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Que-1 Mammalian heart is

(a) Neurogenic
(b) Myogenic
(c) Digenic
(d) None of the above
Que-2 Agranulocytes are
(a) Eosinophils
(b) Neutrophils
(c) Basophils
(d) None of the above
Que-3 Granulocytes are
(a) Acidophils
(b) Lymphocytes
(c) Monocytes
(d) none of the above
Que-4 Lymph is without
(a) Leukocytes
(b) Plasma
(c) Erythrocytes
(d) None of the above
Que-5 Blood does not contain
(a) Calcium
(b) Prothrombin
(c) Fibrinogen
(d) Elastin
Que-6 ventricle is thick walled as compared to auricle, because
(a) it is present on the posterior side
(b) it is to pump blood
(c) it is to receive blood from auricles
(d) None of the above
Que-7 Arteries are thick walled, because
(a) They are without valves
(b) They are to pump blood
(c) The blood flows with jerks in them
(d) They have oxygenated blood
Que-8 The name of pace maker is
(a) S-Anode
(b) A-V node
(c) Parasympathetic nervous system
(d) None of the above
Que-9 Which helps in blood clotting
(a) Sodium
(b) Blirubin
(c) Fibrinogen
(d) None of the above
Que-10 cells which help in stopping the flow of blood are
(a) RBC
(b) WBC
(c) Thrombocytes/blood platelets
(d) None of the above
Que-11 The coagulation of blood occurs due to
(a) Destruction of RBC
(b) Destruction of WBC
(c) Destruction of lymph
(d) Destruction of blood platelets
Que-12 The metal essential for haemoglobin formation is
(a) Mg++
(b) Na+
(c) Fe++
(d) Cu++
Que-13 The antibodies combat with antigens by
(a) Neutralization
(b) Precipitation
(c) Agglutination
(d) All the above
Que-14 A person with antigen A in RBC and antibody b in plasma
(a) Belongs to blood group A
(b) Belongs to blood group B
(c) Belongs to blood group o
(d) Belongs to blood group AB
Que-15 Blood is
(a) Alkaline
(b) Acidic
(c) Neutral
(d) None of the above
Que-16 carotid artery carries
(a) Deoxygenated blood to brain
(b) Oxygenated blood to brain
(c) Oxygenated blood to heart
(d) None of the above
Que-17 Function of S-A node is
(a) Muscular pain
(b) Contraction of lungs
(c) Heart beat
(d) None of the above
Que-18 The largest corpuscle in the blood is
(a) Basophil
(b) Acidophil
(c) Monocyte
(d) Lymphocyte
Que-19 Thrombokinase is produce in
(a) RBC
(b) WBC
(c) Blood vessels
(d) Blood clotting
Que-20 Hypophysial portal system is present in
(a) Frog
(b) Rabbit
(c) Humans
(d) All of the above
Que-21 cells which help in the transportation of o2 are
(a) WBC
(b) Leucocytes
(c) RBC
(d) Thrombocytes
Que-22 The respiratory pigment present in the RBC of vertebrate blood is
(a) Haemoglobin
(b) Haematin
(c) Haematochrome
(d) Erythrocyanin
Que-23 which of the following is termed as the 'grave yard' of RBC
(a) Liver
(b) Spleen
(c) Kidney
(d) Bone marrow
Que-24 In case of active immunity
(a) Killed pathogens are inoculated
(b) Antibodies are injected
(c) Antitoxins are injected
(d) All the above
Que-25 Hardening of the wall of small arteries is known as
(a) Thrombosis
(b) Arteriosclerosis
(c) Atherosclerosis
(d) Heart attack
Que-26 Antigens produced by viruses are called
(a) Muton
(b) Virion
(c) Cistron
(d) Lysins
Que-27 Narrowing of lumen of artery because of deposition of fats is
(a) Thrombosis
(b) Atherosclerosis
(c) arteriosclerosis
(d) Myocardial infarction
Que-28 Sometimes RBCs form a pile or stack known as
(a) Lacuna
(b) Islet
(c) Rouleaux
(d) Canaliculi
Que-29 Bundle of His found in
(a) Heart
(b) Auricles
(c) Ventricle
(d) Sinus venous
Que-30 The instrument used for measuring blood pressure is known as
(a) ECG
(b) Stethoscope
(c) Sphygmomanometer
(d) EEG
Que-31 The ECG is used to detect
(a) Heart attack
(B) Heart block
(c) Coronary thrombosis
(d) All of the above
Que-32 Cords of billroth are blood spaces found in
(a) Spleen
(b) Tonsils
(c) Liver
(d) Kidneys
Que-33 which of the following has least urea
(a) Pulmonary vein
(b) Hepatic portal vein
(c) Hepatic vein
(d) Renal vein
Que-34 Cardiac output/min during normal working in man is about
(a) 2 liters
(b) 5 liters
(c) 10 liters
(d) 20 liters
Que-35 Formation of blood corpuscles is known as
(a) Haemolysis
(b) Rouleaux
(c) Haemopoiesis
(d) Phagocytocis
Que-36 To store blood some anticoagulant is added
(a) NaCl
(b) Sodium oxalate
(c) KCl
(d) Thromboplastin
Que-37 Blood does not transport O2 in
(a) Man
(b) Frog
(c) Cockroach
(d) Pheretima
Que-38 After Vaccination the body builds up
(a) Antitoxins
(b) Toxins
(c) Antibodies
(d) Antigens
Que-39 Which has the thickest wall
(a) Right auricle
(b) Right ventricle
(c) Left auricle
(d) Left ventricle
Que-40 The volume of blood present in an adult human is
(a) 10 liters
(b) 5 liters
(c) 2 liters
(d) 1 liters
Que-41 The amount of water present in blood plasam is
(a) 60 %
(b) 70 %
(c) 80 %
(d) 90 %
Que-42 The major protein of blood plasma are
(a) Albumin, globulin and fibrinogen
(b) Collagen, elastin and fibrinogen
(c) Albumin, glutelin and p-protein
(d) Actin, myosin and tubulin
Que-43 ESR is meant for knowing
(a) Degree of disease
(b) Erythrocyte count
(c) study of plasma
(d) Calculation of haemoglobin
Que-44 Thromboplastin is produced by
(a) Damaged tissue
(b) Blood platelets
(c) Both blood platelets and damaged tissues
(d) Prothrombin
Que-45 Blood groups agglutinogens A and B are found
(a) In plasma
(b) On WBCs
(c) On RBCs
(d) On blood platelets

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