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The Connection of Biology and Psychology

There are distinct diversified fields of studies and bodies of knowledge that are currently present in the
academe and are essential for the forward of social development and human innovation. Two of these
fields of study are Biology and Psychology that are considered integral branches of knowledge
concentrated in the academe. Over the decades of learning, inputs and discoveries are integrated by
field experts in bolstering the education and development of these fields of study. Categorically
speaking, Biology is a branch of knowledge under Natural Science while Psychology is spawned under
Social Science. Both Biology and Psychology, and their continuous paces, are large-scale substantial
fields that contribute to the success of human civilization and accomplishment.

On their areas of focus and subject, Biology is the natural science that centers on the study of life and all
living organisms. This underscores their growth, structure, function, evolution, taxonomy, relationships,
and behavior. Being already a branch of study, Biology is also subdivided into specialized fields like
physiology, anatomy, ethology, and morphology. This affirms that it is a complex study that requires
extensive research and organized processes. The same thing is observed in Psychology. As the social
science that focuses on the study of the mind and behavior, Psychology is also subdivided into specific
branches that include Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and
Developmental Psychology, etc. Psychologists are involved in the study of unconscious and conscious
phenomena encompassing mental processes, emotions, and behavior.

For the relation of the two, aside from both disciplines being subdivided into different branches, they
are also both crucial studies that help to understand one another. Psychology lies on the borders of
natural science and Social science. Biology focuses on the study of the body and organs while Psychology
studies the mind and behavior. The two are intertwined because the body and the mind are connected.
This is where the significant role of the brain is underpinned. There is a very close interrelationship
between psychology and neurology and other branches of science that center on the nervous system.
The sensations, perceptions, and behavior reflected in the psychological level are manifested and
explained through the biological level. For example, the feeling of happiness in psychology could be the
secretion of dopamine hormones in biology. This is how the branches are connected. Aside from the
given relationships, both studies also deal with scientific models, theories, and general laws that are
utilized in each respective discipline.

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