Reading 18 - BASIC COMBAT TRAINING-2021-04-12

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Read the text and do the tasks. Use the dictionary if necessary.

LIVING THE ARMY VALUES - It Means You Live Up To A Higher Standard

Many people know what the words Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and
Personal Courage mean. But how often do you see someone actually live up to them? Soldiers learn these
values in detail during Basic Combat Training (BCT). From then on, they follow them every day in
everything they do — whether they’re on the job or off. In short, these Seven Core (most important)
Army Values are what being a Soldier is all about.


Basic Combat Training (BCT) is a training course that transforms civilians into soldiers. During the
course of ten weeks, recruits learn basic tactical and survival skills: how to shoot, rappel (go up or down
using a rope) and march. They also learn the basics of Army life and military customs, including the
Seven Core Army Values.


Before you start your soldier career, you need to know what to bring, what not to bring, and how to
prepare yourself for the journey. Your recruiter can also give you useful information on what to expect at
Basic Combat Training (BCT) and how to make your transition from civilian to Army life easier.

What to bring


Casual, comfortable Safety razor; $10-$50 in cash; Social Security card;
clothing for one day; Shaving cream; Traveler’s checks. Driver’s license or
Three sets of underwear Toothbrush with case; identification (ID) card;
(white); Toothpaste; All copies of orders and
One pair of white Dental floss; documents given by
socks; Hairbrush or black comb; your unit recruiter.
A pair of comfortable Towel;
shoes; Shower shoes;
Eyeglasses; Shampoo;
Luggage (one small Soap and soap case;
suitcase or a gym Anti-perspirant.
What not to bring

Expensive personal items: cellphones, cameras, jewellery and expensive electronics

Private cars
Nonprescription drugs
Razor blades
Weapons of any type, including pocket knives
Alcoholic drinks
Cards / dice / dominoes
Cigarettes / tobacco products
Batteries (except size "D")

When the Reception Week finishes, recruits begin training and participating in field exercises. They
learn the importance of teamwork, too.


The Army makes sure every recruit is physically and mentally prepared to start Basic Combat Training.
Red phase schedule:
 Recruits arrive for general orientation and have haircut and get Army uniforms.
 Basic tactical training begins, followed by Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense course,
Landmine Defense course and rappelling at the confidence tower.
 Recruits learn about Army heritage (traditions, customs, values) and the Seven Army Core
 Recruits have the Army Physical Fitness Test to see their physical ability. Soldiers get this test
from time to time to be sure they reach their top physical condition.


Recruits go through marksmanship and combat training and learn to rappel at the Warrior Tower. This
training not only teaches soldiers valuable skills, but also makes them confident (believe in themselves).
White phase schedule:
 Tactical Foot March, Basic Rifle Marksmanship (shoot a gun very well).
 Engagement Skills, Situational Training Exercises.
 Field Training Exercises, Confidence Obstacle Course, Tactical Foot March.


After training the use of automatic weapons and hand grenades in U.S. Weapons Training, recruits have
the Night Infiltration Course. When they pass all their tests and challenges, they have a special ceremony.
Blue phase schedule:
 U.S. Weapons Training (.50 Caliber M2), (Hand Grenades), (M136 AT-4), (M240B Machine
Gun), (M249 Machine Gun).
 Field Training Exercise 3.
 Tactical Foot March 10 km and 15 km.


Basic Combat Training pushes the recruits’ minds and bodies to new limits and gives them a deeper
respect for themselves and people around them. It is the time to celebrate their efforts and strength. This
is the day that their families and friends gather to watch them change from citizens to Soldiers.

Adapted from: Basic Training. [žiūrėta 2018-03-05]. Prieiga per internetą:
TASK 1. Insert one or more missing word(s) in the text summary.

BCT transforms 1. civilians into soldiers. It 2. during (lasts / takes / is / continues for) ten weeks.
Civilians come to the military base. During this 3. cours the soldiers learn basic tactical and survival 4.
skills. They also learn the basis of 5. Army life and military customs. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless
Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage are the 6. Seven Core Army Values.
BCT consists of several parts. The first week is the 7. start (Reception) Week. There are 8. three
phases: Red, White and Blue. The Red phase – the army makes sure every 9. recruit is physically and
mentally fit to start BCT. They learn about Army heritage. The White phase – the participants learn
valuable skills and gain confidence. The Blue phase consists of weapons 10. Training, field training
exercise and tactical 11. Foot march. During the 12. special ceremony families and friends come to
congratulate the new soldiers.

TASK 2. Look at the list what to bring. In each line there is one item, which is not on the list.

A. a pair of shoes; shampoo; $500; a hairbrush

B. underwear; neighbours’ address; shower shoes; shaving cream
C. soap; a gym bag; a towel; a flashlight
D. medicine; a suitcase; a toothbrush; toothpaste
E. a razor; socks; family photos; the Social Security card
F. the driver’s license; a suit; casual clothing; eyeglasses

TASK 3. Look at the list what not to bring. In each line there is only one item from the list.

A. a book; a computer; a notebook; CDs

B. a phone; a pencil; a newspaper; flowers
C. a magazine; a spoon; a sports suit; a dog
D. keys; a gun; trainers; a tie
E. cigarettes; a T-shirt; slippers; an alarm clock
F. a favorite mug; beer; a pillow; a bag

TASK 4. Answer the questions.

1. How long does BCT last in the US Army?

Ten weeks.
2. What do recruits learn?
Recruits learn basic tactical and survival skills.
3. Why do recruits get lists what to bring and what not to bring?
Because they need to know what to bring, what not to bring, and how to prepare yourself for the
4. How many phases are there?
There are three phases.
5. What are they?
They are Red, White and Blue.
6. When do soldiers start physical exercises?
Soldiers start physical exercises when the Reception Week finishes.
7. When do they have their first Army Physical Fitness Test?
They have their first Army Physical Fitness Test from time to time.
8. When do they learn about NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense?
They learn about NBC in the Red phase.
9. When do soldiers start training shooting?
They start training shooting in the White phase.
10. When do they have Confidence Obstacle Course?
They have Confidence Obstacle Course in the White phase.
11. When do soldiers have Weapons Training?
They have Weapons Training in the Blue phase.
12. When do they have Field Training Exercise 3?
They have Field Training Exercise 3 in the Blue phase.
13. When do they have graduation?
They have graduation when they pass all their tests and challenges.
14. Who come to watch the ceremony?
Their families and friends.

TASK 5. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple form of the verbs from the box.

bring take tell say give get lend borrow come go watch look

1. The sergeant said (told) them to keep quiet.

2. He borrowed some of my very expensive books and never gave them back.
3. She brought some extra cash to school and lent some of it to Helen who didn’t have any.
4. Brian told (said) that he wanted to join the army.
5. They took a helicopter ride to the nearest training area.
6. He was happy when his wife came to his graduation ceremony.
7. The firefighter got a medal for bravery.
8. She looked at me in surprise, but didn’t say anything.
9. They went on a mission to Africa for three months and then returned home.
10. They watched the planes in the sky and enjoyed the air show.

TASK 6. Change the positive sentences into negative, and negative sentences into positive.

1. Alice went to live in Australia at the age of fifteen.

Alice didn’t go to live in Australia at the age of fifteen.
2. He didn’t want to be a politician and didn’t become the mayor of the city.
He wanted to be a politician and became the mayor of the city.
3. She didn’t train hard and didn’t lose 10 kilograms she wanted to lose.
She trained hard and lost 10 kilograms she wanted to lose.
4. I slept seven hours every night and felt good in the morning.
I didn’t sleep seven hours every night and didn’t feel good in the morning.
5. We went for a walk in the park because the weather was good.
We didn’t go for a walk in the park because the weather wasn’t feel.
6. He didn’t eat healthy food when he was young.
He ate healthy food when he was young.
7. She reduced the amount of sugar in her cakes.
She didn’t reduce the amount of sugar in her cakes.
8. The boys didn’t like to go fishing with their grandfather.
The boys liked to go fishing with their grandfather.
9. They learned the lesson well.
They didn’t learn the lesson well.
10. The students brought food and drinks to the party.
The students didn’t bring food and drinks to the party.
TASK 7. Find 21 verbs in the text in Present Simple and change them into Past Simple. Rewrite the
text and underline the verbs in Past Simple.

During ten-weeks course, the recruits learnt basic tactical and survival skills. They also studied the basics
of Army life. Before they came, they had to know what things to bring and how to prepare for the
journey. They talked to the recruiter and got the necessary information. They had to bring their IDs and
copies of other documents. The recruits brought personal belongings, such as toiletries and clothing. They
could also bring money, cash and checks. But they couldn’t bring expensive personal items, such as
cellphones, cameras or jewellery. They had to leave drugs, alcohol and cigarettes at home.
When the Reception Week finished, the recruits began training and participating in field exercises. Then
they went through three phases – Red, White and Blue and learnt everything they needed to learn. When
they passed all their tests and challenges, they had a special Graduation ceremony. This was the day when
their families and friends came and watched them change from citizens to soldiers.

TASK 8. Find the words in the text that are made from these words.

1. person personal 12. identify identification

2. actual actually 13. important importance
3. train raining 14. physical physically
4. tactics tactical 15. mental mentally
5. survive survival 16. confident confidence
6. recruit recruiter 17. value valuable
7. use useful 18. situation situational
8. inform information
9. comfort comfortable
10. safe safety
11. secure security

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