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Donald M. Arnold, Michelle P. Zeller, James W. Smith, and Ishac Nazy

Platelets are anucleate cells that are required for primary hemostasis. Epidemiology
Platelets have a life span of 7–10 days in the circulation, after which
time they are cleared by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system The natural history of ITP is different in children and adults. For the
(RES), including the spleen. Platelet production is stimulated by majority of children, ITP presents acutely and resolves within several
thrombopoietin (TPO), a hormone that is constitutively secreted by weeks, often in the absence of intervention. Seasonal variability sug-
the liver. TPO binds to c-Mpl, its receptor on platelets, hematopoietic gests that viral infections may trigger the disease in many children.
progenitor cells, and bone marrow (BM) megakaryocytes. When Conversely, adult-onset ITP tends to be insidious in onset and is
bound to c-Mpl, TPO is internalized, degraded, and removed from characterized by a chronic or remitting and relapsing course.
the circulation; thus when the platelet count is low, free TPO levels
are high, and more platelets are produced. In contrast, when platelet
counts are high, circulating TPO levels are low, and platelet produc- Incidence and Prevalence of Immune
tion declines. This primitive feedback system is very effective at Thrombocytopenia in Children
maintaining the platelet count at a stable level. Recent evidence in
mice has shown that the Ashwell-Morell receptor on murine hepato- The incidence of acute ITP in children is estimated at 1.9–6.4 per
cytes binds platelets that have lost sialic acid residues on their surface. 100,000 per year. Nearly 70% of childhood ITP occurs between the
Binding activates a JAK-STAT signaling pathway, resulting in ages of 1 and 10 years with the peak prevalence between 4 and 6 years.
increased hepatic TPO mRNA expression and TPO production. The Most studies in children report an overall male predominance in early
role of this pathway in normal human thrombopoiesis is not yet childhood and equalization or reversal to female predominance in older
known. children. Reported prevalence estimates are 12.6 per 100,000 for girls
Immune-mediated platelet disorders disrupt normal regulation and 9.3 per 100,000 for boys in the older age groups.
of platelet number because of antibody-mediated or cell-mediated
platelet destruction or platelet underproduction. Antibodies that
target self (autoimmune) or nonself (alloimmune) antigens on plate- Incidence and Prevalence of Immune
lets can cause severe thrombocytopenia. Immune thrombocytopenia Thrombocytopenia in Adults
(ITP) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by antibodies directed
against platelet glycoproteins (GPs). Neonatal alloimmune thrombo- Incidence estimates for adult-onset ITP are reported to be between
cytopenia (NAIT) is a thrombocytopenic syndrome caused by platelet 1.6 and 3.9 per 100,000 per year. A retrospective analysis from the
alloantibodies. Posttransfusion purpura (PTP) has features of both United Kingdom described a bimodal distribution for men, with
alloantibody- and autoantibody-mediated processes. These platelet peak incidences before the age of 18 years and between 75 and 84
disorders have related immunologic features with distinct clinical years of age. Relatively stable incidence rates were found in women
characteristics (Table 131.1). The pathophysiology, clinical manifes- up to the age of 60 years with a steady increase thereafter. The inci-
tations, and management of these disorders are discussed in this dence of ITP has been reported to double in patients over 60 years
chapter. of age.
The overall prevalence of ITP in adults has been estimated at 9.5
per 100,000, and ranges from 4.1 per 100,000 in younger ages
IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA (19–24 years) to 16 per 100,000 in older age groups (55–64 years).
Male and female prevalence rates are 16.6 and 27.2 per 100,000
ITP is a common autoimmune disease characterized by a low platelet adults, respectively, for those 18–64 years of age, with prevalence rates
count that can be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. increasing significantly after the age of 65 years. The female predomi-
Increased platelet destruction resulting from platelet autoantibodies nance is attenuated in older age groups and may revert to a male
is a hallmark of ITP. Recently, however, it has become evident that predominance after the age of 65 years. Indeed, the prevalence of ITP
relative platelet underproduction is also an important mechanism for in older men is reported to be as high as 38.3 per 100,000. Increasing
the thrombocytopenia in ITP. Conventional treatments, including incidence and prevalence rates may reflect a true rise in disease fre-
corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), immunosup- quency with age or ascertainment bias because of the higher likeli-
pressant drugs, and splenectomy are aimed at preventing platelet hood of discovering incidental thrombocytopenia with more frequent
destruction. TPO receptor agonists are medications that work by medical visits in older individuals.
increasing platelet production. They represent the most significant
advance in ITP management since the first description of IVIg as a
treatment for ITP in the early 1980s. TPO receptor agonists have Pathophysiology
been shown to be effective in clinical trials1,2 and were the catalyst
for several key initiatives in ITP including the standardization of ITP is caused by increased platelet destruction and impaired platelet
terminology (2009)3 and the development of the American Society production. Until recently, the pathogenesis of immune-mediated
of Hematology (ASH) Guidelines on diagnosis and management of thrombocytopenia was mainly attributed to platelet-reactive autoan-
ITP (2011).4 tibodies; however, it is now evident that the pathophysiology of ITP

Chapter 131 Diseases of Platelet Number 1945

TABLE Antibody-Mediated Thrombocytopenic Disorders Caused by Autoantibodies (Immune Thrombocytopenia), Alloantibodies

131.1 (Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia) or Potentially Both (Posttransfusion Purpura)
Immune Thrombocytopenia Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Posttransfusion Purpura
Immune reaction Autoimmune Alloimmune Features of both allo- and autoimmunity
Incidence 5 per 100,000 population 40 per 100,000 births (or 1 per 2500) 1 per 100,000 blood transfusions
Principal antigenic target GPIIb/IIIa HPA-1a HPA-1a plus autoantigens
Nature of the antibody Intermittent Persistent (past 1 year) Persistent often at high titers
Mode of sensitization Autoantibody Alloantibody Features of allo- and autoantibodies
Sensitizing event Mostly unknown; some viral Exposure to fetal platelet antigens early Blood transfusion (RBCs or platelets)
illnesses, chronic infection in first pregnancy 5–10 days earlier
Bleeding frequency Uncommon Common Very common
Epidemiology Higher incidence in children Majority affects fetus or newborn Almost all are HPA-1bb women
and elderly adults; female carrying the HPA-1a antigen sensitized by previous transfusion or
predominance in early pregnancy
GP, Glycoprotein; HPA, human platelet antigen; RBC, red blood cell.

is more complex and involves alterations in cellular immunity and In the broadest sense, autoimmunity develops because of a break-
immune-mediated megakaryocyte injury. down in regulatory checkpoints that occurs during development or
The antibody hypothesis began with the observation that blood maturation of the immune system. Although the precise events that
from patients with ITP was able to cause a reduction in platelet count trigger the loss of self-tolerance to platelet GPs are largely unknown,
levels in other individuals. In one of the first experiments, William patients with ITP have been shown to exhibit several immune altera-
Harrington infused blood from ITP patients into normal volunteers tions to platelet antigens including dysfunctional cellular immunity
and observed a decrease in the platelet counts in most recipients.5 The because of T-helper (Th)0/Th1 polarization, decreased regulatory
circulating factor in blood responsible for this effect was later identi- T-cell function, and autoreactive platelet-specific cytotoxic T cells. In
fied as an immunoglobulin (Ig) that bound to the surface of platelets. addition, ITP patients may have increased circulating levels of cyto-
In further studies, investigators were able to quantify platelet-associated kines and soluble factors that promote the survival of self-reactive T
IgG (PAIgG) on or inside platelets. PAIgG was not able to discriminate and B cells, including B-cell activating factor, a proliferation-inducing
between immune and non-ITP and eventually assays were developed ligand, and B-cell lymphoma-2 interacting mediator of cell death.
to detect antibodies directed against specific platelet GPs, specifically Reduced levels of proapoptotic cytokines that regulate self-reactive
GPIIb/IIIa or GPIb/IX. GP-specific assays exhibited improved speci- T-cells, including Fas, interferon-γ, interleukin-2 receptor β (IL2RB),
ficity but had limited sensitivity (50%–66%) since many patients with Bax, and caspases 8 and A20, have also been demonstrated.
ITP had no detectable antibody. Autoantibodies against platelet GPs
target those cells for rapid opsonization and clearance in the RES,
particularly the spleen. Peptides from phagocytosed platelets may be Primary and Secondary Immune Thrombocytopenia
processed and presented to specific T cells, which in turn stimulate B
cells to produce additional platelet autoantibodies. This process, Primary ITP, which was previously known as idiopathic but is now
known as epitope spreading, may explain why patients have circulating referred to as immune thrombocytopenia (Table 131.2) occurs for
autoantibodies targeting a variety of platelet antigens. Other proposed unknown reasons. Secondary ITP is important to recognize because
mechanisms of antibody-induced platelet destruction are complement treatment of the underlying cause is often necessary to increase the
activation and platelet apoptosis. platelet count. Examples are ITP occurring in the setting of infection,
In ITP, platelet production does not compensate for the increased pregnancy, drugs, or lymphoproliferative disease.
platelet destruction, suggesting that BM megakaryocyte growth and/ Infection may stimulate the formation of platelet reactive autoan-
or ability to produce platelets are impaired. Evidence supporting tibodies. Cross-reactive antibodies (molecular mimicry) have been
reduced platelet production in ITP derives from radiolabeled autolo- described in Helicobacter pylori, human immunodeficiency virus
gous platelet studies demonstrating normal or reduced platelet (HIV), and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Molecular mimicry
turnover; and from clinical studies that have consistently demon- between the highly antigenic H. pylori CagA protein and platelet
strated the capacity of TPO receptor agonists to increase platelet antigens is the suspected mechanism of H. pylori–associated ITP. In
counts in patients with severe thrombocytopenia. Megakaryocytes most patients, H. pylori can be successfully eradicated with a 1–2
also express GP receptors, which may render them targets of ITP week course of clarithromycin (500 mg twice daily), amoxicillin
autoantibodies. Indeed, in vitro studies demonstrated suppression of (1000 mg twice daily), and a proton pump inhibitor (e.g., pantopra-
megakaryocyte growth and maturation when the cells were incubated zole 40 mg twice daily); however, the effect of H. pylori eradication
with IgG from ITP patients. on the platelet count is variable. In a metaanalysis that included 788
In addition to the effect of autoantibodies, cytotoxic T cells from patients, H. pylori eradication resulted in platelet counts that were 34
ITP patients may have direct cytolytic effects on platelets. Some × 109/L higher than those in untreated control participants and 52
patients with active ITP but without detectable platelet autoantibod- × 109/L higher than those in treated patients whose H. pylori was not
ies had CD8+ T cells that induced platelet lysis in vitro. In contrast, eradicated. Another systematic review evaluating 696 patients
CD8+ T cells from patients in remission did not show significant reported that 42.7% of treated patients achieved platelet counts above
platelet reactivity. Furthermore, compared with cells from controls, 100 × 109/L; however, the effect was highly dependent on geographic
CD3+ cells from ITP patients exhibited increased expression of genes location with the beneficial effect mainly observed in patients from
involved in cell-mediated cytotoxicity including tumor necrosis Japan. Evidence-based guidelines for the investigation and manage-
factor-α (TNF-α), perforin, and granzyme A and B, and CD8+ T ment of ITP recommend against routine screening for H. pylori in
cells exhibited increased expression of FasL (Fas–Fas ligand) and patients presenting with ITP because of the low yield of testing and
TNF-α. the low likelihood of a platelet count increase with H. pylori
1946 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Standardized Terminology and Definitions for Immune

women can successfully be managed with less aggressive treatments.
TABLE Thrombocytopenia Proposed by the International
Immunosuppressant medications, such as azathioprine, have been
131.2 Working Group (Vicenza Consensus Conference)
used in pregnancy but should be reserved for refractory pregnancy-
in 2009
associated ITP with bleeding. There is a risk of severe thrombocyto-
penia in the newborn because of passive transfer of maternal
Terminology Definition antiplatelet autoantibodies. This can occur in 10% of newborns.
ITP Immune thrombocytopenia (rather than
idiopathic or immune Clinical and Laboratory Features
thrombocytopenic purpura)
Platelet threshold for ITP <100 × 109/L Thrombocytopenia
Primary ITP ITP with no associated cause (diagnosis Thrombocytopenia is the defining feature of ITP. The international
of exclusion) working group on standardization of terminology in ITP established
Secondary ITP ITP in the setting of an underlying a platelet count below 100 × 109/L as the cutoff for the diagnosis (see
cause such as drugs, HIV, or SLE Table 131.2).3 The rationale behind this threshold was that patients
with mild thrombocytopenia (100–150 × 109/L) have a low risk
Newly diagnosed ITP Designation for patients at diagnosis
(approximately 7%) of developing persistent thrombocytopenia
(rather than “acute” ITP).
(platelets less than 100 × 109/L); platelet counts slightly below 150
Persistent ITP Sustained or recurrent thrombocytopenia × 109/L may be normal for certain ethnic groups; and mild throm-
lasting 3–12 months bocytopenia may be caused by physiologic processes, such as preg-
Chronic ITP Thrombocytopenia lasting >12 months nancy. Nonetheless, primary ITP remains a diagnosis of exclusion,
and as such, investigations are directed towards ruling out nonim-
Complete response Achievement of a platelet count of
mune causes, including pseudothrombocytopenia, myelodysplastic
≥100 × 109/L in the absence of
syndromes, thrombotic microangiopathies, splenomegaly, or heredi-
tary thrombocytopenia; and secondary immune causes such as
Response Achievement of a platelet count of infection, concomitant autoimmune disease, or lymphoproliferative
≥30 × 109/L and at least a twofold disorders.
increase from baseline in the absence
of bleeding
Refractory ITP Failure to achieve a response or relapse
Clinical Outcomes: Mortality, Bleeding and
after splenectomya and requirement Quality of Life
for treatment(s) to minimize the risk
of clinically significant bleeding Patients with ITP most commonly present with asymptomatic
Splenectomy failure may not be applicable in children.
thrombocytopenia. Although some patients bleed with platelet
HIV, Human immunodeficiency virus; ITP, immune thrombocytopenia; counts less than 30 × 109/L, many do not. Bleeding symptoms
SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus. characteristic of ITP (“platelet-type bleeding”) include skin bleeding
(i.e., bruises, nonpalpable purpura, or petechiae), oral hemorrhagic
blood blisters or oral petechiae, epistaxis, menorrhagia, or gastro-
eradication. Testing may be warranted in countries where H. pylori intestinal bleeding. The most severe complication is intracerebral
infection is endemic, particularly those where the response rates to hemorrhage (ICH).
eradiation therapy are high. In a systematic review of prospective studies, the incidence of ICH
ITP also may present for the first time or relapse in pregnancy. was 1.4% for adults (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9–2.1) and
Although mild ITP may be difficult to differentiate from incidental 0.4% for children (95% CI, 0.2–0.7).7 The proportion of patients
thrombocytopenia of pregnancy, pregnancy-related vascular disorders with severe (non-ICH) bleeding was 9.6% for adults (95% CI,
must be excluded.6 Incidental thrombocytopenia of pregnancy (also 4.1–17.1) and 20.2% for children (95% CI, 10.0–32.9). Risk factors
called gestational thrombocytopenia) represents a physiologic change in for severe bleeding include severe thrombocytopenia, previous bleed-
platelet count. Pregnancy-related vascular disorders include pre- ing, and older age.
eclampsia, microangiopathy caused by HELLP syndrome (character- Chronic ITP has been associated with a risk of death that is up
ized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and a low platelet count), to four times higher than that in the general population. ITP patients
and acute fatty liver. Platelet counts tend to be mildly reduced and are more likely to die of bleeding, infection, and hematologic malig-
hypertension is common. nancies. Some deaths are attributable to adverse effects of treatment
Pregnancy-associated ITP may present early in pregnancy and rather than the disease. Quality of life is affected, at least in part,
thrombocytopenia can be severe. Typically, platelet counts increase because of the prevalence of fatigue that appears to be independent
after ITP-specific therapies such as IVIg or corticosteroids. In con- of platelet count levels.
trast, incidental thrombocytopenia of pregnancy, which occurs late
in pregnancy, is associated with a mild reduction in platelet count
and does not respond to immune-modulating therapy. Platelet count Investigations of Patients With Suspected Immune
thresholds for instituting treatment are the same as those for women Thrombocytopenia
with ITP who are not pregnant. In the absence of bleeding, treatment
should be considered when the platelet count decreases to less than Patients presenting with newly identified thrombocytopenia require
20 × 109/L. Vaginal deliveries are thought to be safe for mothers with a careful history and physical examination to uncover the underlying
ITP, even if the platelet count is very low, and most clinicians try to cause of the thrombocytopenia and to assess the risk of bleeding. A
maintain the count above 20–30 × 109/L. Epidural anesthesia is not complete blood count and review of the blood film is required (Fig.
recommended with platelet counts below 70–80 × 109/L; however, 131.1). HIV and HCV testing should be performed in any patient
this practice is operator driven and based on little evidence. IVIg and suspected of having ITP. There are insufficient data to support routine
corticosteroids are generally safe in pregnancy, but corticosteroids can screening for antinuclear antibodies or antiphospholipid antibodies
be associated with hypertension, gestational diabetes, intrauterine unless other signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus or
growth restriction, and other pregnancy-associated morbidities. antiphospholipid syndrome are present. BM aspiration and biopsy
Splenectomy is rarely performed during pregnancy because most should be reserved for patients with abnormalities affecting other cell
Chapter 131 Diseases of Platelet Number 1947


(A) Pseudothrombocytopenia showing marked platelet clumping. (B) Schistocytes (fragmented red blood cells)
and reticulocytosis in a patient with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. (C) Macrothrombocyte (left panel)
and neutrophil-containing cytoplasmic inclusions (Döhle bodies, right panel) in a patient with May-Hegglin
anomaly. (D) A patient with immune thrombocytopenia with low platelets and postsplenectomy Howell-Jolly
bodies (arrows).

lines such as anemia, leukopenia, or macrocytosis. Most patients with

typical ITP do not require BM examination. Quantitative Ig levels
may be useful in children to exclude common variable immune
deficiency and thyroid testing can uncover subclinical hypothyroid-
ism if surgery is planned.

First-Line Therapy
Corticosteroids with or without IVIg are first-line treatments for
patients with newly diagnosed ITP. Second-line therapies include
rituximab, splenectomy, TPO receptor agonists, or immunosuppres-
sant medications. ASH guidelines for the management of ITP were
developed using GRADE methodology to assess the level of evidence
associated with each recommendation.4 Aligned with these guidelines,
the authors recommend a treatment approach starting with those that Fig. 131.2 STAIRCASE MODEL OF IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPE-
are least toxic (Fig. 131.2). NIA TREATMENT. Therapies build on each other, often cumulatively, in a
stepwise fashion starting from the least toxic. After a period of observation,
corticosteroid-based treatment is the accepted first-line therapy. Splenectomy,
Observation rituximab, and thrombopoietin receptor agonists may be reasonable second-
line therapies. Rituximab is not currently licensed for immune thrombocy-
One of the ASH 2014 Choosing Wisely recommendations is that topenia. Thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor agonists are indicated for immune
patients with ITP should not be treated unless they are bleeding or thrombocytopenia (IVIg) patients who have failed to respond to other thera-
have very low platelet counts.8 Most patients with platelet counts pies, including splenectomy. (Modified with permission from Arnold DM, Kelton
above 30 x 109/L and no bleeding can be managed safely with JG: Current options for the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Semin
observation alone. This is especially true for children with ITP who Hematol 44:S12, 2007.)
are at low risk of serious bleeding. Furthermore, in up to 80% of
cases, childhood ITP resolves within 6 months with no treatment. If
1948 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines, upregulation or

First-Line Therapy
downregulation of various Fc receptors, and the induction of soluble
An 8-year-old girl is brought to the emergency department because immune complexes. In a mouse model of ITP, transfer of IVIg-primed
her mother noticed bruising on her legs. She has had a sore throat dendritic cells recapitulated the effect of IVIg.
and fever for the past 7 days but is otherwise well and not taking any Based on the results of a metaanalysis of randomized controlled
medications. On physical examination, there are a few small bruises trials that included 410 children, the probability of achieving a
on her legs but no petechiae on her skin or purpura in her mouth. platelet count above 20 × 109/L at 48 hours was higher with IVIg
Neurologic examination findings are normal, and the spleen is not than corticosteroids (relative risk for corticosteroids, 0.74; 95% CI,
palpable. The platelet count is 23 × 109/L. The presumed diagnosis is 0.65–0.85).10 Similar results have been observed in adults. Common
ITP without significant bleeding; thus the decision is made to observe side effects of IVIg include headache, hypertension, and chills.
the child in the hospital with no specific treatment. The next day, the
platelet count is 33 × 109/L. On day 2, it is 37 × 109/L, and the child
Hemolysis, thrombosis, renal impairment, and neutropenia are rare
is discharged home. One week later, the platelet count is 66 × 109/L, complications.
and 1 month later, it is up to 155 × 109/L. Anti-D (50–75 IU/kg) and IVIg have similar efficacy in children.
Hemolysis is expected with anti-D administration, and rarely, intra-
vascular hemolysis can be severe or even fatal. Consequently, the
United States Food and Drug Administration has issued a black box
patients present with bleeding, such as epistaxis or mucosal hemor- warning about the use of anti-D for the treatment of ITP, and the
rhage, treatment is required. For adults, a period of observation may drug has been removed from certain European markets. In general,
be reasonable if there is no evidence of bleeding and the platelet count the use of anti-D is restricted to nonsplenectomized patients who are
is above 20 × 109/L; however, most adults will require treatment Rh-positive and have a negative direct antiglobulin test.
because spontaneous remissions are rare. To reflect current practice,
the ASH 2011 guidelines recommend using a platelet count below
30 × 109/L as the threshold for starting treatment. Second-Line Therapy

Splenectomy was first proposed as a treatment for ITP in 1913
The conventional starting dose of prednisone is 1–2 mg per kg for and was subsequently shown to be an effective means of rapidly
2–4 weeks followed by tapering over a several week period once the increasing the platelet count in most ITP patients. In a systematic
platelet count improves. In general, 60% to 70% of adults with acute review, approximately two-thirds of patients achieved a platelet count
ITP achieve an initial response with corticosteroids. Sustained platelet response after splenectomy, usually within days.11 Despite the high
count responses (platelet count >100 × 109/L at 6 months) with success rate with splenectomy, patients (and physicians) are often
corticosteroids are infrequent in practice, but have been reported to reluctant to undertake an invasive procedure such as splenectomy,
be as high as 47% in some studies. The risk of relapse increases with when pharmacologic alternatives are available. Only younger age
longer duration of follow up. Low-dose prednisone (0.5 mg/kg per has been identified as a predictor of splenectomy success, although
day followed by a taper) may be as effective as the conventional dose some investigators have found a correlation between prior response
for initial ITP treatment, but long-term remissions are rare. The to IVIg and a splenic pattern on radiolabeled platelet sequestration
optimal duration of prednisone treatment and the optimal tapering studies.
schedule have yet to be established. With currently available minimally invasive surgical techniques,
High-dose dexamethasone, typically administered at a dose of complications after splenectomy are uncommon. The overall mortal-
40 mg/day for 4 consecutive days, is also effective. In one study that ity rate is approximately 1% with open surgery and about 0.2% after
included 125 adults with ITP, approximately 40% of patients had a laparoscopic splenectomy. The most frequent perioperative complica-
sustained response that lasted 2–5 years.9 Repeated cycles of high- tions include pneumonia, subphrenic abscess or pleural effusion
dose dexamethasone (once per month for 6 months) may result in (4%), major bleeding (1.5%), and thromboembolism (1%). With
even higher rates of durable remissions, although this effect may laparoscopic techniques, patients have less postoperative pain, shorter
simply reflect the total corticosteroid exposure. High-dose dexa- hospital stays, and fewer wound complications.
methasone is associated with side effects that may limit the use of Because the spleen is involved in clearance of encapsulated bacte-
this treatment including hypertension, muscle weakness, insomnia, ria, asplenic individuals are at risk for infection with Streptococcus
and impaired cognition. In a systematic review of randomized trials pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitides, and Haemophilus influenzae type
comparing high dose dexamethasone and prednisone in adults with b. Therefore all patients undergoing splenectomy should receive
previously untreated ITP (n = 533), treatment with dexamethasone vaccinations against these bacteria at least 2 weeks before surgery.
resulted in improved overall (79% vs. 59%; P = .048) and complete Poor compliance and vaccine failures contribute to the ongoing risk
platelet count response (64% vs. 36%; P = .040) without excess of serious postsplenectomy infections. The lifetime risk of over-
toxicity.9a Sustained responses at 6 months were not different between whelming postsplenectomy infection is estimated to be 1% to 3%
groups, but platelet count responses occurred more rapidly with high with the risk being higher in children younger than 15 years of age
dose dexamethasone. and in patients with hematologic malignancies. Although the risk of
an infection requiring hospitalization was highest in the first 90 days
after splenectomy in a cohort of 3812 splenectomized patients in
Intravenous Immunoglobulin and Anti-D Denmark, this risk remained 2.5 times higher than that in the general
population even after 90 days.
The predominant mechanism of action of high-dose IVIg and anti-D The ITP International Working Group and the revised ASH
is thought to be via RES blockade. Individuals with low plasma IgG guidelines consider splenectomy an acceptable second-line therapy
levels exhibit more rapid clearance of sensitized red blood cells (RBCs) for ITP. However, the former group considers splenectomy equal to
(indicating enhanced RES capacity) than those with high levels of other medical options, whereas the ASH guidelines favor splenectomy
plasma IgG, such as those achieved with high-dose IVIg. A competitive (grade 1B evidence) over rituximab or TPO receptor agonists (grade
model of RES clearance would also explain why anti-D administration 2C evidence). Splenectomy leads to a high rate of durable remission.
to Rhesus (Rh)-positive individuals is effective in improving platelet In a systematic review, 1731 (66%) of 2623 adults with ITP achieved
counts in patients with ITP. Thus IgG-sensitized RBCs compete a complete response following splenectomy at a median follow up of
for Fc receptor occupancy. Other potential mechanisms of action 28 months (range 1–153 months) and this response rate was main-
of IVIg or anti-D include antiidiotypic antibodies, stimulation of tained for 10 years or more after splenectomy.
Chapter 131 Diseases of Platelet Number 1949

Disadvantages of splenectomy include a lack of validated development of cross-reactive antibodies against endogenous TPO,
predictors of response, surgical risk with 30-day mortality, and which led to severe and sustained thrombocytopenia in some healthy
complication rates of 0.2% and 9.6% for laparoscopic splenectomy, volunteers. These findings prompted the development of second-
respectively, and 1.0% and 12.9% for open splenectomy, respectively, generation TPO receptor agonists that have no homology to endog-
and an increased risk of postsplenectomy infection, and vascular enous TPO. Two such drugs are now approved for the treatment of
thrombosis. patients with chronic ITP, romiplostim (Nplate, Amgen) and eltrom-
bopag (Promacta/Revolade, GlaxoSmithKline). These agents increase
the platelet count in most ITP patients including those with refrac-
Rituximab tory disease. The effect on platelet count is generally sustained as long
as the TPO receptor agonists are administered; when they are stopped,
Rituximab has been widely used in patients with various autoimmune platelet counts tend to fall rapidly to baseline levels.
diseases, including ITP. Rituximab is an anti-CD20 monoclonal Romiplostim (administered as a once-weekly subcutaneous injec-
antibody that targets and destroys CD20+ B lymphocytes, some of tion) is a synthetic peptibody consisting of four peptides linked to an
which are likely involved in autoantibody production. Data correlat- IgG Fc fragment. The molecule binds the c-Mpl receptor at the same
ing cellular profiles with clinical outcomes suggest that the efficacy location as endogenous TPO and stimulates megakaryocyte prolifera-
of rituximab reflects improvement in T-cell function and reversion of tion and platelet production through intracellular JAK/STAT and
T-cell abnormalities; processes downstream to its direct effect on mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. In a phase III trial, a
B-cell depletion. The effects of rituximab on platelets and autoanti- durable platelet count response (defined as the achievement of a
bodies require further investigations. platelet count of 50 × 109/L or higher for 6 or more of the last 8
In a systematic review of 19 observational studies that enrolled weeks of treatment) was achieved in 41 of 83 patients (49.4%)
313 ITP patients of whom 46.2% were not splenectomized, rates of receiving romiplostim compared with 1 of 42 (2.4%) patients receiv-
complete response (platelet count >150 × 109/L) and overall response ing a placebo.15 In a subsequent randomized trial that compared
(platelet count >50 × 109/L) with rituximab after a median follow romiplostim plus standard of care with standard of care alone,
up of 9.5 months were 43.6% (95% CI, 29.5–57.7) and 62.5% (95% romiplostim was associated with more platelet count responses, fewer
CI, 52.6–72.5), respectively.12 The typical rituximab regimen was treatment failures, fewer splenectomies, less bleeding, and better
375 mg/m2 administered by intravenous infusion once weekly for 4 quality of life.2 Weekly doses of romiplostim ranged between 1 and
consecutive weeks. The median time to response was 5.5 weeks, and 10 μg/kg; however, most patients achieved a suitable response with
responses lasted a median of 10.5 months. Other observational a dose of 3 μg/kg. Weekly doses were titrated up or down to maintain
studies have reported lower rates of durable remission, ranging from the platelet count in the appropriate range (30–100 × 109/L).
24% at 12 months to 35% at 57 months. A metaanalysis of five Eltrombopag (administered as an oral daily tablet, 50–75 mg
randomized trials demonstrated that complete platelet count response daily) is a small molecule, nonpeptide TPO receptor agonist. Eltrom-
was more frequent with rituximab plus standard of care than with bopag also activates the c-Mpl receptor, but unlike romiplostim,
standard of care alone (relative risk 1.4, 95% CI, 1.1–1.8); however, eltrombopag binds to the transmembrane domain of the receptor and
there was limited evidence for sustained platelet count responses does not compete with circulating TPO for binding. In a phase III
beyond 6–12 months.13 trial, eltrombopag was associated with an eightfold increase in platelet
In a prospective observational study that included 60 nonsplenec- count response compared with placebo throughout the 6-month
tomized adult patients with ITP who had a median of two prior treatment period.16 The time to response was 1–2 weeks (similar to
therapies, 24 (40%) achieved a platelet count above 50 × 109/L and romiplostim) and there was minimal need for dose titration. Durable
at least twice their baseline value at 1 year, and 20 (33%) maintained responses were achieved in 57 of 95 patients (60%) receiving main-
their platelet count response at 2 years with rituximab treatment. In tenance eltrombopag and in only 4 of 39 patients (10%) receiving
a follow-up study of 72 adults and 66 children with chronic ITP who placebo.
achieved an initial response to rituximab, 21% to 26% maintained a In a recent systematic review that summarized the data from
treatment-free response for at least 5 years.14 Low-dose rituximab randomized trials comparing TPO receptor agonists with standard of
(100 mg per week for 4 weeks) has been shown to be effective in ITP, care in ITP patients, the authors concluded that although romiplos-
but the frequency of durable responses is uncertain. tim and eltrombopag increased the platelet count response, neither
Minor infusion-related side effects of rituximab occur in approxi- agent significantly lowered the rate of severe, life-threatening, or fatal
mately 30% of patients with ITP and include hypotension, rash, sore bleeding. These findings highlight the need for studies that evaluate
throat, fever, and rigors. Severe or fatal infusion reactions are rare in patient focused outcomes.
patients treated for autoimmune diseases. Serum sickness, which is TPO receptor agonists are generally well tolerated but have been
characterized by arthropathy, fever, and low serum complement associated with headache, fatigue, and insomnia. The development
levels, may be more common in children than in adults and often of BM reticulin in patients with ITP was an early concern; however,
necessitates treatment interruption. Progressive multifocal leukoen- this problem was rarely encountered in prospective studies and the
cephalopathy (PML) is a rapidly fatal neurologic syndrome caused changes improved with discontinuation of the medication. TPO
by reactivation of latent JC virus in the brain. Rare reports have receptor agonists have also been associated with thromboembolic
linked PML with rituximab treatment. events (independent of platelet count), although the strength of this
Rituximab also interferes with the response to polysaccharide association remains uncertain. One study of eltrombopag in patients
vaccines. This is of potential concern in patients who may subse- with advanced liver disease was ended early because of an increase in
quently undergo splenectomy and supports the practice of adminis- portal vein thrombosis. Eltrombopag has been associated with serum
tering immunizations before initiating rituximab therapy. liver function test abnormalities in approximately 10% of patients.
The 2011 ASH treatment guidelines gave rituximab a weak (grade Treatment-related serious adverse events were infrequent even after
2C) recommendation for patients who have failed corticosteroids, prolonged exposure to romiplostim (n = 292) or eltrombopag (n =
IVIg, or splenectomy. 299). Thromboembolic events occurred in 6.5% of patients on
romiplostim and 4% of patients on eltrombopag.

Thrombopoietin Receptor Agonists Long-Term Follow-Up

The best treatment for patients with ITP who fail to respond to
Drugs aimed at increasing platelet production by stimulating the first-line therapy remains controversial and depends on the severity
c-Mpl receptor have been investigated for the treatment of thrombo- of symptoms, side effect profile, and patient preference. Splenectomy
cytopenia. Initial studies with pegylated recombinant human mega- has been used for many years and is the treatment option most likely
karyocyte growth and development factor were halted because of the to be associated with durable remissions. Rituximab may achieve a
1950 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

platelet count response in up to 60% of patients, but responses are TABLE Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia in
rarely sustained past 6–12 months. TPO receptor agonists (romip- 131.3 Newborns
lostim or eltrombopag) are associated with a platelet count response
in up to 60% of patients as long as treatment is maintained. These Perinatal Hypoxemia
drugs are generally well tolerated; however, long-term safety data Placental Insufficiency
beyond 5 years are not yet available and long-term maintenance Congenital Infection
therapy is expensive since either agent costs approximately $3,000 Sepsis
per month. Toxoplasmosis
Treatment of Refractory Immune Thrombocytopenia Autoimmune
Maternal immune thrombocytopenia
As suggested by the International Working Group on standardization Maternal systemic lupus erythematosus
of terminology in ITP, the term refractory ITP is used to define Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
patients who have failed splenectomy or relapsed thereafter and either Maternal Drug Exposure
exhibit severe thrombocytopenia or have a risk of bleeding that neces- Congenital Heart Disease
sitates therapy (see Table 131.2).3 Hereditary Thrombocytopenia
Evidence to help guide management of patients with chronic MYH9 macrothrombocytopenia (including May-Hegglin anomaly)
refractory ITP after splenectomy is limited, and treatment has been Thrombocytopenia absent radii syndrome
mainly unsatisfactory. However, TPO receptor agonists provide a Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
new and effective option for this challenging group of patients. The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
overarching principle of therapy for this population is to prevent Fanconi anemia
bleeding with the achievement of a stable, although not necessarily Hemangioma with Thrombocytopenia
normal, platelet count, and that combination therapy may be more Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
effective than single agent treatment for achievement of this goal. Bone marrow Infiltration
In randomized trials, nonsplenectomized patients with ITP tended Congenital leukemia
to show better platelet count responses to TPO receptor agonists
than splenectomized patients; however, the difference was small, and
response rates in splenectomized patients approached 50%. Although thrombocytopenia may last for days, but occasionally, it can be severe
some patients included in the trials had failed up to five prior thera- and can persist for many weeks. Bleeding symptoms range from
pies, the results may not be applicable to all patients with refractory petechiae and bruising to gastrointestinal or intracranial hemorrhage.
ITP seen in clinical practice. Bleeding occurs in up to 20% of neonates with NAIT and can occur
Before the availability of TPO receptor agonists, a systematic review early in pregnancy. For infants with severe thrombocytopenia, mor-
identified rituximab, azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide as the agents tality estimates of 10% have been reported and infants with intra-
most often associated with complete responses in patients with refrac- cranial bleeding may be left with developmental delays and permanent
tory ITP. Good response rates have also been reported with a combina- neurologic deficits.
tion of cyclosporine, azathioprine, and mycophenolate (CellCept).
Similarly, a combination of IVIg, intravenous methylprednisolone,
vincristine, or intravenous anti-D followed by maintenance therapy Pathophysiology
with danazol and azathioprine have shown good response rates. Other
treatment options include low-dose or alternate-day corticosteroids, Fetal and neonatal thrombocytopenia in NAIT reflects the clearance
repeated doses of IVIg, high-dose chemotherapy, or dapsone. High- of IgG-sensitized fetal platelets by maternal alloantibodies directed
dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplantation has also been against fetal/paternal platelet-specific antigens. The syndrome can be
used successfully in this population, but with the advent of TPO considered analogous to the destruction of fetal RBCs in hemolytic
receptor agonists, transplantation is no longer used. disease of the newborn (HDN) but with several differences. Perhaps
most importantly, NAIT often presents in a first pregnancy, possibly
because of early maternal sensitization to paternally derived antigens
NEONATAL ALLOIMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA expressed on fetal platelets. In contrast, it is uncommon for HDN to
occur in a first pregnancy without previous sensitization to the Rh
NAIT is an uncommon but serious thrombocytopenic disorder that antigen. This difference suggests that unlike RBCs, transplacental
can cause fetal or neonatal bleeding resulting in death or disability. passage of fetal platelets or platelet antigens into the maternal circula-
It is important to recognize this disorder because treatment may tion occurs early in pregnancy. Another difference is that pregnant
prevent recurrence in subsequent pregnancies. With NAIT, intra- women at risk for HDN (e.g., those who are Rh negative) can be
cranial bleeding can occur during the neonatal period or in utero, in identified early by screening and treatment with anti-Rh immune
which case the diagnosis is first suspected after abnormal fetal ultra- globulin reduces the risk of sensitization. To date, screening programs
sonography. The incidence of NAIT has been estimated to range for NAIT have not been widely implemented because women at risk
from 1 : 1000–1 : 5000 births; however, it is often underdiagnosed. are not readily identifiable before sensitization has occurred, and
therapies to prevent maternal alloimmunization are not currently
available. Screening programs for NAIT continue to be an active area
Clinical Presentation of research (see box on Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
Versus Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn).
Thrombocytopenia may be severe in infants affected by NAIT and
often the platelet count is less than 10–20 × 109/L shortly after birth.
The differential diagnosis is broad and includes septicemia, hypoxia, Laboratory Investigation of Suspected Neonatal
and birth trauma, among other factors (Table 131.3). Typically, Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia
NAIT presents as severe thrombocytopenia, possibly with associated
bleeding, in an otherwise healthy neonate with no other explanation The diagnosis of NAIT is established by documenting the presence
for the low platelet count. The thrombocytopenia often worsens of platelet-specific antigen incompatibility between mother and infant
hours or days after delivery, likely reflecting increased RES function (or mother and father) and the presence of maternal antiplatelet allo-
in the newborn, particularly within the lungs. Without treatment, antibodies directed against the incompatible antigen (Fig. 131.3).17
Chapter 131 Diseases of Platelet Number 1951

Diagnosis of Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT)

Testing for Human Platelet Antigens (HPA) and Antibodies

Exclude other causes Request samples from

Affected Neonate
of thrombocyotpenia mother and father for
laboratory investigation
(platelets <100x109/L)
Suspect NAIT of NAIT

Plasma / Serum

Maternal Phenotyping and

antiplatelet target for maternal Genotyping
antibody antibody testing

Incompatible for
Incompatible for Incompatible for Compatible for
HPA antigen
HPA antigen HPA-1a antigen HPA antigens
other than HPA-1a
and and and
antibody present antibody absent antibody absent
antibody absent

NAIT confirmed NAIT probable NAIT possible NAIT unlikely

Assess risk of NAIT in future children

by amniocyte genotyping
when the father is heterozygous

As currently practised at the McMaster University Platelet Immunology Reference Laboratory 2017
RESULTS OF TESTING. This algorithm is currently used by the McMaster University Platelet Immunology
Reference Laboratory, 2017. Maternal blood samples are tested for platelet antigens (phenotyping and poly-
merase chain reaction genotyping) and platelet alloantibodies. Amniocentesis and fetal genotyping are recom-
mended when the father is known to be heterozygous for the incompatible antigen. HPA, Human platelet
antigen; NAIT, neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. (Modified from Arnold DM, Smith JW, Kelton JG:
Diagnosis and management of neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia. Transfus Med Rev 22:255, 2008, with

antigen assays or antigen capture assays.18 Even these tests are limited
Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia Versus Hemolytic Disease of
the Newborn
by the lack of monoclonal antibodies required to capture the different
target proteins that express the alloantigens (e.g., human platelet
NAIT can be viewed as the platelet equivalent of HDN with some impor- antigen (HPA)-15 on CD109). An alternative method uses radioim-
tant differences: (1) maternal sensitization by fetal platelet antigens can munoprecipitation, which can detect all of the known alloantibodies
occur early in the first trimester, (2) NAIT can affect first pregnancies, described to date. Second, for unknown reasons, up to 25% of
(3) women at risk for NAIT are not easily identifiable before sensitization HPA-1a–negative women with NAIT have no detectable antibodies
and thus are not amenable to universal screening programs, and (4) a using currently available laboratory methods. Recent studies have
specific therapy that targets prevention of platelet antigen sensitization used surface plasmon resonance to identify alloantibodies in women
is lacking (e.g., Rh-immune globulin that target RBC antigen exposure). suspected of having NAIT, but who tested negative in conventional
immunoassays. Low affinity anti–HPA-1a antibodies were detected
in some, suggesting that standard immunoassays may be limited in
Consequently, diagnosis requires allele-specific genotyping using their capacity to detect such antibodies.19 Low-incidence platelet-
polymerase chain reaction technology to identify a maternal–fetal specific alloantigens expressed on platelets only from the paternal
(or maternal–paternal) antigenic mismatch. Serologic confirmation lineage may account for fetomaternal incompatibility. Detection of
for the complete array of maternal alloantibodies is more difficult alloantibodies in these cases requires that maternal serum be tested
for two reasons. First, the technology is complex and relatively few against paternal platelets whenever possible.
laboratories perform these tests. In general, most commercial assays Alloantibodies recognize epitopes on platelet GPs that are defined
detect platelet alloantibodies directed against only a limited number by genetic polymorphisms. To date, all of these antigens are the result
of antigens. This limitation necessitates the use of more specific of single nucleotide polymorphisms or in-frame deletions of the
assays, such as monoclonal antibody immobilization of platelet codon. Consequently, platelet typing using genetic analysis is
1952 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

relatively straightforward. The majority of platelet alloantigens occur clinicians use IVIg for antenatal treatment. Corticosteroids (predni-
on GPIIIa, which is the most abundant platelet GP (50,000–75,000 sone or dexamethasone) given in combination with IVIg should be
copies per platelet). GPIIIa, also known as β3, forms a heterodimer considered for mothers at high risk, such as those with a previously
with platelet GPIIb to form the integrin α2β3, which serves as the affected infant with intracranial hemorrhage or severe thrombocyto-
binding site for fibrinogen and enables platelet aggregation. penia or if the response to IVIg is suboptimal.
The most common platelet alloantigen implicated in NAIT is
HPA-1a. This important alloantigen is defined by a leucine (HPA-
1a) to proline (HPA-1b) substitution at amino acid 33 on GPIIIa. Fetal Monitoring During Pregnancy
Maternal incompatibility to HPA-1a is implicated in more than 80%
of women with NAIT. These women lack the common HPA-1a Serial ultrasonography is indicated for fetal surveillance. This provides
antigen (i.e., their genotype is HPA-1bb) and during pregnancy they a simple, noninvasive method for identifying fetal bleeds at an early
are immunized with fetal HPA-1a antigen inherited from the father. stage. FBS by percutaneous cannulation of the umbilical or intrahepatic
The next most commonly implicated antigens in NAIT are HPA- vein may be a way of capturing high-risk fetuses, identifying those who
5a5b on GPIa/IIa and HPA-15a15b on the glycosylphosphatidylinosi- require treatment, and monitoring response to therapy. However, FBS
tol–anchored protein, CD109. Only 6 of the 28 platelet antigen systems is technically challenging and is associated with significant morbidity
have been defined by maternal alloantibodies against both alleles; these and mortality. In one study, 6% of FBS procedures were associated
include the HPA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 15 systems. There are a number of with complications, including fetal death from exsanguination and
other low-frequency alleles, the majority of which are expressed on premature induction of labor.24 Furthermore, a platelet transfusion
platelet GPIIb/IIIa and are usually found within a single family. protocol based on the detection of fetal thrombocytopenia would
Although maternal immunization to low-frequency antigens is impli- necessitate frequent FBS procedures because of the short (7-day) life
cated in some cases of NAIT, these antigens account for a minority of span of transfused platelets. Because the risks associated with FBS
the NAIT cases that remain unresolved after investigation for common exceed the benefits, routine FBS is not recommended.
HPA antigens.20 Frequently, discrepancies in human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) and ABO, which are also expressed on platelets, are found during
the course of investigations for NAIT; however, their significance is Mode of Delivery
uncertain. A database of genetically confirmed alloantigens is maintained
by the European Bioinformatics Institute ( There is no evidence that planned cesarean section is safer than uncom-
plicated vaginal delivery for infants with NAIT. Nonetheless, planned
cesarean section delivery can ensure that personnel and resources,
Management including antigen-compatible platelet transfusions, are readily available.

Management of Infants After Delivery

Population Screening for Neonatal Alloimmune
When NAIT is suspected and depending on the platelet count, Thrombocytopenia
treatment should be initiated even before confirmatory test results are
available. It is important to appreciate that moderate or severe Universal NAIT screening programs for all pregnant women are not
thrombocytopenia at birth (20–50 × 109/L) can worsen over the next currently available because of the difficulty in early identification of
few days. Treatment should be initiated immediately if thrombocy- at-risk women and the lack of specific and proven treatments. Screen-
topenia is severe (platelets <50 × 109/L); if there are petechiae or ing algorithms also have to account for the large difference in numbers
purpura; or if there is evidence of serious bleeding, such as intra- of women lacking an antigen and those who will later develop NAIT.
cranial bleeding on cranial ultrasonography. The initial treatment is About 2% of women will be identified as HPA-1bb, whereas only 1
platelet transfusion along with high-dose IVIg (1–2 g/kg).21 Ideally, in 20 of these will have an affected child because of HPA-1a immu-
platelet products for transfusions should be alloantigen compatible; nization. One study screened 100,448 pregnant women and offered
however, if these are unavailable, random donor platelets can be used those with HPA-1a antibodies early cesarean section together with
because they often produce adequate increases in the platelet count.22 compatible platelet transfusions.25 This approach identified 161
affected infants, of whom three (6%) died or had an intracranial
bleed, compared with 10 of 51 infants (20%) born to mothers who
Antenatal Management of the Mother were not screened. These results are encouraging, and additional
studies of NAIT screening programs are ongoing.
Women with a previously affected infant with NAIT are at high risk
of having another affected infant. Consequently, careful management
in subsequent pregnancies is required. Similar to HDN, the disorder POSTTRANSFUSION PURPURA
is often more severe in subsequent pregnancies than it is in the first.
The exception is if the father is heterozygous for the implicated PTP is a rare thrombocytopenic syndrome that is provoked by an
platelet antigen, in which case antigenic testing can be performed by immune-mediated reaction against HPAs, most frequently HPA-1a.
amniocentesis to determine if the fetus is at risk and whether treat- PTP presents 5–10 days following exposure to platelets or platelet
ment is required. antigenic material in blood transfusions with profound thrombocy-
Antenatal treatment options for at-risk mothers during subsequent topenia and clinically significant bleeding.
pregnancies range from careful observation, to IVIg with or without
corticosteroids, to fetal blood sampling (FBS) and intrauterine
platelet transfusion. Invasive strategies that include FBS are associated Epidemiology
with a high rate of complications, including fetal death and premature
labor; thus a noninvasive approach is often recommended. PTP is rare with an estimated incidence of 1–2 per 100,000 transfu-
The mainstay of antenatal therapy for women with a previously sions. Data from the Serious Hazards of Transfusion surveillance
affected infant is high-dose IVIg (1–2 g/kg) administered weekly program from the United Kingdom have shown that the incidence
throughout pregnancy starting at 18–22 weeks of gestation. A sys- of PTP has decreased in the last decade (Fig. 131.4).26 Reasons for
tematic review summarizing the results of four randomized trials that this trend may be related to universal leukoreduction, which was
included 206 women compared weekly IVIg with a variety of other implemented in the United Kingdom in 1999. The average annual
therapies, including alternate dosing of IVIg or IVIg plus corticoster- incidences of PTP in the years preceding 1996–99 and following the
oids.23 Although no definitive conclusions could be drawn, most implementation of universal leukoreduction between 2000 and 2005
Chapter 131 Diseases of Platelet Number 1953


duction began in the United Kingdom in late 1999 and coincided with a decrease in new cases of posttransfu-
sion purpura. (From

thrombocytopenia with similar clinical presentation include primary

Clinical Presentation of Posttransfusion Purpura
ITP, drug-induced ITP, sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation,
On postoperative day 8 after spinal surgery, a 43-year-old woman has and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; however, association with
a platelet count of 3 × 109/L. During the operation, she received 3 transfusion and bleeding severity suggest a diagnosis of PTP. Patients
units of non–leuko-reduced packed RBCs because of intraoperative with PTP may present with features that overlap with heparin-induced
bleeding. She is receiving intravenous ampicillin and prophylactic thrombocytopenia (HIT), and positive HIT testing in the context of
doses of the low-molecular-weight heparin dalteparin. On physical anti–HPA antibodies has been reported; however, thrombocytopenia
examination, she has extensive oral mucosal purpura and petechiae is typically less severe with HIT and bleeding is rare.
on both lower extremities. HIT testing results (anti-PF4/heparin
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and serotonin release assay) are
negative. The ampicillin is stopped, and she is treated with IVIG (2 g/
kg) and platelet transfusions. Three days later, the platelet count is 4
× 109/L, and the patient develops melena. The presumed diagnosis
is posttransfusion purpura; therefore, HPA-1a–negative platelets Most patients with PTP lack the common HPA-1a platelet antigen
and high-dose parenteral corticosteroids are administered, and daily and are homozygous for HPA-1b. These patients develop anti-HPA
plasma exchange is initiated. One week later, the thrombocytopenia 1a antibodies from sensitizing events such as previous pregnancies or
and bleeding symptoms resolve. Platelet antibody testing reveals the transfusions. Anti–HPA 1a antibodies may persist for many years in
presence of anti–HPA-1a antibodies. these patients. In addition, platelet antibodies with specificities other
than HPA-1a may also be found.28

were 10.3 and 2.3 cases per year, respectively. Since the implementa-
tion of universal leukoreduction, there has also been a shift from red Pathophysiology
cell concentrates to platelet concentrates as the inciting transfusion
event, which may be attributable to the reduction in platelet con- Platelets contain abundant amounts of GPIIb/IIIa; thus even small
tamination of red cell products with leukoreduction methods. A numbers of platelets or platelet microparticles contained within RBC
recent study estimated that the frequency of PTP corresponds to 1.8 concentrates can be immunogenic and can lead to the development
per 100,000 transfusions.27 In this study, platelet containing transfu- of PTP. Genotypic analyses have shown that HLA-II alleles
sions posed a significantly higher risk than RBC transfusions. DRβ3*0101 and DQβ1*0201 are commonly associated with this
Approximately 85% of PTP episodes occur in women, the major- disorder. This is similar to NAIT: the frequency of immunization
ity of whom had a history of pregnancy. In a report of 61 patients, depends on platelet alloantigen discrepancy plus the presence of
the sensitizing event among women was pregnancy alone in 58%, certain immune response genes.
pregnancy and/or transfusion in 34%, and transfusion alone in 7.5%. The most intriguing feature of PTP is that the patient’s own
Males had associated transfusion histories in 55%, with some having antigen-compatible platelets are destroyed. Furthermore, platelet
no known exposure. PTP has not been reported in children. reactive antibodies can be eluted from both antigen-positive and
antigen-negative platelets. Although the mechanism is still poorly
understood, theories to explain this “innocent bystander” phenom-
Clinical Presentation enon include immune complex formation, passive antigen adsorp-
tion, and autoantibody formation. As discussed later, some of these
PTP presents with severe thrombocytopenia (platelets <10 x 109/L) and mechanisms may be overlapping.
bleeding, which may include petechiae, purpura, mucosal hemorrhage, Immune complexes can form if the anti–HPA-1a antibodies bind
hematuria, and rarely ICH. The thrombocytopenia is often refractory soluble antigen. Alternatively, platelet alloantigens contained within
to platelet transfusions even with antigen-negative platelets. Mortality the transfused blood product may be passively adsorbed onto autolo-
because of severe thrombocytopenia and bleeding has been estimated gous platelets, converting them from antigen negative to antigen
to be 5% to 20%. The thrombocytopenia occurs 5–10 days after blood positive and rendering them targets for immune destruction. Immune
transfusion and typically resolves within weeks, but occasionally can complexes may then bind to platelets through Fc-receptors causing
be prolonged and severe and can persist for months. Other causes of platelet destruction. Anti–HPA-1a antibodies have been shown to
1954 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

induce platelet activation through release of platelet-derived RANTES 9a. Mithoowani S, Gregory-Miller K, Goy J, et al: High-dose dexa-
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5. Harrington WJ, Minnich V, Hollingsworth JW, et al: Demonstration of leukodepletion of the blood supply on hemovigilance reports of post-
a thrombocytopenic factor in the blood of patients with thrombocyto- transfusion purpura and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease.
penic purpura. J Lab Clin Med 38(1):1–10, 1951. Transfusion 47(8):1455–1467, 2007.
6. Burrows RF, Kelton JG: Fetal thrombocytopenia and its relation to 27. Menis M, Forshee RA, Anderson SA, et al: Posttransfusion purpura
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8. Hicks LK, Bering H, Carson KR, et al: Five hematologic tests and in a patient with HPA-1a and GPIa/IIa antibodies. Transfus Med
treatments to question. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program 16(1):69–72, 2006.
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9. Cheng Y, Wong RS, Soo YO, et al: Initial treatment of immune throm- transfusion purpura. Vox Sang 76(2):120–123, 1999.
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349(9):831–836, 2003. purpura-revisited. Blut 57(4):163–167, 1988.
Theodore E. Warkentin

Thrombocytopenia is defined as a platelet count below the lower drug, recent infection); (3) the presence of symptoms of a secondary
limit of the normal range (≈150 × 109/L). Sometimes an expanded illness, such as a neoplasm, infection, or an autoimmune disorder
definition of thrombocytopenia is appropriate. For example, an such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); (4) history of recent
abrupt drop in the platelet count can signify the onset of a platelet- medication use, alcohol ingestion, or transfusion; (5) presence of risk
destructive process such as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) factors for certain infections, particularly human immunodeficiency
or bacteremia even if the platelet count remains above 150 × 109/L. virus (HIV) infection or viral hepatitis; and (6) family history of
This is especially relevant in the second or third week after surgery thrombocytopenia.
because patients usually have platelet counts that peak at levels 2–3 As part of the physical examination, evidence of hemostatic
times greater than their usual preoperative value (postoperative impairment should be sought, as well as secondary causes of throm-
thrombocytosis). bocytopenia. The signs of platelet-related bleeding include petechiae
In the clinical evaluation of a patient with thrombocytopenia, three and purpura. Petechiae typically occur in the dependent regions of
questions must be asked. First, could the patient have pseudothrom- the body or on traumatized areas. Spontaneous mucous membrane
bocytopenia? Second, what is the most likely explanation for the bleeding (wet purpura), epistaxis, and gastrointestinal bleeding
thrombocytopenia? And third, what are the risks posed by the caus- indicate a more serious hemostatic defect. Although petechiae are
ative disorder and the severity of the thrombocytopenia? For example, common in patients whose platelet counts are less than 10–20 ×
severe thrombocytopenia caused by drug-dependent antibodies or 109/L, most patients with platelet counts over 50 × 109/L have no
platelet-reactive autoantibodies is often associated with bleeding. By signs of hemostatic impairment. The physical examination may
contrast, thrombocytopenia caused by HIT antibodies or attributable provide an explanation for the thrombocytopenia. For example,
to disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) secondary to adeno- enlarged lymph nodes may indicate a viral infection, such as infec-
carcinoma is associated with thrombosis. Often, the underlying cause tious mononucleosis or HIV infection, or a neoplastic process. An
of the thrombocytopenia (e.g., bacteremia, cancer, cirrhosis), rather enlarged spleen raises the possibility of hypersplenism.
than the thrombocytopenia itself, poses the greater risk.
Thrombocytopenia can be caused by any of four general mecha-
nisms: (1) platelet underproduction, (2) increased platelet destruction Timing of Onset and Severity of Thrombocytopenia
or consumption, (3) platelet sequestration, and (4) hemodilution.
Platelet underproduction usually occurs in association with under- Many thrombocytopenic disorders, particularly those involving an
production of other blood cell lines, which results in bicytopenia immune pathogenesis, exhibit characteristic temporal features that can
or pancytopenia. Thrombocytopenia caused by increased platelet aid in the diagnosis. For example, if the platelet count begins to fall
destruction develops when the rate of platelet loss surpasses the ability 5–10 days (median, 6–7 days) after starting a new drug or after a blood
of the bone marrow (BM) to produce platelets and may be caused transfusion and reaches a nadir of less than 20 × 109/L a few days later,
by immune or nonimmune mechanisms (Table 132.1). Thrombocy- the diagnosis of drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia (D-ITP) or
topenia from platelet sequestration is caused by redistribution of posttransfusion purpura (PTP), respectively, should be considered (Fig.
platelets from the circulation into an enlarged splenic vascular bed. 132.2).2 Patients with these disorders typically have mucocutaneous
Hemodilution is characterized by a decrease in the number of plate- bleeding and are at risk for fatal intracranial hemorrhage.
lets, as well as red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs) A similar temporal profile is also characteristic of typical-onset
as a result of the administration of colloid, crystalloid, or platelet- HIT, although there the platelet count only falls below 20 × 109/L
poor blood products. in only 10% of affected patients (see Fig. 132.2); in approximately
In the postoperative period, platelet count changes reflect several 80% of patients, the platelet count nadir ranges from 20–150 ×
processes, including initial hemodilution (immediate platelet count 109/L, and in the remainder, the platelet count nadir never falls below
decrease) and increased platelet consumption (first 2–4 days), at which 150 × 109/L despite a large reduction in the platelet count. When
point the platelet count begins to rise because of increased platelet the platelet count falls abruptly after drug administration, the pos-
production; when the platelet count reaches its postoperative peak— sibility of rapid-onset thrombocytopenia caused by preexisting drug-
usually about 14 days after surgery—platelet production decreases dependent antibodies should be considered, as is well described with
somewhat, and the platelet count returns to baseline (Fig. 132.1).1 In HIT. Indeed, so-called rapid-onset HIT is the presenting feature of
addition to usual mechanisms, the differential diagnosis of thrombo- this adverse drug reaction in 25% to 30% of cases.3 Rapid-onset
cytopenia in pregnancy includes some unique causes (Table 132.2). thrombocytopenia is also a feature of glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa
antagonist-induced ITP.
Occasionally, thrombocytopenia worsens in the first few days after
APPROACH TO PATIENTS WITH THROMBOCYTOPENIA surgery; this can occur with multiorgan system failure (e.g., cardio-
genic or septic shock) (see Fig. 132.2). If the patient develops con-
History and Physical Examination comitant DIC and hypotension, there is high risk for ischemic limb
injury secondary to microvascular thrombosis (“symmetric peripheral
Certain information should be ascertained, including (1) the location gangrene”), especially if the patient has “shock liver” (ischemic hepa-
and severity of bleeding (if any); (2) the temporal profile of the titis), which is a risk factor for severe depletion of protein C, an
hemostatic defect (acute, chronic, or relapsing), particularly the important endogenous anticoagulant.4,5 If the platelet count falls to
temporal relationship with potential proximate triggers (e.g., new very low levels and is accompanied by microangiopathic hemolysis,

1956 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Mechanisms of Platelet Destruction or Consumption
Type of Thrombocytopenia Specific Example(s)
Immune Mediated
Autoantibody-mediated platelet destruction by RES Primary and secondary idiopathic (immune) ITPa
Alloantibody-mediated platelet destruction by RES NAIT,a PTP,a PAT; alloimmune platelet transfusion refractorinessa
Drug-dependent, antibody-mediated platelet destruction by RES Drug-induced immune ITP (e.g., vancomycin) (see Fig. 132.5)
Platelet activation by binding of IgG Fc of drug-dependent IgG to platelet HIT
FcγIIa receptors
Non–Immune Mediated
Platelet activation by thrombin or proinflammatory cytokines DICa; septicemia or systemic inflammatory response syndromes
Platelet destruction via ingestion by macrophages (hemophagocytosis) Infections, certain malignant lymphoproliferative disorders
Platelet destruction through platelet interactions with altered vWFb TTP,a HUSa
Platelet losses on artificial surfaces CPB,a use of intravascular catheters
Decreased platelet survival associated with cardiovascular diseases Congenital and acquired heart disease, cardiomyopathy, PE
See Chapter 131 for a discussion of thrombocytopenia in these disorders.
Although platelet destruction is not directly caused by antibodies, immune mechanisms can explain altered vWF (e.g., autoimmune clearance of vWF-cleaving
CPB, Cardiopulmonary bypass surgery; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome;
IgG, immunoglobulin G; ITP, idiopathic (immune) thrombocytopenic purpura; NAIT, neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia; PAT, passive alloimmune thrombocytopenia;
PE, pulmonary embolism; PTP, posttransfusion purpura; RES, reticuloendothelial system; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; vWF, von Willebrand factor.

1 2 3 4
Acute thrombocytopenia
Increased platelet Decreased platelet
Steady state (hemodilution/increased production production
Surgery platelet consumption)

Surgery 4
Platelet count

1 1
Postoperative thrombocytosis Thrombopoietin
(platelet count peak, day ~14) Megakaryocyte

0 5 10 15 20 25
Days after surgery
Fig. 132.1 POSTSURGERY PLATELET COUNT CHANGES. Initial platelet count declines result from
hemodilution and increased platelet consumption, with the platelet count nadir occurring between days 1 to
4 (median, day 2). There is constitutive production of thrombopoietin (TPO) by the liver. TPO binds to
platelets and megakaryocytes via a specific receptor (c-Mpl, not shown), and receptor-bound TPO is removed
from circulation and degraded. The level of circulating TPO is thus inversely related to the mass of platelets
and megakaryocytes. In early postsurgery thrombocytopenia, fewer TPO binding sites are available, resulting
in high free TPO levels, which stimulates megakaryocyte proliferation and differentiation and leads to increased
platelet production. With subsequent thrombocytosis, the high platelet mass acts as a “sink” for removing
TPO, with decreased stimulus for platelet production. Thus after acute postsurgery thrombocytopenia, TPO
levels rise about twofold, leading to increased platelet production that begins on days 2–4, with resulting
thrombocytosis that generally peaks at approximately day 14 (postoperative thrombocytosis) and returns to
baseline by about day 21. (Reprinted, with modifications, with permission, from Arnold DM, Warkentin TE: Throm-
bocytopenia and thrombocytosis. In Wilson WC, Grande CM, Hoyt DB, editors: Trauma: Critical care, vol 2, New York,
2007, Informa Healthcare, p 983).
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1957

the possibility of postoperative thrombotic thrombocytopenic uremic syndrome (HUS); thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic
purpura (TTP) should be considered.6 hemolysis that begin approximately 1 week after a prodromal diar-
Mild to moderate platelet count decreases that occur soon after rheal illness; and fungemia-associated thrombocytopenia (onset, 1–3
transfusion of blood products are common and can be explained by weeks after complex illness involving indwelling catheters and broad-
hemodilution; however, a marked platelet count fall after transfusion spectrum antibiotic usage). In contrast, thrombocytopenia of insidi-
may be the result of passive alloimmune thrombocytopenia (PAT) or ous onset that progresses over several years suggests chronic liver
sepsis because of contaminated blood products (see Fig. 132.2). disease, with evolution to portal hypertension and associated spleno-
Other characteristic temporal features of thrombocytopenia megaly (e.g., cirrhosis secondary to alcohol or hepatitis C) or a slowly
include postenterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli–associated hemolytic progressive BM disorder (e.g., myelodysplasia).

TABLE Differential Diagnosis of Thrombocytopenia in Laboratory Evaluation

132.2 Pregnancy
Incidental thrombocytopenia of pregnancy (gestational
Laboratory evaluation of patients with thrombocytopenia is sum-
marized in Table 132.3 (also see Chapter 129). The blood film is
Preeclampsia or eclampsiaa
examined to exclude pseudothrombocytopenia, which is character-
DIC secondary to:
ized by in vitro platelet clumping. This phenomenon, which is
Abruptio placentae
evident in approximately one in 1000 blood samples, is most often
caused by naturally occurring GPIIb/IIIa (αIIbβ3)-reactive autoanti-
Amniotic fluid embolism
bodies that induce aggregation of platelets in the presence of the
Retained fetus
calcium-chelating anticoagulant ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
Preeclampsia or eclampsiaa
(EDTA). Because the platelet aggregates are not counted by the
Peripartum or postpartum thrombotic microangiopathy
electronic particle counter, the automated platelet count appears
falsely low. The correct platelet count usually can be determined by
collecting the blood into sodium citrate or heparin or by performing
the count on nonanticoagulated finger prick samples; maintaining
Preeclampsia or eclampsia usually is not associated with overt DIC.
DIC, Disseminated intravascular coagulation; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome;
the blood sample at 37°C often attenuates platelet clumping. EDTA-
TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. dependent pseudothrombocytopenia has no pathologic significance
other than potentially placing a patient in jeopardy for inappropriate

Transfusion of
blood product
Heparin bolus

400 Normal platelet count

nadir after major surgery
Platelet count (× 109/L)


200 Rapid- Bacterial

onset HIT contamination
100 HIT
Sepsis, multiorgan failure
Postsurgery TTP D-ITP, PTP
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Postoperative day (day 0 = day of surgery)
FOR DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. The usual postoperative platelet count nadir is seen between postopera-
tive days 1 to 3 (inclusive). Early and progressive platelet count declines often reflect severe postoperative
complications such as sepsis and multiorgan failure; severe thrombocytopenia can (rarely) indicate postsurgery
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Thrombocytopenic disorders that begin approximately 1 week after
surgery are often immune mediated: moderate thrombocytopenia can indicate heparin-induced thrombocy-
topenia (HIT), both “typical onset” or (if heparin is not being given) “delayed onset”; very severe thrombo-
cytopenia can indicate drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia (D-ITP) or (rarely) posttransfusion purpura.
An abrupt decline in platelet count after receiving a heparin bolus in a patient who has received heparin within
the past 7–100 days can indicate “rapid-onset” HIT; thrombocytopenia that begins abruptly after transfusion
of a blood product can indicate sepsis from bacterial contamination or (rarely) passive alloimmune thrombo-
cytopenia caused by transfusion of platelet-reactive alloantibodies. D-ITP, Drug-induced immune thrombo-
cytopenia; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; PAT, passive alloimmune thrombocytopenia; PTP,
posttransfusion purpura; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. (Reprinted, with permission, from Grein-
acher A, Warkentin TE: Acquired non-immune thrombocytopenia. In: Marder VJ, Aird WC, Bennett JS, et al, editors:
Hemostasis and thrombosis: Basic principles and clinical practice, ed 6, Philadelphia, 2013, Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins, p 796.)
1958 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

TABLE Laboratory Tests Used to Investigate a Patient With treatment for thrombocytopenia that does not exist. A much less
132.3 Thrombocytopenia common (one in 10,000 blood samples) antibody-mediated pseudo-
thrombocytopenic disorder is platelet satellitism, in which rosette-like
Test Rationale clusters of platelets surround neutrophils. This entity is produced by
Common Tests immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that recognize EDTA-induced
CBC Isolated thrombocytopenia usually is cryptic epitopes on both platelet GPIIb/IIIa and neutrophil FcγIII
caused by platelet destruction, but receptors.
involvement of all cell lines BM examination can be helpful for assessment of platelet produc-
suggests underproduction or tion, particularly if megakaryocytes are reduced in number or
sequestration abnormal in appearance. Examination of the BM can be diagnostic
in some disorders (e.g., leukemia, metastatic tumor, Gaucher disease,
Examination of the blood film Pseudothrombocytopenia (platelet
megaloblastic anemia).
Elevated platelet-associated IgG (PAIgG) can be detected in
Toxic changes and granulocyte “left
patients with either immune or non-ITP; therefore, this assay is not
shift” suggest septicemia
useful diagnostically. In contrast, GP-specific platelet antibody assays,
Atypical lymphocytes suggest viral
such as the monoclonal antibody immobilization of platelet antigens
(MAIPA) assay or antigen capture enzyme immunoassay, are relatively
RBC fragments suggest TTP or HUS
specific for detection of autoimmune thrombocytopenic disorders.
Parasites (e.g., in malaria)
These assays can also be adapted for detection of drug-dependent
White cell inclusions suggest
GP-reactive antibodies.
hereditary macrothrombocytopenia
When the mechanism of chronic thrombocytopenia is unclear, an
Blood cultures Bacteremia, fungemia autologous platelet survival study using 111In-labeled platelets may be
ANA test Systemic lupus erythematosus informative. Three patterns can be seen: (1) normal platelet survival
and recovery (underproduction), (2) marked reduction in the platelet
Direct antiglobulin test Exclude immune hemolysis
life span (increased destruction), and (3) reduced recovery but a
accompanying ITP (Evans
normal or near-normal life span (sequestration). However, platelet
survival studies are rarely performed.
Coagulation Assays
aPTT, PT (INR), thrombin DIC
time, fibrinogen, D-dimer Therapy
LA assay (nonspecific aPL antibody syndrome The risk of bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia can be
inhibitor), anticardiolipin reduced by avoiding drugs that impair hemostasis (e.g., alcohol,
and anti-β2-glycoprotein I antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants) and invasive procedures (e.g.,
assays intramuscular injections). If drug-induced thrombocytopenia is sus-
Serum protein ITP associated with pected, as many medications as possible, especially those started
electrophoresis; IgG, IgM, lymphoproliferative disorder within the preceding 5–14 days, should be stopped. Life-threatening
IgA levels (monoclonal); hypersplenism bleeding episodes should be treated with platelet transfusion regard-
associated with chronic hepatitis less of the mechanism of the thrombocytopenia.
(polyclonal) The underlying cause and anticipated natural history of the
thrombocytopenic disorder influence the decision about prophylactic
HIV serologic studies HIV-associated thrombocytopenia platelet transfusion. As a general rule, patients with chronic throm-
BM aspiration, biopsy Assess megakaryocyte numbers and bocytopenic disorders characterized by increased platelet destruction
morphology; exclude primary BM (e.g., chronic ITP) or chronic underproduction (e.g., aplastic anemia
disorder or myelodysplasia) can tolerate long periods of severe thrombocyto-
Specialized Tests penia without major bleeding. In addition, prophylactic platelet
GP-specific platelet antibody Relatively specific assay for primary transfusions can trigger alloimmunization against human leukocyte
assays (e.g., MAIPA) and secondary ITP antigen (HLA) or platelet antigens, thereby jeopardizing future thera-
peutic platelet transfusions. Consequently, prophylactic platelet
Drug-dependent increase in Specific assay for D-ITP
transfusions are seldom indicated for such patients except when they
platelet-associated IgG
are at risk of bleeding because of trauma or major surgery. When
Drug-dependent platelet HIT platelets are given, the platelet count should be maintained above 50
activation test (e.g., × 109/L. Invasive procedures such as thoracentesis, paracentesis, and
platelet serotonin release liver biopsy are not usually associated with excess bleeding if the
assay) or PF4–heparin (or platelet count is greater than 50 × 109/L.
PF4-polyanion) ELISA Prophylactic platelet transfusions should not be given to patients
Radionuclide platelet life Define the mechanism of with strongly suspected or confirmed HIT, TTP, or HUS because
span study with imaging thrombocytopenia; identify an they may exacerbate platelet-mediated thrombotic complications,
(e.g., 111In platelet survival “accessory” spleen postsplenectomy and, particularly with HIT, mucocutaneous bleeding is uncommon.
study) However, bleeding in the setting of severe thrombocytopenia may
ANA, Antinuclear antibody; aPL, antiphospholipid; aPTT, activated partial
justify platelet transfusion even in these disorders.
thromboplastin time; BM, bone marrow; CBC, complete blood count;
DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; D-ITP, drug-induced immune
thrombocytopenia; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
GP, glycoprotein; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; HIV, human
immunodeficiency virus; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome;
IgG, immunoglobulin G; INR, international normalized ratio; ITP, idiopathic The Spleen: Anatomy and Function
(immune) thrombocytopenic purpura; LA, lupus anticoagulant;
MAIPA, monoclonal antibody immobilization of platelet antigens; PF4, platelet The spleen is a small, well-perfused organ that receives about 5% of
factor 4; PT, prothrombin time; RBC, red blood cell; TTP, thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura.
the total cardiac output. In adults, the spleen weighs between 150
and 200 g and measures approximately 11 cm in length.
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1959

The anatomy of the spleen is uniquely suited for its function; Physiologic Platelet Sequestration
progressive branching of the splenic artery into trabecular and central
arteries helps separate the plasma from the cellular elements (see Radiolabeled platelet studies have shown that approximately 30% of
Chapter 160). The central arteries arise perpendicularly from the the total platelet mass exists as a freely exchangeable pool in the
trabecular arteries and skim the plasma layer from the cells. Soluble spleen. Because the normal platelet life span is 9–10 days, platelets
antigens in the plasma are delivered to the white pulp, where phago- spend approximately one-third of their lives, or 3 days, within the
cytic cells process them and antibody production is initiated. spleen. In patients with hypersplenism, up to 90% of the platelets
A cell-rich, hemoconcentrated fraction of the blood is delivered can be found in the spleen.
to the red pulp. Some of this blood flows directly to the splenic veins After labeled platelets are injected, there is accumulation in both
(the closed system), but most moves into the splenic cords (the open the liver and the spleen. An initial, irreversible phase of hepatic
system). Here, the cellular elements percolate through a meshwork uptake occurs. This equilibrates during the first 5 minutes and may
of reticulum fibers, reticuloendothelial cells, and supporting cells to reflect hepatic clearance of platelets damaged during the labeling
reach the splenic sinuses. The cells enter the sinuses by passing procedure. Simultaneously, there is a slow increase in activity over the
through narrow fenestrations in the basement membrane of the spleen that peaks in about 20 minutes. Splenic platelet uptake is thus
endothelial cells lining the sinuses. The blood exits through the dependent on input (spleen blood flow) and output (clearance).
splenic vein into the portal system. Because the veins in the portal The splenic platelet pool size can be decreased and the platelet
system lack valves, any increase in portal pressure is transmitted to count increased with intravenous infusions of epinephrine in normal
the splenic microcirculation. persons and in patients with splenomegaly. By contrast, isoprenaline
The spleen plays a number of important roles. It is the largest increases the splenic pool size. Splenic blood flow increases with
lymphoid organ in the body and contributes to host defense by increasing spleen size, although perfusion (flow per unit of tissue
clearing microorganisms and antibody-coated cells. The spleen is also volume) falls. Blood flow can be increased in some inflammatory
important for antibody synthesis, especially antibodies directed disorders (e.g., SLE) without an increase in spleen size. A marked
against soluble antigens. The filtering function of the spleen includes increase or decrease in splenic perfusion alters the proportion of
(1) culling (removal of damaged or senescent cells and bacteria), (2) platelets within the spleen.
pitting (removal of RBC inclusion bodies or parasites), and (3) Fig. 132.3 shows why approximately 30% of the platelets
remodeling (reticulocyte sequestration and maturation). The spleen are normally present in the spleen.1 Because about 5% of cardiac
also serves as a reservoir of platelets (accommodating about one-third output goes to the spleen and because the average splenic transit time
of the platelet mass in normal individuals). By contrast, the human (i.e., the time for the platelet to pass through the spleen) is approxi-
spleen contains less than 2% of the total RBC mass, although in some mately 10 minutes—compared with the usual average time of
animals (dogs and cats), the spleen is a much more important RBC 1 minute for a platelet to make a complete circulatory pass—
reservoir. approximately one-third of the platelets are within the spleen


5% 5%-25%
~1 min

Normal transit time Normal transit time

(~10 min) (~10 min)

Normal spleen

about 5% of cardiac output is to the spleen; however, a platelet that enters the spleen spends about 10 minutes
there (splenic transit time = 10 min). In contrast, it usually takes only about 1 minute for a platelet to make
a circulatory pass elsewhere. Thus about one-third of the platelets at any one time are located within the spleen:
(5% × 10 min):(95% × 1 min), or an approximate 1 : 2 ratio. In hypersplenism, the splenic blood flow can
increase by a factor of 5, that is, from 5% to 25% of total blood flow per minute. Thus, even without increase
in splenic transit time, up to 70% or more of the platelets can be exchangeably sequestered within the spleen.
(From Arnold DM, Warkentin TE: Thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis. In: Wilson WC, Grande CM, Hoyt DB, editors:
Trauma: Critical care, vol. 2, New York, 2007, Informa Healthcare USA, p 983.)
1960 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

(i.e., 5% × 10 min/95% × 1 min, or a ratio of 50 : 95, or ≈1 : 2). TABLE Differential Diagnosis of Splenomegaly and
With hypersplenism, the splenic blood flow can increase up to fivefold 132.4 Hypersplenism
(i.e., from 5% to 25% of total blood flow). Thus even without an
increase in splenic transit time, 70% or more of the platelets can be Infections
exchangeably sequestered within the spleen. Acute
The most important determinant of the splenic platelet pool is Viral (viral hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis, CMV infection)
the spleen size. The measurement of spleen size can thus be helpful Bacterial (septicemia, salmonellosis, brucellosis, splenic abscess)
in predicting the degree of thrombocytopenia expected from excess Parasite (toxoplasmosis)
platelet pooling in the spleen. For example, if 90% of the platelet Subacute and Chronic
pool is in the spleen (i.e., 10% outside the spleen), the platelet count Subacute bacterial endocarditis
will be reduced by sevenfold because normally, 70% of platelets lie Tuberculosis
outside the spleen. Consequently and as a general rule, even if the Malaria
spleen is massively enlarged, severe thrombocytopenia (<20 × 109/L) Kala-azar
is rare. On the other hand, mild thrombocytopenia may be explained Fungal disease
by mild splenomegaly that may not be detectible on physical exami- Inflammation
nation but can be seen with imaging studies. Felty syndrome
Serum sickness
Definition Congestive Splenomegaly
Hypersplenism is a syndrome characterized by splenomegaly and any Cirrhosis
or all of the following cytopenias: anemia, leukopenia, or thrombo- Extrahepatic
cytopenia. Implicit in the definition is that the cytopenias will correct
Portal vein obstruction
after splenectomy. Although splenomegaly is almost always present
Splenic vein obstruction
in hypersplenism, many patients with splenomegaly do not have
Hepatic vein occlusion (Budd-Chiari syndrome)
hypersplenism. Hypersplenism usually is the result of an identifiable
pathologic process, but rarely, the cause of the splenomegaly remains Chronic Passive Congestion
elusive, and the hypersplenism is termed primary. Heart failure
Hematologic Disorders
RBC disorders: hemolytic anemias, thalassemia, sickle cell disorders
Pathogenesis Neoplasia
A list of disorders producing splenomegaly and hypersplenism is MPDs
presented in Table 132.4. An increase in the size of the spleen can be Myeloid metaplasia
caused by several mechanisms. Increased workload of the spleen can Polycythemia rubra vera
be caused by immunologic stress (infection, inflammation, or an Essential thrombocythemia
autoimmune disorder) or by increased RBC removal (RBC mem- Chronic leukemia
brane disorders, hemoglobinopathies). Portal hypertension also Chronic myeloid leukemia
increases the size of the spleen, producing congestive splenomegaly. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Benign and malignant infiltrative disorders may increase splenic size Hairy cell leukemia
(infiltrative splenomegaly) and cause hypersplenism. Some of these Lymphoma
disorders produce thrombocytopenia by more than just hypersplen- Acute leukemia
ism (e.g., BM infiltration with tumor, immune-mediated platelet Malignant histiocytosis
clearance). Thus the demonstration of an enlarged spleen does not Benign
necessarily mean that the cytopenias are caused solely by Hamartoma
hypersplenism. Hemangioma
Thrombocytopenia of hypersplenism is caused primarily by Lymphangioma
increased splenic platelet pooling. A massively enlarged spleen can Fibroma
hold more than 90% of the total platelet mass. In the absence of Storage Diseases
altered platelet production, the total body platelet mass usually is
Gaucher disease
normal, and the platelet life span is near normal. Usually, the splenic
Niemann-Pick disease
transit time remains normal (≈10 minutes), but the absolute number
of platelets retained within the enlarged spleen is increased. All of
these platelets remain part of the exchangeable pool. In hypersplen- Amyloidosis
ism, the thrombocytopenia is moderately severe (platelet counts of Cysts
50 × 109/L to 150 × 109/L). Severe thrombocytopenia (<20 × 109/L) ALPS, Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome; CMV, cytomegalovirus;
suggests another diagnosis. Therefore it is unusual for patients with MPD, myeloproliferative disorder; RBC, red blood cell; SLE, systemic lupus
hypersplenism to have evidence of hemostatic impairment attribut-
able to thrombocytopenia or to need specific interventions to raise
the platelet count. Plasma volume expansion occurs in hypersplen-
ism, but hemodilution plays a relatively minor role in the thrombo- Diagnosis
cytopenia. In some patients with advanced liver disease, impaired
hepatic production of thrombopoietin may contribute to thrombo- Thrombocytopenia is likely to be caused by hypersplenism when
cytopenia in addition to hypersplenism. (1) splenomegaly is present, (2) the thrombocytopenia is mild to
The neutropenia of hypersplenism is caused by an increase in the moderate in severity, (3) a moderately reduced neutrophil count
marginated granulocyte pool, a portion of which is located in the and low-normal hemoglobin levels are found, and (4) there is no or
spleen. The neutropenia of hypersplenism is usually asymptomatic. minimal evidence of impaired hematopoiesis on BM examination.
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1961

Ultrasonography, computed tomography, and radionuclide imaging exemplified by quinine- and quinidine-induced thrombocytopenia.
are of comparable sensitivity for documenting splenomegaly, and an A complicating issue (discussed later in this chapter) is that quinine
imaging study should be performed if splenomegaly is not evident can also rarely cause thrombocytopenia with a clinical picture of
on physical examination. The mean platelet volume is often slightly microangiopathic hemolysis11 and/or DIC.
decreased in hypersplenism, but this finding is not sufficiently specific Sometimes the Fab terminus binds to a neoepitope on platelet
to be diagnostically useful. An 111In-labeled platelet survival study GPIIb/IIIa induced by the drug, and the drug itself is not part of the
can be diagnostic of hypersplenism, demonstrating reduced platelet neoepitope. This mechanism is exemplified by the GPIIb/IIIa recep-
recovery and a normal platelet life span. Determining the cause of tor antagonists, eptifibatide and tirofiban, which bind to the Arg-Gly-
the splenomegaly is usually the most important issue. Asp recognition site on GPIIb/IIIa, forming a neoepitope to which
the “fiban-dependent” antibodies bind.
Another distinct form of drug-induced thrombocytopenia is
Therapy exemplified by HIT (see Chapter 133). In this disorder, the Fab
portion of the pathogenic IgG binds to platelet factor 4 (PF4), an
Several maneuvers can improve or correct the cytopenias attributable α-granule protein that is immunogenic when complexed to heparin
to hypersplenism, including total or partial splenectomy; partial or certain other polyanions. The Fc portions of the IgG molecules
splenic embolization; and in patients with congestive splenomegaly, bind to platelet FcγIIa receptors, initiating intense platelet activation
surgical or transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting. However, (see Fig. 132.4). Perhaps because HIT is a platelet activation syn-
cytopenias secondary to hypersplenism and thrombocytopenia in drome or because of the relatively low number of HIT antibodies
particular, are almost never of sufficient severity to justify such treat- that bind to platelet surfaces, the thrombocytopenia is typically mild
ment. Consequently the decision to perform one of these interven- to moderate rather than severe (see Fig. 133.3 in Chapter 133).
tions usually depends on other considerations. For example,
splenectomy should be considered for relief of pain or early satiety
associated with massive splenomegaly (e.g., in myelo- or lymphopro- DRUG-INDUCED IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA
liferative disorders) or for splenomegaly of unknown origin (for
investigation of possible splenic lymphoma). A large number of drugs can cause a syndrome that mimics acute
Short-term complications from splenectomy include infections, ITP (D-ITP); however, there are relatively few drugs for which causa-
bleeding, and thromboembolism. The major long-term risk associ- tion is well established on both clinical and serologic grounds (Table
ated with splenectomy is overwhelming septicemia; this risk can be 132.5).10,12–14 Typically, severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count
reduced by vaccination. All patients should be vaccinated against usually <20 × 109/L), together with petechiae and purpura, develop
pneumococci, meningococci, and Haemophilus species at least 2 within approximately 1 week (although occasionally much longer)
weeks before elective splenectomy. Moreover, “booster” doses of after initiation of therapy with the responsible drug. D-ITP is much
pneumococcus and meningococcus vaccines are recommended after less common than HIT. For example, a relatively “common” cause of
5 years.7 Splenectomy for congestive hypersplenism in the setting of this syndrome is TMP-SMX (co-trimoxazole), even though it occurs
portal hypertension is associated with high morbidity and mortality in only approximately one in 25,000 patients who receive this drug
rates. Splenectomy is also associated with high morbidity (50%) and combination.
mortality (10%–15%) rates in myeloid metaplasia and does not alter Important exceptions to these generalizations occur with D-ITP
the natural history of this disorder. Thus splenectomy is usually that results from GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists; these reactions are
performed for palliation of intractable symptoms. relatively common (affecting about 0.5%–1% of patients) and usually
Splenectomy in Gaucher disease usually corrects the cytopenias, occur within hours of first use as a result of preexisting, naturally
relieves abdominal discomfort, and improves growth in children. occurring antibodies. Another exception is carbimazole-induced
Partial, rather than total, splenectomy has been used in an attempt thrombocytopenia, in which mild thrombocytopenia is explained by
to avoid shifting the deposition of glucocerebroside from the spleen the presence of relatively small quantities of the platelet GP target
to the bones. Often, however, splenomegaly and hypersplenism recur (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 [PECAM-1]) on the
after partial splenectomy. Enzyme replacement therapy can reduce platelet surface. Besides the atypical immune-mediated syndromes of
the morbidity from hypersplenism (see Chapter 53). HIT and GPIIb/IIIa antagonist thrombocytopenia, the most common
drugs (in absolute terms) implicated in the causation of classic D-ITP
syndrome are quinine (outpatients) and vancomycin (inpatients).15
Many drugs can cause thrombocytopenia. Some drugs (e.g., antican- Pathogenesis
cer chemotherapeutic agents, valproic acid) cause dose-dependent
thrombocytopenia, generally through myelosuppressive mechanisms. Drug-dependent binding of the Fab component of IgG to platelet
An important disorder encountered by hematologists is unexpected GP leads to platelet destruction. This occurs because the IgG-
thrombocytopenia caused by immunologic (idiosyncratic) sensitized platelets are recognized by Fc receptors of phagocytic cells.
mechanisms.8–10 The frequency of these reactions varies considerably For quinine- and quinidine-induced ITP, both the GPIIb/IIIa and
among drugs and ranges from very rare (<1 : 10,000) for commonly GPIb/IX/V complexes have been implicated as targets for the drug-
used drugs such as acetaminophen, indomethacin, naproxen, quinine dependent IgG (see Fig. 132.4). By contrast, for sulfa antibiotic- and
or quinidine, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) to naproxen-induced ITP, the GPIIb/IIIa complex is predominantly
common (1%–5%) for other drugs such as gold and unfractionated involved. Sometimes, drug metabolites form the antigen rather than
heparin (UFH). the parent drug. A trimolecular complex is formed among IgG Fab,
Immunologic drug-induced thrombocytopenia can occur through the drug (or metabolite), and the platelet GP. In contrast to HIT,
different mechanisms (Fig. 132.4). For example, thrombocytopenia platelet Fc receptors are not involved in D-ITP pathogenesis. Drug-
can occur when the Fab terminus of the pathogenic IgG binds to a dependent IgG binding is remarkably heterogeneous with respect to
complex composed of drug (or drug metabolite) and a platelet binding affinity, number of binding sites per platelet, and the range
membrane component (typically, platelet GPIIb/IIIa or GPIb/IX/V). of drug concentrations required. A study of quinine-induced ITP
The Fc portions of the pathogenic IgG molecules do not bind to identified two different types of antibodies: quinine-dependent
platelets but interact with Fc receptors on phagocytic cells of the antibodies that bound to platelets in the presence of drug and
reticuloendothelial system, which ingest the platelets, leading to quinine-specific antibodies that reacted with quinine-conjugated
accelerated platelet clearance. Severe thrombocytopenia (platelet albumin.16 The pathophysiologic implications of this latter group of
counts <20 × 109/L) is typically observed. This mechanism is antibodies remain unclear.
1962 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Drug-induced antibody production

Platelet clearance by
phagocytic cells
(See enlargement below)

Ibα Monocyte
B lymphocyte IIb




Drug–glycoprotein complex (ligand-induced bonding site)
e.g., quinine ( ) e.g., eptifibatide ( )
GPIbα, GPIX, GPIIb, and GPIIIa implicated
(e.g., gold)
Platelet activation Drug binds to GPIIb/IIIa
GPV implicated exposing a neoepitope ( )

microparticles IgG recognizes PF4 ( ) Bound to heparin ( )

FcγIIa receptor ( ) clustering causes platelet activation


thrombocytopenic syndromes are illustrated. On the bottom of the schematic platelet, heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia (HIT) is illustrated, indicating that immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies bind to complexes
of platelet factor 4 (PF4) and heparin, with the Fc regions of the antibodies binding to the platelet FcγIIa
receptors, resulting in platelet activation (including generation of procoagulant, platelet-derived microparticles).
On the top of the schematic platelet, three mechanisms are illustrated that lead to increased platelet clearance
by phagocytic cells. From left to right, these are (1) autoantibody-induced immune thrombocytopenia (e.g.,
gold-induced antiglycoprotein V [GPV] antibodies). (2) Drug-dependent antibodies reactive against drug (or
drug metabolite)–platelet glycoprotein complex(es) (e.g., quinine-induced thrombocytopenia in which drug-
dependent antibodies against GPIbα, GPIX, GPIIb, and GPIIIa have been implicated, resulting in an
antibody/drug/glycoprotein ternary complex), and (3) antibodies against neoepitope(s) formed in the presence
of a drug (e.g., eptifibatide-induced immune thrombocytopenia caused by formation of ligand-induced
binding site elsewhere on the GPIIb/IIIa complex after eptifibatide binding). Note that preexisting (naturally
occurring) antibodies can explain abrupt-onset thrombocytopenia in a patient receiving eptifibatide for the
first time.

The fundamental mechanism that accounts for antibody forma- abrupt-onset thrombocytopenia. Usually, the thrombocytopenia
tion in a small proportion of patients is unknown. One group has becomes clinically apparent 1–2 weeks after initiation of the drug,
proposed that drug-dependent platelet-reactive antibodies are derived but the thrombocytopenia can start after a patient has been taking a
from a pool of naturally occurring autoantibodies with inherently drug for several years. Typically, the platelet count begins to rise in a
weak (nonpathologic) affinity for certain platelet membrane GPs.8,16 few days after discontinuation of the implicated drug, but occasion-
However, if a certain drug is able to enhance antibody–antigen interac- ally several weeks are required for recovery, possibly because of the
tion, and if B cells expressing such antibodies are induced to proliferate generation of drug-independent IgG (platelet autoantibodies).
and undergo affinity maturation in such a patient, the resulting Sometimes drug exposure is relatively obscure. Among outpa-
antibody can destroy the platelets in the presence of the drug. tients, the physician needs to inquire about potential exposure to
quinine. Quinine is widely available: for example, as an ingredient in
tonic water, as an additive to street drugs, and in some countries as
Clinical Features therapy for leg cramps. Vancomycin is a relatively common cause of
D-ITP in hospitalized inpatients; most often this occurs after the
Patients with D-ITP typically present with petechiae, purpura, and usual intravenous administration, but some reports have implicated
severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count often <20 × 109/L). Systemic exposure via orthopedic cement or with peritoneal administration of
symptoms, such as fever and chills, may occur in patients with vancomycin.
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1963

Rarely, distinct drug-dependent IgG molecules destroy RBCs or several that the patient is receiving) is most likely to explain a diag-
WBCs in addition to platelets. For example, both platelet- and nosis of D-ITP.10,12–14 The clinician should focus on drugs that have
leukocyte-reactive quinidine-dependent IgG molecules have been been started 5–10 days before the onset of the platelet count decrease
detected in a patient with quinidine-induced bicytopenia. Sometimes (Fig. 132.5A). Also, with drugs such as quinine, in which there may
the immune process is directed against a pluripotent hematopoietic be intermittent exposure (e.g., consumption of gin and tonic), a very
stem cell, resulting in pancytopenia accompanied by BM aplasia or recent exposure (previous 1 or 2 days) usually explains the abrupt
hypoplasia (e.g., gold-, carbamazepine-, or quinidine-induced pancy- onset of symptomatic thrombocytopenia.
topenia). A BM aspirate should be performed in patients with sus- After the physician has identified one or more potential agents,
pected drug-induced bicytopenia or pancytopenia because a the next step is to determine whether these drugs have previously
hypoplastic BM may be indicative of drug-induced aplastic anemia. been implicated as causes of D-ITP. The box Search Strategies When
Investigating Patient With Possible Drug-Induced Immune Throm-
bocytopenic Purpura includes some strategies for identifying drugs
Diagnosis implicated in D-ITP.
Demonstration of drug-dependent binding of IgG to platelets in
A high index of clinical suspicion is required to make the diagnosis. vitro can be important for diagnosis (see Fig. 132.5B). Labeled
Moreover, clinicians need to evaluate which drug (often among Ig-specific probes (e.g., phase II assays) or GP capture techniques
(phase III assays) can be used (see Table 132.3). In other cases, D-ITP
test results are negative, but the diagnosis still seems likely based on
clinical features and supporting literature (see Fig. 132.6).
TABLE List of Drugs Implicated in Drug-Induced Immune There are certain caveats in diagnostic testing. First, metabolites
132.5 Thrombocytopenia must sometimes be used instead of the parent drug to detect the IgG.
Drugs Common to All Three Lists12–14 Second, the target drug (or metabolite) must be included in the wash
Quinine, quinidine, rifampin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, buffer used in these assays. Third, despite these maneuvers, the sen-
vancomycin sitivity of in vitro assays is relatively low, and the diagnosis of D-ITP
George12 Reese13 Arnold14 must often be made on clinical grounds. Sometimes the diagnosis is
Acetaminophen Abciximab a
Abciximaba confirmed by inadvertent or deliberate reexposure to the suspected
Alprenolol Acetaminophen Carbamazepine drug. However, deliberate drug challenge is not often performed
Aminoglutethimide Amiodarone Ceftriaxone because of its potential risk.
Aminosalicylic acid Ampicillin Eptifibatideb A novel approach to identify drug-dependent platelet-reactive
Amiodarone Carbamazepine Ibuprofen antibodies was reported by investigators at the Milwaukee Blood
Amphotericin B Eptifibatideb Mirtazapine Center.20 They used nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunode-
Amrinone Ethambutol Oxaliplatin ficient (NOD/SCID) mice (which lack xenoantibodies, thereby
Chlorothiazide Haloperidol Penicillin allowing infused human platelets to circulate) to identify drug-
Chlorpromazine Ibuprofen Suramin dependent antibodies in patient sera, including antibodies that only
Cimetidine Irinotecan Tirofibanb recognize drug metabolites (presumably, mice produce the same or
Danazol Naproxen Heparinc similar drug metabolites as humans, which are recognized by the
Diatrizoate meglumine Oxaliplatin drug-dependent antibodies).
Diazepam Phenytoin
Diazoxide Piperacillin
Diclofenac Ranitidine
Digoxin Simvastatin Search Strategies When Investigating a Patient With Possible
Ethambutol Sulfisoxazole Drug-Induced Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Haloperidol Tirofibanb
Interferon-α Valproic acid Four sources of information as to whether a drug has been implicated
Iopanoic acid as a cause of D-ITP:
• PubMed search ( [name of
drug] and [thrombocytopenia]. By way of example, the author
Lithium encountered a patient who developed severe thrombocytopenia
Meclofenamate 5 days after starting treatment with mirtazapine (Fig. 132.6).
Methyldopa Searching [mirtazapine] and [thrombocytopenia] in December
Minoxidil 2014 identified two reports17,18 of mirtazapine-induced D-ITP
Nalidixic acid syndrome.
Naphazoline • Drug-induced thrombocytopenia website (
Nitroglycerin platelets/ditp.html): Investigators at the University of Oklahoma
Oxprenolol published a comprehensive survey of drugs implicated in
D-ITP using clinical criteria12; a website maintained by these
investigators is updated every 2 years.
Sulfisoxazole • Database from drug-dependent platelet-reactive antibody
Tamoxifen testing at the BloodCenter of Wisconsin, 1995–2010 (http://
Tolmetin the BloodCenter of Wisconsin maintains a website reporting
Subtype of D-ITP where patient’s antibodies (either naturally occurring or that its experience in detecting drug-dependent platelet-reactive
are formed after treatment with abciximab) bind to platelet GPIIb/IIIa antibodies.19
subsequent to binding of abciximab (chimeric human-murine Fab that • Combined approach that uses clinical criteria,12 laboratory
recognizes GPIIb/IIIa) to platelets. criteria,19 and Adverse Event Reporting System.13 Table 132.5
Subtype of D-ITP caused by fiban-dependent antibodies (either naturally- (middle column) lists two dozen drugs (including those drugs
occurring or that are formed after treatment with eptifibatide or tirofiban) that identified by two other comprehensive reviews12,14) for which
recognize neoepitopes on platelet GPIIb/IIIa that form subsequent to binding of convincing clinical and laboratory evidence exists.13 To review
fiban drug to GPIIb/IIIa.
HIT is considered a distinct subtype of D-ITP disorder, given its unusual
the comprehensive list of all drugs investigated in this study,13
pathogenesis centered on IgG-induced platelet activation. interested readers can consult the online supplemental
D-ITP, Drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia; HIT, heparin-induced table (
thrombocytopenia. suppl/2010/06/08/blood-2010-03-276691.DC1/TableS1.pdf).
1964 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

66 F: Admission for prosthetic valve endocarditis


Platelet count (mean × 109/L) 200 IVIg
100 4 × 109/L


Heparin Heparin
Ranitidine Omeprazole
Carbamazepine, phenytoin Carbamazepine, valproate
Gentamicin and vancomycin Teicoplanin
Digoxin Digoxin

–2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
A Days after starting multiple drugs

Normal serum Normal serum

60 + buffer 60 + drug (vancomycin)


40 40

20 20

0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Fluorescence Fluorescence

Patient serum Patient serum

60 + buffer 60 + drug (vancomycin)


40 40

20 20

0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
B Fluorescence Fluorescence
COMYCIN. A, Timeline of D-ITP. A 66-year-old woman was admitted for prosthetic valve endocarditis 5
months after undergoing mitral valve replacement. The initiation of multiple new drugs and the onset 6 days
later of progressively severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count nadir, 4 × 109/L on day 9) suggested D-ITP
syndrome. However, the timing fit several drugs (ranitidine, carbamazepine, phenytoin, gentamicin, vanco-
mycin, and digoxin). B, Drug-dependent binding of antibodies was demonstrated using patient serum and
vancomycin. Also, test results for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia antibodies was negative. Thus the
diagnosis of vancomycin-induced D-ITP syndrome was made based on clinical and serological grounds. The
patient received treatment with high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and platelet transfusions. Plt
tfns, Platelet transfusions.
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1965

Trauma (burn)-
thrombo- Postoperative Resolution of Mirtazapine-induced
1800 cytopenia thrombocytosis thrombocytosis thrombocytopenia

1400 tetracyclic antidepressant of the
piperazine-azapine group
Platelet count × 109/L 1200


800 Abrupt unexpected

platelet count fall

High-dose IVIG

Platelet count nadir
Debridement Mirtazapine (12 × 109/L)

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20

Days after starting mirtazapine
TAZAPINE. The onset of severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count nadir, 12 × 109/L) on day 6 of mirtazapine
therapy implicated this tetracyclic antidepressant of the piperazine-azapine group as a cause of drug-induced
immune thrombocytopenia (D-ITP) syndrome. The very rapid platelet count fall (which was already manifest
on day 5 of mirtazapine therapy) is explained by reduced platelet production (because the patient’s platelet
count was declining from postoperative thrombocytosis). Although in vitro testing for mirtazapine-dependent
antibodies was negative, the low sensitivity of these assays does not rule out mirtazapine as the cause of
D-ITP syndrome, particularly in a high pretest probability scenario such as this. IVIg, Intravenous

Management high-dose IVIg. Some patients with persisting thrombocytopenia

benefit from splenectomy or use of gold-chelating agents (dimercap-
As many drugs as possible should be discontinued in patients with rol, N-acetylcysteine). The disorder is rarely encountered because the
suspected D-ITP. If further drug treatment is necessary, an alternate, use of gold to treat rheumatic disorders has declined.
immunologically non–cross-reactive substitute should be used.
Spontaneous improvement in the platelet count usually begins within
a few days of discontinuing the offending drug, although in some DRUG-INDUCED AUTOIMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA
cases, complete recovery may take 2 weeks or longer. Platelet transfu-
sions should be given to patients with life-threatening bleeding. Certain drugs other than gold have been reported to initiate auto-
High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), 1 g/kg given over immune thrombocytopenia (e.g., levodopa, procainamide). Because
6–8 hours, with a second dose 1 or 2 days later if required, may be the pathogenic antibodies are by definition drug independent,
helpful in some situations. Corticosteroids appear to be relatively however, it is difficult to establish causation. The mumps–measles–
ineffective for treatment of D-ITP. rubella (MMR) vaccine can rarely (≈1 : 40,000) cause a severe but
generally self-limited thrombocytopenia that is clinically and sero-
logically indistinguishable from childhood acute ITP; MMR vaccina-
GOLD-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA tion of unimmunized children with ITP and revaccination of children
with prior ITP does not lead to recurrent thrombocytopenia.
Gold-induced ITP occurs in as many as 1% to 3% of treated
patients. A genetic predisposition is suggested by the association
with HLA-DR3, which is found in approximately 85% of affected DRUG-INDUCED IMMUNE THROMBOCYTOPENIA OF
patients. The thrombocytopenia typically occurs during the first 20 RAPID ONSET
weeks of therapy before a total of 1000 mg of gold has been given.
Rarely, the thrombocytopenia begins much later, sometimes several A rapid onset of thrombocytopenia (within hours) can occur if a
months after discontinuation of the gold. Although the onset of patient with preexisting drug-dependent antibodies is (re)exposed to
thrombocytopenia is typically abrupt, regular platelet count monitor- the drug. This situation is relatively common in HIT (≈25% of
ing is important because an early diagnosis can be made in some patients identified)3 because repeated treatment with heparin is
patients. The thrombocytopenia often persists for several months common and heparin use itself can result in the complication (HIT-
after discontinuation of the gold, probably because of gold-induced associated thrombosis) that might lead to further use of heparin.
autoimmune thrombocytopenia (drug-independent gold-induced Because HIT antibodies are transient, however, rapid-onset HIT
autoantibodies against gold-induced antiglycoprotein V [GPV] have occurs in patients with recent heparin exposures, usually within the
been implicated) (see Fig. 132.4). Although most patients will even- past 100 days.3 By contrast, repeated episodes of quinine-induced
tually respond to corticosteroids, immediate, albeit often transient, thrombocytopenia of abrupt onset can occur many months or
correction of severe thrombocytopenia can usually be achieved with even years apart because these antibodies persist for much longer.
1966 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Thrombocytopenia of rapid onset is commonly seen with GPIIb/IIIa

Approach to Patients With Thrombocytopenia Following Percutaneous
receptor antagonists (see next section). Coronary Intervention

Four diagnoses should be considered in patients who develop thrombo-

THROMBOCYTOPENIA CAUSED BY GLYCOPROTEIN IIB/ cytopenia within minutes or a few hours after a PCI and have received
IIIA RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS one or more of the following agents: (1) platelet GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor
(e.g., abciximab, eptifibatide, tirofiban), (2) heparin, or (3) iodinated
Several thrombocytopenic syndromes have been reported with use of contrast agent.
GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists (abciximab, eptifibatide, tirofiban) • GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor–induced pseudothrombocytopenia. The patient
administered during percutaneous coronary intervention (e.g., angio- has no symptoms or signs of bleeding, and platelet aggregates
are seen in the blood film. The platelet count is falsely reported
plasty, stenting): (1) rapid-onset, severe thrombocytopenia within 12 as low by the automated particle counter, which fails to count
hours of drug administration (in 0.4%–2% of patients), (2) rapid- aggregated platelets. No treatment is required.
onset pseudothrombocytopenia (in approximately 1% of patients • GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor–induced thrombocytopenia. The platelet count
exposed to abciximab [ReoPro]), (3) rapid-onset thrombocytopenia falls abruptly, often to profoundly reduced levels (typical nadir,
within 12 hours of a second exposure to a GPIIb/IIIa antagonist, and <20 × 109/L). Hemostatic impairment is variable, ranging from
(4) delayed-onset thrombocytopenia beginning 5–7 days after drug petechiae to fatal hemorrhages; occasionally, patients develop
administration (rare).21 The frequency of rapid-onset thrombocyto- anaphylactoid reactions or even associated thrombosis. Treatment
penia is higher among patients who receive a second course of therapy, involves stopping all platelet antagonists and anticoagulants and
especially if it follows the initial exposure by only a few weeks. giving platelets if the patient has signs of bleeding. Prophylactic
platelet transfusions can also be considered if the platelet count
Thrombocytopenia is typically severe (median platelet count nadir, is very low (e.g., <10 × 109/L). Testing for drug-dependent
about 5 × 109/L to 10 × 109/L), but clinical effects vary dramatically, antibodies can be accomplished using flow cytometry or ELISA.
ranging from absence of petechiae or other signs of bleeding (in 50% • Rapid-onset HIT. In patients who have preexisting HIT antibodies
of patients) to fatal hemorrhage (in less than 5%). Some patients because of recent heparin exposure (generally within the
develop anaphylactoid reactions accompanying the abrupt platelet past 100 days), rapid-onset HIT can occur when heparin is
count declines. The antibodies may cause thrombosis in some given during PCI. This is much less common than GPIIb/IIIa
patients, likely because the pathogenic antibodies also activate inhibitor–induced thrombocytopenia or pseudothrombocytopenia,
platelets.21 so presumptive treatment of HIT with a nonheparin anticoagulant
These syndromes are caused by at least three mechanisms. First, is rarely indicated in this situation. The platelet count nadir
is usually much higher than with GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor–induced
antibodies of IgG (and possibly IgM) class can bind to neoepitopes thrombocytopenia.
on the GPIIb/IIIa complex generated by these drugs (or their metabo- • Radiocontrast-induced ITP. Very rarely, patients who have
lites), that is, ligand-induced binding sites (see Fig. 132.4). Up to 5% previously received iodinated contrast can develop abrupt-onset,
of humans and nonhuman primates have naturally occurring IgG severe thrombocytopenia after exposure to contrast during
antibodies that will bind to GPIIb/IIIa receptors in the presence of PCI. Platelet transfusions (with or without high-dose IVIg) are
drug, which could explain why rapid-onset thrombocytopenia occurs appropriate for a bleeding patient.
so frequently with these agents. A second mechanism is applicable to ELISA, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; HIT, heparin-induced thrombocy-
abciximab, a chimeric Fab fragment comprised of murine GPIIb/ topenia; ITP, induced thrombocytopenia; IVIg, intravenous immunoglobulin; PCI,
IIIa-reactive sequences and human framework sequences. Interest- percutaneous coronary intervention.
ingly, although a high frequency of normal persons (74%) have
antibodies that recognize platelets coated with abciximab, these
“normal” antibodies were shown to differ from those detected in
patients in whom thrombocytopenia developed after a second expo-
sure to abciximab: whereas the pathogenic antibodies recognized Various in vitro assays using flow cytometry or enzyme-linked
murine sequences within abciximab, the “normal” (nonpathogenic) immunosorbent assay (ELISA) have been developed to detect these
antibodies were specific for the carboxyl terminus (papain cleavage antibodies. Because some pathogenic antibodies are naturally occur-
site) of Fab fragments prepared from normal human IgG. Drug- ring, it is theoretically possible to identify patients at high risk for
dependent antibodies can also be generated about 1 week after rapid-onset thrombocytopenia in elective situations (see box on
exposure. The antibodies differ among patients with respect to the Approach to Patients With Thrombocytopenia Following Percutane-
precise neoepitopes recognized and display variable degrees of cross- ous Coronary Interventions).
reactivity among the different GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists
(“fibans”); this explains why a repeat treatment course with another
GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonist may not necessarily cause thrombo- MISCELLANEOUS DRUG-INDUCED
cytopenia. A third mechanism involves eptifibatide-dependent anti- THROMBOCYTOPENIC SYNDROMES
bodies that activate platelets via their FcγIIa receptors.21
Some naturally occurring antibodies only bind to GPIIb/IIIa Drug-Induced Thrombotic Microangiopathy
when the calcium concentration is low, thus explaining
pseudothrombocytopenia—falsely low platelet count estimates Several drugs can trigger a syndrome of thrombocytopenia, fragmen-
caused by ex vivo aggregation of platelets in blood samples collected tation hemolysis, and renal failure known as drug-induced thrombotic
into calcium-chelating anticoagulants, especially EDTA. The rare microangiopathy (TMA). This syndrome has been established for
syndrome of delayed-onset thrombocytopenia after brief exposure quinine,11 in which multiple quinine-dependent antibodies reactive
might result from high-titer GPIIb/IIIa-reactive antibodies that bind against platelets, RBCs, leukocytes, and endothelial cells have been
even in the absence of the drug. reported. Although TMA has been reported with ticlopidine and
Platelet transfusions are indicated in patients who are bleeding, clopidogrel, a recent systematic review22 failed to confirm this
although their efficacy has not been established. Platelet transfusions association.
are most likely to be effective for the treatment of abciximab-induced Although a similar syndrome may be caused by mitomycin,
thrombocytopenia because the drug binds so tightly to GPIIb/IIIa gemcitabine, cyclosporine, and tacrolimus, it should be noted that
that little abciximab is free to bind to the transfused platelets. Platelet many patients who receive these drugs have an underlying illness
transfusions are not indicated in pseudothrombocytopenia, which (e.g., gastric adenocarcinoma, BM transplantation, collagen vascular
underscores the importance of reviewing the blood film when a disease) that itself can be complicated by TMA; moreover, high
low platelet count is reported after treatment with one of these cumulative doses of the implicated drug have usually been received,
agents. suggesting a nonimmune (e.g., toxic) pathogenesis.11 Furthermore,
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1967

these patients tend to be less responsive to plasma exchange than routine blood testing. The cause of the mild reduction in platelet
those with idiopathic TTP. count (approximately 75 × 109/L to 150 × 109/L) is believed to
represent a leftward shift in the normal platelet count range during
pregnancy related to one or more of hemodilution, reduced platelet
Drug-Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation production, or increased platelet turnover.23 This condition is benign
and is not associated with an increased risk for maternal bleeding or
On rare occasions, quinine causes severe thrombocytopenia accom- neonatal thrombocytopenia. Accordingly, no special maneuvers are
panied by marked coagulation abnormalities indicative of DIC. This indicated in these women, and the route of delivery should be
syndrome overlaps that of quinine-induced thrombotic microangi- determined by obstetric indications. Epidural anesthesia is believed
opathy, and the explanation for the prominent coagulopathy is to be safe if the platelet count is at least 75 × 109/L.
unknown. Although all patients with HIT have biochemical evidence
of increased thrombin generation, only about 10% to 20% have overt
DIC; however, these patients often present with large and small vessel Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Preeclampsia is characterized by the onset of hypertension and pro-
teinuria during pregnancy, especially in a primigravida near term.
Nonidiosyncratic Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia Preeclampsia complicates approximately 5% of pregnancies, and the
frequency is higher in black women. Thrombocytopenia occurs in up
Most antineoplastic drugs produce dose-dependent pancytopenia to 50% of preeclamptic patients, and its severity generally parallels
because of their effect on hematopoietic cells, including megakaryo- that of the underlying preeclampsia.23 A subset of patients with
cytes and their progenitor cells. Typically, the platelet count nadir preeclampsia has microangiopathic hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes,
occurs at a predictable time after treatment, and the count then and low platelets, widely known as the HELLP syndrome. This
quickly recovers. Unexpectedly severe or prolonged thrombocytope- condition usually indicates severe preeclampsia and is associated with
nia in patients receiving chemotherapy should suggest alternate a higher risk of fetal and maternal complications, including maternal
explanations (e.g., idiosyncratic thrombocytopenia caused by another hepatic rupture. Repeated clinical and laboratory assessment of these
drug). patients is important because this syndrome can mimic other life-
Mild to moderate thrombocytopenia develops in approximately threatening complications of pregnancy, such as overt DIC, TTP,
20% of patients who take valproic acid (an antiepileptic agent); septicemia, and acute fatty liver of pregnancy.
bleeding symptoms are uncommon. The mechanism of thrombocy- Increased platelet destruction is the mechanism for the thrombo-
topenia in this setting is unknown, but the condition appears to be cytopenia in preeclampsia. However, activation of the coagulation
nonidiosyncratic because the risk of thrombocytopenia correlates system is relatively modest, suggesting that thrombin generation may
strongly with serum concentrations of valproic acid metabolite. not be a major driver of the thrombocytopenia. Endothelial dysfunc-
Amrinone is another agent that can cause mild, dose-dependent tion (e.g., impaired nitric oxide synthesis) is a potential explanation
thrombocytopenia. for increased platelet turnover in preeclampsia.
Pharmacologic control of hypertension and rapid delivery are the
treatments for preeclampsia and usually result in resolution of the
Rapid Nonimmune Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenia within a few days. If delivery is not an option,
treatment with bed rest and aggressive antihypertensive therapy has
Some drugs produce rapid but generally mild and transient drops in been reported to result in an improved platelet count. However, the
the platelet count. These drugs include heparin, protamine, bleomy- clinical course is markedly variable, and some patients develop life-
cin, hematin, desmopressin (particularly in patients with type 2B von threatening organ failure. Plasmapheresis has been used in some
Willebrand disease), and porcine factor VIII. The mechanisms for patients, especially if there is evidence of thrombotic microangiopathy
thrombocytopenia in these syndromes are obscure. and organ dysfunction. Plasma exchange is appropriate for patients
whose clinical picture has features suggesting TTP.

Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions

Mild to moderate thrombocytopenia is sometimes observed in
patients with systemic drug hypersensitivity reactions. Co-morbid Infection is a common cause of thrombocytopenia, occurring in
clinical features can include generalized rash, fever, cholestasis, and approximately 50% to 75% of patients with bacteremia or fungemia
leukopenia. Allopurinol, isoniazid, sulfasalazine, and phenothiazine and in almost all patients with septic shock or DIC. Even when
drugs, among others, have been implicated in these reactions. caused by bacteremia, the thrombocytopenia is generally mild to
moderate in severity and is usually not accompanied by significant
coagulation abnormalities or bleeding. The likelihood of laboratory
Thrombocytopenia Secondary to Biologic evidence for DIC increases as the platelet count falls below 50 ×
Response Modifiers 109/L. The mechanisms for thrombocytopenia in septicemia in the
absence of DIC are uncertain but could include chemokine-induced
Use of purified or recombinant biologic response modifiers such as macrophage ingestion of platelets (hemophagocytosis) and direct
interferon, interleukin-2, and certain colony-stimulating factors has activation of platelets by endogenous mediators of inflammation
resulted in severe, reversible thrombocytopenia in some patients. (e.g., platelet-activating factor) or certain microbial products. In rare
Antilymphocyte globulins can also produce severe thrombocytopenia. situations, platelet-reactive autoantibodies are implicated. Various
explanations for thrombocytopenia in different types of infection are
listed in Table 132.6.
OTHER CAUSES OF DESTRUCTIVE THROMBOCYTOPENIA Unexplained thrombocytopenia in a hospitalized patient warrants
studies to exclude infection, such as blood cultures. Prompt recogni-
Incidental Thrombocytopenia of Pregnancy tion and treatment of the infection constitute the most important
therapy because platelet count recovery tends to parallel the resolu-
Maternal thrombocytopenia occurs in 4% to 8% of pregnancies.23 tion of the infection. Prophylactic platelet transfusions are generally
Most affected women are healthy and have no history of thrombo- not required unless the platelet count falls below 10 × 109/L or
cytopenia, and their thrombocytopenia is incidentally detected by comorbid clinical features increase the likelihood of serious bleeding
1968 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

TABLE Mechanisms for Thrombocytopenia Complicating immune complexes containing IgM antiidiotype antibodies (which
132.6 Infections could explain the paradox of high levels of platelet-associated IgG and
IgM with low serum levels of platelet-reactive antibodies). Anti-HIV
Mechanism for Thrombocytopenia Selected Example(s)a therapy (e.g., zidovudine, HAART) often raises the platelet count
Increased Platelet Destruction in patients with HIV-associated thrombocytopenia. Most patients
DIC Meningococcemia with HIV-associated thrombocytopenia respond to conventional
treatments for ITP, including corticosteroids, splenectomy, IVIg, and,
Hemophagocytosis Septicemia, EBV infection
particularly, anti-D.
Platelet-reactive autoantibodies Varicella, subacute bacterial
(acute) endocarditis (rare)
Platelet-reactive autoantibodies HIV infection Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia, which occurs in as many as
HUS Verocytotoxin-producing
25% of patients with SLE, is associated with a twofold increased risk
Escherichia coli, Shigella spp.,
of organ damage events. Many different types of platelet–IgG interac-
HIV infection
tions are described (e.g., antiglycoprotein, antiglycolipid, β2-
Antibodies against platelet- Malaria glycoprotein I [β2GPI]–containing immune complexes). In addition,
adsorbed microbial antigens antithrombopoietin, anti–c-Mpl (thrombopoietin receptor), and
Hypersplenism anti-CD40 ligand autoantibodies have been reported. Multiple causes
Acute Disseminated Mycobacterium for thrombocytopenia—increased platelet destruction, hypersplen-
avium infection in HIV ism, and even impaired platelet production related to antibody-
infection induced megakaryocytic hypoplasia—have been reported. The
Chronic Viral chronic active hepatitis, predominant explanation for thrombocytopenia in SLE remains
malaria unknown.
Decreased Platelet Production
Several thrombocytopenic syndromes are seen in patients with
SLE. For many patients, the thrombocytopenia is chronic, resembling
Replacement of BM by Ehrlichiosis, tuberculosis
ITP, and is the predominant clinical manifestation of the lupus.
Often, these patients have a prolonged bleeding time despite mild
Infection of megakaryocytes HIV infection thrombocytopenia. Some thrombocytopenic patients with SLE have
Transient virus-induced aplasia Parvovirus B19 infection antiphospholipid (aPL) antibodies and are at increased risk for
(erythroblastopenia thrombotic rather than bleeding complications (see Chapter 141).
predominates) Acute, severe thrombocytopenia can be a prominent feature in
Multiple Mechanisms patients with a severe multisystem exacerbation of lupus. Rarely,
Platelet destruction plus Recurrent malaria patients with SLE develop an illness that closely resembles TTP or
hypersplenism HUS; these patients should be treated with plasma exchange. Throm-
bocytopenia as a feature of SLE-associated, viral-induced macrophage
Increased platelet destruction, Chronic HIV infection activation syndrome has been reported.
decreased platelet production, Treatment of the thrombocytopenia of SLE is similar to that of
hypersplenism ITP (see Chapter 131). Corticosteroids constitute the first line of
References can be found in Hoffman R, Benz EJ Jr, Shattil SJ, et al, eds: therapy, but many patients do not respond or require high doses.
Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice, ed 3. New York, 2000, Churchill High-dose IVIg may be useful in patients who are bleeding to tran-
Livingstone. BM, Bone marrow; DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation;
EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HUS, hemolytic siently increase the platelet count. Before resorting to splenectomy,
uremic syndrome. one could try danazol (an attenuated androgen) in doses of
200–800 mg/day. Higher doses can cause hepatitis. Typically, several
weeks of treatment are required before a benefit is seen. Splenectomy
is probably as effective in achieving platelet count remission in SLE
as in ITP. Patients with refractory thrombocytopenia sometimes
(e.g., concomitant coagulopathy, an invasive procedure, uremic benefit from more aggressive therapies, such as azathioprine,
platelet dysfunction). The use of heparin for patients with septic intermittent-pulse cyclophosphamide, plasmapheresis synchronized
shock and DIC is controversial. However, heparin may be of benefit with pulse cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine, thrombopoietin mimet-
in patients with clinical evidence of DIC and microvascular throm- ics, or rituximab.
bosis (e.g., acral tissue ischemia or necrosis). The possibility of
acquired protein C deficiency complicating acute DIC should also
be considered in septic patients with purpura fulminans, such as that Antiphospholipid Syndrome
secondary to meningococcemia, or preceding “shock liver,”4,5 in
whom treatment with heparin24 and plasma could be beneficial. Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS; see Chapter 141) is characterized
Vitamin K administration is reasonable, although it will not help in by occurrence of one or more clinical events (e.g., venous, arterial or
the absence of vitamin K deficiency. small vessel thrombosis, pregnancy loss, preterm delivery for patients
Thrombocytopenia in patients infected with HIV poses a special with severe preeclampsia or placental insufficiency) associated with
diagnostic problem because there are many potential explanations IgG, IgM, or IgA antibodies that recognize a complex of one or more
for the thrombocytopenia. These include immune platelet destruc- protein cofactors (e.g., β2GPI, annexin V, prothrombin, protein C,
tion, impaired platelet production secondary to HIV infection protein S) bound to negatively charged phospholipid. Many patients
of megakaryocytes, drug-induced myelosuppression (commonly (30%–50%) with this syndrome have thrombocytopenia, which is
implicated drugs include zidovudine, ganciclovir, and TMP-SMX), typically mild and intermittent; approximately 15% have auto-
HIV-associated thrombotic microangiopathy, hypersplenism, and immune hemolysis. The APS should be considered in patients who
BM infiltration by tumor or opportunistic infections. Platelet kinetic develop idiopathic lower limb or abdominal vein (mesenteric, renal,
studies have shown a complex interaction of decreased platelet produc- adrenal) thrombosis, cerebral venous (dural sinus) thrombosis, cardiac
tion, increased platelet destruction, and splenic platelet sequestration. valvulitis, nonatheromatous arterial thrombosis (especially throm-
Immune mechanisms for platelet destruction include antibodies that botic stroke in a patient younger than 50 years of age), dermal
cross-react with GPIIb/IIIa complexes (“molecular mimicry”) and microvascular thrombosis (acrocyanosis, digital ulceration or
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1969

gangrene, livedo reticularis), or acute multiorgan failure associated and multiple myeloma. Sometimes the thrombocytopenia responds
with DIC or widespread thrombosis of the microvasculature (cata- to treatment of the neoplasm, although in some patients (par-
strophic APS). ticularly those with Hodgkin disease), the thrombocytopenia is
The mechanism of the prothrombotic tendency in patients with indistinguishable from ITP and is not related to the activity of the
APS remains elusive, but interference with endothelial cell function, lymphoma.
impaired fibrinolysis, antibody-mediated platelet activation, forma- DIC occurs with certain malignancies, particularly adenocarci-
tion of endothelial microparticles, interference with thrombin and noma of the pancreas, stomach, lung, colon, breast, and prostate.
factor Xa degradation by antithrombin, disturbance in the protein C Some patients present with venous or, less commonly, arterial throm-
anticoagulant pathway or anticoagulant activity of β2GPI have all bosis as the first clinical manifestation of their malignancy. In these
been described. Disruption of the antithrombotic annexin V anti- patients, the presence of thrombocytopenia is an important clue that
thrombotic “shield” by aPL antibodies has been proposed to explain should prompt investigations for DIC, such as measurement of
pregnancy losses through placental vascular thrombosis. Evidence fibrinogen or D-dimer levels. In the author’s experience, the platelet
indicates that thrombocytopenia in patients with APS is associated count typically rises to normal or even elevated levels with heparin
with platelet GP-reactive autoantibodies. therapy because heparin ameliorates the DIC process; however, recur-
aPL antibodies are detected by either of two methods: (1) solid- rent thrombocytopenia and thrombosis can occur within hours of
phase ELISA with purified phospholipids (usually cardiolipin) as discontinuing the heparin therapy.26 Cancer patients with DIC and
target antigens or (2) a “functional” assay for so-called lupus antico- venous thrombosis are also at increased risk for warfarin-associated
agulant (LA) activity, shown by demonstrating inhibition of certain venous limb gangrene.26 The role of various tumor-associated proco-
phospholipid-dependent coagulation assays, such as the activated agulant substances—such as “cancer procoagulant” (a 68-kDa cysteine
partial thromboplastin time or the Russell viper venom time. proteinase that activates factor X independently of tissue factor/factor
Although aPL antibodies are frequently detected in patients with VIIa) and cancer-associated tissue factor (which is expressed on tumor
SLE, they can also be found in patients with other autoimmune cells, as well as circulating microparticles)—suggest pathophysiologic
disorders, malignancy, or infections or as a complication of certain parallels with microthrombosis in HIT because both cancer-associated
drugs (e.g., procainamide). Often no associated condition is identi- DIC and acute HIT are risk factors for phlegmasia cerulean dolens
fied (“primary” APS). aPL antibodies of low titer are sometimes found and venous limb gangrene during anticoagulation with warfarin.
in normal persons, particularly elderly individuals, or during normal Thus cancer patients with DIC should receive heparin (especially
pregnancy. Autoantibody “cluster” studies show that anticardiolipin, LMWH) rather than warfarin anticoagulation (see box on Diagnostic
LA, and anti–double-stranded DNA antibodies occur together more Considerations in the Patient With Limb Ischemia and Thrombocy-
often than with other SLE-associated autoantibodies (e.g., anti-Sm, topenia in Chapter 133). DIC with hemorrhagic manifestations is
anti-Ro, anti-RNP). characteristically seen in some patients with prostate cancer and in
There are intriguing parallels between the APS and HIT: in both many patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia. It is crucial to
disorders, the antibodies are directed at a protein target (β2GPI and recognize promyelocytic leukemia because treatment with all-trans-
PF4, respectively) bound to a negatively charged species (anionic retinoic acid produces differentiation of the malignant cells, thereby
phospholipid and heparin, respectively). For both, high-titer IgG rapidly reducing the life-threatening bleeding risks attributable to
antibodies that result in a positive “functional” test result (LA activity hyperfibrinolysis.
and HIT-IgG–induced platelet activation, respectively) are most A destructive thrombocytopenic disorder that resembles HUS or
likely to be associated with clinical disease. Both disorders are char- TTP has been described in patients with advanced cancer. In some
acterized by the paradox of thrombocytopenia associated with patients, mitomycin, gemcitabine, or other drugs may have contrib-
increased risk for venous and arterial thrombosis. uted to the microangiopathy. DIC is not usually present. Some
To help physicians diagnose the APS, clinical and laboratory cri- patients respond transiently to plasmapheresis, but for many, response
teria have been developed. The laboratory criteria include the pres- to any therapy is poor.
ence of anticardiolipin, anti-β2GPI, or LA antibodies (moderate- to
high-titer IgG or IgM) on two or more occasions at least 12 weeks
apart. The major clinical criteria are thrombosis and complications Macrophage Activation (Hemophagocytic) Syndrome
of pregnancy. Thrombosis can involve large arteries or veins or small
vessels within any organ. The complications of pregnancy include one The macrophage activation (or hemophagocytic) syndrome comprises
or more unexplained deaths of normal fetus(es) after week 10 of a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by variable cytope-
gestation or premature births (before 34 weeks) or more than three nias and morphologic evidence of macrophage phagocytosis of RBCs,
spontaneous abortions before week 10 of gestation. Some experts granulocytes, and platelets; hyperferritinemia, hypercytokinemia, and
advocate for thrombocytopenia to be included within the criteria for sepsis-like features are characteristic, with potential for evolution to
APS.25 fatal multiple organ failure.27 Some adult patients have an aggressive
Specific treatment for the thrombocytopenia is not usually disease characterized by high fever, weight loss, prominent hepato-
required. For many patients, long-term anticoagulant or antiplatelet splenomegaly, severe pancytopenia, elevated liver enzymes, and often
therapy, or both, are needed to prevent recurrent thrombosis. For a terminal infection. Both T- and B-cell lymphomas can explain such
patients with recurring pregnancy losses and aPL antibodies, random- a dramatic syndrome. However, similar patients with fulminant
ized trials have documented the benefit of low-dose aspirin com- illness have been described after otherwise unremarkable bacterial or
bined with either low-dose UFH or low-molecular-weight heparin viral infections (particularly those caused by Epstein-Barr virus). In
(LMWH). children, the high mortality rate associated with hemophagocytic
lymphohistiocytosis warrants aggressive treatment, including anti-
neoplastic chemotherapy and BM transplantation. Nonneoplastic
Malignancy but nonetheless severe hemophagocytosis can be seen in patients with
certain infections (e.g., babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, HIV infection), as
Thrombocytopenia complicating malignant disorders most frequently well as in patients with rheumatologic disorders (SLE, Still disease,
results from antineoplastic treatment or BM replacement by tumor. ankylosing spondylitis). Laboratory indicators of macrophage activa-
However, certain thrombocytopenic syndromes have been associated tion syndrome include markedly elevated ferritin,28 high levels of
with malignancy, including autoimmune thrombocytopenia, DIC, soluble CD163 and CD25, and morphologic evidence of hemo-
and thrombotic microangiopathy. phagocytosis. Treatment should be directed at the underlying illness.
ITP attributable to platelet GP-reactive autoantibodies can Early administration of corticosteroids and high-dose IVIg appears
complicate neoplastic lymphoproliferative diseases such as Hodgkin to benefit some patients with nonneoplastic macrophage activation
disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, syndrome.
1970 Part XII Hemostasis and Thrombosis

60 54.9
After cardiac surgery
After orthopedic surgery
Patients (%) 40 38.4
30 25.5 26.7
Potentially abnormal
20 on or after day 5
10 4.3 3.8
0.4 1.4
1 2 3 4 5 >6
A Days of postoperative nadir

300 300
Platelet count (× 109/L)

200 200

Hemodilution Day 3 nadir

100 Day 2 nadir 100

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
B Days after cardiac surgery C Days after cardiac surgery
Fig. 132.7 EARLY POSTOPERATIVE PLATELET COUNT DECLINES. (A) Distribution of early post-
operative count nadirs. For both orthopedic and cardiac surgery patients, day 2 represents the most common
day for the postoperative platelet count nadir to occur (data exclude day 0); beyond postoperative day 4, it is
likely that a superimposed thrombocytopenic disorder is occurring. (B and C) Representative postcardiac
surgery platelet count declines. Both patients illustrate early hemodilution effects (day 0) and subsequent
additional early platelet count declines with nadirs of day 2 (B) and day 3 (C). Neither patient received platelet
transfusions. (From Greinacher A, Warkentin TE: Acquired non-immune thrombocytopenia. In: Marder VJ, Aird WC,
Bennett JS, et al, editors: Hemostasis and thrombosis: Basic principles and clinical practice, ed 6. Philadelphia, 2013,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, p 796.)

Solid Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation obscure; reduced ADAMTS13 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase
with thrombospondin 13) levels have not been implicated. The
Thrombocytopenia commonly occurs during episodes of solid organ hematologic abnormalities can be mild and remit spontaneously,
allograft rejection. It is possible that platelet activation and deposition although patients often have residual azotemia and hypertension.
in the transplanted organ vasculature contribute to the rejection More severely affected patients do not usually benefit from plasma-
process. Antirejection therapies can also cause thrombocytopenia pheresis. The syndrome has a poor overall prognosis, and many
through increased platelet destruction (antilymphocyte globulin) or patients die irrespective of any intervention.
BM suppression (azathioprine). Posttransplantation HUS develops in
approximately 5% of renal transplant recipients and in even fewer
recipients of liver or heart transplants. Although cyclosporine is Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
sometimes implicated in HUS, it can usually be safely resumed after
recovery. Excess bleeding is a common problem in patients who undergo heart
Early, severe thrombocytopenia caused by BM-ablative therapy surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass. Many of these patients receive
invariably accompanies BM transplantation (BMT). Platelet count blood transfusions, and approximately 5% require reoperation for
recovery to greater than 50 × 109/L is more rapid (16 vs. 35 postoperative bleeding.
days) in patients receiving autologous mobilized peripheral blood Thrombocytopenia and transient platelet dysfunction (see Chapter
progenitor cells than in those undergoing autologous BMT. Severe 159) are observed in virtually every patient. Typically, the platelet
persistent thrombocytopenia despite recovery of RBCs and WBCs count falls by 30% to 70%, primarily as a result of hemodilution but
is relatively common after BMT or peripheral blood transplanta- also because of bleeding and losses within the extracorporeal perfu-
tion; autoimmune thrombocytopenia has been implicated in some sion device. Because patients invariably receive heparin during cardiac
patients. Late-onset thrombocytopenia after BMT that responds to surgery and have often received heparin in the remote or recent past,
corticosteroids, IVIg, and splenectomy also has been attributed to immune HIT is frequently considered in the differential diagnosis
autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Rarely, transplantation-associated of early-onset and persisting postcardiac surgery thrombocytopenia;
alloimmune thrombocytopenia can be caused by donor–recipient however, HIT is an unlikely explanation for thrombocytopenia even
incompatibility involving platelet-specific alloantigens such as PlA1 when anti-PF4/heparin antibodies are positive.29
(HPA-1a) or Bra (HPA-5b). The bleeding time increases markedly during heart surgery (to
A syndrome of thrombocytopenia, RBC fragmentation, and renal greater than 30 minutes) but usually improves to less than 15 minutes
impairment can occur in as many as 10% of patients undergoing shortly after surgery and to normal several hours later. By contrast,
BMT, usually beginning 3–12 months after transplantation (BMT- the thrombocytopenia persists for 3–4 days followed by recovery of
associated thrombotic microangiopathy). The pathogenesis remains the platelet count to values exceeding the preoperative baseline.
Chapter 132 Thrombocytopenia Caused by Platelet Destruction, Hypersplenism, or Hemodilution 1971

The pathogenesis and clinical significance of the hemostatic defect helps to explain why the postsurgery platelet count usually continues
in these patients remain uncertain, but the explanation is probably to decline over the next 1–3 days, with the postoperative nadir (lowest
multifactorial. Studies have described transient, intrinsic defects in platelet count value) usually occurring at a median of postoperative
platelet function. These defects include decreased in vitro platelet day 2, with a range between postoperative days 1–4 (Fig. 132.7).2
aggregation, decreased platelet surface membrane proteins, selective Subsequently, there is a rise in the platelet count that peaks at
depletion of platelet α-granules, and evidence of in vivo platelet approximately day 14 at levels often 2–3 times the patient’s preopera-
activation and platelet vesiculation. The platelet dysfunction in heart tive baseline before it returns to baseline over the next 2 weeks (≈day
surgery is also attributable to an extrinsic platelet defect resulting from 28). As described earlier in this chapter (see Fig. 132.1), these platelet
thrombin inhibition by the high doses of heparin. Furthermore, an count changes reflect thrombopoietin physiology.
important role for hyperfibrinolysis in the pathogenesis of bleeding
is shown by elevated D-dimer levels in bleeding patients, as well as
the efficacy of antifibrinolytic agents in the prevention and treatment REFERENCES
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thrombocytopenia is especially prominent after cardiac surgery and is 20. Bougie DW, Nayak D, Boylan B, et al: Drug-dependent clearance of
proportional to the amount of fluids (crystalloid, colloid, blood prod- human platelets in the NOD/scid mouse by antibodies from patients
ucts) administered. The platelet count fall is abrupt and is evident a with drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia. Blood 116:3033,
few hours after surgery. Dilutional coagulopathy also occurs, which 2010.
is responsible for the minor to moderate increases in coagulation test 21. Aster RH, Curtis BR, Bougie DW, et al: Thrombocytopenia associ-
results that occur transiently after surgery. ated with the use of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors: Position paper of the
Perioperative hemodilution is also usually accompanied by ISTH working group on thrombocytopenia and GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors.
increased platelet consumption related to the effects of surgery. This J Thromb Haemost 4:678, 2006.

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