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Ethics refers to the concepts of right and wrong conduct. Moreover, ethics is essentially
a subfield of our lives that addresses the problem of morality. Ethics refers to the standards of
conduct. It undoubtedly specifies how a person ought to act in particular circumstances. In video
number 1, it is entitled “Snack Attack, the main story is focus on the two persons which is an old
lady and a boy. The old lady believes her cookies were stolen in a disrespectful manner by the male
teenager. She made a negative judgment of the adolescent because she came to the conclusion that
the teenage boy had shared her cookies without recognizing any positive analysis. Until her train
arrives, he leaves the bench where she was sitting and shares a cookie with a teen boy; she even
crashes the cookies offered by the teen boy to indicate her displeasure with the snack attack. She
goes without apologizing for crashing the meal in front of the teen lad till the train arrives. When the
train left the station, she unzipped her bag and discovered the unopened cookies. Until she realizes
that the cookie stolen by the adolescent belongs to the teenager. In this video, the lesson portrays that
"Never judge a person by their appearance or a book by its cover”. We people should think the
words that we spit in our mouth, we should act be doing the right thing even if the other treat us the
way we don’t deserve. In this story, the shows us the MORALITY topic in our lesson. Morality
defines the quality which makes an act of doing good. The boy act correctly, he treats human in a
right way even if the old lady treated her with disrespect.

On the next part, there is another inspirational scene, the character is a father and his
son. The father thinks that going to school every day is make his son become successful in the future
and happy at the same time. He implies full support on his child through working hard on his job.
One day came, the son saw a man who playing the violin and the boy truly love how the man play
the instrument. After school hours, there is a VALUES, the boy hugs his father and eventually the
stress of the father to his work suddenly disappeared. But when his son, shows the activity paper to
his father, he shows angry expression because his son cannot follow simple rules on the school. The
father wants to his son to obey instruction by the teacher to be able to have good grades and have
better future. In the video we can see, the child force to do the things that he wants to be or he don’t
want to do because his parents know well that going to school is the most important on his age. I
totally agree but in other side, in the reality we need to break some rules to be able to feel the
happiness in life. It is okay to study hard but we should the enjoy life. We should enjoy the
experiences and to what makes us happy. Other lesson is raising a child is not an easy task, it takes
sacrifices to be able to provide a better future to your child. We should consider your children wants
to do, the way or the things makes her happy. As a parent we should support our children and give
them the BIOLOGICAL VALUES and of course the PSYCHOLOGICAL VALUES they need.
On the second video there is three characters or persona showing different ways on how they
got past by a road with water. This can be apply to a real life scenario, The title is focuses on a
phrases, Life a silent, smart and simple. Silent in a people who are overcoming his/her problems in
life in a silent mode. “ Silent is the best solution to all problems”. Smart we know that we have a lot
of similarities and differences overall as a person and one of them is ability of being a smart, it is a
gift from our God. They are the one who solve a problem in different ways they are finding lots of
ways to overcome their challenges in life and they want to challenge their ability for them it is easy
but in ordinary person like me it is awesome. Simple they are the people who do not make things
complicated, especially when it comes to solving a problem, they solve it in an easy way they know.

Also, one of the lesson on the second video is, there are many challenges in everyone’s life but the
way of dealing with those problems is different. All the people were just adjusting and passing
through anyway. But the boy not only pass through it simply but also made a way for everyone.

On the last video, the point is. we don’t need to make publicity or brag to others if we want to
provide help in other people, we don’t need to shows to everyone, it’s enough if you help without
asking for anything in return. We help others because we want to and it’s our will. It’s better to help
when it comes from the bottom of our heart. And you don’t expect anything in return, especially
material things. Nowadays there are people who abuse helping others through social media
pretending they want to help but the truth is they want to make money, just like some of the vloggers,
they post some videos helping people for fame or to seek public attentions which is inappropriate.
We should give help base on our will to do the right things. In the last video, the main character
applies the elements of human acts which is the knowingly, deliberately, and freely. Knowingly in
terms of he knows what he’s doing and he knows the outcome of his actions. Deliberately because he
does his actions intentionally no one give a command to help others it is all by his self. And last
freely because he performed his action voluntarily, I can see it when he helps the old woman which
is an ice cream vendor.

For the last part, the main lesson here is parents are everything in all stages, their love is
immortal. As a return we always love our parents. Even if your friends abandon you, even if
everyone around you leave you, we will always remember that our parents are always there to take
care of us and love us tirelessly. No one can match a parent's love for their child. I can apply it the
biological values that we discussed last session because the daughter cannot live without her mother
base on that video and also, we discuss the Duty which is perform by the mother on that video she
knows her duty as a parent.

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