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My Body
A Warmer

 Let’s do some exercise: Touch your head! Touch your shoulders!

Touch your toes! Stretch your arms! Stretch your legs! Touch your
left ear/knee/foot with your right hand. Touch your right
ear/knee/foot with your left hand. Play the piano with your fingers!
Let’s play the drums!

 Mime the action! My right leg hurts. Ouch! My left arm hurts.
Ouch! My head hurts. Ouch! I can’t walk. I can’t see well. I can’t
jump. I can’t hear. I can’t talk. I can’t breathe.

 I’ve got fair hair and blue eyes. How about you? I’ve got dark hair and brown
eyes. How about your mum? She’s got red hair and green eyes. How about
your dad? He’s got brown hair and green eyes.

B Vocabulary and grammar

My body: head, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, legs, knees, feet, toes,
hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth
sense verbs: see, hear, smell, taste, touch

 Fill in the gaps with numbers and body parts!

I’ve got ......two....... ….…eyes………… .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

I’ve got ................... ….………………….. .

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B Vocabulary and Grammar

What can you see/hear/smell/taste/touch?

Complete the sentences with sense verbs: see, hear, smell, taste or touch.

I can ………………………….. a tree. I can …………………………. a rose.

I can …………………………… ice cream. I can …………………………… a bell.

I can …………………………… my nose. I can ………………………….. the stars.

I can …………………………… a bird. I can ……………………………….. my toes.

I can ………………………….. perfume. I can …………………………….. a song.

I can …………………………… a cake. I can ………………………………. the sky.

C Reading and Writing

Read the joke and act it out!

At the doctor’s

A boy goes to see a doctor.

‘What’s the matter?’, asks the doctor.
The boy says, ‘It hurts when I touch my body.’
‘Where does it hurt?’, asks the doctor.
‘When I touch my head, it hurts’, answers the boy.
‘When I touch my arm, it hurts.
When I touch my leg, it hurts.
When I touch my knee, it hurts.
When I touch my toe, it hurts too’, says the boy.
The doctor thinks for a while and says,
‘Well, maybe your finger hurts.’

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C Reading and Writing

Complete the dialogue and read it in pairs!

The boy: __Good__ morning!

The doctor: Good _________! What’s the _________?
The boy: Well, it hurts when I _________ my body.
The doctor: Where does it _________?
The boy: When I _________ my head, it _________.
When I _________ my _________, it _________.
When I _________ my _________, it _________.
When I _________ my _________, it _________.
When I _________ my _________, it _________ too.
The doctor: Well, maybe your _________ hurts.

D Speaking

You are a horrible monster! Talk about your look! Someone will try to draw
you on the board.

A: I am a horrible monster. I’ve got a big head. I’ve got six eyes and three ears.
I’ve got two noses and one mouth with four teeth. I’ve got four arms and five

B: I am a horrible monster, too. I’ve got one eye and one ear. I’ve got two noses
and two mouths. I haven’t got any teeth. I’ve got two arms and ten legs.

Pretend to be an animal! Talk about yourself! Others will try to guess which
animal you are!

A: I am big and strong. I’ve got four legs.

B: Are you a horse?

A: No, I’ve got sharp teeth. I am brown and black. I like meat.

B: Are you a tiger?

A: Yes, that’s right.

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Teacher Notes
Vocabulary: Body Parts, verbs of sense -
Target Language: see, hear, smell, taste, touch. Grammar:
He/she/it is/has got
Duration: 45 minutes

1 Structure and Timing (all times approximate)

A. Warmer (10 minutes)

B. Vocabulary and grammar (15 minutes)
C. Reading and writing (10 minutes)
D. Speaking (10 minutes)

Total: 45 minutes.

2 Procedure

A. Warmer

Do some exercise with your students: the first few times, exercise with them and after
that, let them do it without your assistance.

Touch different parts of your body with your finger and say ouch! Teach them how to
use the verb hurt. Tell them to mime different kinds of pain or difficulty.

Ask your students what color of hair and eyes they have got and practice the third
person singular form by asking them about other members of their families or their

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

First, talk with the students about different parts of their body. Ask them how many of
each part they have got. After that, ask them which parts they can see in the pictures.
Finally, tell them to write their answers.

Connect different body parts with the five senses by asking the students what they can
do with their eyes, ears, etc. Then teach them to use these verbs and write them on
the lines. To help them remember these verbs ask them to draw a line between the
verb and the body part in the box.

Answer Key

I’ve got two eyes.

I’ve got two ears.
I’ve got one nose.
I’ve got one mouth.
I’ve got twenty-six teeth.
I’ve got two hands.
I’ve got ten fingers.
I’ve got two arms.
I’ve got two legs.
I’ve got ten toes.

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I can see a tree. I can smell a rose.

I can taste ice cream. I can hear a bell.
I can touch my nose. I can see the stars.
I can hear a bird. I can touch my toes.
I can smell perfume. I can hear a song.
I can taste a cake. I can see the sky.

C. Reading and Writing

After reading the story for the first time, the teacher should ask the students to mime
the action while reading it again. Then, they should try to read the joke in pairs and act
the story out. As the last stage, they should fill in the gaps to complete the same joke.

Answer Key

The boy: Good morning!

The doctor: Good morning! What’s the matter?
The boy: Well, it hurts when I touch my body.
The doctor: Where does it hurt?
The boy: When I touch my head, it hurts.
When I touch my arm, it hurts .
When I touch my leg, it hurts .
When I touch my knee, it hurts .
When I touch my toe, it hurts too.
The doctor: Well, maybe your finger hurts.

D. Speaking

One student pretends to be a horrible monster. He/she has to describe himself/herself

while another student is trying to draw him/her on the board. After the game you can
ask your students to describe the drawing to practice the third person singular form i.e.
The monster has got six legs. It’s got four eyes etc…

Show your students the cards with animals to check they are familiar with them. After
that one student picks out an animal he/she would like to be. Other students interrupt
when they think they can recognize the animal. The student who guesses the animal
can be the next one to pretend.

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