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Assignment 1a: Resource Choices 9-4-19

This assignment has 3 sections. Answer the questions in all 3 sections.

(15 marks)


1. Read the following scenario and then answer the questions.

Virginia is completing grade 12 and works part time at an art supply store. Her evenings
during the week are for school work and Sunday nights are free. Virginia wants to have a
portfolio of twenty illustrations done for an interview at an art college. She has five
illustrations she is happy with and she has three months left to complete the other

Virginia needs time to do her illustrations. Completing this artwork is an important short-
term goal and a stepping stone to a long-term goal, so she is willing to spend time
brainstorming her options. She comes up with the following solution. She will talk to her
supervisor at the art supply store about whether she can work on her illustrations when
the store is quiet, and she will spend one night on the weekend working on her art at

a. Identify the specific personal resources that are currently available to Virginia.
(2 marks)

Interests, Talents, and Skills. She is able to use her intellectual ability and skill
using art to provide a job. She is able to use her talents and skills for education
and future career.

Attitudes, she was willing to ask for a change and use her time wisely in a
respected matter and made sure that she will only work on her illustrations when
the store is quiet.

b. What other resources might Virginia consider using that would help her reach

her goals? (2 marks)

Knowledge, when planning projects using the internet and applying learning

strategies for background information to help brainstorm projects quicker. Social

Health, with the help and support of her families and the people around her they

will be able to give her the time and space she needs to achieve her goals.

2. Read the following scenario and then answer the questions.

Peter and Stacy are going to be married in the summer and they are excited about it.
Their energy is high, but they are also concerned about their financial future. They know
that if they put in the time now to get full-time jobs and develop financial skills, they
should be better off than most teenage couples.

They are presently living with their parents, but they will be moving into an apartment
that costs $600 a month. They expect some small appliances and household items as
gifts at the wedding, but besides that, they will need some basic furniture. They plan to
save $500 and buy most of it second-hand. They will also be able to get several pieces
from their families.

Both Peter and Stacy are finishing grade 12. Stacy has a part-time job at as fast-food
outlet and is looking for full-time work. Peter is also looking for full-time work.

Peter, and avid reader, has more time than Stacy. He has taken books about finances out
of the library and has learned how to develop a budget. He has also completed a personal
career plan and has three interviews for jobs next week.

Stacy ideally wants to start her own business, but she has delayed that until she has
adequate finances. With her knowledge of woodworking developed in school and at home
in her father's garage, she feels she can get a good job as a carpenter's apprentice. She
has asked a teacher at school to help her in her search.

a. Identify the specific personal resources that are currently being used by Peter
and Stacy. (2 marks)

Social Health, they have the help of their family for some pieces of furniture in
their new apartment. With the help of teachers, she is able to search for a
good job as a carpenter's apprentice.

Attitudes, they were willing to change and get full-time jobs such as Stacy
looking for a good job as a carpenter's apprentice and put in the effort to
develop financial skills.

Time, with the time Peter has in his hands he was able to read books about
financial situations and develop financial skills.

Knowledge, they had the information needed when they were making
decisions, they knew that if they developed a budget and financial skills, they
would be better off than other couples.

b. Are the personal resources being well used? Why or why not? (2 marks)

Yes, they had the knowledge, Time, Mindset, and social circle and took advantage
of it in a positive manner.

b. Are there other personal resources available that would help Peter and Stacy
reach their personal goals? (2 marks)

Interest, personal interest or skills could help them get a full-time job.

3. Now, invent characters and write your own scenario. Outlining the effective use of a
combination of personal resources to achieve a goal. (5 marks).

Katie wanted to take online classes before her first year of high-school. She wanted to get
ahead of her classes and be able to get spares or give herself the opportunity to take extra
courses that she will need for her dream job.
Katie couldn’t afford to do summer school but with the help of her mom, she offered to
pay half of it if Katie was willing to pay the other half. Katie was able to get a few “jobs”
that involved her getting paid such as helping with some work around the community.
She looked at the benefits of summer school such as spending time wisely instead of
sitting inside the house all day wasting opportunity.

Before her classes began Katie also decided to work on her self, she started doing 10, 000
steps daily and watching what she eats. It help her gain a positive mindset for her
emotional and physical health which helped motivate her to take her summer classes
seriously knowing it could benefit her greatly in the future.

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