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Eunoia Awards

Jeon Jungkook Category, Inha Choi @kookiebear0901


*Echo In The Wind by strawberry1d

Cover; 4 / 5

The cover was well done, it gave the spooky paranormal vibes like it should but the font
wasn't going well with it.

Title; 5 / 5

It was very well going with the storyline and the best title this story could get.

Story Description; 2 / 5

The description was a huge spoiler. The story would have been more thrilling if it wasn't
mentioned in the description that Jungkook was in depression and meets a kind spirit (Isuel)

Plot; 10 / 10

This story deserves to get 10 for its plot. The plot where Isuel and Yoona swapped their
souls wasn't something that someone could think of. And the happy ending was cherry on
the top.

Character Buildup; 6 / 10

The story doesn't really have any kind of Character buildup shown, but Isuel turning soft from
her badass nature is something really good.

Content; 10 / 10

The content of the story was so fine that it keeps you glued to the device until you finish
reading it. The storyline was unusual and unique which deserves a 10.

Writing Style; 8 / 10

The writing style of this author is unique and the way she uses metaphors to explain
emotions are seriously appreciated. But sometimes, these metaphors are overly-used which
makes it seem boring. Rest all like her deep philosophical dialogues are a chef's kiss.

Grammer; 9 / 10

Accurate grammar in the story makes it really interesting to read and imagine, but
sometimes there are a few mistakes here and there..
Worth Reading; 10 / 10

For any paranormal-fantasy lover, this book is a must read. The story has a mixture of every
single emotion from butterflies to depression which is balanced well. Personally, the story
kept me hooked to complete it in a night and it got me really sad when I finished the book.

Overall Enjoyment; 9 / 10

Overall Enjoyment actually deserves a 10 but as it is already mentioned, the description

ruined it. If the description had a tint of mystery in it, it would have been much better and
Isuel's identity would make it a great suspense to read.

Total; 73/85
Echo In The Wind, a must read book.

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