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How Toxic Are Toxic Chemicals in Soil?
Department of Soil, Crop, and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York 14853

Assessments of the hazard of toxic chemicals in soil environmental regulations, that‘line of evidence is based
are made without concern about the possibility that on few studies. However, all three lines of evidence are
their bioavailability may change with time. The patterns consistent and point to the need for a modified approach
to assessing risk.
of disappearance of persistent compounds in the
field and laboratory studies show a declining availability Diminishing Availability to Microorganisms
to microorganisms with residence time in soil.
Long-term monitoring of organic compounds in soils has
Changes in extractability with residence time and the been chiefly restricted to pesticides, especially the chlo-
kinetics of sorption and desorption suggest that the rinated hydrocarbons that were once widely used as
compounds are becoming sequestered in insecticides. These field measurements do not distinguish
inaccessible microsites within the. soil matrix. among lossesresultingfrom biodegradation,volatilization,
Diminishing toxicity as chemicals age in soil is evident or abiotic decomposition. However, all the pesticides are
in a limited number of assessments. Such findings biodegradableso that a chemicalwhich disappeared initially
suggest that the hazard and risk from toxic but not in later periods must be less susceptible to all loss
mechanisms, including degradation by microorganismsin
chemicals diminish as the compounds persist in soil.
the soil. The disappearanceof appreciable amountsof these
insecticidesfrom the field sites was not a result of leaching
Most polluted soils or subsoils that are currently being because all are extensively sorbed and little vertical move-
considered for remediation were contaminated many years ment has been detected even after many years.
ago. These soils were contaminated before there was These persistent pesticides initially disappear from soil
widespread concern with environmental deterioration and at reasonable rates, but frequently the rate subsequently
before strict regulationswere established and the high cost slows markedly. Atypical example is DDT [l,l,l-trichloro-
of remediation became evident. Nevertheless, assessments 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane].Almost three decades ago,
of the hazards from those sites have not taken into account Nash and Woolson (I) reported a slow but continuous
slow processes that may take place and possibly reduce the disappearance of the compound in the 10 years after its
impact of toxic compounds depositedin the soil,particularly addition, but little or none of the compound was lost in
those compounds that do not leach out to contaminate subsequent years (Figure 1). Because this insecticide is
underlying aquifers. In recent years, evidence has ac- metabolized by many microorganisms and microbial
cumulated that the availability of certain organic com- activity is a major contributor to its disappearance ( 2 , 3 ) ,
pounds changes as the compounds reside in soil for some prevailing conditions were conducive to their activity.
time, a process that has been termed aging. Data have also However, some slow change occurred with the passage of
been collected suggesting that organic molecules slowly time that rendered the compound increasinglyless available
become sequestered within the soil matrix The declining to the microflora. Lowwinter temperatures and occasional
availability and sequestration appear to be related, and a drought periods can be ruled out for the lack of detectable
consideration of the declining bioavailability and the biodegradation because the persistence curve extends for
occurrence of chemical sequestration has great relevance numerous seasons and many years. Similar curves, each
to assessing toxicity, determining risk, and establishing with an initial phase of loss followed a period of little or no
meaningful regulations for the cleanup of sites containing detectable loss, have been reported for DDT added to many
hazardous wastes. soils in many areas of the world from the 1960s to the present
Three lines of evidence point to the sequestration of time (3-6).
organic molecules that persist in soil: (a) field and Field monitoring has shown analogous “hockey-stick
laboratory studies demonstratinga diminishing availability shaped curves for a variety of other chlorinated hydrocar-
10 microorganisms;(b) investigations of the extractability bons; e.g., aldrin and its epoxide, dieldrin (I, 4, 7, 81,
of aged chemicals and the kinetics of sorption and de- heptachlorand its epoxide (I,9,IO),chlordane (I,4),kepone
sorption; and (c)assessments of toxicity. Although the issue ( I I ) , nonylphenol, and alinear akylbenzene sulfonate (12).
of toxicity is the most relevant for decisions on risk and for Examination of the data from these field monitoring

/ 0 American Chemical Society

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 6 x 1 9 5 / 0 9 2 9 - 2 7 1 3 ~ 9 . 0Q01995 VOL 29, NO. 11,1995 I ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2713
0 days
204 dafl

X- 60 315 days

3 40

0 10 '
0 10 20 30 40
FIGURE 1. Concentration of DDT in Chester loam amended with 200
mg of the insecticidefig of soil. Replotted from the data of Nash and DAYS
Woolson (1).
FIGURE 2. Biodegradation by a strain of Pseudomonas of phenan-
threne at 10 mg/kg that had aged for 0,204, or 315 days in Edwards
programs reveals enormous differences in the time at which muck. The error bars represent the standard deviations (16).
the initial phase of decline ends and the percentage of the
original compound that remains following that decline.The These field and laboratory investigationsshow that some
time is sometimes as short as 1 year, but it may be longer abioticprocess(es)make(s)organic compounds less readily
than 10 years. From 10 to about 60% of the original available to microorganisms. The impact of that process
compound remains in the soil during the period when there or those processes becomes greater as the residence time
is little or no loss. Even with a single compound, the times of the chemicals increases. The fact that such a change in
and percentages may vary greatly; e g , for DDT, aldrin, bioavailability affects microorganisms is of relevance to
and dieldrin. A relationship to soil type or climate is not higher organisms because presumably bacteria are more
evident fromthe availabledata, but a systematicstudy was able than plants and animals to assimilate chemicals in
never conducted to establish such a relationship. It is soil in view of their small size, their high population
possible that these differences in times and percentages densities,and the physiologicalversatility of the indigenous
can be attributed to the relative rates of degradation (or
loss by volatilization) and the sequestration of the com-
pounds in unavailable forms. If the loss is rapid compared
Extractability, Sorption, and Desorption
to sequestration, little will remain. If the loss is slow and Little difficulty is usually encountered in finding an ex-
sequestration is rapid, a higher percentage will remain. tractant that gives quantitative recoveries of organic
Moreover, if the loss is so rapid that little time elapses for compounds shortly after their introduction into soil.
the slow sequestration, a residual, persistent amount will However, ifa chemical persists and thus remains in contact
not be detected; thjs is the case for the many pesticidesand with the particulate matter for some time, it becomes more
other organic compounds that rapidly disappear from soil and more resistant to extraction by many solvents. This
because of their degradation, volatilization, or leaching. has been known for many years by chemists endeavoring
to obtain quantitative recoveries of insecticides and her-
Laboratory studies confirm the unavailabilityto micro- bicides used for pest control (17-19). A diminished
organisms of molecules that have been in soil for long availability for solvent removal also has been noted in a
periods. Thus, little or no loss was detected of 1,2- sterile organic matter-rich soil and a loam that was
dibromoethane in a soil treated in the field 3 years earlier incubatedwithphenanthrene under aseptic conditions (16).
and of simazine [2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethylamino)-s-triazinel The organic solvents that extracted all of the newly added
from a field that received the herbicide for 20 consecutive compound removed increasingly smaller amounts as the
years,although newly added 14C-labeled12-dibromoethane chemical persisted. More recent studies show that phenan-
and simazinewere extensivelymetabolized in severalweeks threne aged in sterile soil similarly becomes, with time,
(13, 14). Similarly, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons progressively less extractable with acetonitrile/water (1:l)
present in a soil at a manufactured gas site did not disappear and various ethanol/water mixtures (B.D. Kottler, J. W.
in a 3-mOnth period in the laboratory, but naphthalene Kelsey and M. Alexander, unpublished data). This repre-
and phenanthrene freshly added to the soil were rapidly sents another line of evidence that a change is occurring
metabolized (15). that renders persistent molecules less accessible, whether
A somewhat different approach to demonstrate aging accessibility is assessed in microbiological or chemical
was used by Hatzinger and Alexander (16). They introduced terms.
phenanthrene, a hydrocarbon that is not readily lost by Molecules that behave in t h i s way are not to be confused
abiotic mechanisms, into sterile soil and added a phenan- with bound residues. Such bound residues, which have
threne-degradingbacterium after the hydrocarbonhad aged been we! studied for pesticides,are those residual fractions
for different periods of time. The data with a soil rich in that are not extracted by procedures that do not appreciably
organicmatter showthat the extent+ofmicrobial conversion alter the nature of those residues; these molecules are
of phenanthrene to COS and the rate of biodegradation changed in some manner and are usually converted to the
declinewith increasingtime of contact with the soil (Figure original compound by vigorous hydrolysis. In contrast,
2). Similar observationswere made with a soil with a lower aged compounds can be extractedby some organic solvents,
level of organic matter, although aging appeared to be often under vigorous conditions, and are thus subject to
slower. regulation if the original compounds are toxic in solution.


Studies of kinetics of sorption and desorption provide bacterium, animal, root, or root hair could not penetrate.
another perspective on the behavior of toxicants that is Intraorganic matter diffusion of hydrophobic molecules
relevant to issues of risk For hydrophobic as well as some may essentiallyreflect a partitioninginto the native organic
other compounds, the attainment of apparent equilibrium matter of soil, the molecules moving into the amorphous
in sorption may require weeks, months, and sometimes humic polymers in a fashion similar to the movement of
possibly even years; i.e., more and more of the organic a hydrophobiccompound from water to an organic solvent.
compound is sorbed by soil particles with the passage of However, the importance of partitioning into soil organic
time. The initial phase of sorption is rapid, and frequently matter to slow sorption and desorptionhas been questioned
about half the chemical in aqueous solution is removed by (35,363. Nevertheless, intraorganic matter diffusionis cited
the soil in a few minutes or hours. This first phase is as being important for the slow sorption of a number of .
followed by a considerably slower uptake, which can be of hydrophobic compounds by soil (35).
prolonged duration. Such kinetics have been observed not Regardless of which mechanism applies to a particular
onlywith soil but also with aquifer solids (20-241, and they site or which is more important for a given soil, the outcome
suggest that the sorption involves not only the external for bioavailabilityand toxicity of molecules is, for all intents
surface of the particles but also a slow and continuing and purposes, the same. Whether the molecule is present
diffusion of the molecules to sites within the particles. The in a remote micropore, has partitioned into some solid
internal and more remote sites continue to bind more of organicphase in the soil,or both, it has become sequestered.
the compound with increasing time. In this sequestered state, it is inaccessible to microorgan-
The desorption of many chemicals similarly shows a isms, plants, and animals. Thisphysical remoteness of aged
rapid phase followed by a period of slow desorption. Such compounds and their very slow diffusion to locations that
behavior has been noted for polychlorinated biphenyls, are biologically inaccessible are key considerations in
trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, toluene, xylene, assessing risk of toxicants in soil.
picloram (4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid), and atra-
zine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine). Assessments of Toxicity
Furthermore, the longer the compound remains in soil, The line of argumentation presented above-which follows
the less is the amount released (24-27). Such data suggest from knowledge of the chemistryof sorption and the effect
that, following the initially rapid release from sjtes very of aging on the availability of biodegradable substrates to
near to the particle-water interface, the slow appearance microorganisms-is scarcely reflected in the literature of
of the chemical in solution results from molecules origi- toxicology. Indeed, not a single investigation has been
nating from sites at some distance from the interface. The conducted of the possibly diminishing effect on mammals
longer aging time allows more of the molecules to diffuse as toxicants age in soil, although in several studies, samples
to ever more remote sites. Furthermore, the fraction of a were taken from soils that were contaminated long before
compound that is not readily desorbed under natural the assaywasconducted. The dif6cultyin interpretingthese
conditions will increase with time because that is the investigationsin terms of an aging effect is the inability to
fraction that will be less readily biodegraded, leached, or determine whether the diminished toxicity occurred only
volatilized. immediately after the compound came into contact with
Sorption of nonionic compounds in soil is viewed as a soil or whether there was an increased diminution of toxicity
three-dimensionalprocess. The longera chemical remains as the compound became sequestered in soil. Many
in the soil, the greater is the amount present in remote sites toxicants become less hazardous to test mammals within
and the further is the bulk of the molecules from the more a short time after they are added to soil or aquifer solids,
accessible, outer sites (28).Aging thus is presumably regardless of whether exposure is by oral or dermal routes;
associated with a continuous diffusion into more remote e.g., trichloroethylene, benzolal pyrene, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlo-
sites, where the molecules are retained. Such a concep- rodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and m-xylene (37-40).
tualization is consistent with the findings of initially rapid Such reservations on the possible involvement of aging
followed by slow phases of both sorption and desorption. must thus be considered in interpreting data showing that
Furthermore, this view may explain the decreasing avail- compounds present in soil for long periods are less toxic
ability to microorganisms of organic compounds as they than the same compounds provided to test animals in the
undergo aging, and it is of direct relevancy to the issue of absence of soil. For example, less TCDD was taken up by
toxicity to higher organisms of chemicals that have been rabbits and guinea pigs and far fewer of the guinea pigs
in soil for extended periods. were killed following their oral exposure to soils that had
Intraparticleor intraorganicmatter diffusionis believed been contaminated years earlier than following exposure
to account for the slow phases of sorption and desorption to newly treated soils (41,42). A surprising effect of short-
of nonionic molecules. According to the intraparticle term aging was noted by Poiger and ScNatter (401, who
diffusion model, the solute is within micropores inside of found that less TCDD was absorbed by mammals from soil
soil particles. Diffusion is greatly retarded by (a) the that had been in contact with this dioxin for 8 days than
partitioning of the compound between the liquid in the for 10-15h. TheworkofEdwardsetal. (431,althoughwith
pore and the pore wall and (b) the tortuous path between insects rather than mammals, is noteworthy. Chemical
micropores before the compound reaches the outer surface determination and quantitative bioassays of the toxicity of
of the micropore-filled soil particle (29,301. Although the lindane (y-isomerof hexachlorocyclohexane)to Drosophila
diameters of micropores within soil particles extend over melanogasferwere in good agreement shortly after adding
a wide range, a considerable part of the pore volume is this insecticide to the soil, but the results of the bioassays
made up ofpores with effective diameters of <l.Opm, and suggested that less of the toxicant was present after 22
examinationof several soils and solids from aquifers reveals months than shown by chemical analysis; i.e., although all
an abundance of pores with diameters of 20 nm or smaller of the compound was initiallybioavdable, only a part was
(31-34). Such pores are so small that even the smallest affecting the fruit flies in soil in which the molecule had

(b) some freshly added chemicals are readily available to
microorganisms in soil in which the identical but aged
compounds are not metabolized by indigenous microor-
ganisms, (c) organic compounds incubated in sterile soil
become increasingly less available to subsequently added
microorganisms,(d)some compoundsbecome increasingly
resistant with time to extraction, and (e) sorption and
desorption of hydrophobic compounds often require long
time periods to reach equilibrium. These five lines of
20 evidence are consistent with a sequestration of the mol-
ecules within particulate matter, presumably because the
0 1 1 molecules diffuse into internal micropores or sites that are
0 100 200 spatially remote. Because of their unavailability to even
minute organismsand many extractants, it is likelythat the
FIGURE 3. Changes with time in concentration of napropamide in compounds are also unavailable to humans, animals, and
soil as measured by bioassay and by extraction followed by gas
chmmatogrpahy. Calcu)eted from the date of Hurle (45). plants. These five lines of evidenceare also consistent with
a small but growing body of information showing that
persisted for almost 2 years. A n effect of aging also is bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils mark-
suggestedby a report that sugarbeet (Betavulgaris)seedlings edly reduces their toxicity to test species, despite the
were not inhibitedwhen grown in a fine loam that contained presence of presumably toxic concentrations of hydrocar-
0.22 mg of simazinelkg of soil derived from a field that was bons as determined by exhaustive extraction (49).
amended with the herbicide for 20 consecutive years, Such a conclusion in regard to sequestration has major
although 26 of 51 sugarbeet seedlings when grown in the implications for assessments of the toxicity of compounds
same soil freshly amended with simazine at 0.22 mglkg in soil that are known to be harmful in the absence of soil.
Were injured by the newly introduced chemical (14). The small base of information cited above shows that, at
Additional evidence that some compounds become least for a few organic compounds, the toxicity to animals
progressively less toxic with increasing residence time and plants disappears faster than the chemical itself. Thus,
comes from several old and largely forgotten studies. In sequestration appears to alter the hazard to higher organ-
one, the toxicity of DDT was found to decrease with an isms. Indeed, the current views of the processesunderlying
increase in the time duringwhich the compound remained slow sorption and desorption and those that give rise to
in soil (44).In another study, the rate of disappearance of ever increasing resistance to extraction implicitly suggest
napropamide I24a-naphthoxy)-N,N-diethylpropiona~nidel that toxic molecules will be less hazardous because they
was faster when measured by quantitative bioassays of move to internal sites in soil particles that are too remote
toxicity of the herbicide-treated soil to oats (Avena sativa) to impact living organisms.
than when determined by gas chromatography (Figure 3); The processes occurring may be envisioned in the
i.e., decreasingpercentages of the herbicidewere toxic with followingfashion. A toxic compound in solution is initially
time (45). Similarly, bioassays with Sinapis arvensis sorbed rapidly to the external surfaces of soil. This fraction
(mustard)ofsoil to which was applied chlorbromuron [1-(3- is available for rapid desorption, to many organic solvents,
chloro-4-bromophenyl)-3-methoxy-3-methylurealgave to microorganisms for biodegradation, and to have some
higher values at approximately 30 days,the Same values at detrimental effect on susceptibleorganisms. That available
approximately60days, and loweraritlues at 85,110, and 140 fractionis slowly converted to an unavailable fraction,which
days, thereby showing that not all of the herbicide was is remote from the external surface. This portion of the
available for toxicity (4s). Aging also appears to occur in compound is essentiallyirreversiblysorbed,is only extracted
lake sediments, as witnessed by the decline in the rate of by highly vigorous means, and is neither available to
uptake of pyrene by the amphipod Diporeiu sp. (47). microorganismsnor to cause injury to susceptiblehumans,
Furthermore, we have recently found that phenanthrene animals, and plants. Not all of the compound will be
aged for up to 150 days in samples of two sterile soils sequestered and become nontoxic because soils into which
becomes progressively less available to earthworms sub- 2,3,7,8-TCDD,polychlorinated biphenyls, or polybromi-
sequently added to these soils 0. W. Kelsey and M. nated biphenyls had been introduced years earlier still have
Alexander, unpublished data). considerable mammalian toxicity (41,42,48,50-52). This
A diminishing or reduced bioavailability with time is toxicity is unlikely to have resulted from chemicals in
not always evident. The absence of an aging effect has solution because each of those compounds is extensively
been noted in investigations of the dermal availability to sorbed.
rats of TCDD (481, the toxicity of someherbicides to plants From the informationpresented,it is clear that regulatory
(46), and the biodegradation of a number of persistent decisions based on the currently used vigorous extraction
pesticides by microorganisms (14). The reasons for the procedures, which are designed to remove as much of the
absence of an effect are as yet unknown, but they may be toxicant from soil as possible, may overestimate risk. This
related to such properties of the soil as organic matter is not surprising, not only in view of the information cited
content or abundance of micropores or to such properties above but also from an extensive literature that shows that
of the compound as hydrophobicity. the toxicity of the same concentration of an insecticide or
herbicide may be vastly different in soils with dissimilar
Perspective properties (43, 44,53,54).
The information that has been presented shows that (a) Because of the sequestration of toxicants in soil,evalu-
the availability of long-lived organic chemicals to micro- ations need to be made of the possibly reduced risk to
organisms in soil in the field declines markedly with time, humans, animal populations, plant populations, and


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