Course Outline - Cost & Management Accounting

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Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi


Program MBA
Course Cost and Management Accounting
Course Code
Prerequisite(s) Financial Accounting
Course Facilitator
Class Day(s) & Timing
Books Recommended 1. Matz Usry latest Edition, Cost Accounting: Planning and Control
2. Matz, Hammer Usry (1985) 9th edition Cost Accounting South-
western Publishing Co
3. Garrison H. Ray, Noreen W. Eric (2004) 10th edition Managerial
Accounting, Irwin
4. Managerial Accounting by Ronald W. Hilton 13th Edition

Course Description:
The Course deals with examining Cost and management Accounting as a tool for providing
information for manufacturing, internal reporting, external reporting as well as for managerial
decision making.

Course Objectives:
The broad course objectives are to help students to understand the central concepts of Cost and management
Accounting, the methods of conducting data analysis preparation of budgets, reports for managerial decision

Learning Outcomes:
After studying this course student will be able to understand:
1. The importance of Cost Accounting as a first step in the Manufacturing process.
2. Cost Accounting and explain its purpose within an organization.
3. The steps involved in the Accumulation of Total Cost in different departments.
4. Management accounting and Cost Accounting differentiation.
5. Data for the decision making of the higher management.
6. C.V.P and break even analysis.
7. Performance appraisal reporting.

Student Assessment and Marks Distribution:

Undergraduate Graduate
S. No. Assessments
(16 Years Programs) (18 Years Programs)
1 Midterm Examination 20 % 20%
Assignments, Quizzes, 30%-50%
2 30%-40%
Projects, etc.
3 Final Exam 40%-50% 30%-50%

Session wise Course Breakdown

Lecture No. Topic Reading Assignments
Mohammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi

(Per Week)
1 Cost accounting concepts and objectives Ch1 Matz
2 Accounting For Manufacturing Operations Ch. 2

3 Job order costing Ch. 3

4 Process Costing Ch. 4 & 5
5 Material costing and Controlling Ch. 7 &8
6 Labor costing and controlling Ch. 9&10
7 F.O.H. Costing, Controlling and Departmentalization Ch. 12 &13
Mid Term Exam
8 Preparation of Master Budgets Ch. 9 Hilton
9 Absorption and variable costing Ch. 17
10 Cost volume and profit analysis Ch. 8
11 Break even analysis Ch. 8
12 Differential Costing and short term decision making Ch. 14
13 Standard costing and variance analysis Ch. 10 & 12
14 Activity Based Costing Ch. 4
15 Decision making Ch. 14
16 Decision making Ch. 14

Final Exam

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