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Name: Class: 4STW - …

Course: English Teacher: S. Degraeve Date: __ - __ - ____

Integrated listening test unit 6: Narcissists Score: ___/ 30

TED-Talk: the psychology behind narcissism.

1. How and why did Narcissus die? Explain the story in full sentences. __/3


2. How do psychologists define narcissism? __/1


3. What are the two types of narcissism that the experts can distinguish? __/2
a. _________________________________________
b. _________________________________________

4. Tick off whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. __/5

True False

1 All people who are power-hungry are narcissistic.


2 Narcissistic people easily feel threatened.


3 You can easily recognise narcissists.


4 Narcissistic personality disorder can affect both children and grown-ups.


5 Narcissistic people become aggressive when they get criticism.


5. Complete the following extract. __/6

Taken to the extreme, this behaviour is classified as a psychological disorder called narcissistic
personality disorder. It affects __________________ percent of the population, more commonly
_____________. It is also a diagnosis reserved for _______________. Young people, especially
children, can be very self-centred, but this might just be a normal part of development.
[…] describes several traits associated with narcissistic personality disorder. They include a grandiose
view of oneself, problems with ________________, a sense of entitlement, and a need for admiration
or ________________. What makes these trait a true personality disorder is that they take over
people's lives and ____________________________________________.

6. What two elements do psychologists think can cause narcissism? __/2

a. ________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________

7. In what way do parents contribute to narcissism in their children? __/2

a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________

8. Tick off the correct answer(s). __/4

a. Social media …
 Has multiplied the number of narcissists.
 Has multiplied the possibilities for self-promotion.
 Has provided a way to seek attention.
 Has provided a way to self-reflect.

b. Narcissists can tackle their negative traits by …

 Promoting honest reflection
 Looking at their own behaviour critically
 Feeling compassionate

9. After watching the video, do you consider yourself a narcissist? Why (not)? And do you know
any narcissistic people and how do/would you deal with them? (7 sentences in total – mind
your grammar and spelling at all times)


✓ Content: __/2 ✓ Grammar: __/3

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