Four and A Half Control Experiments and What I Learned From Them

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Proceedings of the American Control Conference

Albuquerque, New Mexico June 1997

0-7803-3832-4/97/$10.000 1997 AACC

Four and a Half Control Experiments and What I Learned From Them:
A Personal Journey
Dennis S. Bernstein
Departinent of Aerospace Engineering
The U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

1. Is “Control Experiment” an There was only one path out of my dilemma. I teamed
Oxymoron? up with Pete Washabaugh, a structures experimentalist in
my department, and he and I drove up to Michigan State
Control is a contradictory subject when it comes to to visit Clark Radcliffe and seek his advice. Here was
experimentation. On the one hand, if there was ever a someone with a lab full of control experiments. Clark had
subject t h a t cried out for hardware application it is con- his own (and good) reasons for building control experi-
trol. After all, the purpose of control is t o control some- ments, but I had t o learn these for myself.
thing, and real-world applications inspired fundamental Like a true experimentalist, Pete immediately sug-
developments by Watt, Maxwell, Routh, Nyquist, Bode, gested all kinds of control experiments. Although I still
Black, and many others. On the other hand, control also had nagging doubts, I went along in the hope that my
grew up as a branch of applied mathematics in the hands questions would somehow be answered. I t seemed to me
of mathematicians such as Wiener, Bellman, Kalman, and that the best strategy was to suppress my concerns and
Pontryagin. Although other branches of engineering such proceed a t full speed. For the time being I assumed, and
as fluid mechanics and structural mechanics are major eventually learned,
users of mathematics, none is as mathematical in style
and spirit as is control. When was the last time you saw
Lesson 1: In order to understand why control
a theorem-proof format in a fluids or structures journal?
experiments are valuable for control
Nevertheless, when I left industry and came t o the
research, you must first do control
University of Michigan, the desire t o actually control experiments.
something gnawed a t me. I saw my colleagues in the
Aerospace Engineering Department building all sorts of
exotic experiments and I wondered why there was no fun- Being in an aerospace engineering departnieut it was
damental need t o experiment with anythiiig in control. not difficult to find students who were interested in work-
In the Department there had been a hardware tradition ing on control experiments. In fact, I found that many
in control dating back to the pioneering development of engineering students thrived on them. I also found that
analog simulators by the Gilbert brothers and Robert all of those useless skills that were suppressed in my aca-
Howe. These developments, which contributed greatly demic career (like working with tools) were suddenly use-
t o aerospace technology in the Apollo years, had long ful. However, I had no idea how I would relate my theo-
since given way t o purely theoretical research. Since I retical work to experiments or where this would lead. Yet
knew researchers in the control community who regularly I had to press on.
conducted control experimenh (for example, Gary Balas,
John Hauser, Carl Nett, and Umit Ozguner) I was moti- 2. The Acoustic Duct Experiment
vated t o develop some experiments of my own.
I thought about it a t great length, however, and Within a day of our visit to Clark’s lab, Pete picked
even began t o question the very phrase “control exper- up some 4-inch-diameter PVC pipe a t Builders Square,
iment.” If control results were essentially mathematical some speakers and microphones a t Radio Shack, and set
statements t h a t are self consistent and provably correct, up an acoustic duct experiment (see Figure 1). With a
then it seemed t o me that it would be scientifically point- stereo to serve as an amplifier, our investment was less
less t o build an experiment to test them. In addition, I than $200. Finding a suitable control computer was an-
found it difficult t o think of an hypothesis that a control other matter, however, and this held us up for awhile. A
experiment might settle and therefore would warrant test- variety of audio processors and data. acquisition boards
ing. I wondered whether the phrase “coiitrol experiment” seemed like they might work, but none was configured for
was in fact an oxymoron. While a chemist or fluid dy- true real-time 1/0 (many had A/D’s with large delays or
namicist can run experiments t o discover and explore new had limited buses, for example). Over the years I had
phenomena (how exciting!), it seemed to me that a con- heard stories of control experimentalists stymied by t,he
trols researcher could a t best hope to demonstrate how lack of processors that could do real-t,ime control. While
proficient they were a t building hardware that had no I wanted to do cont,rol experiments, 1 did uot want to
other goal than t o mimic the assumptions of some mathe- have to design a control coiiiputer as well. Unfortunately,
matical theorem. Any residual questions could always he it was difficult to find a sa.lesperson who could commu-
addressed by numerical simulation.
nicate about computers and control systems; mentioning
And so it seemed.
“A, B, C” often led to a blank stare. Pete and I spoke

271 8

briefly but ominously. For example, when we collected

data at different disturbance levels, the plant transfer
function wasn’t the same. At frequencies for which the
plant gain was low, such as near zeros, we couldn’t even
collect good data. The perfect Nyquist plots I was used
to seeing in textbooks (especially those fanciful ones that
wrapped around at infinity) just didn’t exist in the lab.
The notion of poles and zeros got fuzzier and fuzzier, and
those perfect root locuses couldn’t be found either. Rela-
tive degree became suspect, and I began to question my
faith in rational functions. As we began t o recognize non-
linearities and realized that noise was everywhere, things
reached crisis proportions. T h e self-consistent theorems
of control theory didn’t seem as powerful as they used to
seem. The real world was an amazingly messy place, and
our ability to probe it was impeded by a fundamental fact
Figure 1: Acoustic Duct Experiment
of life given by

to several vendors including, thanks to Carl Nett’s sug- Lesson 2: All real data is finite and noisy.
gestion, dSPACE, Inc., which was the only company we
found at the time to offer a PC-based real-time control
Through all of this, I developed a new feeling for
processor board. We later found that a spectrum ana-
the meaning of an “assumption.” While a n assumption in
lyzer was an essential piece of laboratory equipment as
mathematics always means a n unquestioned axiom, an as-
was an assortment of scopes, multimeters, power supplies,
sumption in the physical world serves as an approximation
amplifiers, and filters.
to reality. Expertise in an area, of physics or engineering
It turned out that controlling noise in a duct was an
is needed to determine the realism and accuracy of any
excellent first experiment because of its rich dynamics, the
given assumption. I learned to accept the fact that math-
availability of good sensors and actuators, and low cost. In
ematical assumptions, whether they are of a deterministic
fact, an attempt to use high qiiality microphones revealed
or stochastic nature, are never satisfied in the real world,
that they had significant phase lag, and we thus returned
while Lesson 2 taught me that the ability to verify the
to the inexpensive variety. I simply had to explain to
validity of any assumption is inherently limited.
people that the purpose of our first control experiment
Nevertheless, we eventually developed a sense of the
was to control a plant made out of, well, air. Even this
limits t o linear modeling and proceeded to construct linear
had its advantages since instability merely resulted in a
dynamical models as the basis for control design. How-
blown fuse. We bought them by the dozen.
ever, we soon realized that because of the sensor and
We began our experimental activities by learning to
actuator dynamics already mentioned, analytical mod-
model the acoustic dynamics of the duct. However, it
eling could not be trusted to provide reliable models.
quickly became clear that the dynamics of the speak-
We therefore learned to obtain useful models (nominal
ers and microphones had a major impact on the transfer
plus uncertainty) of the duct dynamics using identifica-
functions, and it was challenging to take the electrical-
tion techniques, namely, the inverse FRF/ERA and AR-
mechanical-acoustic interfaces into account [ 1,a]. Mean-
MARKOV/Toeplitz/ERA methods [3-6] (see Figure 2).
while, Pete taught me that every sensor, actuator, fil-
With the effectiveness of these techniques and the diffi-
ter, and amplifier needs to be tested and calibrated since
culties we experienced trying to obtain precise analytical
manufacturers’ specs are often misleading and are almost
models, we learned
always incomplete. The application of mathematical re-
sults was preceded by nontrivial effort as every corripoiierit
needed to be modeled, tested, and verified. Lesson 3. An ounce of identification is worth
As my students and I learned to build models and as 10 pounds of modeling.
we implemented controllers, a strange process took place.
Years of control theory began to assume a new dimen-
sion for me. Theoretical concepts such as gain and phase Since acoustic dynamics are inherently linear and have
margin, poles and zeros, and sensitivity were no longer high modal density, they provide an ideal testbed for lin-
abstractions. The studentss mea.sured not only the closed- ear. robust, control [7-121. Our first &tempt was to colo-
loop response, but also the loop and gain margin cate the rnea.sirrenient sensor and cont.ro1actuator in order
in order to understand the interaction between the plant to exploit inherent stability robustness. However, this sen-
and the controller. Although gain margin and sensitivity sor/actuator arrangement led to spillover, which appeared
were invisible and abstract to “non-control” visitors to the as amplification of the open-loop gain by the controller in
lab, we were gaining first-hand experience with their ex- a given frequency range. (Here we are referring to spectral
istence and meaning. We relied on these concepts to get spillover, although spatialspillover occurs as well.) In fact,
controllers t o work. the experiment immediately focused our attention on this
But the honeymoon was soon over as we began to phenomenon for the simple reason that we heard it. In ad-
notice strange phenomena that the textbooks mentioned dition, since spillover occurred no matter how accurately

271 9

-3OOu I
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 403

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 2: Identified Model of the Acoustic Duct Using Figure 4: Rotational/Translational Actuator (RTAC) Ex-
ARMARKOV/Toeplitz/ERA Identification periment

of freedom, namely, a translating oscillator and a rota-

tional motor with a mounted on an eccentric arm
[14] (see Figure 4). For the RTAC, we designed and im-
plemented integrator backstepping controllers which re-
quire full-state feedback, as well a.s dissipative controllers
which require o i i l y t h e angular velocity of the arm [15,16].
Experiments focused our attention on two issues. First,
the integrator backstepping controllers required far larger
control inputs than the dissipative controllers, which thus
presented saturation difficulties (see Figure 5). However,
the dissipative controllers, which are based upon the reac-
tion of the arm t o the oscillator motion, cease to be effec-
tive a t low oscillation amplitudes due t o stiction. On the
other hand, the integrator backstepping controllers, which
are full-state feedback controllers, react to the transla-
Figure 3: Open- and Closed-Loop Response of the Acous- tional motion of the cart a.nd thus are more effective a t
tic Duct, low amplitudes. By observing the effects of saluration and
stiction on the various control algorithms, we learned

we identified the plant, we concluded that spillover was

not a consequence of uncertainty. We soon realized that
Lesson 5 . A control experiment can reveal
the Bode integral constraint on sensitivity was a t work
whether the mathematical assump-
here and that appropriate placement of sensors and actu- tions of control theory are realistic
ators was essential [13]. While the feedforward noise con-
and can help identify which physi-
trol community had known this for a long time, we were
cal effects are important.
forced t o learn it from a feedback perspective. By exploit-
ing classical results from singular LQG control that de-
pend upon nonminimum phase transfer functions, we saw
the spillover disappear (see Figure 3). We had learned Later, we learned to control t,he R'I'AC by manipu-
lating the flow of energy between the oscillator and the
a r m as well as iinto and out of the plant. T o do this we
Lesson 4. Control experiments often focus at- developed controller strategies involving virtual absorbers
tention on performance and imple- which are reset a t various times thereby instaataneously
mentation issues that are overlooked removing energy from the system (see Figure 6 ) . Although
in numerical simulation. resetting a virtual absorber by zeroing out computrerstates
would appear to have no effect on the real energy of the
3. The RTAC Experiment system, in fact, the true effect of the resetting procedure
is t o prevent the control system from reintroducing en-
T h e next experiment we built was a n attempt t o rein ergy into the plant 117,181. The development of resetting
in Mother Nature. T h e RTAC (rotational/translational virtual absorbers was a. consequence of
actuator) is a mechanical device' with only two degrees


,At \
3 5 7 - -

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


$ 5

s o c
2b -5

Figure 7: Rotating Shaft Experiment

Figure 5: Integrator Backstepping Control of the RTAC
with saturation at 12 oz.-in.
able actuator, and we were fortunate that Brad Paden
Lesson 6. Control experiments can suggest provided us with a magnetic bearing. We then designed
new research problems and direc- the rotating shaft experiment to allow us to implement
tions as well as new control ap- control algorithms for counteracting the effects of mass
proaches. imbalance. In our experimental setup we mounted the
shaft vertically to avoid the need for shaft levitation in
4. The Rotating Shaft Experiment order to focus on imbalance compensation (see Figure 7).

Next we built an experiment to suppress vibrations In developing viable controllers for imbalance compen-
due to an unbalanced rotor. This is a universal problem sation we realized that accurate measurements of the iner-
in rotating machinery where rotating masses induce vi- tia matrix of the shaft were extremely difficult to obtain.
brations due to unavoidable imbalance. Previously, we In fact, any realistic control strategy for compensating ro-
had developed theoretical results for controlling the spin- tor imbalance must be effective in the presence of unknown
ning top, first for the symmetric (balanced) case [19,20] and possibly changing inertia. The strategy we adopted
and then for the asymmetric (unbalanced) case [ZL]. To was physically motivated and sought to emulate the mo-
develop a realizable control experiment we needed a suit- tion of passive weights confined to a fluid-filled annulus
surrounding the shaft. While mechanical devices based on
this principle have been known since the 1930's, adaptive
vzrtual u u t o b a l a n c z n y was an attempt, to capture this idea
as an active control algorithm. Experimentally, the algo-
rithm worked successfully (see Figure S), while analysis
showed (rather surprisingly) that the passive mechanical
device being emulated can be viewed as the embodiment
of an internal model controller [22,23]. This experiment
reinforced Lesson 6.
A challenging aspect of the rotating shaft experiment
is the fact that the magnetic bearing actuator has a per-
manent magnet bias which has the tendency to snap the
L h
shaft from one side to the other unless there is a minimal
level of control authority to effect,stabilization. To couii-
teract this instability without a physical stiffness (which
Figure 6: Virtual Absorber System we included for this reason at the base of the shaft) we


Figure 8: Adaptive Virtual Autobalancing Control of the

Rotating Shaft During Spinup

needed a good actuator model, which was difficult to ob- Figure 9: CAD Drawing of Control-Moment-Gyro Exper-
tain empirically in the presence of the instability. A de- iment
liberate sign change in the feedback loop with the shaft
spinning at 1000 rpm causes violent motion of the shaft
and gives a graphic demonstration of the consequences of
instability. This lesson had been stressed by Gunter Stein
in the title of his classic Bode Lecture which taught us

Lesson 7. Respect the unstable.

5. T h e Actively Controlled
Control-Moment Gyro
Since nonlinearities arose whenever we least expected
them, we decided t o build an experiment that was inten-
tionally nonlinear and had more degrees of freedom than
the RTAC. This objective led to the design of an actively Figure 10: Control-Moment-Gyro Experiment
controlled control-moment gyro (CMG), which consists of
three rigid bodies whose dynamics involve large-angle non-
linear gyroscopic effects. Attached t o a spacecraft and 6. Active Control of Combustion
with a rapidly spinning rotor, a CMG provides stiffness
for the spacecraft and, by applying torques to the gim- As a iniich mort: challenging control experirnent we
bals, can be used to slew the spacecraft. undertook the problem of controlling combustion insta-
The CMG involves an outer gimbal a.nd an inner gim- bility. It turned out that the combustion program in the
bal, both of which are actuated by motors. T h e inner Aerospace Engineering Department involved research on
gimbal is controlled by a pair of matching motors to dou- a 300 kW natural gas combustor (see Figure 11) which
ble the available torque and t o balance the motor mass. exhibits thermo-acoustic instabilities in the form of loud
Attached t o the inner gimbal is a fourth motor t h a t drives rumbling when operated in certain regimes. This com-
a rotor. For control experiments, we can attach various bustor was available for a two-month period, and we were
rotors to perform a wide range of control experiments in- given 6 weeks t o try to control it.
volving slewing of the rotor and imbalance compensation. Our approach to controlling the combustor was t o use
We can also invert the outer gimbal t o stabilize a rotating speakers t o counteract the instability caused by the in-
spherical pendulum. While a CAD drawing illustrates the teract,ion of the flame a,ncl the a,coiist,ic dynamics. The
basic design (see Figure 9), a photo of the actual testbed trick was to insert, acoust.ic energy sufficiently close to the
shows added mass and stiffness due t o cabling, connectors, flame in order to achieve the greatest possible advantage
and other hardware (see Figure 10). These considerations (and wilhout melting the speaker!). To do this we ex-
as well as expected effects such as stiction emphasize hausted numerous strategies, including (carefully) insert-
ing a speaker directly into the natural gas fuel line (see
Lesson 8 . T h e need for nonlinear identification Figure 12).
is pervasive. Ultimately, we realized that the design of the combus-
tor did not accommodate acoustic control. What we really
needed were fast, servovalves which would entail actuator
While nonlinear identification is essential due t o both development. We fully appreciated
large-angle nonlinearities and modeling uncertainty, we
developed an attitude control technique for spacecraft Lesson 9. Control experiments allow one to
tracking that is adaptive with respect to inertia [24]. To p r x t i c e the “outer loop)) of con-
avoid singularities in an Enler angle representation, the trol design, namely, the specifica-
approach in [24] is based upon yuateriirons to represent tion, design, and implementation of
attitude. sensors and actuators.


o-loOL LO I W IbO 260 2;O 360 G O 400 450 5b,

Frequency (Hz)

Figure 13: ARMARKOV/Toeplitz Adaptive Cancellation

with a Dual Tone Disturbance

Lesson 10. T h e difference between a “toy” con-

trol experiment and a “real” con-
trol experiment is whether the dis-
turbance is of your own construction
or is thrown a t you by Mother Na-
Figure 11: 300 k W Natural Gas Combustor
ture herself.

7. Adaptive Cancellation Experiments

Our experience with the combustor motivated us t o
This lesson taught us that “off-the-shelf” control experi- focus on adaptive control techniques that would work in
ments deprive experimentalists of Lesson 9 by eliminating the presence of poor plant models and unknown distur-
one of the most important aspects of control engineering. bance spectra. While control technology has a long and
Whereas for the acoustic duct experiment we tested successful history in electrical, mechanical , aerospace, and
controllers with machine-generated disturbance signals, in other technological applications, algorithms for noise can-
the world of fluids and flames Mother Nature creates the cellation, known as a d a p t i v e f e e d f o r w a r d a l g o r i t h m s , were
disturbance through complex dynamics. In this case one developed independently. This class includes LMS (least
cannot count on mathematical assumptions such as sta- mean square) algorithms with FIR and IIR controllers,
tionarity, Gaussian, etc. to hold. This taught us lattice filter techniques, and numerous variants. T h e theo-
retical foundation for these techniques varies greatly from
method t o method, as does their performance in prac-
tice. In contrast t o classical feedback techniques, adap-
tive feedforward algorithms have limited modeling require-
ments and are robust to disturbance spectrum uncertainty.
These features have been exploited in applications with
good success.
Although a rigorous theoretical foundation for adap-
tive cancellation algorithms is often lacking, experimen-
tal implementation of these algorithms can be used t o
assess their effectiveness. We therefore implemented
various adaptive cancellation algorithms along with an
ARMARKOV/Toeplitz-based algorithm [as].This algo-
rithm converged in the presence of single-tone, dual-tone,
and broadband disturbances. Figures 13 and 14 show
the open-loop and converged closed-loop response of the
ARMARI<OV/Toeplitz-based algorithm for dual-tone and
white-noise disturbances. Note the presence of harmonic
overtones due to speaker stiffness nonlinearity, which em-
phasizes Lesson 5 and Lesson 8. In keeping with Lesson 10
this algorithm was tested with random noise generated by
Figure 12: Speaker Housing Attached t o the Natural Gas an AM radio tuner set between stations (see Figure 15).
Fuel Line of the Combustor Adaptive control algorithms are exciting t o observe


-20, Lesson 12. Control methods based on rigorous

theory may fail for unknown rea-
sons, while heuristic control meth-
ods may work for equally unex-
plained reasons.

> -80
Both of these lessons motivate theoretical research to ex-
plain unexpected failures and successes. In any event, our
experience with hardware taught us

Lesson 13. Control experiments are an effective

arbiter of whether an adaptive con-
trol method will work under real-
-140; I world conditions.
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 5W
f (W
8. Why Do Control Experiments?
Figure 14: ARMARKOV/Toeplitz Adaptive Cancellation
with a White Noise Disturbance The above discussion does not in any way reflect the
hard work required to design, build, and operate a control
experiment. Design of a control experiment is an itera-

-10-1 I
I a
1- open-loop
tive process that depends upon extensive analysis to size
and select appropriate components. In addition, the re-
liable operation of the hardware components as well as
all of the supporting real-time software (an often under-
emphasized aspect of the control curriculum) is a major,
time-consuming task.
Ironically, although a control experiment can take
months or years t o build and render operational, report-
ing experimental results may occupy only a small fraction
of a research paper, with the theoretical portion receiving
top billing. However, as noted in Lesson 11, a working
control experiment has the ability to reveal very quickly
which control approaches are promising and which are not,
thus suggesting the most fruitful research directions. I be-
I lieve that this guidance is of inestimable value to control
100 200 3w 400 5w 600
Frequency (Hz) research and technology.
It is fair to say that control as an experimental sci-
Figure 15: ARMARKOV/Toeplitz Adaptive Cancellation ence has had far too little emphasis. Control research can
with AM Radio Noise be enriched in innumerable ways by proper emphasis on
control experiments. A control experiment can bring out
important physical phenomena that a theorist would not
in the lab. The ideal controller would work with an ini- think of considering. We live in a n excellent time for un-
tially poor model, improve with age, and change when the dertaking control experiments, especially because of fast
plant changes. T h a t is the Holy Grail of adaptive control. processors for real-time control. Let Mother Nature be
However, since adaptive controllers change in response to our teacher!
real-world disturbances, their behavior and reliability is Finally, the most profound lesson I learned was
difficult to ascertain by means of theory alone. Control
experiments thus provide a convenient means for testing
variants of adaptive cancellation algorithms. On numer- Lesson 14. Control research without experi-
ous occasions we learned ments is like music without sound.

Lesson 11. Control experiments provide a quick

9. Acknowledgments
way to identify control methods that
1 learned a tremendous amount by working with stu-
seem to work under real-world con-
dents and colleagues in developing control experiments.
ditions as well as those that clearly
Undoubtedly, there are many in the control community
who have learned similar lessons in their own experimen-
tal activities. The goal in this account has been to help
Thus, in a truly experimental spirit, control experiments guide and encourage others who may be contemplating
are useful for discovering promising new algorithms. In a such activities.
similar vein, we also learned These experiments have influenced my theoretical re-
search and thinking in ways I never could have imagined.

I developed an appreciation for and an interest in other ar- 11. R. S. Erwin, A. G. Sparks, and D. S. Bernstein, “Decen-
eas of aerospace engineering, including structures, fluids, tralized Real Structured Singular Value Synthesis,” Proc.
and combustion. I developed a rapport with my colleagues 13th IFAC World Congress, Vol. C: Control Design I, pp.
who devote their careers to these fields of research. 79-84, San Francisco, CA, July 1996.
I am deeply indebted to my colleagues Pete 12. W. M. Haddad, V . 3 . Chellaboina, and D. S. Bernstein,
Washabaugh and Vince Coppola and our students Jasim “An Implicit Small Gain Condition and an Upper Bound
Ahmed, Jim Akers, Dave Atkins, Sanjay Bhat, Robert for the Real Structured Singular Value,” Sys. Contr.
B u p p , Scott Erwin, Jeongho Hong, Kai-Yew Lum, Robert Lett., Vol. 29, pp. 197-205, 1997.
Miller, Scot Osburn, Andy Sparks, Tobin Van Pelt, Ravi 13. J. Hong and D. S. Bernstein, “Bode Integral Constraints
Venugopal, and C.-J. Wan with whom I worked for the and Spillover in Active Noise and Vibration Control,”
past six years a t the University of Michigan on these con- Conf. Contr. A p p l . , pp. 928-933, Dearborn, MI, Septem-
trol experiments. I especially thank Jim Akers for his ber 1996.
tremendous commitment to developing the Noise and Vi- 14. C.-J. Wan, D. S. Bernstein, and V. T. Coppola, “Global
bration Control Laboratory in the Aerospace Engineering Stabilization of the Oscillating Eccentric Rotor,” Nonlin-
Department. ear Dynamics, Vol. 10, pp. 49-62, 1996.
All opinions expressed are those of the author. I am 15. R. T. Bupp and D. S. Bernstein, “A Benchmark Prob-
grateful for research support provided by AFOSR, NSF, lem for Nonlinear Control Design: Problem Statement,
and the University of Michigan Office of the Vice President Experimental Testbed, and Passive Nonlinear Compensa-
for Research. tion,” Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf,, pp. 4363-4367, Seattle,
WA, June 1995.
16. R. T. Bupp, and D. S . Bernstein, “Experimental Com-
10. References parison of Passive Nonlinear Controllers for the RTAC
Testbed,” Conf. Contr. Appl., pp. 279-284, Dearborn,
MI, September 1996.
1. J. Hong, J. C. Akers, R. Venugopal, M.-N. Lee, A. G. 17. R. T. Bupp, D. S. Bernstein, V . 3 . Chellaboina, and
Sparks, P. D. Washabaugh, and D. S . Bernstein, “Mod-
W. M. Haddad, “Finite-Time Stabilization of the Double
eling, Identification, and Feedback Control of Noise in an
Integrator Using a Virtual Trap-Door Absorber,” Conf.
Acoustic Duct,” IEEE Trans. Contr. Sys. Tech., Vol. 4, Contr. Appl., pp. 179-184, Dearborn, MI, September
pp. 283-291, 1996. 1996.
2. R. Venugopal and D. S. Bernstein, “State Space Model- 18. R. 7‘. Bupp, D. S. Bernstein, V.-S. Chellaboina, and W.
ing of an Acoustic Duct with an End-Mounted Speaker,” M. Haddad, “Resetting Virtual Absorbers for Control,”
Conf. Contr. Appl., pp. 954-959, Dearborn, MI, Septem- Amer. Contr. Conf., Albuquerque, NM, June 1997.
ber 1996.
19. C.-J. Wan, V. T. Coppola, and D. S. Bernstein, “Global
3. J. C. Akers and D. S. Bernstein, “Measurement Noise Er- Asymptotic Stabilization of the Spinning Top,” Optimal
ror Bounds for the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm,” Contr. Appl. Meth., Vol. 16, pp. 189-215, 1995.
Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf., pp. 2566-2570, Seattle, WA,
June 1995. 20. C.-J. Wan, P. Tsiotras, V. T . Coppola, and D. S. Bern-
stein, “Global Stabilization of the Spinning Top Using
4. J. C. Akers and D. S. Bernstein, “An Adaptive Stereographic Projection,’’ Dynamzcs and Control, 1997.
Toeplitz/ERA Identification Algorithm,” Proc. 37th
Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Confer- 21. K.-Y. Lum, D. S . Bernstein, and V. T . Coppola “Global
ence, pp. 1024-1034, Salt Lake City, UT, April 1996. Stabilization of the Spinning Top with Mass Imbalance,”
Dynamzcs and Stabzlzty of Systems, Vol. 10, pp. 339-365,
5. J . C. Akers and D. S. Bernstein, “Time-Domain Iden- 1995.
tification Using ARMARKOV/Toeplitz Models,” Amer.
22. K.-Y. Lum, S. P. Bhat, V. T. Coppola, and D. S. Bern-
Contr. Conf., Albuquerque, NM, June 1997. stein, “Adaptive Virtual Autobalancing for a Magnetic
6. J. C. Akers and D. S . Bernstein, “ARMARKOV Least Rotor with Unknown Dynamic Imbalance,” Proc. IEEE
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