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Kempton Batnag

Learning Reinforcement 1

Search or take pictures of revelations of Mathematics in nature. 1 picture that exhibit Golden Ratio and
another picture that exhibit Fibonacci Sequence. Explain each picture in 150 words how does each
picture exhibit said.

Golden Ratio

This hurricane or typhoon (as we call it in the Philippines) is an example of a golden ratio. A golden ratio
has a ratio of 1 and 1.6. If we look at the shapes drawn as guide to the spiral, the ratio from the smallest
to the biggest square is 1:1.6. This typhoon takes the shape of the ratio 1:1.6 which makes it an example
of a golden ratio. We all know that a typhoon spins at a center due to the direction of the wind or the
Coriolis effect. If we look at it, the hurricane or typhoon don’t just form a boring spiral but a perfect
golden ratio. Galaxies are similar to this, where planets, stars, and dusts spin at a center because of the
angular momentum and the gravitational forces. Look at how astonishing the universe is and how all
things like our bodies, plants, the galaxy are manifested by the Golden Ratio.
Fibonacci Sequence

This is a Romanesco Broccoli. Upon looking at the shape of this beautiful plant, we can say that it
resembles a Fibonacci sequence. The spiral cones we see here has 13 spirals one way and 8 on the other
which are Fibonacci numbers. These cones are spiraled to a center and grows until new cones forms
again from the center. Even each individual cone has their own little cones in a spiral shape also. It
continuous as you zoom it until it will be microscopic. It is a beautiful perpetual pattern which the
concept of Fibonacci sequence shows us. The spiral shape looks pleasing to the eyes but what makes it
more amazing and astonishing is the Fibonacci sequence in it. We cannot imagine how beautiful the
universe was made and how the Creator made it. In fact, this is an implication that He is the one and
only wonderful God.

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