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Symptoms of Recommendations Stressful family

stress to avoid stress or friend

Concentration Irritability
problems Avoid stressful situations as much as

skin problems High tension

Do constant exercise.
Digestive Insomnia

How to cope with

Share more time with loved ones
stress Cinthia Belen Hoyos Jimenez
pink olive flowers
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What are stressful Family stress Economic problems:
situations? situations Financial uncertainty can cause a family to
falter, which children perceive from their
parents' signals, which implies that they will
A separation or divorce, an illness or realize the tension and anxiety that exists
Stress is a feeling of physical or death of a loved one, a move, or between their parents, which is why you
emotional tension which can come financial problems, can generate an have to explain to them those changes that
from any situation or thought that emotional flood for the family, both for affect their lives.
makes us feel frustrated, angry or children and for parents.
nervous. Stress is your body's
reaction to a challenge or demand.

Example of stressful Moving and changing schools:

situations that many Although the reasons why we move are very
families face: diverse, the move often implies a change of
school, neighborhood and even friends. This
series of changes can be really difficult.
Examples of stressful Divorce or separation of parents:
Be direct and honest with them about
Prepare them as far in advance as possible.
situations: what is happening as it is important to
be careful how we talk about our ex,
Situations at school: so try not to talk bad about him or
Too many homework, balance between her.
sports and school work, competitions,
difficult exams, low grades, exam
Social type situations:
Grupos, presión de los compañeros, acoso,
citas y relaciones amorosas.
Personal situations:
Dealing with a health problem, a family
conflict, a divorce, moving, money
problems, the death of a loved one.

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