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An Evening with SteffLon Don

On the 14th of June 2019, I was relaxing on my sofa, with the television
playing in the background while I scrolled through my Instagram feed. Stefflon
Don posted to her followers that she was holding a competition that would give
her fans the opportunity to view her new music video for her song “Phone Down”
before everybody else at the YouTube Space in London. I never really sign up for
competitions as I never believe that I would actually win, but I signed up anyway (I
guess you could say I was feeling lucky lol). I proceeded to sign up with my name
and email address on the places required and continued with my day.
On Monday the 17th of June at around 6pm I received an email address
confirming that I won! I was surprised
because I completely forgot I signed up
for it, and I was not expecting to win at
all! After hearing the good news, I
proceeded to tell my close friends and
family that I won a competition to meet
Stefflon Don, (even though my grandparents did not know who she was, they
were happy that I was happy). I then proceeded to prepare myself for an evening
with Stefflon Don!

It is now the “Big Day” and it is safe to say I felt a variety of different
emotions running through me, I was nervous,
anxious, but most importantly excited all at the
same time! I was really curious to see how this
exciting day would plan out. Before I had arrived at
the venue, I was expecting the queue to wrap
around the whole building, ( I mean she is a big
celebrity so this is what I was expecting), but when
arrived I only saw 10 people standing outside. I was
shocked but I felt very special because it means
that out of all her millions of followers little old me
got selected. Anyways, after I approached the rest
of the fans standing outside it was safe to say they
were a lot more hyped up than me, don’t get me
wrong I was excited to meet Steff, but these guys
are superfans! They had merchandise from her concerts, her albums, any type of
memorabilia from Stefflon Don they certainly had it. After queuing up I managed to
make a few friends, and we stuck together throughout the evening. When you
arrived into the space it was decorated to fit the theme of the song “Phone
Down”, there was a telephone box, a bar filled with cocktails named after her
song, there were multiple screens showing clips from her music video, the vibe
was really nice! There was also free Nandos on sight so we could eat as much
food as we liked! The bar was the best spot considering the cocktails were free!
There was also a mini photobooth so we could all take cute pictures as a group.
While were taking pictures her Stefflon Don’s mother came up behind us as
greeted us, it was nice meeting her and the family who followed her.

After taking pictures, drinking cocktails, and having a good time with some
amazing people, it was almost time to meet Steff and everybody was freaking out!
We were instructed by the workers at YouTube to head downstairs and take a
seat in the mini movie theatre they had created. When you headed downstairs
there were mini cupcakes and popcorn that had Steff’s face on it, and there were
party bags filled with a bunch of cool stuff. As we proceeded to sit down and wait
for Steff, the girls sitting next to me were freaking out so much she was struggling
to breathe properly! I had to help her breathe and ensure her that everything will
be okay, and that she should try not to pass out before she meets her!

The presenter for the evening told us to make

some noise as Stefflon Don was about to come through
the doors, and as she came through the girls I was sitting
next to where making so much noise! As Steff proceeded
to head to her seat the girls next to me were getting
louder and my sense of hearing felt like I was going! Steff
then sat down and she was looking very pretty, yet so
nice to her fans, I even got a little wave and I was
screaming inside in excitement. Everyone then proceeded
to sit down and watch her new music video! After the
video finished she then proceeded to do a mini QnA with
her fans and we all proceeded to take pictures with her
and enjoy the evening.
To sum up the evening, it was very fun, exciting, and I was really grateful for
winning such a fantastic opportunity. It was amazing to see an artist who I listen
to nearly everyday live in the flesh, it felt so surreal! But overall, I would definitely
recommend anybody to sign up for competitions because you never know, you
might become a winner like I did!

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