Boeing 737-100 General Description 1966

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THE 737 FILLS OUT BOFING'S FAMILY OF JETLINERS SPECIFICALLY DE SIGNED TO SERVE A VARIETY OF MARKETS. IN THE LATE 1950's THE POPULAR 707 CONCENTRATED ON THE CONTINENTAL MARKET AND 320 AND -320B EX. ONGER ROUTES WITH ONE STOP. LATER THE 7 TENDED THE NONSTOP RANGE TO 6000 MILES. THESE LONG-RANGE JETLINERS GRADUALLY DISPLACED SLOWER PISTON AND TURBOPROP AIRLINERS TO SHORTER, LESS COMPETITIVE ROUTES. AS DISPLACED AIRPLANES GREW OLDER, BOEING'S 720 AND 727 JETLINERS WERE INTRODUCED ON SHORTER AND SHORTER ROUTES NOW THE PUBLIC JET SPEED, COMFORT, AND CON. OFFERS THI VENIENCE ON ROUTES AS SHORT AS 100 MILES. FULLY CERTIFIED 737s SCHEDULED FOR DELIVERY BEGINNING IN LATE 1967 OFFER ATTRACTIVE PROFIT POTENTIAL, BOEING JETS HAVE PROVED PROFITABLE IN THE PAST, THE 737 WILL PAY OFF IN THE FUTURE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT ... 4 PERFORMANCE « FEATURES . 181/721 COMMONNESS ......25 SYSTEMS 37 ECONOMICS.......... SUMMARY volving naturally fom its 707/720/737 predecessors the O4-f0tlong 737-100 with sos-eat wing span han asic masini Aight yrs, weight of 85.000 pours and fopdonal maimim flight gross welsh of 84,200, 97.000, and 107/000 pound, The 737 1s dcsigned to operate over shor-tomedim anges at cruise pets up to 380 mph from Sea level rurwaye uncle 3009 fee i lent CABIN FLEXIBILITY “Tho largo dlamoterfuslage gives the 797 & Uunigue “intercontinental” Gabveast seating fapabiiy aa provides comfort level in 43 breast configuration that are unattainable (ith eter design. The 737 double-lob cross feccon symbols Bonina’s eoncern for pos Senger comfort and a deste tr tesin mas rum fesbiity of seating areangements A enero 699 cue eet of belowsdeck cargo “um i abe stn expense to window Seat passanger space or sine eacroom Pas Sengtr accustomed to earlier Hosing urralt Sil id hat the 787 contin he fel the ee HIGH LIFT Aepiane designers have continue 16 fight the compromises necessary to accommodate higher and higher erulse speds wthoat in ‘rosing el lengths for taeff and landing Lange ate cambered wings that reduce fel Jengihs are uncesnomieal at cruise spends Between Mach 80 and Mach 90. Boeing ad ‘vanced high it system developed and proved ‘on the. 727, provides inmate lovespeed performance With 4 wing Uneompromise! at ruin Essentially the 737 uses two wl fe ~ a ose wing for operation on ls Tormerly used onty 4) lw speel piston ak Planes ad ahi spocd wing compat with pceds above Mach 0 ‘The 737s hight syeiom uses triple stated tralling-edge flaps, leadingeedye slats out Nerd of the macelcs and Reeogeeype aps along the wing between nacelles andthe by Approach speeds of about 113 knots lf ‘iio the atsinment of lower weather in ‘un Landing. Shot tke stance nd kn {pproach speeds alvo reduce ground and sit maneuver tines to inprove productivity. POWER PLANT. ‘The 737 is powered by owe wieyemountd Pratt & Whitey JTSD engines. ‘The bese JTSD7 engine, weighing 3095 pounds, pro ‘ides up to 11000 pounds of taco thrust (SL stati) and @ crue thru of 4090 pounds at 25.000 foe alte, Speite fel Consumption is 805 pounds per hour per Pound of thrist at 25,000 fee. The optional [TaD engine provides up to 14.500 fours of takeof thst (8 Ly static) and a ruse {hrs of 4950 pounds at 25.000 feet all andar day characterises). Specially Afveloped for de 727 auplanes the TTSD bas achieved a THO of 3800 hous ands expected {o continue impreving in THO withthe 737, ‘The engine inlet hae greater eleasance chan inboard 7208 engines, whieh have shown WHY WING-MOUNTED ENGINES? “Two wars of preliminary design engineers compte to fen Uhe mont Favorable engine Toeatom fur the 737. "This competition i both wings and uilmounted design. ‘The seni design ~ engines tacked clone ander the wing. The many advantages include: (Intercontinental wich cabin rts doors a fetch ecrner and a minim of nosable Space Inthe aft fuselage. ‘¢ Loading Hexibilty ~ Passengers and cargo cin be loaded fre and aft of tbe CG when ‘engines are also necr the CC, ye level engine acces Improved Strvtural ciency - Engines ‘ae carried where the It fe generaied to perm sing existing heavy wing sroture more eftlently and to pent ightening dnd simplifying body and tall structure. A {ota wing, by and til weight saving ot ‘Sinplifed Systams ~ Plumbing and con- tlt are shore and simple ale nydaulle And clecrieal power are near system ce ‘Aerodynamic Efficiency — Wide bay can ‘he Taltedffecvey ay Yong a8 t nat hampered by aftbedymounted engines 2 ow horizontal stalin aveide wouble: temne ptivap, Engines Tones eles ene Sures ng stats RELIABILITY AND SELF- SUFFICIENCY Proven dispatch reibity of the 727 (98 ee ‘eat after only mans 0 operation) wil be Increased (737 target 99 percent) by simpli ‘ation and redundancy. Selfcontaina al Stair APU. and hig Landing eight il ms {ize thr'stop efeieney. ‘COMMONNESS ‘One desiyn team for both she 727 and 737 assures 8 high degree of cammonness. This ‘commonness assures: (1) redused spares I ‘entory (2) reduced maintenance rani (3) fewer ground service equipment heme and (4) reduced fght crew training MAINTAINABILITY Special auention has teen given on the 737 toachicve low maintenance costs by Pheing ‘Sjocalemphuats cn elit, commenness ‘of proven components accessialt,and sin poet ECONoMics {Low inl cos aplane me costs unde one ‘dollar, and Gabreas seating to reduce seat nile costs to less han one cent per sea-alle ‘ote ta make the 797 the mon potable Sorta! jet avalabe to ssn. Exact cont fqures depend on aisins specie analyses and ute srr set es Sd ‘bin capacity combined wih low almplane ‘operating cost provide lene prot potential (peratingeosts forthe 797 at shor ranges ae akout ene thind ks than faethe 737 737-100 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT Meximom tox! gros weight ~ tb Meximum flight gross weight ~ Ib Maximum londing weight ~ Ib Zero fuel weight ~ Ib teleott theo (SL) ~ Ib ‘160-7 Optional JT8D-9 Foal eopectty ~ U.S. gallons Stenderd Optional with one additional cell “Moximum flap setting 30 degrees ‘Above 69,700 pounds “Option C only osc Option A Option B_ Option C 85,600 95,000 97,800 108,000 85,000 94,300 97,000, 107,000 £4,600 89,700 95,000" 95,000 76,600 79,700 81,700 85,000 S217 32,537 52,607 (CH 75 AT 30,007 DOMESTIC RESERVES ‘STANDARD DAY PERFORMANCE PAYLOAD RANGE At Mach 75 and an altitude of 30.000 feet, the 737100 earsies 101 pasnenyers and bog {eae 540 statute mules a the base akeott tteaht At the 107,000-poend optional take. Off weight cis range is extended 1250 Stansie mis, or with tree eptional fel cells tilled to 2400 statute miler a shown, Also Shown are the pavloadrange relationship for ‘he 94,300 and 7-000: pound options. These anges ate attainable wich an alltourst In ‘erior and complete customer see equlP- ent including two galleys te lavatories fd coat coset. CRUISE SPEED “The 737 is capable of reaching is maxtmum operating speed limit (Vino) of 350 kn ‘equiv airspeed (BAS) up Wo a cruise a {ide of 29,000 fort (305 knots TAS). Since Inany ofthe 737 mislons wl be Gown at alt {es below 22,000 feet. Bh Ving mp tant olor blk ume Speed eapebiiy above 22.000 feet is defined by tie meaimum ruse Innis rating ‘TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE ‘The takeoff and landing) performance of {he 737 ill permit operation rom somal ety Sind regional alports. This shored pet onmanee enables he 727 to eperste rm a= forts now handling small propelle-driven trplanes The field Kegs sbown ate calcu Tite aceordance with FAR 25 for standart (G47) aye nth the JTSD!? or STD. er tunes For example, take eld nga tthe Inte aloof svluht with dhe JTSD-7 engine ilo feet ‘The range carve shown is for "72-100 with optional takeoff weights Up (© 107 000 pound Aecause many axponts on short routes have Tinted eanway leng passenger fet service to these airports has ot been posible. Now, ‘he takelt and landing performace of the {7-10 offers profitable range poten rom {res of 3500 Yer orless The eure shown is {or It pacers al baggage wih cher the JTSD 7 a [TSD9 engines inwalled. Fx tended rage ate shown forth 737-100 with ptenal fuel andthe optional theo weight LANDING PERFORMANCE “The short landing fl lengths and aw op- proach sped shown result fram the hight stems hich incarparate pfested tale Ing edge aps, leading cage aps and slats, find ffecive spolers Because of the fe ftueney of landings im short aul operation, fellent landing performance fs a primary quirement. For example # 108,000 und 737-100 sith 101 passengers rad fel te Serves am board wl be lading at approx ‘mately 81,000 pounds and ll require a "o0-foot Tanding.feld Length and an Spproaeh speed of 114 knows LANDING PITCH AND. LANDING PERFORMANCE ers eon ‘contributing to he excelent landing pe: . formance of the 737 are the generous anding Fiche el in. At 2m lag rl eighter 6s O00 pind ond nora dee efor el aloe the gpa op w re soa Sher bly ph ta i tal ge of 0 a Sceror eee te alae tre 9 {acest ray shard x Rio er or so Sen) : ihe ini at atl 1 deer ty Pha a stay a all ong a sly dong nding vo =i LasNG FD LENGTH e rae | i p ENGINE INLET ENVIRONMENT. Wing mounting the 737 engines offers af ‘orable engine inlet envionment. During 9,741,000 hours of engine operation acer lated over 28-year period of 707/720 domes ‘de aod international aine sevle, ony ‘ght engine emovals were required due to {round debris ingestion, The 77 f expected fo surpass this toed cae of eter fine inlet ground clearance apd rede inlet Sivloctyateaeofehrust. the JTSD ha at Inlet velocity of 315 pounds per second com pared to 197 pounds per second forthe TD “engine on the 7208, Engine inlets of the 737 are forward of ie, dust and other foreign material airborne in the wake ofthe main landing gear and flaps rontally opening thrust revere further reduce ground debris ingestion compared £0 ‘vertically operating reverses on side-mount ‘ed engines. The impeoved inlet ensrerment fof tho wingmounted engines ako provides 7 ‘eaner bled ae 2 reduce aie conditioning ‘system and airplane imerior maintenance re ‘gueement “The engines are located far enough outboard to cleat waler or slosh spray pattern from tess wlth standard tes at ee werst speed ‘ondiion (approximately 40 knots). Ohne ties are not ued on the 727. LOW WEATHER MINIMUM. CAPABILITY Equipment to savsty FAA Category 1 lowe ‘weather minimum ereria (100 fet and 174 tile) is standard inthe 737 ands ct frowth of Bos’ mulliallion dollar deve Spent progeam on the 720 and 727 planes. Flight contol stems afford the optimum match between tbe pilots capabilites, ae Plane handing charaterses, and the ato pilot allowing approaches and landings to be ‘xocuted under adverse conditions th mi mum effort maximum precision and repent ay" ana/uncompecmtsed satey ‘The autopilot, Imprened over the 727, has cn spect designe for 1 localize and fe slope contol All camponents are de Fated Soi state switching is wed in signal through use of high-quality components and tetera tolerance Wom-outadjstment mo 757 operates. the lowest approach speed fof any jet tansport and exits excellent the time avallabl for he ple o aque vs ‘al crletaton and rake Right path corer tions during te transition fram approach 10 fovehdowne allow a greater lateral misalin tment correction during wansivonsand reduce uray length requirements The base 737 ts desianc to full FAA Cate sory Tl exter. Optional automatic. nach owen eguipment may be added ater, when fertlied for woutine use, simpy by inwalla on into space specifically socal fort ‘Ths provision wil obviate extensive medi can, redesign, nd towing FEATURES ‘iien and convenient passenger enplaning and deplaning trom the 757 provided by ve try dons pestioned forward and aon the service dbo ae of the plug type. Two emer fency exits ae centrally pontdoned inte pas Senger cernpartment with access to the wing At each end, these emergency exits provide ‘more than aeguae exape ogre. entry door eliminate the ced for alrpart heath he cabin lor and dhe sai aperture in two omer deck compartments, one forward ‘hose area is drough large cargo doors open Immediately ahead of the forward cargo com: ment the electrical and lectonies quipment bas. Cooling of shelfmounted ‘Sketrnics packages te provided by bower ‘ven required. A conditioning packs, acces {le through lange acess door. ae centraliy Iocated forward ofthe main landing gear “The suniiary power unit (APU) with builtin Suid suppaesnos ssc te a ed fof the fuselage. On the ground the APU sup pieseleetseal energy ad a for engine start Ing apd airconditioning, In fight. the APU provides bath tieondtining ait ane ec {El power inthe evel of ah engine sit ‘da. With elcrical power, hydrate ower fe also available from clecttically driven 101 PASSENGERS—6 ABREAST © 34 IN. PITCH WIDE BODY Den ey pm pgm he Than emi aR ae PASSENGER CABIN ‘© Panels that wse the Helmholtz resonaror | Chase Ee ao | ‘The 118 inch diameter fuselage shell permits @ Special air-conditioning system compo Ee Cat sous cavers EE mee | FURNISHIN $ AND RQUIPMENT asic 727 eahin layouts position a complete ‘double hocmeal galley apposite the main e tay door. Calley serving Is secomplched ‘hou aright hand sevice door w eliminate lnterference with passenger tafe. A cabin ftendants set fos den rom the aft wall ‘tthe tna coat closet awry. racks, provide all necessary information dis- plays. passenaeroryzen masks and auxiliary Eatin ae (gaspe). Placement ofthis passe fpr servic unt allows easy entry to window Sis regardles of sea pitch Interior furnishings for the 737 have been ‘atefully slected to reduce spares Inve fox patiulaty for aiines alveady operating txher Bocing eines, Maintanabiey aad ¢ of the Fanishings are ‘ssured by a multimiliondellar tengo evelopment program that continues the “707/70/737 design for 737 sepanes. The Interior furnishings are the ead result of confor and safety. INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT FLEXIBILITY ‘Thehasic wing mounted engine configuration etme installa of dots a each side ck the alrpane at both ends of the passenger fabin- The galley canbe forward of aft. Two tilts can be located aft or one at and one forest ta freien resins te Gv ‘ier can bo placed wo sult de operators pre “fon changeable mounting fr all Interior furnishings, including seats, partons, cost, and Gabreast Scaling. Seat mile costs for the baie 737 air plane ave shown inthe urve for 83 and 101 passengers, ‘The svallable seatmile costs, Stow Tor 101 passangers, of less than one feat per seatmile at ranges as short as 260 walls, oer a male conpeiive sivantage Toravlines operating over high-density, short range routes when compare vith dhe costs of aleplans United wo Sealreat seating ar a established world-wide service support FIELD SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES LOCATIONS RENTON, WASH. MIAMI TOKYO MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY SYDNEY cHieaco, TULSA MELBOURNE NEW YORK BOGOTA ADDIS ABABA SAN FRANCISCO ‘TRINIDAD JOHANNESBURG LOS ANGELES PARIS KARACHE SAN DIEGO FRANKFURT BOMBAY DALLAS LONDON ATHENS WASHINGTON D.C. LISBON ‘TEHERAN DUBLIN EDMONTON HAMBURG

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