U3,4 VTP 6

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Unit 3



I. TOBE và HAVE để miêu tả ngƣời hoặc vật:
1. Cấu trúc miêu tả ngƣời hoặc vật với động từ to be:
 Cách thành lập:
Thể khẳng định: S + to be + adjective
Thể phủ định: S + to be + not + adjective
Thể nghi vấn: To be + s + adjective?
 Lưu ý:
 Ta cần chia động từ to be phù hợp với chủ ngữ:

I: am
He, she, it, danh từ số ít, danh từ không đếm được: is
We, you, they, danh từ số nhiều: are

Ví dụ:
I am hard-working. (Tôi chăm chỉ.)
This flower is yellow. (Bông hoa này màu xanh.)
These pencils are red. (Những chiếc bút chì này màu đỏ.)
2. Cấu trúc miêu tả ai đó có những bộ phận trên cơ thể mang đặc điểm nào đó với
động từ "have"
 Cách thành lập:
Thể khắng định: S + have/ has + adjective + noun
Thể phú định: S + doesn't/ don't + have + adjective + noun
Thể nghi vấn: Have/ Has + S + adjective + noun?
- Yes, S + does/ do.
 Lưu ý:
- No, S + doesn't/ don't.
 Ta cần chia động từ "have" là "have" hoặc "has" tương ứng với chủ ngữ.
 Khi các bộ phận được miêu tả hay danh từ sau "have" là danh từ số ít, ta cần
thêm "a" (khi âm đầu tiên của tính từ ngay sau nó là phụ âm) hoặc "an" (khi
âm đầu tiên của tính từ ngay sau nó là nguyên âm) ở phía trước tính từ.

Ví dụ:
She has a round face. (Cô ấy có khuôn mặt tròn.)
He has big eyes. (Cậu ấy có đôi mắt to.)

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Their classrooms have big boards. (Những lớp học của họ có những cái hảng to.)
3. Hỏi và trả lời về màu sắc
3.1. Với dộng từ tobe:
a. Chủ ngữ là danh từ số ít hoặc danh từ không đếm dƣợc:
Câu hỏi: What color + is + chủ ngữ?
Trả lời: It is (It's) + màu sắc.
Ví dụ:
What color is her hair? (Tóc cô bé màu gì?)
It's blonde. (Nó màu vàng.)
b. Chủ ngữ là danh từ số nhiều:
Câu hỏi: What color + are + chủ ngữ?
Trả lời: They are (They're) + màu sắc.
Ví dụ:
What color are her eyes? (Mắt cô ấy màu gì?)
They're black. (Chúng màu đen.)
3.2. Với động từ HAVE (trong câu hỏi mô tả Wh-questions)
Câu hỏi: Wh_ + .... + do/ does + S + have?
Trả lời: S + have/ has ...
Ví dụ:
What color eyes does Mary have? (Đôi mắt cùa Mary màu gì?)
She has brown eyes. (Mắt cô ấy màu nâu)
II. PRESENT CONTINUOUS - Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
 Sử dụng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (present continuous) để nói về những việc làm trong
tương lai hay kế hoạch đã được lên lịch sẵn.
* Công thức:
Thể khẳng định: S + am/is/are + Ving
Thể phủ định: s + am/is/are + not + Ving
Thể nghi vấn: Am/Is/Are + S + Ving?
Ví dụ:
I've bought 2 plane tickets. I am flying to London tomorrow.
(Tôi đã mua 2 vé máy bay. Ngày mai, tôi sẽ bay tới London.)
III. Một số tính từ miêu tả ngƣời
1. Ngoại hình
tall cao

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 24

short thấp
slim mảnh dẻ
thin gầy
fat béo
obese bép phì
well-built cường tráng
overweight béo
medium height cao trung bình
well-dressed ăn mặc đẹp
smart gọn gàng
scruffy luộm thuộm
good-looking ưa nhìn
attractive hấp dẫn
beautiful đẹp
pretty xinh
handsome đẹp trai
ugly xấu
old già
young trẻ
middle-aged trung tuổi
bald hói
bald-headed đầu hói
beard có râu
moustache có ria
long hair tóc dài
short hair tóc ngắn
straight hair tóc thẳng
curly hair tóc xoăn
fair-haired tóc sáng màu
hoặc blonde-haired tóc vàng
brown-haired tóc nâu

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dark-haired tóc sẫm màu
ginger-haired tóc nâu sáng
blonde tóc vàng
brunette tóc nâu sẫm
redhead tóc đỏ
2. Tính cách
confident tự tin
sensitive nhạy cảm
calm bình tĩnh
hot-headed nóng nảy
impulsive hấp tấp
cheerful vui vẻ
generous phóng khoáng
kind tốt bụng
mean keo kiệt
crazy điên khùng
sensible khôn ngoan
serious nghiêm túc
honest thật thà
dishonest không thật thà
good-humoured hài hước
bad-tempered nóng tính
moody tính khí thất thường
hard-working chăm chỉ
lazy lười
clever thông minh
intelligent thông minh
unintelligent không thông minh
arrogant ngạo mạn
snobbish khinh người
happy vui vẻ
unhappy không vui

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stupid ngốc
outgoing cởi mở
cautious cấn thận
adventurous thích phiêu lưu
shy nhút nhát
introverted hướng nội
extroverted hướng ngoại
easy-going dễ tính
rude thô lỗ, bất lịch sự
bad-mannered cư xử tồi
impolite bất lịch sự
emotional tình cảm
polite lịch sự
funny khôi hài
witty hóm hình
boring nhàm chán
patient kiên nhẫn
impatient nóng vội
sophisticated sành sỏi
crude lỗ mãng, thô bi
cheeky hỗn xược
friendly thân thiện
unfriendly không thân thiện
conceited tự cao tự đại
modest khiêm tốn
brave dũng cảm
cowardly nhát gan
absent-minded đãng trí
talented có tài
obedient vâng lời
disobedient ngang ngạnh, không vâng lời
principled có nguyên tắc đạo đức

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3. Cảm xúc
happy vui
sad buồn
miserable khổ sở
worried lo lắng
depressed chán nản
excited hào hứng
bored buồn chán
fed up chán
pleased hài lòng
delighted vui
surprised ngạc nhiên
astonished kinh ngạc
disappointed thất vọng
enthusiastic nhiệt tình
relaxed thư giãn
stressed căng thẳng
anxious lo lắng
tired mệt mỏi
weary mệt lử
exhausted kiệt sức
annoyed khó chịu
angry tức giận
furious điên tiết
livid giận tái người
disgusted kinh tởm

Từ mới Phiên âm Nghĩa
attractive /əˈtræktɪːv/ hấp dẫn
bald-headed /bɔːld ˈhedɪd/ đầu hói
beard /bɪəd/ có râu
blond-haired hoặc blonde-haired /blɒnd heəred/ tóc vàng

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brown-haired /braʊn heəred/ tóc nâu
brunette /bruːˈnet/ tóc nâu sẫm
curly hair /ˈkɜːli heə(r)/ tóc xoăn
dark-haired /dɑːk heəred/ tóc sẫm màu
fair-haired /feə(r) heəred/ tóc sáng màu
ginger-haired /ˈdʒɪndʒə(r) heəred/ tóc nâu sáng
handsome /ˈhænsəm/ đẹp trai
medium height /ˈmiːdiəm haɪt/ chiều cao trung bình
middle-aged /ˈmɪdl eɪdʒd/ trung tuổi
moustache /məˈstɑːʃ/ có ria
obese əʊˈbiːs/ béo phì
overweight /ˌəʊvəˈweɪt/ béo
pretty /ˈprɪti/ xinh
redhead /ˈredhed/ tóc đỏ
scruffy /ˈskrʌfi/ luộm thuộm
smart /smɑːt/ gọn gàng
Straight hair /streɪt heə(r)/ tóc thẳng
ugly /ˈʌɡli/ xấu
well-built /wel bɪlt/ cường tráng
well-dressed /wel drest/ ăn mặc đẹp
I. Find the words which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the
words aloud.
1. A. best B. part C. pie D. pen
2. A. bow B. pie C. back D. baby
3. A. copy B. happy C. beast D. pull
4. A. bed B. job C. pass D. bull
5. A. ban B. pet C. peach D. pier
6. A. bat B. beer C. bye D. prize
7. A. pig B. chubby C. pin D. pole
8. A. better B. Bobby C. birthday D. provole
9. A. pencil B. pocket C. boy D. postcard
10. A. about B. professional C. beautiful D. butterfly
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II. What can you see? Label the pictures (they all begin with “p” or “b”) then read
the words aloud.
a. b. c.

___ _____ ____

d. e. f.

_______ _____ ____

g. g. h.

_________ _____ ____

c. c. c.

________ _____ ____


I. Circle A, B, C or D for each picture.
1. 4.

A. learning A. playing beach volleyball

B. reading B. playing chess
C. chatting C. playing the guitar
D. writing D. talking

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2. 5.

A. skiing A. writing a letter

B. hiking B. reading a newspaper
C. talking C. sending a letter
D. riding a bike D. jumping
3. 6.

A. listening
A. singing
B. doing the gardening B. whispering
C. playing tennis C. painting
D. flying D. having dinner
II. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
1. Is the boy strong or weak? - is weak.
A. He B. She C. It D. They
2. the boxes light or heavy?
A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be
3. color is your shirt?
A. How B. What C. Where D. When
4. What is your bag? - It's green.
A. size B. color C. date D. money
5. Is she old or ?
A. tall B. weak C. young D. short
6. What color are the cups? - white.
A. They are B. It is C. Are they D. We are
7. What color the armchairs?
A. am B. is C. are D. does
8. What color is ?
A. door B. the door C. the doors D. that doors
9. Is her face round oval?
A. and B. but C. or D. so
10. What color are her eyes? – They are .
A. thin B. full C. brown D. tall

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I. Identify each statement as true (T) or false (F) by using .

No. Statements T F
1. He has a brown eyes.
2. Trang has a big nose.
3. They are fat.
4. Are his head small?
5. We have hair long.
6. He is young a boy.
7. Linda not is fat.
8. The man has only one arm.
9. His eyes are blue.
10. Nam has careful.

II. Read the passage about Nga and her best friend, then choose the best answer (A,
B or C) to each question.

My name is Nga and my best friend is Lan. She is my classmate. We are twelve
years old. We are both in grade 6 at Kim Dong Secondary School. Lan lives next to
my house. Every day, my father takes us to school on his motorbike, and we come
home on foot in the evening. She is an intelligent girl. Her favourite subject is
Math, and she is really good at it. Mine is English. We usually help each other with
our homework. Whenever I am sad, Lan always tells me stories to make me happy.
I feel really lucky to have a best friend like Lan.

1. How old are Lan and Nga?

A. 10 B. 12 C. 14
2. How do they go to school?
A. By bus B. On foot C. By motorbike
3. What is NOT TRUE about the passage?
A. They are classmates.
B. They are neighbours.
C. English is Lan‟s favourite subject.
4. What do they usually help each other?
A. Do their homework

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B. Do their housework
C. Do their shopping
5. What does Lan do to make Nga happy?
A. Sing a song B. Tell stories C. Buy presents
III. Read the following passage, and mark the sentences as True (T) or False (F).
 Trang

Ms. Linh is my English teacher and my favorite among all teachers in my school.
She is tall and thin. She has a round face, a high nose and big brown eyes. She's very
beautiful with long brown hair. She dresses very well, usually better than other
teachers. She is quite young, just twenty-six years old. She is still unmarried.

 Mai

My sister is Yen. She is twenty years old. She is a student. She is short but fat. Her
hair is short and black. It is very beautiful. She has an oval face with a small nose,
full lips and black eyes. She is very hard-working and careful. She dreams of being a
doctor in the future.

 Ha

This is Mr. Thanh, my uncle. He is a hard-working farmer. He is quite old but

good-looking. He is tall and heavy. He has a square face with big eyes and thin lips.
His hair is short and gray. Every day, he gets up early and works on the farm. He is
very strong.

1. Trang's teacher is thin but not tall.
2. Ha's uncle isn't very good-looking.
3. Mr. Thanh has short gray hair.
4. Ms. Yen has short brown hair.
5. Ms. Linh has brown eyes and brown hair.
6. Ms. Linh has an oval face with a high nose.
7. Ms. Yen's eyes are black.
8. Mr. Thanh has a square face.
9. Mr. Thanh is a farmer and he is old.
10. Ms. Yen has an oval face with thin lips.

IV.Read the passage and answer the questions.

One of my best friends' names is Robert. He lives in England and we always meet
in summer. He spends his summer holidays on the beach in Huelva.

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Robert is fifteen and he's very funny and generous. I like being with him because
he always makes me laugh. We enjoy playing volleyball and riding our bikes. He also
loves music and he plays the guitar and he's learning to play the piano. I don't play
any instruments but I love music too. Robert doesn't like computer games. He likes
playing with friends in the street. He has a dog called Tobby.
Robert is tall and he's got short straight dark hair and green eyes. He likes wearing
jeans and tracksuits. His favourite colour is blue. He's got one sister. Her name is
Patricia. She's ten. They sometimes go out together.
When Robert is in Brighton, we often chat on the internet and see each other
through Skype. He leaves school at 4 pm and then he goes to practise the piano or do
some sport.
He's a very good student. His favourite subject is Maths. He is not very good at
Social Sciences but he studies hard to pass it.
1. Where is Robert from?
2. How old is he?
3. Does Robert have any brothers or sisters?
4. What's Robert like?
5. Does Robert have blond hair?
6. When do they meet?
7. What are Robert's hobbies?
8. Who's Patricia? How old is she?
9. Does Robert like computer games?
10. What does he like wearing?
I. Rewrite these following sentences, using given adjectives.
1. It is a room. (small)
2. She is a girl. (beautiful)

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3. My mother has hair. (black)
4. The girl has a smile. (lovely)
5. These are our buildings. (high)
6. We have presents. (big)
7. This is a house. (large)
8. They have cars. (modern)
9. It is a dog. (cute)
10. The man is my father. (fat)
II. Give the right form of "have" or "be" in the simple present tense.

a. Nick (1) good-looking. He (2) tall and strong. He (3) short

curly hair. He (4) a round face and brown eyes. His mouth (5) wide.
b. Ann and Laura are twins. They (6) oval faces and big eyes. They (7)
tall and slim. Ann (8) long black hair, but Laura (9) short
curly hair. Ann has full lips, but Laura's lips (10) thin.

III. Complete the sentences using the suggested words or phrases.

1. Her mother has long hair.
Her mother's hair ..........................................................................................
2. That car is red.
That is ..........................................................................................................
3. This dress is long.
This ..............................................................................................................
4. He has an oval face.
He ................................................................................................................
5. She is a kind girl.
The girl ........................................................................................................
6. This yard is big.
This ..............................................................................................................

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7. His lip are thin.
He ................................................................................................................
8. John is a young man.
John ..............................................................................................................
9. Today is a hot day.
It is ...............................................................................................................
10. His eyes are big.
He ................................................................................................................
IV. Write these sentences by using the suggested words and phrases.
1. side/ is/ on/ Who/ picure?/ the/ of/ right/ the/ girl/ tall/ the
2. has/ big/ a/ house/ yard./ My
3. because/ can't/ the/I / box/ heavy./ it/ carry/ is
4. warm/ It/ in/ springs./ is
5. slow/ when/ yellow./ turn/ We/ down/ traffic/ must/ light/ the
6. girl./ young/ She/ a/ beautiful/ is
7. The/ looks/ hair./ long/ beautiful/ girl/ with
8. he/ have/ child?/ a/ Does/ lovely
9. a/ is/This/ car./ fast
10. She/ hair/ blonde/ lips./ and/ has/ red

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Unit 4


 Định nghĩa tính từ: Tính từ chỉ chất lượng là tính từ chỉ về chất lượng của người, động
vật hoặc của một đồ vật cụ thế.
- Tính từ chỉ chất lượng trong tiếng Anh được phân ra làm 2 loại:
+ Tính từ ngắn - short adjective
+ Tính từ dài - long adjective
 Phân biệt tính từ ngắn và tính từ dài:

Tính từ ngắn (Short adjectives) Tính từ dài (Long adjectives)

Là tính từ có một âm tiết Là tính từ có từ 2 âm tiết trở lên
Ví dụ: red, long, short, hard,... Ví dụ: beautiful, friendly, humorous,...

 Cấu trúc so sánh hơn:

Với tính từ ngắn: S + V + adj + er + than + Noun/ Pronoun
Với tính từ dài: S + V + more + adj + than + Noun/ Pronoun

Ví dụ:
This book is thicker than that one.
(Cuốn sách này dày hơn cuốn sách kia.)
She is more intelligent than you are.
(Cô ấy thông minh hơn bạn.)
 CHÚ Ý:
 Một số tính từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có tận cùng là "y, le, OW, er" khi sử dụng ở so sánh
hơn ta áp dụng cấu trúc so sánh hơn của tính từ ngắn.
Ví dụ:
happy → happier
clever → cleverer
Now they are happier than they were before. (Bây giờ họ hạnh phúc hơn trước kia.)
 Một số tính từ và trạng từ biến đổi đặc biệt khi sừ dụng so sánh hơn
good/well → better
bad/ badly → worse
much/ many → more
a little/ little → less
far → farther/ further

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 Các tính từ dưới đây dùng "more"
 Tính từ kết thúc bằng "-ful" hoặc "less": careful, helpful; useful;...
 Tinh từ kết thúc bằng "-ing" hoặc "-ed": boring; willing; annoyed; surprised;...
 Các tính từ khác: afraid; certain; correct; eager; exact; famous; foolish; frequent;
modern; nervous; normal; recent;...
 Quy tắc viết đặc biệt với các tính từ ngắn
 Với các tính từ ngắn kết thúc bằng "-e": ta chi cần thêm "r"
Ví dụ: nice → nicer; large → larger; late → later; safe → safer
 Với các tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng "y": đổi "y" thành "i" lồi mới thêm "er"
Ví dụ: happy → happier
 Với các tính từ kết thúc bằng một nguyên âm đơn + phụ âm đơn: ta gấp đôi phụ âm
lồi mói thêm "er"
Ví dụ: hot → hotter; big → bigger; thin → thinner
Từ mới Phiên âm Nghĩa
antique shop /ӕnˈtiːk ʃɒp/ cửa hàng đồ cổ
bakery /beikəri/ cửa hàng bánh mì
barbers /ˈbɑːbə(r)z/ hiệu cắt tóc
beauty salon /ˈbjuːti ˈsӕlon/ cửa hàng làm đẹp
boring /´bɔ:riη/ buồn chán
cathedral /kəˈθiːdrəl/ nhà thờ lớn
cemetery /ˈsemətri/ nghĩa trang
charity shop /ˈtʃӕrəti ʃɒp/ cửa hàng từ thiện
chemists/ pharmacy /ˈkemɪst/ ˈfaːməsi/ cửa hàng thuốc
children‟s playground /ˈtʃɪl.drənz pleiɡraʊnd/ sân chơi trẻ em
convenient /kənˈviːniənt/ tiện nghi
department store /dɪˈpaːtmənt stoː(r)/ cửa hàng bách hóa
dress shop /dres ʃɒp/ cửa hàng quần áo
fire station /ˈfaiə(r) ˈsteiʃən/ trạm cứu hỏa
general store /ˈdʒenərəl stoː(r)/ cửa hàng tạp hóa
gift shop /ɡɪft ʃɒp/ hàng lưu niệm
greengrocers /ˈɡriːŋɡrəʊsə(r)/ cửa hàng rau quả
hairdressers /ˈheədresə/(r)/ hiệu uốn tóc
health centre /helθ ˈsentə(r)/ trung tâm y tế

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 38

high street /haɪ stri : t/ phố lớn
historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ có tính chất lịch sử
lamp post /lӕmp pəʊst/ cột đèn đường
marketplace /ˈmɑːkɪtpleɪs/ chợ
noisy /ˈnɔɪzi/ ồn ào
pedestrian subway /pəˈdestriən ˈsʌbweɪ/ đường hầm đi bộ
petrol station /ˈpetrəl ˈsteɪʃn/ trạm xăng
police station /pəˈliːs s ˈsteɪʃn/ đồn cảnh sát
polluted /pə ' lu : t/ ô nhiễm
shoe shop /ʃu: ʃɒp/ cửa hàng giầy
sports shop /spɔ : t ʃɒp/ cửa hàng đồ thể thao
square /skweə(r)/ quảng trường
town square /taʊn skweə(r)/ quảng trường thành phố


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. renew B. pea C. three D. key
2. A. wig B. grin C. heat D. fish
3. A. fleece B. return C. machine D. scene
4. A. neat B. village C. cottage D. shortage
5. A. complete B. cede C. remind D. secede
6. A. baggage B. breathe C. courage D. damage
7. A. reorganize B. benzene C. kerosene D. Vietnamese
8. A. luggage B. message C. creature D. voyage
9. A. easy B. tea C. meal D. represent
10. A. passage B. easy C. begin D. become
II. Put the words in the box into two groups.
heat building technique read
meet peter biscuit unique
Pyramid system green spring
ceiling ill bean weak

i: ɪ

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 39

I. Circle A, B, C or D for each picture.
1. 4.

I'm very tired this morning. I couldn't Thomas lives ............. the airport.
sleep ............. last night. A. near
A. good B. nearly
B. well C. in a near way
C. goodly D. mostly
D. badly
2. 5.

He can write very ............. An elephant is ............. than a cat.

A. in a fast way A. much bigger
B. fast B. much more bigger
C. fastily C. a little bigger
D. higher D. much as big as
3. 6.

He likes ........................... He plays it

She is lying ............. in the new bed. extremely beautifully.
A. comfortablely A. playing football
B. in a comfortable way B. playing chess
C. comfortability C. playing the piano
D. comfortably D. playing the violin

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 40

II. Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence.
1. Henry often visits his grandpa ..................... the weekends.
A. on B. at C. in D. on/ at
2. There is some food ..................... the fridge.
A. in B. at C. up D. on
3. We will leave ..................... 10:30 ..................... Monday afternoon.
A. at; in B. on; in C. at; on D. on; on
4. Christmas is ..................... 24 December every year.
A. on B. in C. at D. from
5. They will finish the project ..................... May.
A. in B. on C. at D. in/ on
6. There is a strange symbol ..................... the screen.
A. at B. in C. on D. by
7. ..................... an island, there is a man living ..................... a cave with his cat.
A. On; at B. In; on C. At; on D. On; in
8. We are going to have a party ..................... Christmas.
A. at B. in C. on D. in/ on
III. Fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions: in, on, at.
1. Linda wants to live and work London.
2. My father is working the farm.
3. I am standing the crossroad. I don't know whether to turn left, turn right or
go straight on.
4. university, he was an excellent student.
5. Her grandparents live 217 Mountain Street Australia.
6. There is a funny cartoon TV at the moment.
7. At present, I am home while my friends are school.
8. Everyone, open your book page 98 and we begin the lesson.
I. Complete the text with the comparative form of the adjectives below.
Stressful young green bad healthy easy happy long

Is life better than it was in the past? Older people look back to when they were (1)
and complain that young people today don't realise how difficult things were
then. Of course, in many ways, life is (2) than now. We live in a world
which is cleaner and safer. It is generally as well, and because of the
improvements in medical care, both men and women can expect to live (4)
lives. Our day-to-day existence is more comfortable, but are we (5) ?
The rhythm of life is faster, and (6) . People are always in a hurry. In
the end, it is hard to say if things were better or than before. As the
saying goes 'the grass is always on the other side of the fence'.

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 41

II. Read the passage and do the tasks followed.

Hi, everybody! My name is Lam. I am in grade 6. I live with my parents and my

elder sister in the city center. My house is on Cau Giay Street. It's a little small
but there is a big garden behind it. We grow a lot of vegetables and flowers
there. There is also a yard in front of my house. That's the place where my sister
and I often play badminton after school.
Near my house, there is a park where my sister and I often go for a walk on
weekends. Next to the park, there is a big lake. To the left of my house, there is a
bookstore. My sister goes there every day because she loves reading. There is
also a restaurant opposite my house. It's between the bakery and the drugstore. To
the right of the bakery, there is a movie theater and there is a toy store behind it.
There are many big trees on our street. In the neighborhood, there is a factory, a
stadium and a hospital. The stadium is to the left of the factory and the hospital is
behind the stadium. I like living here so much.

a. Decide which statement are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
1. Lam lives in a big house in the city center.
2. Lam never goes to the bookstore to the left of her house.
3. There is a museum near Lam's house.
4. Opposite Lam's house, there is a restaurant.
5. There is a toy store behind the hospital.

b. Fill each gap with a suitable word, using information in the passage.
6. Lam often plays badminton with her sister in the yard her house.
7. There is to the left of Lam‟s house.
8. There is between the bakery and the drugstore.
9. Lam's house is a park.
10. There is a movie theater the bakery.
I. Fill the spaces with the correct comparative adjectives.
1. I am (tall) than my sister.
2. My mum thinks that cats are (good) pets than dogs.
3. A Mercedes is (expensive) a Fiat.
4. A swordfish is (fast) than a jellyfish.
5. A blue whale is (heavy) than twenty-five elephants.

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 42

6. You look (thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
7. Bicycles are (slow) than cars.
8. Irene is (clever) than Silvia.
9. Max is (old) than John.
10. Computers are (cheap) than mobile phones.
11. Is your brother (tall) than you?
12. I think Spanish is (easy) than Japanese.
13. Our dog is (nice) than your dog.
14. Glass bottles are (good) than plastic bottles.
15. My hair is (long) than yours.
16. Sharks are (dangerous) than other fish.
17. This situation is (serious) than the last one
18. He is (smart) than his brother.
19. A dolphin is (intelligent) than a shark.
20. Elaine is (wise) than her sister.
21. Daniela is (funny) than me.
22. Tony is (happy) than Max.
23. Sandra is (busy) than Sam.
24. The sea is (large) than a lake.
25. My job is (easy) than yours.
26. Health is (important) than money.
27. This car is (comfortable) than yours.
28. My house is (clean) than her house.
29. I am (strong) than you.
30. A baby blue whale gets (big) than a great white shark.
II. Write the meaningful sentences by using the suggested words and phrases.
1. How long / they / be / seaside / last summer holiday?
2. He / be / there/ a month.
3. This picture / look / very nice.
4. What / be / the matter / her / last Friday.
5. How far / be / it / your town / Da Lat.
6. That river / be /100 kilometres.

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 43

7. What / be / the weather / like / HCM city / today?
8. It / be / very cold / last night.
9. Why / he / not go / school / last week?
10. What / Mrs. White / do / the moment?
III. Fill the gaps with the correct comparative forms of the following adjectives and
1. good ...........................................................
2. interestingly ...........................................................
3. easy ...........................................................
4. friendly ...........................................................
5. nice ...........................................................
6. narrow ...........................................................
7. bad ...........................................................
8. early ...........................................................
9. hot ...........................................................
10. quickly ...........................................................
11. real ...........................................................
12. joyful ...........................................................
13. happy ...........................................................
14. unlucky ...........................................................

Vũ Thị Phượng Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 | 44

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