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Assignment A1b: Personal Values 9-4-19

This assignment has 2 sections. Answer the questions in BOTH sections. (10 marks)


Often our values and lifestyle are similar to those of our friends but sometimes they are very
different. Interview four students in your grade or age range. Try to interview a variety of
students from diverse situations. Their names are not required. The purpose of this exercise is to
help you understand the personal values that relate to your lifestyle.

1. Complete the interview chart. You will be asking each person how important certain things are
to him or her. Have each person you interview rate each personal value using the following

5 Very Important

4 Somewhat Important

3 Important

2 Not Important

1 Irrelevant

You may add questions of your own if you wish. (4 marks)

Interview Chart

Personal Values Me Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

planning for my future, e.g., a career  5  5 5   5 5 

considering other people's opinions

4   4 3   2 3 
when making a decision

making a good impression on other

5   4  4  3 4 

having the freedom to do the things I

4  3  5   5  4
want to do

doing new and different things often  3  5 5   4  4

creating a pleasant atmosphere at

 3 3  2 5  2 

doing what is right according to what

5   4  4  5 3 
I believe

having things neat and well

5   3 3   3 4

getting as much value as possible for

4   5 3   5 4 
my money

looking for good workmanship or

5   2 3   3  4
doing things well myself

spending time with my friends  5  5  5  5  4

completing high school because it will

5   5  5  5  5
help me in the future

2. Compare your peers’ values to each other and to your own values.

a. List two areas in which your friend’s values are differ from each other and from your
values. Describe how and explain why you think they are different. (2 marks)

“Having things neat and well organized.” As a perfectionist, I would want my things organize
and not out of place. Though I might have some moments where I did not have the motivation
and the energy to keep things in place, but it would not excuse the fact I prefer my things
organized. As for my friends sometimes, their procrastination takes over their mindset and
influences them to not care about their environment and how organized they can be.

“Looking for good workmanship or doing things well myself” As a student who takes their grades
and work seriously, it is very important for me to get my work on time. Depending on other
people as a group leaves me with no control of the time and management of the work being
done. As for my friends they believe that looking for good workmanship is good because the
greater the team the better attributes they can give and collect which I can sightly agree with
but with the mindset and the power to achieve great things you can do greater than anyone else.

B. Identify two values you have that you believe are similar to your friends' values. Describe
how and explain why you think they are similar. (2 marks)

“planning for my future” We believe that it is very important to think and plan for the future
because setting goals and having plans can help us throughout my journey and will make it
easier if I have a general plan/ schedule.

“completing high school because it will help me in the future” Completing high school is very
important to us as students. It gives us opportunity to be able to get jobs and it leds to an
opportunity to expand our education outside of high school. Though we might have different
mindsets I think there’s still that same sense/thought in our minds that even if one of us doesn’t
care about school we still wanna give ourselves the opportunity to get jobs and expand our
learning in the future.

c. Think about your personal goals. Provide an example to illustrate the relationship between
your values and your goals. (2 marks)

My personal goal is to be able to have a stable physical and emotional state. Having things
organized can be a little less stressful and give you an environment to be comfortable in and be
at ease . Depending on other people will lead to not being able to work by yourself in the future
which can lead to unstable physical and emotional state due to people doing things for you
causing procrastination, laziness , and bad habits/behaviors. Planning for the future can benefit
me in many ways, it help with my emotional state, without planning for the future and cramming
everything in when it happens can lead to stress, procrastination and emotional distress.
Completing high school is important to me because without a high school diploma there are
rarely any jobs that offer you without any proof of any education. Dealing with high school now
instead of procrastinating and saying it wont be a problem later in life is a stressful process as an
adult leads to a stable emotional state due to little to no stress in the future.

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