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Primordial Prevention of High Blood Pressure in Childhood

An Opportunity Not to be Missed
Bonita Falkner, Empar Lurbe

Abstract—Hypertension is a condition with increased risk for subsequent adverse events, and treatment of hypertension is
prescribed for primary prevention of adverse events. Primordial prevention is a concept that precedes primary prevention
and focuses on risk factor prevention. Primordial prevention of hypertension consists of strategies to maintain blood
pressure in a normal range and prevent development of elevated blood pressure or hypertension. Childhood is a period
in which primordial prevention could be effective and if sustained throughout childhood could contribute to a healthier
young adulthood. Targets for primordial prevention in childhood include preventing and reducing childhood obesity,
achieving an optimal diet that includes avoiding excessive salt consumption, and removing barriers to physical activity
and healthy sleep throughout childhood. Primordial prevention also includes the prenatal period wherein some maternal
conditions and exposures are associated with higher blood pressure in child offspring.

P rimordial prevention is a term that is seldom used in hy-

pertension research or clinical care. Primordial prevention
is defined as preventing the risk factor. For the condition of
recently updated. In the American guidelines, for children age
<13 years, hypertension is defined as systolic or diastolic BP
>95th percentile of the sex, age, height distribution of normal-
hypertension, primordial prevention would be prevention of weight children, and elevated BP is defined as BP >90th to
abnormal elevations of blood pressure (BP) among normoten- <95th percentile. For adolescents age >13 years, the updated
sive individuals. Thus, primordial prevention precedes primary adult definitions for hypertension and elevated BP are now
prevention in which the standard of care for established hyper- used.7 According to the European guidelines, hypertension in
tension in children, as well as adults, is treatment to lower BP, children <16 years is defined as systolic or diastolic BP per-
regardless of the cause, to prevent hypertension-related events. sistently ≥95th percentile for sex, age, and height. Children
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Primordial prevention of abnormal BP in childhood, if effec- with average systolic BP or diastolic BP at least 90th, but
tive, could lead to lower rates of hypertension in young adult- <95th are classified as having high-normal BP. For children
hood and possibly dampen the rates of hypertension-associated ≥16 years, hypertension is defined using the updated adult
cardiovascular disease. European definitions.8
The prevalence of hypertension in childhood varies in dif- Hypertension in childhood can be secondary to under-
ferent countries. A recent systematic review reported a pooled lying renal disease, endocrine abnormalities, and other con-
worldwide prevalence of hypertension in youth estimated at ditions. However, only about 1% of childhood hypertension
4.00% (95% CI, 3.29%–4.78%).1 In addition, the prevalence is secondary to an underlying disorder, and children with
of elevated BP is ≈12%.2 Reports on BP trajectory curves secondary hypertension are usually identified in early child-
from childhood to adulthood demonstrate that BP levels in hood.9 Therefore, abnormal BP is potentially modifiable for a
the higher range of the BP distribution in childhood progress substantial portion of children. Research, including epidemi-
to hypertension in young adulthood. High body mass index ology, prospective cohort studies, and other clinical studies in
(BMI) and low birth weight (LBW) in childhood were among children, provide evidence on early life exposures that are as-
risk factors associated with high and increasing BP trajec- sociated with higher BP in childhood. This review will discuss
tory.3 An analysis of BP data in a community-based primary the exposures linked with higher BP in the young and will
care population demonstrated that among youth age 10 to 17 consider the possible impact that removing these exposures
years with persistent elevated BP, progression to hypertension would have on mitigating the prevalence of elevated BP and
hypertension in childhood.
occurred in 5.9% over a 2-year period.4 Therefore, the com-
bined prevalence of elevated BP and hypertension in child- Risk Factors for Pediatric Hypertension
hood is not trivial and is progressive. The increasing prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors
Clinical practice guidelines on hypertension in chil- in children and adolescents has been largely, but not en-
dren and adolescents in the United States5 and Europe6 were tirely, related to the childhood obesity epidemic.10 Among

From the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA (B.F.); and Pediatric Department, Hospital General,
University of Valencia, Spain (E.L.).
Correspondence to Bonita Falkner, Department of Medicine/Nephrology, 833 Chestnut St. Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Email bonita.falkner@
(Hypertension. 2020;75:1142-1150. DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14059.)
© 2020 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14059

Falkner and Lurbe   Primordial Prevention in Childhood   1143

the obesity-associated risk factors detectable in childhood is early childhood, when behaviors are modifiable, but few stud-
high BP. Emerging findings indicate that, in addition to over- ies include children younger than age 2 years.19 Despite the
weight and obesity, diet, insufficient physical activity, exces- evidence from observational studies that elevated cardiometa-
sive screen time (ST), and sleep disorders are associated with bolic risk status begins in childhood,20 long-term clinical trials
elevated BP in youth.11 to determine if an intervention benefits extends into adulthood
are limited. Indeed, such trials might not be feasible given its
Overweight and Obesity
long duration and challenges of maintaining separation of in-
The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children
tervention versus control groups.
has increased substantially worldwide since the 1990s. The
association of obesity with hypertension in children has been Dietary Factors
well documented in both sexes, all age groups, and for every Diet pattern and quality is an important issue in development
geographic and ethnic group.12 The magnitude of the asso- of high BP in childhood. Dietary factors associated with high
ciation was assessed by Freedman et al13 who reported that BP in youth are high sodium intake, a low potassium diet,
overweight children were 4.5× as likely to have elevated and high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs).
systolic BP compared with normal-weight counterparts. In Evidence for an association of sodium intake with BP in oth-
school-based screenings, hypertension was 3× more frequent erwise healthy children is limited. Although some studies
in obese than in nonobese adolescents. Excess adiposity can report a positive association, others have not. A recent meta-
also affect young infants. Therefore, prevention of childhood analysis of studies that included participants from birth to 18.9
obesity and its consequences should begin at the earliest years determined 18 of 85 reports to be high quality based on
stages of human development. Several modifiable risk fac- methods for sodium intake assessment and BP measurement.
tors present in early life are associated with childhood over- Analysis of pooled data from these reports detected a positive
weight. In an observational study, Gillman et al14 reported that association of sodium intake with BP in childhood, with a sys-
in preschool-age children of mothers who did not smoke or tolic BP increase of 0.8 mm Hg and a diastolic BP increase of
gain excessive weight during pregnancy, and their infant was 0.7 mm Hg with each additional gram sodium intake per day.21
breastfed for 12 months, and slept 12 h/d predicted an obe- Systematic reviews have also been conducted on clinical
sity prevalence of 6% at age 3 years compared with a prev- trial studies to lower sodium intake in youth. A meta-analysis
alence of 29% among children with the opposite of these 4 of pooled data by He and MacGregor22 reported a reduction of
mother/child behaviors. The difference in obesity prevalence 1.2 mm Hg in systolic and 1.3 mm Hg in diastolic BP follow-
was similar (4% and 28%, respectively) when these children ing sodium reduction intervention. In another meta-analysis,
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reached age 7 to 10 years. Aburto et al23 reported an 0.8 mm Hg decrease in systolic and 0.9
Preventive interventions beginning in infancy could have mm Hg in diastolic BP following sodium reduction. Although
a substantial impact on childhood obesity and BP levels. The the strength of the association of sodium intake with BP in child-
STRIP (Special Tuku Coronary Risk Factor Intervention hood is modest, it is significantly stronger among overweight
Project), a clinical trial of dietary counseling, is a key study and obese children.24 Moreover, sodium intakes in children and
that contributed evidence on the benefit of early preventive adolescents are well above recommended levels, largely due to
intervention. The STRIP project started in Finland in the consumption of processed and prepared foods.25 In addition to
early 1990s where infants were randomized to noninterven- encouraging limiting high sodium foods, focused interventions
tion control versus an intervention of individual dietary coun- to limit sodium intake should be directed at children born pre-
seling, starting before their first birthday, on healthful fats, mature and small for gestational age as well as overweight/obese
more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and less sodium. children.26 Recently, the National Academy of Medicine recom-
Investigators reported a lower BP measured each year until mends a sodium dietary intake ranging between 110 mg/d to 1.5
age 15 years. BP levels were 1.0 mm Hg lower in the group g/d from birth to 18 years, respectively (Table).27
receiving the diet counseling throughout childhood com- Regarding potassium, an inverse association of potas-
pared with the control group (95% CI for systolic, −1.7 to sium intake with BP level has been observed in clinical stud-
−0.2; 95% CI for diastolic, −1.5 to −0.4).15 More recently, the ies in adults.28 Studies on effects of dietary potassium intake
STRIP investigators reported the effect of the intervention on on BP in children and adolescents are limited. A prospec-
the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among participants at tive study on girls found that higher dietary potassium in-
age 15 to 20 years. The annual prevalence of metabolic syn- take was associated with lower BP throughout adolescence,
drome in the intervention group was 6% to 7% compared with suggesting that consuming potassium-rich foods throughout
an annual prevalence of 10% to 14% in the control group. childhood would support a more favorable BP outcome.29 An
The relative risk reduction for metabolic syndrome was 0.59 example of a potassium-rich diet is the Dietary Approaches
(95% CI, 0.40–0.88; P=0.009). These results were driven by to Stop Hypertension diet, due to high consumption of fruits
reductions in high BP in both sexes and high triglycerides in and vegetables, and the benefits of the Dietary Approaches
boys.16 Other reports described modest intervention effects on to Stop Hypertension diet in lowering BP in adults are firmly
lowering adolescent BP and insulin resistance, lower lipids established. A small clinical trial conducted on untreated hy-
in boys, and less overweight in girls.17,18 The findings from pertensive adolescents compared counseling on a Dietary
STRIP support the benefit of primordial prevention on cardi- Approaches to Stop Hypertension-type diet to routine care.
ovascular risk factors when initiated in early childhood. For Following 6 months of diet intervention, BP was lower in
obesity prevention, the best time to intervene is infancy and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet group
1144  Hypertension  May 2020

Table.  Primordial Prevention of High Blood Pressure: Scientific Statements higher serum uric acid and higher BP levels. This association
Factor for Intervention Scientific Statements Strength of Evidence did not appear to be modified by presence or absence of obe-
sity.33 Considering the high sugar intake among children and
Under 5 y
adolescents, the American Heart Association recommends
 Physical activity, Guidelines on physical Very low* limiting added sugar intake (including beverages) to 25 g/d
sedentary activity, sedentary behavior, in all children.34
behavior, and sleep and sleep for children under
5 y of age. WHO 201928 Physical Activity, ST, and Sleep
Children and adolescents The most recommended approach to prevention, and treat-
ment, of childhood obesity and obesity-associated hyperten-
 Sodium diet National Academies of High†
sion consists of achieving a healthy lifestyle, characterized by
Sciences, Engineering, and
Medicine. 2019. Dietary
healthy eating, physical activity, avoiding sedentary behav-
reference intakes for iors, and sleep quality.
sodium and potassium.27 There is no doubt about the health benefits associated
 Potassium diet National Academies of Moderate†
with regular physical activity in children and adolescents. The
Sciences, Engineering, and World Health Organization recommends at least 60 minutes
Medicine. 2019. Dietary daily of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity.35
reference intakes for Recent Guidelines on Physical Activity published by the US
sodium and potassium.27 Department of Health and Human Services were concurrent
 Physical activity Global recommendations High‡ with the World Health Organization, and emphasized vig-
on physical activity for orous-intensity physical activity at least 3 days a week. For
health. WHO 201029 preschool children, this guideline recommended that children
Physical activity guidelines High‡ should be physically active throughout the day with active
for Americans 2018.30 play, including all kinds of movement to optimize healthy
 Sugar-sweetened A scientific statement High*
growth and development.36 Findings from clinical studies that
beverages from the American Heart examined relationships between physical activity and BP in
Association.31 children have been inconsistent with some showing that an
 Screen time American Academy of Low*
increase in physical activity lowers BP,37-38 and others find no
Pediatrics. policy statement: association.39,40 The Identification and Prevention of Dietary
children, adolescents, and and Lifestyle-Induced Health Effects in Children and Infants
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the media.32 is an epidemiological multi-center European study to iden-

 Sleep disorders Consensus Statement of Low* tify nutritional-associated and lifestyle-associated factors of
the American Academy childhood obesity and related morbidities. At baseline, 5221
of Sleep Medicine on the children aged 2 to 9 years were selected for accelerometer
recommended amount measurements, and 5061 were followed for 2 years to deter-
of sleep for healthy mine the association of physical activity or sedentary behavior
children: methodology and on BP levels. The authors reported that consistent sedentary
behaviors in childhood increase risk of developing high BP.41
WHO indicates World Health Organization. Advancements in technology have contributed to more
*Strength of evidence derived from the statements themselves.
sedentary behavior in children and adolescents. ST includes
†Strength of evidence derived from the statements themselves targeting
adults; otherwise in healthy children and adolescents, the evidence is limited. time spent viewing television, computer use, playing elec-
‡Strength of evidence derived from the statements themselves but limited to tronic games, and using mobile phones. Currently, ST is the
obese and hypertensive children and adolescents. most common sedentary behavior, starting even in infants.
Time spent on screen-based activities can replace time for
compared with the routine care group.30 On the basis of physical activity and may affect physical and mental health in
available findings, the National Academy of Medicine rec- youth.42 Adverse effects of excessive ST on physical strength,
ommends a potassium dietary intake ranging between 400 obesity, and sleep disturbances have been documented in
mg/d to 3 g/d from birth to 18 years, respectively (Table).27 many studies.43 The risk for high BP associated with ST is
A dietary component that contributes to childhood obesity mainly due to the risk of obesity and sleep restriction.44 The
is SSBs. In a birth cohort followed from age 2 to 17, inves- impact of intervention programs in school to reduce ST dem-
tigators reported a significant association SSBs consumption onstrated a reduction in television viewing, playing video
with increasing BMI Z scores.31 A meta-analysis of random- games, and computer use, but the effect was small.45 The
ized clinical trials on reducing SSB intake determined that American Academy of Pediatrics published guidelines on ST
reducing SSBs in children resulted in lower BMI. A sensi- in 2013 that was largely based on television viewing.46 This is
tivity analysis showed greater benefit in SSB substitution now outdated because computer and cell phone use and play-
trials compared with school-based education programs.32 A ing electronic games have become widespread. ST is leading
cross-sectional analysis of data from the National Health and to more sedentary behavior in childhood. Encouraging parents
Nutrition Examination Survey on adolescents aged 12 to 18 to limit ST is an important step in prevention of risk factor de-
years found that higher SSB consumption was associated with velopment in children and adolescents.
Falkner and Lurbe   Primordial Prevention in Childhood   1145

Sleep disturbance is a commonly overlooked risk fac- In another study, healthy full-term infants of uncomplicated
tor associated with high BP in children and adolescents. pregnancies were stratified as small for gestational age (SGA),
Lower levels of parental education, lack of regular enforce- appropriate for gestational age, or large for gestational age.
ment of rules about caffeine, and presence of electronics Repeated measures of growth and BP were obtained from
in the child’s bedroom overnight are among the factors re- age 6 months to 5 years. At the 5-year exam, the cohort was
lated to poor sleep.47 Insufficient sleep is widespread among further grouped based on current weight, as small, average,
children but largely greater in adolescents.48 Chronic sleep and heavy, and a blood sample was obtained for metabolic
restriction,49 poor sleep quality,50 and sleep variability51 parameters. BP level, at age 5 years, was positively associated
have been found to be associated with increased BP in with current weight. Fasting insulin levels were higher in all
adolescents, although the association in younger children children who became heavy by age 5 years and were highest
is less apparent. This association may be primarily driven among the SGA group. However, an estimate of insulin resist-
by blunting the nocturnal fall in BP, but the association of ance using the homeostatic model of assessment index was
obesity-associated sleep disturbances is also implicated.52 highest in the SGA group compared with the other birthweight
A Consensus Statement of the American Academy of Sleep groups, regardless of current weight. Even the SGA infants
Medicine concluded that serious gaps in knowledge about who remained small at age 5 years had measures of insulin
the impact of sleep on health exist in the pediatric popula- resistance comparable to those who became heavy at age 5
tion and that additional research is needed.53 years, suggesting metabolic programing in the SGA group.59
A pathological sleep condition is obstructive sleep apnea, Among participants reexamined at age 10 years, children with
a common condition among obese children. Some studies fasting insulin levels >15 U/L had higher office systolic BP,
have reported that obstructive sleep apnea is associated with plasma triglyceride and uric acid levels, and lower HDL-C
24-hour BP dysregulation and that, independent of obesity, (high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol).60
the frequency of obstructive apnea, oxygen desaturation, and Based on data from a longitudinal population in Helsinki,
arousal contributes to abnormal BP control.54 Barker et al61 connected this child growth pattern with sub-
The importance of early introduction of healthy habits, in- sequent cardiovascular events. A sample of adults, identified
cluding physical activity, sleep, and screen use, has led the with coronary heart disease, were found to have LBW, were
World Health Organization to publish guidelines in 2019 on thin at age 2 years, but then gained weight rapidly and had
physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep for children insulin resistance later in life. These reports describe a phe-
under age 5 years.55 Early childhood is a period of rapid phys- notype of LBW paired with developing overweight/obesity in
ical and cognitive development, a time during which a child’s childhood. This growth pattern represents an increased risk
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habits are formed, and family lifestyle routines are open to for high BP in childhood and adverse cardiometabolic out-
changes and adaptations. World Health Organization guide- comes in later adulthood.62 Therefore, children with LBW
lines recommend replacement of restrained sedentary ST would benefit from careful BP monitoring and interventions
with more moderate-intensity to vigorous-intensity physical to prevent overweight/obesity.
activity while preserving sleep time. Lifestyle behaviors de-
Maternal Hypertension in Pregnancy
veloped in early life can influence physical activity levels and
Prospective childhood studies that also include the maternal
diet patterns throughout the life course.
prenatal period provide data on relationships of maternal
Prenatal and Maternal Risk Factors conditions, with offspring health measures. Reports from the
Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children describe
The intrauterine environment is critical for optimal fetal
higher BP among offspring of both preeclampsia and gesta-
growth and organ development in the prenatal period. LBW is
tional hypertension pregnancies compared with offspring of
a hallmark of a suboptimal intrauterine environment. Maternal
normotensive pregnancies.63 Avon cohort data demonstrate
conditions and exposures are also associated with heightened
that at age 10 years, there was an inverse association of BW
risk for abnormal BP and related risk factors in childhood.
with systolic BP. In subsequent growth periods, all growth
Low Birth Weight parameters including weight, height, and BMI were positively
Following original observations by Barker et al,56 epidemio- associated with systolic BP, indicating that development of ex-
logical studies demonstrated an association of LBW with ad- cess adiposity was a modifiable determinant of later BP.64
verse cardiometabolic outcomes in adulthood. Preeclampsia Preeclampsia is commonly associated with premature
is a noted maternal condition that increases risk for premature birth and LBW. A meta-analysis of published reports on pre-
delivery and LBW. Other identified causes of LBW include eclampsia and offspring BP by Ferreira et al65 concluded
mechanical obstruction of uterine arteries, maternal cortico- that nearly all studies demonstrate higher BP in offspring of
steroid treatment, and severe protein deficiency.57 A subop- women with preeclampsia, in the range of 2 to 3 mm Hg sys-
timal intrauterine environment can induce epigenetic changes tolic BP. Subsequent reports examined the risk of maternal
that promote fetal survival but can also lead to changes in hypertension, including gestational hypertension, as well as
metabolic function that have adverse health consequences preeclampsia, in the absence of LBW or prematurity. Mother-
later in life. Young adults (aged 18 to 27 years), born preterm offspring pairs in the Avon study were stratified as normoten-
with very LBW, have significantly more impaired glucose tol- sive pregnancy, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia.
erance and higher BP compared with age- and sex-matched At age 9 years, systolic BP was significantly higher in off-
individuals born at term with normal birth weight (BW).58 spring of gestational hypertension pregnancy (2.04 mm Hg
1146  Hypertension  May 2020

[95% CI, 1.42–2.67]) and in offspring of preeclampsia preg- mothers. This BP shift appeared to be mediated by a greater
nancy (2.05 mm Hg [95% CI, 1.72–3.38]) compared with off- increase in BMI.79 In a similar recent study, offspring of moth-
spring of normotensive pregnancies. Following adjustment for ers with gestational diabetes mellitus were matched with off-
BW and gestational age, the association of preeclampsia preg- spring of nongestational diabetes mellitus, all born at term,
nancy with offspring systolic and diastolic BP became non- and examined at approximate age of 5.8 years. BP, as well as
significant. However, the same adjustments did not attenuate BMI and BMI Z score, were significantly higher in offspring
the significant association of gestational hypertension with of gestational diabetic mothers compared with offspring of
higher BP in offspring.66 Analyses of data obtained on these nondiabetic mothers.80 Whether exposure to hyperglycemia
offspring obtained at ages 12 years and 17 years resulted in could induce epigenetic changes in the developing fetus is
the same findings, suggesting genetic or familial nongenetic currently unknown. Due to the clinical evidence of increased
risk factors were related to offspring BP.63 Other reports on risk maternal hyperglycemia for excess adiposity and higher
offspring of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy versus off- BP in child offspring, optimizing blood glucose control during
spring of normotensive pregnancy describe similar findings in pregnancy could be beneficial, and offspring should be moni-
adolescent offspring,67 and in young adult offspring.68 A sys- tored with preventive interventions in childhood.
tematic review of 18 studies, with and without BW adjust-
Other Maternal Exposure
ment, found that offspring of preeclampsia have significantly
Maternal smoking can have an adverse effect on offspring.
higher systolic BP, diastolic BP, and BMI than offspring of
Compared with offspring of maternal nonsmokers, child off-
normotensive pregnancies.69 Overall, the evidence is strong
spring of mothers who smoke during pregnancy have sig-
that both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia increase
nificantly higher BMI Z score81 and metabolic syndrome
the risk for high BP in offspring, regardless of BW, and the
parameters, including higher BP.82 Although a direct effect of
risk for elevated BP is heightened with development of over-
maternal smoking on BP in child offspring has not been con-
weight/obesity in childhood. Children with a prenatal history
firmed, there is heightened risk for obesity-associated increased
of maternal hypertension would benefit from BP monitoring
and obesity prevention interventions.
Air pollution is another maternal inhaled exposure that
Maternal Obesity has been linked with abnormal BP. Particulate matter inhala-
Maternal obesity before pregnancy is a risk factor for off- tion from air pollution is reported to be significantly associ-
spring development of obesity in childhood.70 Child offspring ated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy83 and preterm
of mothers with prepregnancy obesity and greater gestational birth,84 conditions that are associated with higher BP in child
weight gain have higher BP than offspring of nonobese moth- offspring. A prospective study on a mother-offspring cohort in
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ers.71 Higher BP in offspring of maternal obesity is commonly Boston identified a marked increase in offspring systolic BP
associated with excess adiposity.72 A study conducted by the percentile and elevated BP when third-trimester particulate
Pregnancy and Childhood Epigenetics consortium examined matter exposure (PM2.5) was ≥13 µg/m3 (highest tertial of
epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation, in fetal PM2.5).85 A significant association was reported on maternal
cord blood. In a cohort of over 10 000 mother-newborn pairs, prenatal exposure to the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
the association of newborn blood DNA methylation with ma- with DNA methylation in offspring cord blood.86 Breton et
ternal BMI was minimal.73 These findings indicate that cardio- al87 examined prenatal exposure to NO2 and other pollutants
metabolic risk factors in child offspring of maternal obesity in cord blood samples on participants in the Children’s Health
are not a consequence of fetal programming and more likely Study. The investigators reported greater DNA methylation in
related to genetic or lifestyle factors. Infants born of obese cord blood was associated with higher BP levels in 11-year-
mothers are at high risk for childhood obesity and would ben- old children. These findings are consistent with epigenetic
efit from early childhood interventions to prevent obesity. modification, and the BP outcomes were related to gestational
timing of the maternal exposure.
Maternal Diabetes Mellitus
Maternal diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes mellitus Assisted Reproductive Technology
alter the intrauterine environment by exposing the developing A maternal exposure that could have an effect on BP in off-
fetus to hyperglycemia. Reports from prospective studies de- spring is assisted reproductive technology (ART), a relatively
scribe increased risk for obesity and metabolic disorders in new, but increasingly used, fertility treatment. There are little
offspring of mothers with diabetes mellitus and gestational di- data on long-term outcomes of children who are conceived by
abetes mellitus.74,75 Several reports describe excess adiposity ART, followed by full-term pregnancies, and who appear to be
with higher BP in child offspring exposed to intrauterine hy- healthy infants. A study on vascular function in healthy off-
perglycemia.76–78 The Generation XXI Project, a prospective spring of ART at age 11.5 years was reported by Scherrer et
birth cohort of 8301 mother-offspring pairs, included offspring al.88 ART children and control offspring of normal pregnancy,
of mothers with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Offspring of diabetic matched by age, sex, and BMI, underwent noninvasive vascular
mothers were age- and sex-matched with offspring of nondia- measurements. ART children had greater endothelial dysfunc-
betic mothers and examined at in early childhood. There was tion, higher pulse wave velocity, and greater carotid thickness
no difference in BP between the 2 groups at age 4 and 7 years. compared with controls. However, there was no difference
There was then an accelerated increase in systolic BP among in clinic BP, and elevated BP was not detected. These find-
the offspring of diabetic mothers with a significantly higher ings were replicated in an ART rodent model.89 In a follow-up
BP by age 10 years compared with offspring of nondiabetic study, when ART participants were aged 16 years, 24-hour
Falkner and Lurbe   Primordial Prevention in Childhood   1147

ambulatory BP monitoring was performed. Compared with determine how known exposures such as gestational hyperten-
controls, ART adolescents had significantly higher 24-hour sion, maternal diabetes mellitus, and other exposures can be
mean systolic and diastolic BP; and 15.4% of the ART group managed to optimize fetal growth and development. However,
had ambulatory hypertension versus 2.5% of controls.90 These there are known obstacles to achieve effective preventive pro-
findings of possible vascular dysfunction and elevated BP in grams, including poverty, food insecurity, cultural beliefs,
apparently healthy children conceived by ART are striking. family structure, childcare availability, parent work schedules,
The sample size is small, and additional research is needed. and difficulty in preventing the leading obstacle of childhood
However, the findings are sufficiently compelling to add ART obesity. The obstacles require input from multiple disciplines.
to the list of prenatal risk factors related to later elevated BP. In addition to public health policies, all clinicians can have
a positive role in encouraging healthy lifestyles, not only in
Is Primordial Prevention Possible? their patients but also in the patient’s family, including infants,
The prevalence of abnormal BP is over 10% in children and children, and adolescents. Babies are the future.
adolescents. There are also racial disparities in childhood with
a higher prevalence of abnormal BP in Black and Hispanic Sources of Funding
youth compared with whites.91 Realistically, abnormal BP None.
in childhood cannot be entirely eliminated due to potential
contributions of familial-genetic factors. However, efforts to Disclosures
promote optimal healthy behaviors and avoid adverse expo- None.
sures beginning in early childhood could have a substantial
impact on preventing abnormal BP levels in youth (Figure). References
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