 The reviews serve as a measure of how good this film is.

Overview, About C1 Advanced:

No amount of persuasion could convince Martin to
change his mind.
We’ve had our fair share of bad weather lately.

Use of English, About C1 Advanced:

Good luck had a part to play in the team’s success.
4 The team is made up of both men and women.
No one has taken up my offer of a lift to work.
The new teacher really helped to build up her confidence.

Reading and Use of English Part 1. A shopping centre is being put up where the old factory
used to be.

M01 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 7 09/12/2020 12:33


F01_FMLA_TB_C1GLB_20328_PLIM.indd 16 19/01/2021 09:17

Create your own Formula

SPEAKING — Part 1 Interview (1 hour)

SPEAKING – Part 1 Interview

ABOUT THE TASK Strategies and skills

Use the Exam Trainer Presentation tool for each page.

In Speaking Part 1, the examiner asks you some questions Tell the examiner if you don’t understand any of the Extending your answers
about you and your opinions. questions, but remember that you can only ask for
This allows you a little time to settle into the test before repetition, not explanation. TIP: If you practise adding phrases to your answers
you do more challenging tasks. Listen to what your partner says, because you can which allow you to give reasons and add information,
comment briefly on this if the examiner then asks you the this will encourage you to say more.
It tests your ability to use general social and interactional
language. same question.
The first few questions ask for information about you. You shouldn’t talk to your partner in this part, so remember
The following questions ask for your opinions about not to interrupt them, or agree or disagree with what they
everyday topics. are saying.
The examiner will ask you and your partner questions You should give interesting answers, but don’t speak for

Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes for Warmer and

individually. too long.
This part of the test takes about two minutes.

Practice task 5 What did you most like about the area where you grew up?

ABOUT THE TASK to start the lesson.


A I think it’s one of the best places in the world. I love it.
1 S01 Listen to these Speaking Part 1 questions. B I liked the city, the different facilities there, and I also
Think about the best way to respond to them, then loved the beach, the landscape and the climate.
answer them. C I really liked the fact that it’s a small city – not so
big that it’s stressful, but big enough that you have
everything you need and can get to know people 1 Complete the responses to Part 1 questions with
How did you do? quite well. the words in the box.
2 Read the questions from Ex 1 again and some answers 6 How important is it for you to earn lots of money?
to them (A–C). Choose the best answer for each A For many people it’s very important, which is addition fact hard opportunity other plan
question. why they get jobs that guarantee they’ll make
a lot of money, even though they might not be 1 It’s to choose just one place, but if
1 Where are you from? I had to, I’d say that visiting Japan would be top of
that interested in the work. For others, it’s the job
A Venezuela. It’s in South America. satisfaction that’s more important than the salary. my list. It seems like such an interesting country in so

Students carry out the Practice task and get familiar

B I’m from a city called Bucharest, which is the capital city B I want to make enough to be able to live on, of many ways: the landscape, the people, the cities –
of Romania. course, but I’m not especially interested in getting everything!
C I’ve lived the whole of my life in a large city called rich for the sake of it. Particularly if it means doing 2 On the one hand, there wasn’t a great deal to do
Valencia, which is on the south-east coast of Spain. something I don’t really enjoy. in the area where I grew up because it was a small
It has a population of around two million people. C Not very. The field I’m aiming to work in isn’t very well village, but on the hand, it was very

with the types of questions asked in the interview.

2 What do you do? paid, so it’s quite fortunate really. safe as there weren’t any busy roads at all.
A Well, I work and then in the evenings I usually I go out 7 Which famous person would you most like to meet? 3 I have several news apps on my phone that I use
with my friends. I play quite a lot of sport too, especially A I think it’d be pretty interesting to meet an astronaut to get notifications about interesting stories. In
at weekends. like Tim Peake or Chris Hadfield. I’d want to know to that, I watch the news on TV in
B I’m a receptionist. how it felt being in space and whether they were the evening as it tends to go into more detail.
C Currently, I’m studying for a degree in politics and scared or not during the mission. 4 Given the , I’d definitely learn how
history at university, and I also work part-time in a café B I’d be worried about being disappointed. I mean, to scuba dive. I’m fascinated by what lives under the
at weekends. what if your hero turned out to be someone you water and I think seeing it first-hand rather than on
3 How long have you been studying English? didn’t actually like very much? documentaries would just be amazing.
A I started when I was eight years old, I think, and studied C Cristiano Ronaldo, I guess. I love football and he’s the
5 If everything goes to , I’m going to
it all through secondary school, so for about ten years best player.
study mechanical engineering at university. Once I’ve
now – I really enjoy it. 8 What do you hope to be doing in ten years’ time? finished that, I’ll find a really good job with a major

Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes to follow the

B I have classes twice a week, on Monday and A My dream would be to have my own fashion design company, either here or in another country.
Wednesday evenings, and each one lasts for two hours, company. I’d like to specialise in men’s fashion.
so four hours a week in total. 6 I’d say that the person I admire more than anyone
I don’t know how realistic that is, to be honest, but else is my dad, due to the that,
C Nine years altogether. that’s ideally what I’d like to be doing. despite balancing a demanding job with family life,
4 What do you most enjoy about learning English? B I’ll probably be teaching English somewhere, maybe he’s always so positive, which is not something many

process through the How did you do? activity.

A We often have class discussions and debates in English in another country. I hope so. people manage.
about lots of different topics, most of which are really C Ten years is a long time to think into the future,
interesting. They’re usually very lively and great fun to especially as I quite often don’t know what’s going to 2 What question do you think each person was
take part in. happen next week! answering?
B I really need it for my job. The people I email and talk
to don’t speak the same language as me so we use 3 What is wrong with the other answers in Ex 2? 3 In what way does each speaker extend what they say?
English instead.
C Definitely not writing or grammar exercises!

M04 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 88 09/12/2020 12:36

SPEAKING – Part 1 Interview

Students carry out the Strategies and Strategies and skills Adding examples

Extending your answers 4 Choose the correct option to complete the responses to
Part 1 questions.

skills tasks.
TIP: If you practise adding phrases to your answers
which allow you to give reasons and add information, 1 I use lots of different methods for keeping in touch with
this will encourage you to say more. friends, actually. For instance / As well as that, I spend an hour
or so a day on social media.
2 We went to some really interesting places while we were
there, then again / such as the royal palace and the gardens.
3 I didn’t especially enjoy joining in the sports like / as football
and tennis that my friends used to play.
4 A lot of the things we do in class, perhaps / say, giving
presentations and reading out our work, are really good for
developing my confidence.

Giving reasons
SPEAKING – Part 1 Interview

7 Complete the answers to the questions using ideas of your own.

Give examples, reasons and other information.
Asking for repetition
Use Exam Trainer Teacher’s Notes to 5 Complete the sentences with the words for giving reasons
in the box.

due grounds owing reason

If you have not heard or fully understood a

provide guidance on how to approach

1 Is there a film you’ve particularly enjoyed seeing recently? question, you can ask the examiner to repeat it. result seeing start view
1 Complete the responses to Part 1 questions with
Yes, the one I’ve most enjoyed in the last few weeks was … the words in the box.
TIP: Remember that the examiner can 1 Richard couldn’t climb the mountain to
2 What would your ideal holiday be? being very unfit.
only repeat the question to help you, not
Well, my favourite type of holiday is … addition fact hard opportunity other plan

each task. Pick and choose which sections

rephrase it. 2 Valerie gave up learning English for the that
3 How important is it to have friends who share the same interests as you? she didn’t have time.
1 It’s to choose just one place, but if
I think it’s fairly important, but … I had to, I’d say that visiting Japan would be top of 3 They didn’t go for a picnic as planned to the
10 Match the beginning of a request to
4 Would you say you’re a well-organised person? my list. It seems like such an interesting country in so wind and rain.
repeat the question (1–6) with its ending
(a–f) to make phrases you can use to ask many ways: the landscape, the people, the cities – 4 In of how much work he had to do, Marcin
I’m not sure I’d exactly describe myself as that, but …

to focus on in class depending on the

everything! decided to start work early.
for repetition.
TIP: It’s good to think about the types of questions you may be asked, 2 On the one hand, there wasn’t a great deal to do 5 The level of the river was lower than usual as a
1 I’m sorry, but would you mind
but never rehearse answers. It shouldn’t sound like you prepared them in the area where I grew up because it was a small of the recent dry weather.
before the exam. 2 Could you please village, but on the hand, it was very 6 Gina refused to go on the that it was too
3 I’m not sure what you Practice task safe as there weren’t any busy roads at all.

strengths and weaknesses of the group.

4 I’m afraid I 3 I have several news apps on my phone that I use
8 S02 Listen to some students responding to the questions in Ex 7 1 Look at the pictures below. They show pairs of people performing in different situations. 7 I’m unlikely to get the job as I don’t have any
5 Sorry, but is it possible to get notifications about interesting stories. In relevant experience.
and compare your answers with theirs. Compare the pictures, and say why the people might have chosen to perform in these
to that, I watch the news on TV in
6 I beg your pardon, but situations and how the people might be feeling. 8 I can’t go to the cinema tonight. I’ve got too much homework
the evening as it tends to go into more detail.
Using a range of language for a .
a to repeat the question, please? Talk about them on your own for about a minute. 4 Given the , I’d definitely learn how
It is important not to repeat words too much, and to use a range of language. b saying that again, please? to scuba dive. I’m fascinated by what lives under the There are other ways of adding reasons using a single word.
• Why have the people chosen to perform in these situations? water and I think seeing it first-hand rather than on
c I’m afraid I didn’t catch what you said.
9 Replace one of the highlighted words in each sentence with the words • How might the people be feeling? documentaries would just be amazing. 6 Complete the answers with ideas of your own.
in the box. d repeat the question, as I didn’t hear it
5 If everything goes to , I’m going to
properly? 1 What new things would you like to learn in the future?
study mechanical engineering at university. Once I’ve
accomplish affordable exceptionally hysterical illustrate e didn’t hear the question – sorry! finished that, I’ll find a really good job with a major I’d really like to learn more languages since …
imaginative immediately substantially f said, I’m afraid. company, either here or in another country. 2 Which of your teachers at school will you always remember?
6 I’d say that the person I admire more than anyone I’ll never forget my music teacher at secondary school as …
1 Transport where I live is quite cheap. It’s cheap to travel anywhere in
else is my dad, due to the that, 3 How important to you is it to have a healthy lifestyle?
the city. EXAM TASK despite balancing a demanding job with family life, It’s extremely important to me because …
2 I admire her because she’s extremely hard-working, and also she’s

he’s always so positive, which is not something many

extremely generous. S03 Read and listen to the questions. people manage. 4 If you could try any sport you’ve never done before, what
3 Some days it feels as though I achieve very little when I actually achieve Answer them so that they are true for you. would you choose?
a lot. 2 What question do you think each person was I’d definitely choose … as …
First of all, we’d like to know something about you.
4 I like to be creative in my free time. I’m actually quite a creative person. answering?
• Where are you from?
5 I like keeping fit a lot more than I used to, so I do a lot more exercise
than before.
• What do you do there? 3 In what way does each speaker extend what they say?
• How long have you been studying English?
6 It’s hard to explain what I mean, so perhaps it’s better to explain it with
• What do you most enjoy about learning 89

Students can either complete the Exam task

an example.
7 The last film I saw was very funny indeed. Everyone in the cinema clearly
thought it was funny. • Do you prefer spending time with a large M04 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 89 09/12/2020 12:36
8 I got a job just after leaving university, and then got my first flat just group of friends, or just one or two? (Why?)
after that. • What’s the best thing about the town or city

in class or record their responses at home

you live in? (Why?)
• Who was the biggest influence on you when
you were a child? (Why?)
• Would you prefer to have a job you really

using what they have covered in class to help

enjoy or one which pays very well? (Why?)
• Do you think you spend too much time on
the internet?
• How do you hope to use your English skills

them give the most comprehensive answers.

in the future?
• Is there a festival or celebration you
particularly enjoy? (Why?)
• What’s the most interesting aspect of trying
new things?

M04 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 90 09/12/2020 12:36

Building block 4 DIGITAL RESOURCES

Before class Why not try?

C1 Vocabulary

1B Sneaky speeches

Video: About C1 Advanced: A photocopiable activity from the

Speaking, About C1 Digital resources.
all things be inclined to
a step too far at the forefront
considered think

Advanced: Speaking Part 1, SPEAKING – Part 1 Interview capture the

public’s attention
come to blows
get cold feet
get stuck for

C1 Advanced Speaking Strategies and skills


In Speaking Part 1, the examiner asks you some questions Tell the examiner if you don’t understand any of the Extending your answers
about you and your opinions. questions, but remember that you can only ask for

Test 1, Part 1.
This allows you a little time to settle into the test before repetition, not explanation. TIP: If you practise adding phrases to your answers
you do more challenging tasks. Listen to what your partner says, because you can which allow you to give reasons and add information, in the same
get stung by in retrospect let alone
this will encourage you to say more. breath
It tests your ability to use general social and interactional comment briefly on this if the examiner then asks you the
language. same question.
The first few questions ask for information about you. You shouldn’t talk to your partner in this part, so remember
The following questions ask for your opinions about not to interrupt them, or agree or disagree with what they
everyday topics. are saying.
You should give interesting answers, but don’t speak for out of your play on roll off the while I’m on the
The examiner will ask you and your partner questions
too long. comfort zone ignorance tongue subject
This part of the test takes about two minutes.

Less time Practice task 5 What did you most like about the area where you grew up?

A I think it’s one of the best places in the world. I love it.
realise an exceed my
1 S01 Listen to these Speaking Part 1 questions. B I liked the city, the different facilities there, and I also pose a threat to release tension
ambition expectations

Ask students to complete the first Think about the best way to respond to them, then
answer them.
loved the beach, the landscape and the climate.
C I really liked the fact that it’s a small city – not so
big that it’s stressful, but big enough that you have
everything you need and can get to know people
How did you do? 1 Complete the responses to Part 1 questions with

practice task at home and do How

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Pearson Education Limited 2020 2
quite well. the words in the box.

Quick homework
2 Read the questions from Ex 1 again and some answers 6 How important is it for you to earn lots of money?
to them (A–C). Choose the best answer for each A For many people it’s very important, which is addition fact hard opportunity other plan
why they get jobs that guarantee they’ll make

did you do? activities in class.

a lot of money, even though they might not be 1 It’s to choose just one place, but if
1 Where are you from?

Pearson Practice English

that interested in the work. For others, it’s the job I had to, I’d say that visiting Japan would be top of
A Venezuela. It’s in South America. satisfaction that’s more important than the salary. my list. It seems like such an interesting country in so
B I’m from a city called Bucharest, which is the capital city B I want to make enough to be able to live on, of many ways: the landscape, the people, the cities –
of Romania. course, but I’m not especially interested in getting everything!
C I’ve lived the whole of my life in a large city called rich for the sake of it. Particularly if it means doing

App grammar activity.

2 On the one hand, there wasn’t a great deal to do
Valencia, which is on the south-east coast of Spain. something I don’t really enjoy. in the area where I grew up because it was a small
It has a population of around two million people. C Not very. The field I’m aiming to work in isn’t very well village, but on the hand, it was very
2 What do you do? paid, so it’s quite fortunate really. safe as there weren’t any busy roads at all.
A Well, I work and then in the evenings I usually I go out 7 Which famous person would you most like to meet?

Need something extra or a change

3 I have several news apps on my phone that I use
with my friends. I play quite a lot of sport too, especially A I think it’d be pretty interesting to meet an astronaut to get notifications about interesting stories. In
at weekends. like Tim Peake or Chris Hadfield. I’d want to know to that, I watch the news on TV in
B I’m a receptionist. how it felt being in space and whether they were the evening as it tends to go into more detail.
C Currently, I’m studying for a degree in politics and scared or not during the mission.

of pace
4 Given the , I’d definitely learn how
history at university, and I also work part-time in a café B I’d be worried about being disappointed. I mean, to scuba dive. I’m fascinated by what lives under the
at weekends. what if your hero turned out to be someone you water and I think seeing it first-hand rather than on
3 How long have you been studying English? didn’t actually like very much? documentaries would just be amazing.
A I started when I was eight years old, I think, and studied C Cristiano Ronaldo, I guess. I love football and he’s the

Video: About C1 Advanced:

5 If everything goes to , I’m going to
it all through secondary school, so for about ten years best player.
study mechanical engineering at university. Once I’ve
now – I really enjoy it. 8 What do you hope to be doing in ten years’ time? finished that, I’ll find a really good job with a major
B I have classes twice a week, on Monday and A My dream would be to have my own fashion design company, either here or in another country.
Wednesday evenings, and each one lasts for two hours, company. I’d like to specialise in men’s fashion.

Speaking, About C1 Advanced:

so four hours a week in total. 6 I’d say that the person I admire more than anyone
I don’t know how realistic that is, to be honest, but else is my dad, due to the that,
C Nine years altogether. that’s ideally what I’d like to be doing. despite balancing a demanding job with family life,
4 What do you most enjoy about learning English? B I’ll probably be teaching English somewhere, maybe he’s always so positive, which is not something many
A We often have class discussions and debates in English in another country. I hope so.

Speaking Part 1, C1 Advanced

people manage.
about lots of different topics, most of which are really C Ten years is a long time to think into the future,
interesting. They’re usually very lively and great fun to especially as I quite often don’t know what’s going to 2 What question do you think each person was
take part in. happen next week! answering?
B I really need it for my job. The people I email and talk

Speaking Test 1, Part 1. 88

to don’t speak the same language as me so we use
English instead.
C Definitely not writing or grammar exercises!
3 What is wrong with the other answers in Ex 2? 3 In what way does each speaker extend what they say?

M04 FMLA ETC1 WKey 20298.indd 88 09/12/2020 12:36


F01_FMLA_TB_C1GLB_20328_PLIM.indd 17 19/01/2021 09:17

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