G20 Delhi Declaration - Sustainability & Green Economy

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Bearing on

Sustainability &
Delhi Green Economy

Content Courtesy: https://www.g20.org

Accelerating Progress on SDGs

• Global progress on SDGs is off-track

• Only 12% of targets on track

• Decade of action to implement 2030 Agenda

• Increasing role of digital transformation, AI & data advances

• Mobilization of financing from all sources

• Crucial role of tourism and culture in achieving SDGs

Scaling Up Sustainable Finance

• Commitment to scale up sustainable finance

• Adoption of social impact investment instruments

• Improving nature-related data and reporting

• Support for UN efforts to address SDG financing gap

• Full support to United Nations 2023 SDG Summit

Enhancing Global Food Security

• Strengthening research cooperation on climate-resilient grains

• Increasing access to fertilizer and agricultural inputs

• Accelerating innovations in agriculture and food systems

• Support for developing countries' food security challenges

• Access to affordable, safe, and nutritious diets

• Facilitating fair and rules-based agriculture trade

Strengthening Health Systems

• Strengthening global health architecture

• Building resilient and inclusive health systems

• Focus on primary health care and essential health services

• Promoting One Health approach and pandemic preparedness

Delivering Quality Education

• Commitment to inclusive and high-quality education

• Importance of foundational learning and digital technologies

• Support for technical and vocational education and training

• Promoting open and equitable scientific collaboration

Culture as Transformative Driver

• Full recognition and protection of culture

• Culture as a transformative driver for SDGs

• Strengthening fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property

• Protecting living cultural heritage and intellectual property

Green Development Pact

• Commitment to environmentally sustainable economic growth

• Urgent actions on environmental crises and climate change

• Aligning NDCs with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement

• Urging countries to revisit and strengthen their NDC targets

• Commitment to achieve global net zero GHG emissions

• Assess macroeconomic impacts of climate change & transition pathways

Mainstreaming Sustainable Lifestyles &
Circular Economy

• Commitment to collective actions for sustainable production & consumption

• Implementing high-level principles on lifestyles for sustainable development

• Decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation

• Emphasizing circular economy, extended producer responsibility and

resource efficiency
Delivering Clean and Sustainable
Energy Transitions
• Accelerating clean and sustainable energy transitions

• Supporting low-carbon technologies and access to financing

• Tripling renewable energy capacity globally by 2030

Financing Climate and Sustainable
• Mobilizing resources for climate finance

• Scaling up blended finance and risk-sharing facilities

• Maximizing the effect of concessional resources

• Enhancing disclosure standards and sustainable finance reporting

Conserving Ecosystems and Biodiversity

• Swift implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

• Scaling up efforts to achieve land degradation neutrality

• Protecting, conserving, and sustainably managing forests

• Enhancing global cooperation on water management

Harnessing & Preserving the Ocean-
based Economy
• Commitment to conserving and sustainably using the world's ocean

• Supporting international agreements on marine biodiversity and protection

• Ending illegal fishing and promoting sustainable practices

Ending Plastic Pollution

• Determination to end plastic pollution

• Support for an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution

• Building on the G20 Marine Litter Action Plan

Financing Cities of Tomorrow

• Mobilizing finances for inclusive and sustainable cities

• Endorsing Principles for Financing Cities of Tomorrow

• Supporting innovative urban planning and financing models

Reducing Disaster Risk and Building
Resilient Infrastructure
• Accelerating progress on early warning and early action

• Promoting disaster and climate resilience of infrastructure systems

• Supporting recovery and resilience efforts


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