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Computer-Aided Structural Engineering

Wind Loads on Buildings based on ASCE 7-16

Case Study

Prof. Osama ahmed Mohamed, Ph.D., P.E., MASCE

Building Risk Category
• Risk category is used to determine basic
wind speed (and other decisions)
Calculation of Wind Forces on Main Wind
Force Resisting System in a Buildings
• Calculate the wind pressure on
the windward, leeward, sides,
and roof of the building shown.
The calculation of pressures is
for the purpose of calculating
the forces in the main wind force
resisting system (MWFRS). The
calculations are done for wind
resisting system parallel to the
200 ft direction, then in the 100
ft direction.
Case Study Building
• Basic Wind Speed: Selection of the
• Building Classification: The basic wind speed is addressed in
building function is an office Section 26.5 of the ASCE 7-16.
space. It is not considered an Houston, Texas, is located near the
essential facility or likely to be 140 mph contour. For this example,
a basic wind speed of V = 140 mph
occupied by 300 people in a will be used (Figure 26.5.1B of
single area at one time. ASCE 7-16).
Therefore, building Risk • Exposure Category: The building is
Category II is appropriate (Table located in a suburban area. If
1.5-1 of the standard). The suburban terrain prevails for at
applicable wind speed map for least 20 × h = 3,140 ft in all
Risk Category II buildings is directions, it is appropriate to use
Exposure B (Section 26.7.3 of ASCE
Figure 26.5-1B. 7-16).
Case Study Building
Case Study Building (Texas)
Case Study: Ground Elevation Factor

• City of Houston is about 32 m

above sea level, therefore, the
ground elevation factor is
correctly, Ke = 1.0.
Ground Elevation Factor
Burj Khalifa is 830
meters tall
Case Study: Velocity Pressure
Case Study: Velocity Pressure

The value of
qh is
for finding
the external
pressure on
roof, sides,
leeward, as
well as the
Case Study: Directional Procedure A building can be considered rigid if
the fundamental natural frequency is
greater than or equal to 1 Hz (period
less than or equal to 1 s).

Fundamental natural frequency

depends on the structural system
of the building as well as on
construction materials.

For illustration purposes, this example assumes

that the natural fundamental
frequency is greater than 1 Hz; hence, the building
is considered a rigid building.
Many 160 ft tall buildings will likely be flexible
structures, and thus the assumption made for this
example could be erroneous.
Case Study: Gust Factor
for Rigid Building
MWFRS Wall External Pressure Coefficients:
External Pressure on Roof (enclosed and
partially enclosed buildings)
External Pressure on Roof (enclosed and
partially enclosed buildings)
MWFRS Roof Pressure Coefficient with the
Wind Normal to the 200 ft Face
For h/L = 157/100 ≈ 1.6 > 1.0 and θ < 10°, two zones are specified in
Figure 27.3-1 of ASCE 7-16.
First value:
0 to h/2, Cp = –1.3
> h/2, Cp = –0.7
Second value:
Cp = –0.18. This value of smaller uplift pressures on the roof can
become critical when wind load is combined with roof live load or L
snow load
MWFRS Roof Pressure Coefficient with the
Wind Normal to the 200 ft Face
MWFRS Roof Pressure Coefficient with the
Wind Normal to the 100 ft Face
For h/L = 157/200 ≈ 0.8, interpolation in Figure 27.3-1 is

External pressures: Wind Normal to 200 ft
External pressures: Wind Normal to 100 ft
Design Pressures for MWFRS
Effect of Parapet on MWFRS Loads: According
to Section 27.3.4 of ASCE 7-16
Design Wind Load Cases

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