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Bulletin of Entomological Research (2003) 93,439-445 DOI: 10.


Termite colony ontogeny: a long-term

assessment of reproductive lifespan, caste
ratios and colony size in Reticulitermes
flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
C.E. Long*, B.L. Thorne and N.L. Breisch
Department of Entomology, University of Maryland, 4112 Plant Science
Building, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Thirty Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) colonies established by alates collected
from two separate field sites were raised in the laboratory for eight years. Twenty-
one of the colonies were founded by alates from one field source and nine from
another, providing demographic data from two unrelated parental lineages.
Colony totals ranged from 3620 to 11641 individuals, with no significant difference
in size between lineages. Soldier caste proportion of the colony total and mean wet
weights for workers, soldiers and kings were significantly different between the
two lineages. This suggests that at least a portion of the variability observed in
caste ratios and body size may be heritable. One founding reproductive had died
in five of the colonies (17%); none lost both parents. The queenless colonies
contained exclusively female replacement reproductives (neotenics); the kingless
colony contained a female-skewed mixture of male and female neotenics. All the
nests that lost a founding parent contained significantly more pre-alate nymphs
than the nests with both a king and a queen. Comparisons with published reports
of ontogenetic patterns in other termites and social insects are discussed.

Introduction throughout the life of the colony, allowing for repeated,

Eusocial insect colony ontogeny includes the examination relatively non-destructive observation and manipulation.
of demographic profiles over time, including population size, Relatively little work has been done on species of
caste ratios and the production of fertile progeny. By studying subterranean ternites (Lenz & Barrett, 1982; Lenz &Runko,
the way in which social colonies function and grow, their 1993) which forage and nest in diffuse resources and
ergonomic and ecological dynamics can be better understood. underground galleries. Such colonies may abandon their
Research with other eusocial insects has illustrated the impact nesting areas in response to disturbance or environmental
of resource availability and quality on colony growth change, and a non-destructive method of repeatedly
(Tschinkel, 1988), caste ratios (McGlynn &Owen, 2002) and surveying and assessing entire field colonies is currently
the production of sexual offspring (McGlynn et al., 2002) as unavailable. Thus, analysis of subterranean termite colony
well as the impact of various reproductive dynamics on structure depends on destructive sampling (Howard &
colony growth and survivorship (Arcila et al., 2002). Similar Haverty, 1980; Howard et al., 1982) or indirect methods such
termite colony ontogeny research has focused primarily on as mark-release-recapture field sampling (Grace et al., 1995;
families of termites which occupy centralized mounds (Costa- Grace, 1996), inferences based on genetic analysis of collected
Leonardo et al., 1996), trees (Luykx, 1986, 1993) or epigeal insects (Reilly, 1987; Jenkins et al., 1998, 1999; Vargo, 2000;
nests (ThMome, 1984). These structures house the reproductives Bulmer et al., 2001) and the direct observation of laboratory-
reared colonies (Hlaverty &Howard, 1981; Thorne et al., 1997).
Population data were gathered from 30 eight-year-old
*Fax: (301) 314 9290 Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
E-mail: laboratory colonies which were initiated with sibling alate
440 C.E. Long et al.
pairs in 1993. According to the literature, these are the categorized into one of four ranges: 1-50, 51-100,101-300, or
oldest, complete, R. flavipes colonies to be studied to date. > 301. Mean worker and soldier wet weights were calculated
The termites lived in confined spaces free of predation and for each colony using three replicates of ten individuals. Wet
competition, ate ad libit;m and were shielded from seasonal weights were collected for each primary reproductive and, if
extremes of temperature and humidity. These factors are applicable, for the total number of male and female
likely to have impacted on individual life spans, robustness, neotenics within each colony. Colonies with functional
and rates of colony growth. Although the magnitude of primary queens were designated 'queenright' (Wilson, 1971;
values provided by these colonies may differ from field H-Iolldobler & Wilson, 1990), and by extension those with
values, the patterns and trends they illustrate augment our primary kings were termed 'kingright.'
knowledge regarding otherwise unattainable elements of
R. flavipes colony ontogeny, demography and development.
This demographic data focuses on three factors: (i) colony Statistical analyses
growth and the lifespan of primary reproductives; (ii) the Comparative analyses were performed (SAS Institute,
number and sex ratio of neotenics; and (iii) a potential 2000) on data from both queenright and queenless colonies,
genetic basis for caste proportions. between colonies founded by alates from lineage 1 and
lineage 3, and between census totals from 1995, 1999 and
2001. When variances were equal, data were pooled and the
Materials and methods Student's t-test determined whether significant differences
Culturing techniques and population census existed. The Satterthwaite adjustment was used to
accommodate for unequal variances (SAS Institute, 2000).
In 1993, 82 incipient colonies were established using pairs Correlations were calculated with Pearson correlation
of sibling alates from three separate dispersal flights in coefficients.
Prince George's County, Maryland, USA. In order to
delineate the colonies produced by alates from the three
distinct field collections, the laboratory colonies were Results
classified as deriving from either lineage 1, 2 or 3, with each
lineage defined as the product of alates from a single field Summany statistics of eighlt-year census
colony. Although genetic analysis of these colonies is Colony totals of R. flavipes in 2001 ranged from 3620 to
pending, the geographical distance between the original 11641 individuals, averaging 7193 (SE ± 357), with the
alate sources was sufficient (several kilometres) to assume majority being workers. Soldiers constituted a mean of 2.6 ±
that the resulting laboratory lineages are not closely related. 0.03 % of nest totals, which is consistent with the expected
Thus, differences observed between the identically-raised average of 2% for R. flavipes. All colonies contained larvae,
lineages are likely to be genetic in origin. with totals ranging from 37 to 2672. Mean queen wet weight
The establishment and initial rearing of the colonies is was 9.3 ± 0.4 mg, almost double mean king wet weight, 4.6 t
described in Thorne et al. (1997). In 1994, the termite diet of 0.001 mg.
decayed pine and hardwood sawdust was replaced with a
combination of weathered pine survey stakes and decayed
paper birch Bethla papyrifera (Marshall) (Betulaceae). Wood Differences between parental lineages
was replenished when inspection indicated depletion. Data from the two unrelated alate lineages were analysed
Distilled water was provided regularly. In 1998, the colonies for differences in total population size, caste proportions and
were transferred to 185 x 187 mm (5.1 litre) clear plastic individual body weight. Across both founding lineages,
containers (Pioneer Plastics, Inc., North Dixon, Kentucky, colonies contained a wide array of soldier proportions,
USA). The laboratory was maintained at a constant ranging from 0.57 to 6.9%. Lineage 1 colonies repeatedly
temperature of 23°C. exhibited a significantly higher proportion of soldiers than
Since their founding in 1993, nearly two-thirds of the lineage 3 nests, containing more than twice as many soldiers
original 82 colonies have died, including all of the pairings in 1995,1999 and 2001 (fig. 1). Lineage I soldier numbers in
involving lineage 2. Some of this mortality was attributed to 2001 were unaffected by the reproductive status of the
resource depletion or desiccation, but often no explanation colonies, appearing in equivalent numbers in the presence of
was evident. Within the first two years, 20 colonies died and either primary or secondary reproductives (P = 0.189, t =
seven lost at least one of their primary reproductives, 1.34, df = 20).
leaving the 55 colonies containing functional primary The colonies derived from lineage 3 contained
reproductives censused in 1995 (Thorne et al., 1997). Twenty- significantly more members than those founded by lineage 1
five additional colonies were lost over the next six years. alates during the initial 1995 census, but in subsequent years
Subsets of colonies were randomly selected for census in total colony population sizes from the two parental lines
1997 and 1999. Data from the 1999 tallies are included here, were equivalent (table 1). Comparisons between
but too few of the colonies examined in 1997 survived in reproductive mean wet weights over time were varied: kings
order to provide robust comparative analysis. In 2001, eight from the lineage I colonies and queens originating from
years after initiation, 30 pairs remained, including 21 lineage lineage 3 were slightly smaller in 2001 than they had been in
1 colonies and nine lineage 3 colonies. 1999, lineage 3 kings were unchanged over the two year
The 30 surviving colonies were censused for the total interval and the lineage 1 queens were heavier.
number of primary and secondary reproductives, workers Across all castes, individuals from lineage I were
(neutral individuals), soldiers and presoldiers (hereinafter consistently larger than their lineage 3 counterparts at each
collectively termed soldiers), larvae (instars 1-2) and census (table 1). Lineage 1 workers weighed more at all three
nymphs (see Laine & Wright, 2003). Egg number was census dates, significantly so in 1995 and 2001. Workers from
Reticutlitermesflavipes colony ontogeny 441

350 - the queenless colonies were excluded from this analysis; a

colony's reproductive status appears to influence worker
3 - *a size. Insufficient data exist to compare soldier weights over
300 - time, but in 2001, lineage 1 soldiers were significantly larger
25 than those in lineage 3 (P = 0.036, t = 0.63, df = 28). On
.CD 250 - average, lineage 1 reproductives were larger than those in
0 lineage 3. In all censuses, lineage 1 kings were significantly
O 200
- heavier than lineage 3 kings. Lineage 1 queens were larger
_ 200 * than their lineage 3 counterparts on all three dates,
significantly so in 1995 (table 1).
E 150-
1 h Queenright vs. queenless colonies
s; 100- n
The 1995 population census focused on incipient
colonies; seven of the 62 surviving colonies had lost their
50 primary reproductives and were excluded from the count.
Colonies which had lost primary reproductives were
0 included in the current survey to gain insight into the effects
of shifting reproductive dynamics on colony demographics.
Of the 30 eight-year-old colonies, 26 (88%) retained their
5 primary queens and 29 (97%) their primary kings.
b Neotenics were present in five (17%) of the colonies at the
4.5 - 2001 census; three of these families lost their queens (but
retained their kings) prior to the 1999 count, providing
4 - insight into the relatively long term effects of queenlessness.
10 I T I I Chi-squared analysis indicated2
that queen survivorship was
,, 3.5 - similar for both lineages (X = 0.160). In 2001, the queenless
colonies were equivalent to their queenright counterparts in
O- 3 |* T - 11 | total size, worker number, and egg rank (table 2). Larvae
c number was the only divergent category, with queenright
*- 2.5 - colonies containing significantly more larvae (P = 0.0007, t =
0_ -4.16, df = 17). Workers from queenless colonies were
2 2 significantly larger than those from queenright nests. Soldier
r- 1.5 2 | L l A weights and numbers were equivalent among the two
a~ 1.5 -

0.5 - Fig. 1. A comparison of soldier number (a) and the soldier
caste's proportion of the colony total (b) in colonies derived from
0 lo _l | _l | _l l l two unrelated lineages (C, lineage 1; l, lineage 2) of
Reticulitermesflavipes in 1995,1999 and 2001. *Denote significant
1995 1999 2001 differences among means (P < 0.05).

Table 1. A comparison of demographic data (mean ± SE) from two unrelated lineages of Reticulitermes
flavipes colonies in 1995,1999 and 2001.
Year Lineage 1 Lineage 3 t-test results
Colony size 1995 a 348 ± 35 500 ± 49 P = 0.032*
- 1999
b 4555 :478 5518±: 559 P = 0.213
2001 7324±:470 6891:t487 P = 0.587
Worker wt (mg) 1995c 2.1 ±L0.04 1.9 ± 0.06 P = 0.006*
1999 2.9 ± 0.1 2.6 ± 0.1 P = 0.091
2001 2.7 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 P = 0.042*
Queen wt (mg) 1995 6.4 : 0.2 5.0±t 0.2 P < 0.0001*
1999 8.6 + 0.4 9.3±: 0.5 P = 0.300
2001 d 9.3 ± 0.4 9.0 ± 0.4 P = 0.622
King wt (mg) 1995 4.1 :± 0.2 3.6±: 0.04 P = 0.0158*
1999 5.0 ± 0.01 4.1 ± 0.2 P = 0.0002*
2001e 4.8 : 0.001 4.1 d: 0.001 P < 0.0001*

* Denotes significant differences among means, where P < 0.05.

a Unless noted, lineage I N = 42 and lineage 3 N = 13 for 1995 data.
b Lineage 1 N = 9, lineage 3 N = 10 for 1999 data.
cWeights were collected from 44 colonies in 1995; lineage 1 N = 32, lineage 3 N = 12.
d Lineage 1 N = 17, lineage 3 N = 9.
e Lineage 1 N = 20, lineage 3 N = 9.
442 C.E. Long et al.
Table 2. A comparison of demographic data (mean * SE) from eight-year-old queenright
and queenless Reticulitermesflavipes colonies.
Queenright (N - 17) Queenless (N = 4) t-test results
Colony total 7548 ± 535 6373 ± 923 P = 0.339
Workers 6560 ±460 4999 ±705 P=0.156
Larvae 729 ± 139 63 + 30 P = 0.0007*
Soldiers 163 ± 18 229 * 51 P = 0.189
Nymphs 0.72 * 0.28 550a ± 86 P = 0.0001*
Eggs 175 ±64 63 ±30 P=0.130
Worker wt (mg) 2.7 ± 0.1 3.0 ± 0.2 P = 0.031*
Soldier wt (mg) 3.1 ± 0.1 3.0 ± 0.1 P = 0.94
*Denotes significant differences among means, where P < 0.05.
*One recently orphaned colony was excluded from this computation, thus N = 3.

colony types. In both 1999 and 2001, the three queenless and reproductive parent may initiate the development of
one kingless colonies contained vastly more nymphs than immature colony members into secondary reproductives or
the queenright colonies (table 2). neotenics. In the family Rhinotermitidae it is thought that
Although all three queenless colonies increased in total multiple female neotenics differentiate simultaneously after
size during the two year interval between counts, average queen loss. As a group, these replacement females are
numbers of female neotenics (10.5 :± 3.5) remained static believed to have greater egg-laying capacity than individual
between 1999 and 2001 (P = 0.851, t = -0.20, df = 4). In the primary queens (Miller, 1969; Nutting, 1970; Myles, 1999). In
one colony in which the primary queen outlived the king, 75 R. flavipes dolonies, this increased reproductive potential is
female and 52 male neotenic offspring developed. In order to thought to accelerate colony growth and account for field
test the egg-laying capability of the queen and her coexisting populations estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, if
neotenic daughters, the queen and a subset of the female not millions (Snyder, 1920, 1934, 1954; Pickens, 1934; Myles
neotenics were held individually for 72 h. In this time & Nutting, 1988; Grace, 1996).
period, each of the females produced eggs. The viability of Neotenic individuals were identified in five of the 30
these eggs and the maternal origin of the nearly 1000 eggs colonies (17%) in this study, all of which retained one of their
found in this colony is unknown. primary parents: four contained a surviving king and one a
surviving queen. Three of the queenless colonies lost their
primary females prior to 1999, providing relatively long-
Lifespan of primary reproductives
These 30 laboratory colonies provided a rare, and possibly 1.2 -
unique, opportunity to monitor complete R. flavipes colonies
for an extended period of time. In 2001, when the colonies
were eight years old, 88% of the founding queens and 97% of 1.1 - o o 0 o
the founding kings were alive. These laboratory cultures add
novel data to Keller's (1998) compilation of ant and termite
queen lifespans, which illustrated broad variability in 1 -
maximum queen lifespans, ranging from a 5.9-year-old
Zooterinopsisangusticollis(Hagen) (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae) .0

queen to Macrotermes mnichaelseni (Sj6stedt) (Isoptera: a)

0.9 -
Termitidae) queens that lived for 19 years. Reproductives of
both genders grew steadily over time during this study, with 0~~~
3CD S *S %
the queens nearly double the size of their mates. In censuses aCD
conducted when the colonies were two and six years old, 0.8 -

queen weights and total colony sizes were statistically 0 as 0~~~

independent, exhibiting no correlation. As predicted by 0
Thorne et al. (1997), the correlation between these two 0.7 -
elements have became significant as the queens have
matured (fig. 2). This relationship has also been observed in
Nasutitermes (Thorne, 1984) and Odontotermes (Buo-Yao, 0.6 - ,
. &
. ,
. 5

1988), as well as in the ant genus Camponotuts (Fowler, 1986). 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Total colony size
Number and sex ratio of neotenics and their impact on colony
growth rate
Fig. 2. Queen weights and total colony sizes are positively
In 61.7% of lower and 13.4% of higher termite species correlated in 17 eight-year-old colonies of Retictlitennesflavipes; r
studied (Myles, 1999), the loss of either primary = 0.54, P = 0.0048.
Reticutlitermesflavipes colony ontogeny 443

tertm"data from colonies whose egg production had shifted Potentialgenetic basisfor caste proportionsand sizes of
from primary tqk secondary reproductive females. All four - individuals
queenless colonies contained exclusively female neotenics. The termite soldier caste is physically distinct and
The one kingless nest contained a female-skewed group of exclusively defensive; soldiers are unable to collect food and
neotenics containing both genders. are wholly dependent on their nestmates for sustenance
Although all three of'the,R. flavipes colonies that were (Haverty, 1977). The percentage of soldiers in a colony is
queenless in 1999 incrased hin tal size during the two year thought to be consistent within species (Howard & Haverty,
interval between counts, the average number of female 1980; Noirot & Darlington, 2000), although interspecific
neotenics (10.5 : 3.5) was unchantgdifrom 1999 to 2001. The competition, predation pressure and seasonality account for
unexpectedly low numbers of fema bneotenics may be some fluctuation (Haverty & Howard, 1981; Howard &
associated with small colony size (relative to field colonies) 'Haverty, 1981). By working in the laboratory with colonies
or spatial constraints of the laboratory nesting areas; derived from two groups of unrelated alates, the extemal
however, the response of the one kingless but queenright challenges that might impact caste proportion were greatly
colony suggests that the numbers of neotenics that reduced, increasing the likelihood that differences in caste
differentiate in a colony is influenced by more than just ratios were due to heritable traits.
colony or nest size. In this colony, the primary queen Soldier ratios within R. flavipes field colonies range from
outlived the king, and 127 neotenics of both genders 0.67 to 10.8% (Banks & Snyder, 1920; Grace, 1996). Across
developed. This single example is insufficient to support any both lineages, the study colonies contained a mean of 2.6 ±
conclusions, but ongoing studies, including experimental 1.6% soldiers, consistent with the published average of 2%
queen- and king-removal treatments compared to king and for R. flavipes (Howard &Haverty, 1980). However, lineage 1
queen controls, will be of significant interest. colonies repeatedly exhibited a significantly higher
Gender ratios vary within neotenic cohorts that develop proportion of soldiers than lineage 3 colonies, containing
in response to the loss of either male and female primary more than twice as many soldiers over eight years. These
reproductives. Coptotermes lactenis (Froggatt) (Isoptera: proportions were unaffected by the reproductive status of
Rhinotermitidae) nests which lost both primary the colonies, appearing in equivalent numbers in the
reproductives produced cohorts of heavily male-biased presence of either primary or secondary reproductives, a
neotenics (Lenz & Runko, 1993), while comparably finding consistent with Luykx's (1986) work with colonies of
orphaned R. flavipes colonies produced female-skewed Incisiterines schwarzi (Banks) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae).
neotenic subpopulations (Howard & Haverty, 1980). Grasse These findings suggest that genotypic variation underlies a
& Noirot (1969) determined that the loss of Kalotermes portion of the deviation in soldier ratios observed in
flavicollis (Fabricius) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) primary conspecific field colonies.
queens resulted in development of both male and female The colonies from our two lineages also exhibited
neotenics but loss of the king led only to the differentiation significant, consistent variability in body size. Across all
of males. In contrast, colonies of Armitermes euamignathus castes, individuals from lineage 1 were larger than their
(Silvestri) (Isoptera: Termitidae) (Costa-Leonardo et al., lineage 3 counterparts. Average worker body sizes peaked in
1996) colonies which lost their queens but retained their 1999 and fell slightly in 2001. This finding is in contrast with
kings produced only female neotenics. Lenz & Runko (1993) Grace et al. (1995) who found that the mean worker size in a
noted that orphaned colonies of C. lacteuts produced C. formosanuts colony increased by approximately 15% after a
equivalent female neotenic biomass, but that it was comparable time interval.
apportioned among either a few large females or numerous Among polymorphic ant species, caste proportion may
small females. It is possible that the colonies in this study be influenced by both environmental variables, including
followed a strategy of producing a few large female food availability (McGlynn & Owen, 2002), conspecific
neotenics. Gauging the relative size of these replacemnent competition (Passera et al., 1996), and predation (Herbers,
females is difficult given the rarity of data from similarly 1980), as well as internal variables such as colony age
aged neotenics which are the product of comparably sized (Gibson, 1989) and the number of queens in the colony
colonies. Future laboratory manipulation of R. flavipes (Kenne et al., 2000). There has been little examination of the
colonies as well as the continued monitoring of these nests role intrinsic, genotypic factors may play in the
will be important in this regard. determination of social insect caste ratios.
In addition to development of secondary reproductives, This analysis of eight-year-old, complete, laboratory-
it has been observed that recently orphaned C. lacteus nests reared R. flavipes colonies provides demographic
produce numerous nymphs of both genders (Lenz &Runko, information regarding colony growth rate and longevity,
1993). It has been calculated that orphaned colonies are at lifespan of founding reproductives, the response of colonies
greater risk of failure than complete nests; thus, nymph to the loss of founding kings and queens, and the
production is undertaken to maximize the survival of a contribution of intrinsic factors in determining caste ratios
colony's genes via alate dispersal (Lenz &Runko, 1993). In and individual body sizes. These fundamental elements of
both 1999 and 2001, the three queenless and one kingless colony ontogeny and demography delineate pattems of
colonies in our study contained vastly more nymphs than growth, investment, reproduction and survivorship that
the queenright colonies. Nymphal individuals may have impact both intra- and extra-colony dynamics in these
been produced in anticipation of an alate dispersal flight eusocial societies. Ontogenetic field studies have been used
(Lenz & Runko, 1993) or subterranean colony budding to predict territorial expansion rates of both feral (Oldroyd et
(Snyder, 1920), neither of which were possible in the al., 1997) and Africanized honey bees (Otis, 1982), and
laboratorv due to the lack of environmental cues and remote similar forecasts of R. flavipes reoccupation of disturbed
galleries, respectively. landscapes would be valuable. Insight gained from
444 C.E. Long et al.

subterranean termite laboratory colonies will aid in the Howard, R.W. & Haverty, M.I. (1981) Seasonal variation in
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heterogeneous and unpredictable food resources (Chew, Howard, R.W., Jones, S.C., Mauldin, J.K. & Beal, R.H. (1982)
1987; McGlynn et al., 2002) or which have the flexibility to be Abundance, distribution, and colony size estimates for
either mono- or polygynous (Tschinkel, 1988; Arcila et al., Reticuliterntes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in southern
2002). Mississippi. EnviromnentalEntontology 11, 1290-1293.
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TITLE: Termite colony ontogeny: a long-term assessment of

reproductive lifespan, caste ratios and colony size in
Reticulitermes flavipes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
SOURCE: Bull Entomol Res 93 no5 O 2003
WN: 0327404110007

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