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Aman: [03:25 pm] Swathi N

Install a mssql server in windows ,create a database and fetch the contents from db to ansible machine and trigger a
notification saying that db data is successfully fetched to

the ansible machine path.

Chatsonic: To install MSSQL Server in Windows, follow these steps:

1. Download the MSSQL Server installation file from the Microsoft website.
2. Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation process.
3. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation process.

Once the MSSQL Server is installed, follow these steps to create a database and fetch its contents to the Ansible machine:

1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.

2. Connect to the MSSQL Server.
3. Right-click on the "Databases" folder and select "New Database".
4. Enter a name for the database and click "OK".
5. Right-click on the newly created database and select "New Query".
6. In the query window, enter the SQL statement to fetch the data from the database. For example:
SELECT * FROM table_name;
7. Execute the query to fetch the data.
8. Save the query result to a file on the MSSQL Server machine.
9. Use an Ansible playbook to copy the file from the MSSQL Server machine to the Ansible machine.
10. Use the "notify" module in the playbook to trigger a notification saying that the DB data has been successfully fetched to
the Ansible machine path.

Here is an example playbook that you can use:

- hosts: mssql_server
- name: Copy DB data to Ansible machine
src: "/path/to/db/data"
dest: "/path/on/ansible/machine"
flat: yes
notify: "DB data fetched successfully"

- name: DB data fetched successfully
msg: "DB data fetched successfully to Ansible machine"

In the above playbook, replace "mssql_server" with the hostname or IP address of the MSSQL Server machine,
"/path/to/db/data" with the path to the file containing the DB data on the MSSQL Server machine, and
"/path/on/ansible/machine" with the destination path on the Ansible machine where you want to copy the file.

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