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A Learning Package in GE PC

Purposive Communication


A Learning Package in GE PC – Purposive



Migration in Communication


Archer C. Campoy
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

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different electronic devices or in any other form, for distribution or sale, without the
Anycopyofthistextwithoutthecorrespondingnumberandfreshsignatureoftheauthor on this
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Page and cover designed by: ENGR. MARICON DENBER S. GAHISAN


Published by:


Gov. Guading Adaza St. Sta Cruz, Dapitan City, 7101
Tel. No. (065) 908-8294

Course Introduction

GE PC – Purposive Communication is a general education course. The course

endeavors to develop students’ communicative competence and enhance their cultural and
intercultural awareness through suggested multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities
for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audiences in local and/or
global contexts. This also equips knowledge for critical evaluation of a variety of texts, focus
their attention on the power of language and the impact of images aside from emphasis on
produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based output for variouspurposes.
This course will offer variety of activities that will address the multiple intelligences
and diversity of students and worksheets will be provided. Moreover, the use of application
softwarelikedocumentprocessingandpresentationappsareneededtocreatetheoutputof the
learners as well as the Google classroom utilization for the onlineclass.
This course utilizes a flexible learning package, which includes course introduction,
course syllabus, learning guide, learning contract, and summative assessments that will
provide insights to the students as to what the course is all about, the course requirements,
activities and assessments to be accomplished.
This learning package is distinct from other books because it has the following major
Course Introduction presents the vital information about the course;
Course Syllabus offers vital information on the course outcomes, learning outcomes,
activities, assessments, grading system and the course requirements;
Learning Guide affords significant information as to the students’ schedules of
submitting the output and the course requirements, feedback modality, communication
mechanism, and the contact information of the instructor/professor and other authorities of
the University/Campus;
Learning Contract is a document which contains the commitment of the learners in
accomplishing the activities which includes the Data Privacy Act, plagiarism rules, safety
reminders, and parents’ support;
summative assessment instructions, and assessmentrubrics;
Flexible Learning Module is the backbone of the package that contains the front
contents, module content (learning outcomes, pretest, content, learning activities, and
assessments), and the back contents;
Furthermore, a flexible learning module is included. It is a material which intends to
focus on the various approaches to the study migration in communication which shall then
be subjected for validation under specified schedules while observing proper protocols.
With this learning package, the author hopes that the learner will be more efficient in
applying the rules in communication for various purposes.


Copyright iii

Course Introduction iv

Course Syllabus vi

Learning Guide xxxiii

Learning Agreement xxxvii

Summative Assessment xxxviii

Flexible Learning Module 1

References 57

Rubrics 60

Glossary 70

Answer Key 73

User’s Evaluation Form 80

About the Author 82

Course Syllabus

Nota Bene: The old approved course syllabus was enhanced during the second semester, S.Y.

Learning Guide
performancestandardsofthiscourseindoingallthelearningactivitiesandassessments,youwill be
able to learn the skills and values which are needed in achieving the future skills and the
graduate attributes to become globally competitiveindividuals.
Classroom Rules and Conduct
The following are the house rules which will aid you to be on track and effectively
finish this course:
1. Schedule and manage your time to read and understand every component of this
2. Study on how you can manage to perform all the learning activities in consideration
with your resources and accessibility to technology. Do not ask questions that are
already answered in theguide.
3. If you did not understand the readings and the other tasks, read again. If there are
indicated on thisguide.
4. Do not procrastinate. As much as possible, follow thetimetable.
5. Read and understand the assessment and technology tools as indicated in the
directions in every assessment oractivity.
6. Beforetheendofthemidterms,youwillbetaskedtosendbackthematerialthrough
thepigeonboxesinyourdepartment.Foronlinelearners,youwillsubmityouroutput and
other tasks in the google classroom. While waiting for my feedback of your
accomplished module, you may continue on accomplishing the tasks in the
succeeding units that are scheduled for thefinals.
7. Most importantly, you are the learner; thus, you do all the tasks on your own. You
may ask assistance and guidance from your parents, siblings or friends, but all the
activities shall be performed by youalone.
8. Course requirements must be submitted as toschedule.
9. Plagiarismisstrictlyprohibited.Beawarethatplagiarisminthiscoursewouldinclude not
only using another’s words, but another’s specific intellectual posts in social media.
Assignments must be done independently and without reference to another
student’s work. Any outside sources used in completing an assignment, including
internet references must be fully cited on any homework assignment orexercise.
10. All students should feel free to talk to the instructor face-to-face or through media
during officehours.
11. Academic accommodations are available for students with special needs. Students
with special needs should schedule an appointment with the instructor early in the
semester to discuss any accommodations for thiscourse.

Study Schedule

Week Unit Title Activities

August 24-28, 2020 Orientation Reading of Learning
August 1-September 4, Introduction Concept Mapping on
2020 Migration inCommunication
September 7-11, 2020 Critical Analysis on the
inseparability of language
and literature which are
intertwined with human
life’s experience
September 14-18, 2020 Unit I – The Glocal Quiz
September 21-25, 2020 Communication and Critical Analysis in the
Registers in Linguistic Multicultural Settings
September 28-October Migration Exposure to the facets of
2, local and global
2020 communication in different
situations where the
following areexemplified:
1. The World ofDiversity
2. The GlobalCommunity
3. The Culture Awareness
4. The GenderSensitivity
5. The PoliticalCorrectness
October 5-9, 2020 The focal drive on the
investigation of the varieties
and registers of spoken and
written languages including
the evaluation of
messages/or images
October 12-16, 2020 Simulation Program
Activities via ZoomPlatform
October 20-21, 2020 Unit II – Communication Critical Analysis on
Aids and Strategies communication aids and
October 26-30, 2020 Undergoing of an on-line
recorded interview via
zoom application in the
rudiments of actual
reporting of anybusiness
endeavors using different
communication strategies
November 3-6, 2020 Production of a research
report and studies on
migration incommunication
November 9-13, 2020 Creation of ESL lesson
activity log for a
demonstration teachingand
other related activitieswhich
shall exemplify the
communication aidsand
November 16-20, 2020 Simulation Activity
November 23-27, 2020 Unit III – Communication for Critical defense on the
Various Purposes power-point presentation of
the use of business and
formal reports in an
occupational undertaking
via zoom application
December 1-4, 2020 Production of research
December 7-11, 2020 reports and studies on
communication for various
or academic related
disciplines which will be
presented and defendedvia
zoom platform.
December 14-18, 2020 Simulation Activities
December 21, 2020 including the major


To pass the course, you must observe the following:

1. Read the course module and answer the pretest, quizzes, self-assessment
2. Write your thoughts and suggestions in the commentboxes.
3. Perform all the learningactivities.
4. Accomplish theassessments.
5. Submit the courserequirements.
6. Perform the Midterm and FinalAssessments

Technology Tools

In order to do all the learning activities and realize the assessments, you will need to
keep track with the google classroom updates on the requirements of this subject. You may
have applications that are available in your desktop or laptop that will not require internet
connection to accomplish other tasks. All materials and activities that will involve reporting,
interpretation, and problem solving will be created using Microsoft word or any application
alike,besavedontheCDorflashdrive.Thesematerialswillbesubmittedthroughthepigeon boxes.
For online learners, materials will be uploaded in googleclassroom.

Feedback Modality and Communication Mechanisms

Feedback system will be facilitated through text messaging. If you need to call, send
meamessagefirstandwaitformetorespond.DonotgivemyCPnumbertoanybody.Iwill not
entertain messages or calls from numbers that are not registered. You may send your
clarifications and questions through the googleclassroom.

Grading Plan

The term grade is computed using the formula:

40% - Performance
30% - Major Requirements
30% - FormativeAssessment
MidtermGrade = 100% of the Midterm Grade (if applicable)
FinalGrade = 50% of the Midterm Grade + 50% of theFinal
Term Grade (if applicable)

Contact Information

Person/Office Email address CP number

Instructor archercampoy@jrmsu.edu.ph 09307853820
IMDO main.imd@jrmsu.edu.ph 09399168104


By signing this learning agreement, I commit to the following terms and conditions of Jose
Rizal Memorial State University in the implementation of Flexible Learning System.
Specifically, I commit to observe the following:

1. ThatImustobserveallguidelinesofthestatepertainingtothepreventionofCOVID,
specifically to stay home, to observe physical distancing and the use of face masks
when interacting withothers.
2. That I shall prioritize my health and safety while I comply with all the necessary
learning activities and assessments needed in my enrolledcourses.
3. ThatIwillexhaustallmeansofcomplyingtherequirementsathomeorinalessrisky place
and location that will not allow me to be exposed to otherpeople.
4. That I have already read and understood all instructions pertaining to my enrolled
5. That I commit to do all the learning activities diligently, following deadlines and the
learning guide enabling me to deliver the courserequirements.
6. That I commit to answer all forms of assessment in the learning packagehonestly.
7. ThatIshallinitiateingivingfeedbacktomyinstructoratleastonceeverytwoweeks.
8. ThatIshallnotreproduceorpublishanypartofthelearningpackagecontentwithout the
written consent of the University and theauthor/s.
9. That I shall not commit any form of plagiarism in all courserequirements.


Name and SignatureofStudent DateSigned

Name and SignatureofParent/Guardian DateSigned

Contact Number of Parent/Guardian

** Please email the signed copy of this learning agreement to your instructor as soon as you
have received the learning package.

Jose Rizal Memorial State Form No.
F16: Summative Assessment Plan
Background: This form aims to document the summative assessment strategies that a teacher deems
appropriate to the course being taught and its corresponding course outcomes. Summative assessments
are methods used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the
conclusion of a defined instructional period – typically at the end of a course or a semester. Summative
assessments are requirements across all courses in JRMSU. Please refer to the JRMSU Handbook on
Flexible Learning for the guidelines in designing summative assessments.

Course Title: Purposive Communication SY/ Sem: 2020-2021/ 1st Semester

Course Code: GE - PC

No. Course Title of Assessment Description Scoring/ Weight

Outcomes Grading (%) in
Standard Final
Unit I Unit I Unit I
Knowledge *Presentation of a The language Correct Output 15%
simulated hybrid speech 30%
1. *describe the broadcast via zoom communities
Creation of
nature, platform within the across the world
Output 25%
elements, and contexts of the are swept on
functions of glocal applications globalization due Design of
verbal and non- as an anchor with to the demands Logic 25%
verbal your four (4) glocal of time brought
communication reporters and one about by Documentation
in various and (1) local news migration on 20%
multicultural correspondent to communication.
contexts; cater local, This looks back
national, and to the local and
2. *explain how international global
cultural and reports with perspectives so
global issues incorporation of as to apply the
affect presentations of registers in
communication; advertisements linguistic
movements in
3. *determine *Creation of a the globalarena.
culturally comparative Like an
appropriate evaluation on the albatross
terms, global linguistic spreading her
expressions landscapes (at wide wings while
and images; least ten countries gliding on the
will be horizon,
4. *evaluate considered/subject- linguistic
multimodal ed under scientists soar
texts criticallyto survey/study with high on their
enhance their one sample for quest to deepen
receptive skills each country) and their studiesand
(listening, present your researches more
reading andassessment on a specifically on
viewing;and powerpoint variations as
demonstration via languages are
5. *summarize the zoom applications considered
principle of for the verbose dynamic and
academic text critiquing. kept growing
structure. within the
context of
Skills technological
6. *convey ideas
through oral,
and/or web-
presentation for
different target
audiences in
local and global
settings using

7. *create clear,
coherent and

8. *present ideas
registers, tone,
gestures; and

9. *write and
papers using
tone, style,
and reference

Values Unit II Unit II Unit II Unit II
*Writing a critical The word 15%
10. *adopt cultural analysis on the communications Correct Output
and delivery of the refer to the tools 30%
intercultural communication and instruments
Creation of
awareness and strategy modalities of Output 25%
sensitivity in you have chosen in communication.
communication mastering the These are the Design of
ofideas; learning content of aids and Logic 25%
thiscourse. strategies which
11. *appreciate the help in the Documentation
differences of *Undergoing an on- encoding and 20%
the varieties of line recorded decoding
spoken and interview via zoom processes of the
written application in the message to be
language; rudiments of actual delivered. In an
reporting of any organizational
12. *adopt business set, the word
awareness of endeavors using communication
audience and different exemplifies to
context in communication that process of
presenting strategies; transmitting
ideas;and business
*Production of endeavors,
13. *appreciate the research reports formal reports
impact of and studies on including
communication migration in business letters
on society and communication through the use
the world. of aids and
strategies in
order to
effectively meet
Hence, the focal
thrusts are the
factors to
consider in
strategy in any
Unit III Unit III Unit III Unit
*Defense on the Migration in Correct Output III
production of a communication 30% 15%
power-point anent has so much Creation of
Output 25%
to business and grown that even
formal reports in an in the
occupational nomenclature of
undertaking via courses, the Design of
zoom application; terms have been Logic25%
changing from
*Production of time to time. Documentation
research reportand Hence, the
studies on communication
communication for for various
various purposes purposes shall
either on work and cover the work
or academicrelated tenacities
disciplines which (business
will be presented reports, formal
and defended via reports including
zoomplatform; business letters,
transcription of
minutes of
interview, and
public speaking)
and academic
thrusts (research
and proposals).
laid one to
engage one to
analyze a
situation in order
to apply theories
so as to crop a
range of
opportunities for
improvement in
any situation, be
it on the realm of
other speech
across the globe.


Language communication plays a critical role for an individual to transmit an information

from one person to another or from one generation to another through a common point of
settings of the peoples of the world, who would come to migrate to seek for greener pasture if
only to give better living conditions of theirfamilies.

As always considered by the linguists, “language is dynamic… It is not static… It grows

at the passage of this changing time.” Hence, the term migration linguistics in communication is
one of a kind of interdisciplinary and multidimensional study of the various aspects in purposive

This humble work is the outcome of the webinar spearheaded by the Flexible Learning
Committee and facilitators to which the author is grateful for their quest to come up with this one
of a kind of work.
Unitone(1)exemplifiescommunicationonmulticulturalsettings,beitonthelocalorglobal arena
with the application of registers in linguisticmovements.
Unittwo(2)epitomizesthecommunicationaidsandstrategieswiththeemploymentofthe latest
technological advancements in the delivery of learning packages, be it on the modular, online
and or hybrid transfer of the learning content to theclients.
Unitthree(3)embodiescommunicationforvariouspurposes,which coverworktenacities
(business reports, formal reports including business letters, transcription of minutes of meetings,
interview and public speaking) and academic thrusts (research andproposals).
The activities laid engage one to analyze a situation in order to apply theories so as to
crop a range of opportunities for self-confidence and improvement in any situation, be it on the
realm of other speech communities across the globe.
This is designed for use in undergraduate class of the different programs under the
general education as one of the learning continuum to ensure mastery of the course content
Thiscannotbetaught…norcanthismaterialbesold.Thismaterialisnotabook.Itisaworksheet (to
substitute a teacher in this pandemic world) for a student enrolled in this modular instruction


I would like to express my profound gratitude to the following people who made
great contribution to this work.
Dr. Jovelyn M. Cantina, for her expertise, guidance and patience shared to me to
realize this humble undertaking;
Dr.DaylindaLuzR.Laput,President,forhersupportextendedasoneofthefaculty and
scholars of the Commission on HigherEducation;
Dr.ElpidioH.Nodado,Jr.,AssociateDeanoftheCollegeofArtsandSciencesfor his
continuous mentoring and most importantly for the treasurable experience of being with
them akin to my brother andsisters;
Most of all, to my family: Mama Dadz, Sis Inse and Nanding, Brod Edroy and
Raquel, Manong Dodz and Manang Nene and adopted children: Mai-Mai and Pikit, Che-
Che, Chai-Chai, Marthin Lester, Dave Samuel for their inspiration, financial support,
limitless patience and unspoken trust which urged me to strive for greater thrusts.
Aboveall,toGodtheAlmightyforHisconstantguidanceandenlightenmentwhich made
this humble work areality.
Without you, this piece of work could not have been made.




VMGO iii

Module: Migration in Communication

UnitI : The Glocal Communication andRegisters

in Linguistic Migration 1

UnitII : Communication Aids and Strategies 22

UnitIII: Communication for VariousPurposes 33

References 57
Rubrics 60
Glossary 70
Answer Key 73


Unit 1 – The Glocal Communication and Registers in Linguistic Migration

The language speech communities across the world are

swept on globalization due to the demands of time brought about
by the migration on communication. It is fitting to look back to the
local and global perspectives so as to apply the registers in
linguistic movements in the global arena. Like an albatross
spreading her wide wings while gliding on the horizon, linguistic
scientists soar high on their quest to deepen their studies and
researches more specifically on variations as languages are
considered dynamic and kept growing within the context of
technological advancements.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• present a simulated hybrid broadcast via zoom platform within the contexts of the
glocalapplicationsasananchorwithyourfour(4)globalreportersandone(1)local news
correspondent to cater local, national, and international reports with incorporation
of presentations ofadvertisements;
boxes or snailmails.)
• make a comparative evaluation on the global linguistic landscapes (at least ten
country) and present your assessment on a powerpoint demonstration via zoom
applications for the verbosecritiquing.


I. Structured Response Variety. (Evaluating Sentences/Messages in


Directions. Each item below consists of two right sentences. They are
separated from each other by two (2) bars (//) mark. Encircle letter d if the
statement directly causes the second statement: encircle letter i if the first
statement indirectly causes the second sentence: and encircle n if the first
statement does not in a way cause the second statement.

din 1. All living things are composed of cells. // Cell I the basic unit of life.

d i n 2. Gregor Mendel is the ‘Father of Heredity.’ // He experimentedabout

garden peas.

din 3. Carbon dioxide and water are raw materials of photosynthesis. // Itis

a process of food manufacture inplants.

din 4. Plasma membrane protects the cells. // It serves as a selective

gatekeeper of thecell.

din 5. The nucleus control all cellular activities. // It is the control center of


II. Contained-Options Variety. (Evaluating Sentences/Messages in

Directions. Some of the sentences below have an error in idioms,
grammar,word choice, and English usage. The parts of the sentences are
numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. If the sentences has an error, choose which part is
incorrect and
5. Writethenumberofyourchoiceonthespaceprovidedbeforeeachsentence.

1. Please keep this little secret between you and me. Noerror.
1 2 3 4 5

2. When mother choses which food to cook, she will choose thebetter
1 2 3 4
one. No error
3. The captain, together with his men have attacked theenemies.
1 2 3 4
No error.
4. Neither Ana nor her brothers are coming to the affair. Noerror.
1 2 3 4 5

5. The rest of the children is joining their parents to theprovince.

1 2 3 4
No error.

III. ObjectiveTest–RecognitionType:ClusterVariety(CommunicationProcesses,
Principles andEthics)
Directions. Given below are the terms of broadcast journalism. Before each
number write TRUE if the definition/explanation is correct and write FALSE if it
is wrong.

1. communication
1. is an act of transmittinginformation;
2. is conveying of ideas and attitudes from one person toanother;
3. is not doinganything;
4. terms coined in 1987 by StewardBrand.
2. intrapersonalcommunication
2. refers to a process that takes place within anindividual;
3. means transmission of information and attitudes to one or more of an
4. does not talk tooneself.
3. interpersonalcommunication
1. communicates with another person by directing a message to one or
more of the person’s senses – sight, sound, touch, taste orsmell;
2. pertains to a transmission of information viasatellite;
3. depends on the frame ofreference;
4. is an art of masscommunication.
4. dissonance
1. is a storedexperience;
2. discomforts experienced by a message recipient because it conflicts
with that person’sexperience;
3. is knowledge based on what one has observed, encountered or
4.occurswhentherecipienttakesanactionthatisinconsistentwithwhat he or
5. feedback
1. is much more discernible in face-to-face communication than in mass
2. responses of recipient that shapes and alters subsequent messages;
3. is obtained in two (2) basic ways from an audience, the submitted voluntary
audience, members or solicited in some manner by the message originator;
4. is an interaction, which occurs along the communication route.

IV. Objective Test – Recognition Type: Morse Type of Test (Broadcast Journalism)
Directions. Choose an item from column A that matches to two (2) of the items
in column B. Choose three (3) items which do not belong to the group. Your
answer is a letter and two (2) numbers. Note: (3-point eachitem)
ColumnA Column B
1.A.communicator 1. a person in theaudience
B.message 2. is called theencoder
C.audience 3. known asdecoder
4. an element in communicationprocess
5. understand the characteristics of the
channel to be used and studies the
varying comprehension levels of the group
of people comprising theaudience.
2. A.semanticnoise 1. anything that interferes with the fidelityof
the physical transmission of message;
B.channelnoise 2. message is understood even though itis
received exactly as transmitted;
C.feedback 3. is the term used for all distractionsbetween
source and audiences;
4. recipients respond to amessage;
5. onewaytocounteractdistractionsistheuse
3.A.audience 1. Someone of authority within themedium
before message enters to mass
communication system;
B.communicator 2. editors and reporters who decidewhich
material from the mass of information they
control will be distributed to readers,
listeners, andviewers.
C.gatekeepers 3. encodes ofmessages
4. includesresponsibleeditorsonnewspapers
or magazinesstaff
5. includes public pressure groups,
government agencies, advertisers,etc.
4. A. Elements ofMassCommunication 1.communicator
B. Elements ofCommunication Process 2.message
C. Elements of Interpersonal Communication 3. channel
4. fillers
5. feedback
5. A.disruptiveforces 1.dissonance
B.regulators 2. channelnoise
C.fillers 3.feedback
4. effects
5. semanticnoise
V. Objective Test - Recognition Type: Modified True-FalseType.
Directions. Write TRUE in the blank if the statement is true; but if the statement is

FALSE, write the word(s) which should be substituted for the underlined word(s) to
make the statement true. (Note: 3-points for each correct answer)
1. The words, pictures, or sounds comprising the message are
called codes orsymbols.
2. The success of the message in all phases of communication,
depends on the sender andreceiver.
3. A person in the audience is known asdecoder.
4.Shareisthepercentageofallhouseholdshavingtelevisionsets that
viewed a particularprogram.
5. Rating is the percentage of households with television sets
having their sets tuned to a given station at a giventime.
6.Determiningproductappealbyusingtechniqueslaterappliedto all
opinion research is called marketresearch.
7. Copy research includes analysis of advertisements readership
studies pre-testing of advertisements, evaluation of printed advertisement campaign
effectiveness andgraphics.
9. Contexts are the shoppers clip and mail 50-cent off from
newspapers of valid customers that gives the sponsoring company valuable geographical
information about itsaudience.
10. Trash TVis the pejorative term for sensational television
11. Tabloid TV is the television shows based on real-life
12. The Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 required that
manufacturers of television sets equip new sets with a computer chip called av-chip.
13. Violence is the depiction of materials of a lewd, lascivious,
prurient or licentiousnature.
depicting actual circumstances is called hardcorepornography.
15. Download is the transferring information from a network or
host computer to a personalcomputer.

found on the last pages of this module in order to check your work. If
you didn’t get it the first time you took the tests. Try answering and
rechecking once again in order to develop mastery learning from the
substance of the topics purposely laid for you. Remember: “Continue
for your quest to quench your thirst for knowledge…For in continuing
andlovingwhatyouaredoing,youhelpGodworkoutHisplanforyou… He
nurtures you up from the inside to strengthen your growth… He
prepares you to flower andbloom…”

Thenextsectionisthecontentofthisunit.Itcontainssubstantiveinformationofthe topics
based from the learning outcomes. Hit it! Please conscientiously read the learning


Migration in Communication

Bankimoon, Former Secretary General of the United Nations postulates, “Migration

as an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety, and a better future. It is part
of the social fabric, part of our make-up as a humanfamily.”

Consequently, language communication plays a critical role for an individual to

transmit an information from one person to another or from one generation to another
through a common point of understanding.

Policy makers and linguists must take into consideration the different multicultural
settingsofthepeoplesoftheworld,whowouldcometomigratetoseekforgreenerpasture if only
to give better living conditions of theirfamilies.

As always considered by the linguists, “language is dynamic… It is not static… It

grows at the passage of this changing time.” Hence, the term migration linguistics in
aspects in purposivecommunication.

The Glocal Communication and Registers on Linguistics Migration

1. Communication in MulticulturalSetting

1.1 The Local Communication is being able to converse with the members of
your homegrown area. It can either be in your “mother tongue”, or a shared
language that you speak within yourtown.
Click it! Please view some thoughts on local communication on this site.

1.2 The Global Communication or international communication is the growth

and involvement of information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in
international settings...
Browse it! Kindly view the discussion of this topic on this site:

2. The Registers on Linguistics Migration is defined as the way a speaker uses

language contrarily in different environments. ... These deviations in formality or
aesthetic variations, are identified as records in linguistics. They are indomitable
by such factors as social occasion, context, purpose, andaudience.
Trek it! You may visit this site for more details of this topic:

3. Evaluating Texts Messages and/or Images refer to the assessment of

the multimodal texts analytically to boost receptive such as listening, reading, ...
oral, audio-visual, and/or web- based presentations for different objectives…
Learn it! Please view this site for the verbose discussion of this topic

Local Communication Global Communication

- is the form of a language - is the form of a language

communication in a speech communication used in a global
community or in the local area speech community anent to the
linguistic development and
which pertains to the original
sharing of information through
language used at home.Hence, verbal and non-verbal
the consideration of the native messages intheinternationalTh
tongue which maybe: settings. us,thecommonconsi
point of deration is
1. non-standard dialector understanding despite of the
2. standardized variety of dialectical (geographical
the languages in the locations) and socialect
multiculturalsettings variations(socialgroupswithina

Figure 1. The Glocal Communication in Multicultural Settings

Linguists consider language as natural. It has so much variations as it is not but a

description only because languages change from borrowings due to migration of people
celebration. Then, growth of languages are expected to happen at the passage oftime.

According to International Organization for Migration (2019), statistics has revealed

globalization continues to soar high with respect to immigrants who wanted to land jobs
across the globe. Now the drive may be relaxed or tough for the migrants considering the
languages they encounter in foreigncountries.

Settlers from different countries who wander to go abroad shall precisely learn the
languages. They have to be adaptive to the dynamic process of human interaction in order
to decipher the language description anent to phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics
and pragmatics aspects in order to converse to these foreigners to have total human
mobility in terms of looking for a career abroad… This is the reason why language is
considered one of the most central aspects for migrants as espoused by the International
Organization for Migrants.

Migration in Communication

Global Communication


Languages of the World

Figure 2. Migration in Communication

This figure on migration in communication accounts to the interdisciplinary and

multidimensional study of the various aspects in purposive communication within the
dynamic process of human mobility in postulations of which include the local and global
communication in the multicultural settings of the world.

Indeed, with the advent of technological developments and gadgets including our
generations of the globalhighway.

Reflect it!
From the foregoing assertion, write your reflection below comprising of not less fifty
(50)wordsbutnotmorethanonehundredfifty(150)wordsontheinseparabilityofmigration in
communication and the languages of theworld.

Language use
pertains to the communicative meaning of language, which can be compared to
usage, that refers to the rules for making language and the structures we use to make it.

Language Use


Rules Language Structures



1. The World ofDiversity

2. The GlobalCommunity
3. The Culture Awareness andSensitivity
4. The GenderSensitivity
5. PoliticalCorrectness

Figure 3. The Facets of Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting

Over the years, in a global arena, the ability to communicate effectively can be a
challenge. Even when both parties speak the same language, there can still be
misunderstandings due to ethnic and cultural differences.

Mirror it!
From the foregoing assertion, write your reflection below comprising of not less fifty
(50) words but not more than one hundred (100) wordson:

1. The World ofDiversity


2. The GlobalCommunity

3. The Culture Awareness and Sensitivity

4. The Gender Sensitivity

5. The Political Correctness

content of this unit, please meticulously explore more of the next
topics purposely laid for you. Always do your best with honesty on
your search for knowledge. “What you plant now, you will harvest
later… It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the spring,
who reaps a harvest in the autumn... No life ever grows great until it
is focused, dedicated, disciplined, but no life is ever happy until it is
lived andshared…”

The Varieties and Registers of Spoken and Written Language

A. LanguageVarieties
In sociolinguistics, language diversity—also called lect—is a universal term
for any typical form of a language or linguistic expression. Linguists commonly use
language variety as a cover term for any of the corresponding subgroups of a
language, including dialect, register, jargon, and idiolect.
Learn it! Please view this site for the enhancement of this topic:

B. LanguageRegisters
This refers to the level of conventionalism with which you speak. Different
situations and people call for different registers.
Explore it! You may learn more discussions of these topics on this site:

Read it! You may read more discussions of these topics on our text titled
“Purposive Communication in Local and Global Context”, page 49, and do answer the
exercises laid within.

3. Evaluating Messages Messages/orImages

3.1 LinguisticLandscapes
Linguistic landscape is the "visibility and salience of languages on public
and commercial signs in a given territory or region" (Landry and Bourhis
1997:23). Linguistic landscape has been described as being "somewhere at the
junction of sociolinguistics, sociology, social psychology, geography, and media
Click it! Please view the longwinded discussion of this topic on this site.

3.2 Geosemiotics
refers to the study and analysis of how multiple discourses seem in precise
spaces.Geosemiotics isalsoconcernedwithhowthesetextsanddiscourseshelp
create different social literacypractices.
Browse it! Kindly view the discussion of this topic on this site:

3.3 Kinds ofSigns

similarity of appearance; Indexical signs – have a cause-and-effect
relationship between the sign and the meaning of the sign;
Symbolic signs – have an arbitrary or conventionallink.
Trek it! You may visit this site for some thoughts of this topic:

3.4 Online Landscape

is a horizontal orientation mode used to display wide-screen content, such
asaWebpage,image,documentortext.Portraitmodeislandscape's counterpart. The
landscape term is derived from visual artwork or photography requiring awide
Learn it! Please view this site for the substantive discussion of this topic on this site:

Deo gracias a todos! Thank you for lengthening your

patience and perseverance in exploring migration on
communication in different perspectives… Should you want to
read and enhance more knowledge of this topic, feel free toopen
your textbook and do the exercises provided. “Every minute is a
precious privilege to be alive in this pandemic world… No matter
what the situation may be, take hold of your breath to learn novel
thingsonthiscoursebycontinuingtoexplorethelearningcontent of
this subject… Go on…” You may now do the learning activities…

Learning Activities

Do it!

I. Multiple Choices. (Locally Adopted Communication Terminologies in Broadcast

Directions. Choose the best possible answer and mark with an X on the space
provided the letter representation of your choice.

1. Improvise material by speaking line not written in the script is…

a.ad lib b.scripted c.address d.addenda
2. The word or signal at which speed, sound or music is to begin refers to…
a.cue b.on-air c.stand-by d. none of thechoices
3. Action warning cue means…
a.standby b.bealert c.on target d.audition
4. To test talent prior to selection and hiring, the term is…
a.screening b.audition c.cameraread d.cueing
5. Itreferstothatperiodoftimebetween10:00to2100GHT(6:00,11-5:00LocalStandard Time).
a.nighttime b.afternoon c.daytime d. none of thechoices
6. Association of broadcast owners and practitioners of the broadcastindustry:

7. It is the written record of the station’s daily broadcast scheduleperformance.

a.station log c. certificate ofattendance
b.broadcastcontract d. programpromotions
8. The transition from one musical number to another without pause orannouncement:
a.segue c.fade-up
b.stretch d.fade-in
9. Paid broadcast advertisingmessage:
a. publicservicebroadcast c. printad
b.devcom d.commercial
10. Hours of a station’s broadcast schedule attraction, the peak audiences is…
a. 12:00 noon –1:00 PM c. 5:00 AM – 7:00AM
b.primetime d. none of theforegoing
11. call to halt means…
a.cue c. standup
b.stand by d.out-cut
12. It refers to that period of time between 2100 GHT to 1000 GHT (5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Local StandardTime).
a. daylightsavingtime c.daytime
b.nighttime d. none of theforegoing
13. A broadcast, which originated outside of a station’s studio is…
a.tapedbroadcast c. livebroadcast
b.recordedbroadcast d. remotebroadcast
14. Right on time means…
a.OK c.cut
b.on target d. on thenose
15. A radio or television performer, who provides program continuity and delivers
commercial and other announcements is referring to the…
a.singer c.stretch
b.announcer d. stationmanager
16. Go slow and take time means …
a.segue c.stetch
b.fade-in d.fade-up
17. Actual broadcast; is not a recording because it is…
a.live c.telepathy
b.remote d. none of theforegoing
18. Original audience transmission techniques utilizing frequencies from 525 to 1, 705
kilohertz subject to atmospheric and local signal interference refers to…
a.AM c. mediumfrequency
b.amplitudemodulation d. none of theforegoing
19. The band frequencies extending from 88 to 108 megahertz refersto
a. frequency modulationorFM c. amplitude modulation orAM
b.television d. all of theforegoing
20. It means a holder of a license from a broadcasting station from the National
a.technician c.licensee
b.ECE d. none of theforegoing

II. Objective Test – Recognition Type: Cluster Variety (EthicalBases)

Directions. Before each number write TRUE if the
definition/explanation/elucidation is correct and write FALSE if it iswrong.

1. ethics is
1. defined as a set of accepted professional standards ofconduct;
2. the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral
duty andobligation;
3. a system of moral values andprinciples;
4. referring to the principles of conduct governing an individual or a
2. freedom of the pressis
1. not to be guarded as a vital right ofmankind;
3. independenceis
2. free from opinion or bias of anykind;
3. promotion of any private interest contrary to the general welfare,
for whatever reason, is not compatible with honestjournalism;
4. Partisanship, in editorial comment, which knowingly departs from
columns, which is subversive of a fundamental principles ofprofession.
4. government includesthe
1. natural and juridical persons unless the context indicates
2. nationalgovernment;
3. localgovernment;
4. government-owned or controlled corporations, and the
5. publicofficials
1. include elective and appointive officials andemployees;
2. are persons who owns directly or indirectly, shares of stocks
sufficient to elect a director of acorporation;
3. are whether or not they receive compensation, regardless of
4. include military and policepersonnel.

III. Objective Test – Recognition Type: Morse Type ofTest

Directions. Choose an item from column A that matches to two (2) of the items
in column B. In column B, choose three (3) items which do not belong to the
group. Your answer is a letter and two (2) numbers. Note (3-point each item)

ColumnA Column B
1. A.studentjournalist 1. refers to the issue of any materialin
communication that is independently
B.studentpublication 2. meets the needs and interests ofthe

C.editorialboard 3. composed of the studentry,administration,
faculty, and non-faculty personnel;
4. an institution forlearning
5. is an oralcommunication
2.A.gift 1. means their spouses and unmarried
children under eighteen years ofage;
B.loan 2.includesnaturalandjuridicalpersonsunless
the context indicatesotherwise;
C. substantial stockholder
3. manifests by deeds the supremacy of
civilian authority over themilitary.
4. refers to a thing or a right to dispose of
gratuitously,infavorofanotherwhoaccepts it;
5. It shall not include an unsolicited gift of
nominal or insignificant value not given in
public official oremployee.
3. A.fairplay 1. sound practice makes clear distinction
between news reports and expressions of
B.impartiality 2. news reports should be free fromopinion
or bias;
C.decency 3. good faith with the readers is the
foundation of all journalism worthy of the
4. shouldbefullywarrantedbythecontentsof
5. every newspaper is constrained to be
4. A. sincerity,truthfulness,
accuracy 1. headlines shall be fully narrated by
contents of the articles which they
B.impartiality 2. should not include private rights orfeelings
C. decency 3. should not publish unofficial charges
4. right practice demands the giving of such
opportunity in all cases of seriousaccusations
outside judicialaspects;
5. goodfaithwiththereadersisthefoundation of
all journalism worthy of thename.
5.A.relatives 1. includes bilas, inso andbalae;
B.persons 2. means their spouses and unmarried
children under eighteen years ofage;
C. substantial stockholders
3. includes the national and local
4. includes elective and appointiveofficials;

5. refers to any and all persons related to

civil degree of consanguinity oraffinity.

IV. Objective Test – Recognition Type: Designed True-False Test

(Principles/Development inCommunication)
Directions. On the space before each number, write the symbol “+” if the

1. Development communication can be regarded as a model of

communication for all its nobility and potency, cannot of itself develop a country
and its people.
2.Ithelpsbythefoundationortohelpcreatedthementalorpsychological environment
wherein people can developthemselves.
3. Growth communication must serve people not to manipulate to mold or build
their clients but to inspire them to mold themselves.
4. It is founded on an idea in communication.
communication in the servicedevelopment.
6.Thiscommunicationisanobjectiveoneandthus,itisaverysubjective word.
7. Development communication is an integral element in any development
8. This communication can be what it is in support of development
unless it ultimately becomes aprocess.
9. Advance communication is very much value-laden one uses it to
represent for purposes of goodcommunication.
10. In progressive communication, people could hardly communicateto
development the way commercials get people to buy something because of
some glocal terminologies depending on the multiculturalsettings.

V. Inter-activeProgramming
Directions. Make a recorded frequency modulation programming displaying the
contentofyourradioprogramalongwithyourintroduction,substance/kindofprogram,with two
(2) to three (3) callers who shall be entertained interactively at a time. (Please review the
exploration samples before doing the video-recordedperformances.)

Muchas gracias! You did a great job…If you have not

completed the task, or you have difficulty in accomplishing the
activity, please send me a message to our google class or you
may ask clarifications through a text message or phone calls on
the contact number included on your course guide. “The greater
the trials and tests in life…the bigger the blessings we reap if you
withstand them... If you cannot endure tribulations, how can you
get the blessings…? God polished us like a diamond, so that we
will come out valuable, and become more beautiful… Go on…”
You may now take the assessment.


I. Multiple Choices.
Directions. This is to test your knowledge on communication. Choose the best
possible answer and on the space provided, mark with an X the answer that
corresponds to the letter representing your choice.

a. Communications aimed toward development is called developmental
b. Communications aims toward development are called developmental
c. Communication aimed towards development are called development
d. Communication aimed towards development is called development
b. The programming effort are to provide a marketable product for thesales
d. The programming efforts is to provide a marketable products for thesales
a. As long as there are human beings, there iscommunication.
b. As long as there are human beings, there arecommunication.
c. As long as there is human being, there arecommunication.
d. As long as there is human being, there iscommunication.
b. In a developing countries, the importance of mass media cannot be
c. In a developing country, the important of mass media cannot besurpass.
d. In a developing country, the importance of mass media cannot be
a. Radio is more portable and comparativelycheapest.
b. Radios is more portable and comparativelycheapest.
c. Radio are more portable and comparativelycheaper.
d. Radio is more portable and comparativelycheaper.

a. Right now, the broadcast industry stands unity in its commitments to
national development and thepeople.
b. Right now, the broadcast industry stands united in its commitments to
national development and thepeople.
c. Right now, the broadcast industries stands united in its commitments to
national development and thepeople.
d. Right now, the broadcast industry stand united in its commitments
tonational development and thepeople.
a. A good newscast is a person with a relatively pleasant speakingvoice.
c. A good newscaster is a person with a relatively pleasant speakingvoice.
d. A goods newscasters is a person with a relatively pleasant speaking
a. Radio are the most effective mediums ofcommunication.
b. Radio is the most effective medium ofcommunication.
c. Radio are the most effective mediums ofcommunication.
d. Radio is the most effective mediums ofcommunications.
a. Radio allows for routine activities without any lost ofconcentration.
b. Radio allows for routine activities without any loss ofconcentration.
c. Radios allow for routine activities without any lost ofconcentration.
d. Radio allow for routine activities without any loss ofconcentration.
a. Man communicates because he lives with otherpeople.
b. Men communicates because he live with otherpeople.
c. Man communicate because he live with otherpeople.
d. Man communicate because he lives with otherpeoples.

II. Recognition Type. SimpleRecall

Directions. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1. A term, which refers to the most common form of daily

2. This refers to the most basic form of interpersonal
3. These capabilities are required in communicating well in a
4. This pertains to the aptitude where communicators must know
howtostartandendtheconversation,howtomakethemselvesunderstood,howtorespond to the
partner’s statements, how to be sensitive to their partner’s concerns, how to take turns
and how tolisten.
5. A term, which exemplifies shyness or reluctance to interact in

valuable orimportant.
7. A term in communication, which may also occur in families,
clubs, religious groups, etc. What do you call thesegroups?
8. This stint comes into play in a small group that improves
dynamism towards building such arelationship.
9. This kind of communication occurs with larger groups as well,
such as when a speaker gives a talk to large crowd,etc.
10. A Latin term of the wordmedium
11. A Chinese court official who first made apaper
12. The first lightweightmedium
13. He was acclaimed as the “Father of the PrintingPress.”
14. A technology that made document duplicationeasier.
15.Akindofpublishinginnewsletters,newspapersormagazines for
medium-sized audiences which developed during the spread of computer-based word
processing and graphicdesign.
16. The first postmaster general of theUS
17. The first inventor oftelegraph
18.ThesewereestablishedacrosstheUSsothatrailroadscould set
regular and consistent schedules as trains movedacross.
20. The Scottish-born American inventor oftelephone
the auspicious work of thetelephone
23. The first person to invent a true wirelessradio
24. The great inventor oftelevision
25. The inventor of the first fully functioning electroniccomputers

III. Essay.
Directions: An analytic mind and the ability to express pointers clearly are
important assets of a good communicator. Answer the questions below as you

1. What do you consider as the most important asset an announcer must

possess in order to be worthy of his profession?Why?

2. Give a brief explanation why radio is considered a powerful and potent

medium or communication in comparison with the othermedia.

3. Please enumerate what you believe are your responsibilities if you should
put yourself on the shoe of a broadcaster to thefollowing:

3.1 Your ownself

3.2 The station (radio or television) you will represent (ifemployed)

3.3 The community that you broadcastto…?


IV. Please do the following authenticassessments.

• present a simulated hybrid broadcast via zoom platform within the contexts of the
glocalapplicationsasananchorwithyourfour(4)globalreportersandone(1)local news
correspondent to cater local, national, and international reports with incorporation
of presentations ofadvertisements;
boxes or snailmails.)
• make a comparative evaluation on the global linguistic landscapes (at least ten
country) and present your assessment on a powerpoint demonstration via zoom
applications for the verbosecritiquing.
• report to the class as scheduled for the majorassessment.

My hats off for your great job done. Deo gracias a todos!
If you have not completed the tasks, or you have difficulty in
accomplishing the activity, please send me a message to our
google class, or you may ask clarifications through a text
message or phone calls on the contact number included on your
course guide. You may write your insights or thoughts about the
activity on the space provided… “Life is a journey… Trust that
something happens out from the intense pressure… Just keep
walking until you will reach the summit in duetime…”

Write your thoughts

Add / insert
photo here

Unit II – Communication Aids and Strategies

The word communications refer to the tools and

instruments of communication. These are the aids and
strategies which help in the encoding and decoding
processes of the message to be delivered. In an
organizational set, the word communication exemplifies to
that process of transmitting business endeavours, formal
reports including business letters through the use of aids
objectives. Hence, the focal thrusts are the factors to
consider in developing a communication strategy in any

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• writeacriticalanalysisonthedeliveryofthecommunicationstrategymodalitiesyou have
chosen in mastering the learning content of thiscourse.
• undergo an on-line recorded interview via zoom application in the rudiments of
actual reporting of any business endeavors using different communication
• produce a research report and studies on migration incommunication.


I. Simple Recall – Objective Type: Completion/Fill in theblanks

Directions. Carefully read the following sentences. Fill in the blank provided before each
number with the correct answer.

1. It pertains to the tools and or instruments of

2. This refers to an online landscape that caters to video

3. It is an educational wiki platform for educators’ classroom to

collaborate with the students.
4. These are sets of facts and figures arranged in columns
and rows.
_ 5. They are the pages or collections of pages on the World
WideWebthatcontainsspecificinformationwhichwasallprovidedbyonepersonorentity and
traces back to a common uniform sources locator(URL).
6.Theseexemplifytoanideaofwebsiteorservicethatoffers a
broad range of services, such as e-mail, games, quotes, search, news andstocks.
7. It is a circle divided into segments. It is usually used to
8. This relates to an image created by light falling on a photo
sensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic imagesensor.
9. online landscape is the language landscape that caters
to video production.
10. These pertain to the modern term for onlineusers.
11. This apps enable students and teachers to collaborate
more effectively on papers, spreadsheets, andpresentation.
educatorsanengagingwaytotesttheknowledgeoftheirstudentswhichcanbeusedalso to boost
collaboration through encouraging students to be the leaders and “quizmakers.”
13. This is a video discussion community for the classroom
that uses student voices to promote collaboration, discussion, andengagement.
14. It is a collaborative web-based tool that enables to
brainstorm on one “mind map” document during the early phases of groupwork.
15. This is a great way to bring remote groups of students
together to communicate and collaborate. This enables anyone from around the world to
“visit” a school where you can also record the day’s class and post a link toit.

II. Multiple Choices. Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each
Interpersonal CommunicativeSkills)

1. Identify which of the following is NOT a description or Basic Interpersonal

a. It is cognitivelyundemanding.
b. It is a literacy and vocabulary knowledge which continues throughout schooling
and possibly throughout lifetimeaspect.
c. It is a phonological development and basic fluency plateau at around six yearsof
d. It uses a non-specifiedlanguage.
2. The Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) are the language skills needed in
social solutions, which of the following example is the correct way of showing BICS?
a. buying food inthecafeteria c. participating in a classdiscussion
b. lost man askingfordirections d. all of theforegoing

3. Why do students appear to “speak English”, but may struggle mightily with
academic Englishregister?
a. Because it uses a most formal, prescribed and follows a restricted pattern in
b. Because it is not their nativelanguage.
c. Because they have different manner of obtainingknowledge.
d. Because it makes them a more conscious speaker ofEnglish.
4. It your answer in question number three (3) is correct, can you find Basic
Interpersonal Communicative Skills as useful tool of solving thatproblem?
a. Yes, because BICS is more open and fluid, thus, it helps develop one’s
communicative skills towards interactingsocially.
b. Yes, because BICS is fun and offers boundless knowledge for interpersonal
c. No,becauseBICSmainlyfocusesonno-specializedlanguageandiscognitively
d. No,becauseBICSisnotconnectedtotheprobleminquestionnumberthree(3)
5. He is a professor at the Ontario Institute for students in education and works on
language development and literacy development of English learners and states that “BICS
are language skills needed in social institutions.”
a. JimCunnin c. JamesCummins
b. JimCummins d. JamesCunnin
6. How can we identify if a task or exercise falls within Basic Interpersonal
Communicative Skills (BICS) or Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)?
a. We can see how certain task may be more or less demanding by using matrix
with two axes the context-reduced language and context-embeddedlanguage.
b. By using only one axe of a matrix thecontext-reduced
c. By using context-embedded languageonly
d. By using neither of the twoaxes
7. Based on Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills, English language learners
can comprehend social language,EXCEPT.
a. Observing speaker’s non-verbal behaviour (gestures, facial expression andeye
b. Asking for statements to be repeated, and/orclarified
c. Observing pictures, concrete objects and other contextualcues
d. Writing a standardizedtext
8. What does BICS standfor?
a. Basic Intrapersonal CognitiveSkills
b. Basic Interpersonal CommunicativeSkills
c. Basic Interpersonal CognitiveSkills
d. Basic Intrapersonal CommunicativeSkills
9. Which of the following is the correct example ofBICS?
i. face-to-facecommunication iii. demonstrations ofexperiment
ii. telephoneconversation iv. essay writing(standardized)
a. both iand ii c. both i andiii
b. both iiiand iv d. both ii andiv
10. The terms BICS and CALP are commonly used in discussion of bilingual
education. Are these terms have the sameuses?
a. Yes, because both BICS and CALP describe social conventional and are used
for oralcommunication.
b. Yes, because both BICS and CALP are cognitivelydemanding.

c. No, because BICS is cognitively undemanding while CALP is cognitively

d. No, because the acronym of both BICS and CALP aredifferent.

III. Objective Test – Recognition Type: ClusterVariety

Directions. Given below the terms in communication in media. Before each number,
write TRUE if the definintion/explanation/exemplification is correct and write FALSE if it is
1. soundengineer
1. his job is very complicated as playing audiotapes of music or soundeffects;
2. must thoroughly understand the action of theplay;
3. must not be alert andquick-witted;
4. must have a good working knowledge of the sound equipment to beused.
2. graphicartist
1. has the job of makingornaments;
2. knows how to apply ornamentation of the completedset;
3. needs artisticabilities;
4. does away with designs for posters, fliers andprograms.
3. housemanager
1. is not aided by ushers refreshment servers, and tickettakers;
2. oversees everything not onstage orbackstage;
3. does not run the boxoffice;
4. is not responsible for the financial statement after eachperformance.
4. publicist
1. handles paidadvertising;
2. uses clever gimmicks to grab attention and make the public eager to attend the
3. must be persistent but not annoying, be inventive but notbrash;
4. should be bold enough to ask, yet gracious in expressingthanks.
5. make upartist
1. should have assistants to help with the making up of theactors;
2. does only straight makeup;
3. does not ask for assistance when they need charactermakeup
4. must learn the needs of each actor in the play and the techniques and strategies
used to achieve the appearancerequired.

found on the last pages of this module in order to check your work. If
you didn’t get it the first time you took the tests. Try answering and
rechecking once again in order to develop mastery learning from the
substance of the topics purposely laid for you. Remember: “These are
all trials and tests… But God always has something for you, a key for
every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow and a
plan for every tomorrow…Just go on and keeplearning…”

Thenextsectionisthecontentofthisunit.Itcontainssubstantiveinformationofthe topics
based from the learning outcomes. Hit it! Please conscientiously read the learning content.


The Communication Aids and Strategies

A communication aid is anything that helps an individual communicate more
effectively with those around them. This could range from a simple letter board to a
more sophisticated piece of electronic equipment.
Explore it! You may find samples of this topic on this site.

A communication strategy is intended to help you and your organization

communicate efficiently and meet core organizational objectives.
Click it! Please view the verbose discussion of this topic on this site:

The classification of our communication aids and strategies many years ago have
been considered obsolete in our generation today; consequently they are deemed
traditional for now. Materials and or activities laid on maps, graphs, field trips/projects,
models, images, diagrams, display charts, etc. are outmoded in today’s technology based
materials like smart phones, tablets, laptop/notebook, desktop computers, applications,
latest television sets gaming consoles.
The updated learning resources are texts, videos, software, and other resources
that teachers use to assist students to meet the expectations for learning defined in the
curricula. These are products of migration in communication. Thus, aids and strategies in
communication must suit to the present realities of our time.

1.1 Kinds of CommunicationStrategies

-Verbal Communication. Verbal communication seems like the most obvious

of the different types of communication.
-Nonverbal Cues Speak Volumes. Nonverbal communication provides some
insight into a speaker's word choice.
-Visual Communication.
Browse it! Kindly view the samples of this topic on this site:

1.2 Factors to Consider in Developing a CommunicationStrategy

-Brief summary of the situation analysis
-Audience segmentation
-Program theory to inform strategy development
-Communication objectives
-Approaches for achieving objectives
-Positioning for the desired change
-Benefits and messages to encourage desired change
-Communication channels to disseminate messages

-Implementation plan
-Monitoring and evaluation planP

Trek it! You may visit this site for the verbose discussion of this topic:

Figure 4. Ideational Factors

This figure shows the aspects which influence the delivery of communication in
terms of using the kinds of communication strategies and or factors to consider in
developing a communication strategy.

Reflect it! From the foregoing graphics, write your reflection below comprising of not less
fifty(50)wordsbutnotmorethanonehundred(100)wordsregardingsaidvisual illustration on the

Tofurthervalidateandenrichyourknowledgeastothecontent of
this unit, please accurately do the following exercises laid to
heighten your understanding of this unit. Always do you best with
honesty in answering and doing the following activities… “Just as
treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from a
pure and peaceful mind…Be honest on your quest for learning…
Walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of
wisdom and the guidance ofvirtue…”

Learning Activities

I. Simple Recall – Objective Type: Completion/Fill in theblanks

Directions. Carefully read the following sentences. Fill in the blank provided before each
number with the correct answer.

1. It refers to the use of good manner in online communication

such as e-mail, forums, blogs, and social networking sites to name a few. It is important to
use netiquette because communication online isnon-verbal.
2. These show geographicrelationships.
3. It is referring to a browser-based mind mapping tools that is
great for project planning, collaboration, and brainstormingpurposes.
4. This exemplifies a concept describing widespread
interconnection digital technology.
5. It is an education technology company offering a
communication collaboration and coaching platform for k-12 school andteachers.
6. This relates to a safe place for all your files and puts them
within reach from any smartphone, tablet orcomputer.
7. These denote teaching tools that assist in differentiating
instruction, offering greater access to content and help in better comprehension of new
8. This refers to a chart that presents categorical data with
rectangular bars with height orlengths.
9. It is a visual symbol, made with the help of lines and
geometrical forms without pictorial elements to explain mostly a process or parts of
10. It exemplifies to the part of a log which contains the
activities to be undertaken by theteacher.
12. The type of materials like cassette, phonograph,
13. It is a part of the lesson log which tells of what aids are to
be used in teaching a particularlesson.

14. It is the sub-part of the lesson log which tells the books,
extension of the lesson for enrichmentpurposes.

II. Objective Test – Recognition Type: ClusterVariety

Directions. Given below the terms in communication in media. Before each number,
write TRUE if the definintion/explanation/exemplification is correct and write FALSE if it is

1. actorsmust
1. give the same quality of performance in the rehearsals and in theshow;
2. be careful to distract from another actor’slines;
3. show an uncritical and supportive attitude to all companymembers;
4. talk in the wings, backstage or in the house – the audience seating area
while othersrehearse.
2. technicians
2. once the lights are hung, must off them at everyrehearsal;
3. must scatter the set in good repair throughout the run off theplay;
4. must observe all the safety precautions for the technicalarea.
3. director
2. combines who, what, where, and when into a package that reflects his or
her unity ofvision;
3. determines the pace or tempo of theperformance;
4. shows how he wants each line read, while others prefer to allow the actor
to try several variations before choosing the reading to beused.
4. assistantdirector
1. confers constantly with technical personnel to ensure that their work is
consistent with his or her vision for theproduction;
3. must learn his lines advising the crew regardingenunciation;
4. is a good source of information for a companymember.
5. stagemanager
1. functions as the chief of all the backstagecrews;
2. must not confer constantly with the set designer andbuilders;
3. keeps the actors backstage, just as in a performance, reminding them of
them of the need for absolute quiet and attention to cues forentrances;
4. walks through the set before each performance, checking that everything
is in place.
6. setdesigner
1. sits with the director until the load-in and then works backstage to run the
2. designs the set and directs the constructioncrew;
3.musthavetheapprovalofthedirectoriftherearechangesinsize,shape, color
4. decides the set after seriousconsideration.

7. costumedesigner
1. must sometimes create new costumes by refurbishing and accessorizing
those used in previousproductions;
2. avoids shopping thrift stores and other economical sources for clothing
needed and then to adapt the garments to theplay;
3. for school plays is not limited by time andbudget;
4. considers students to become involved on a playproduction.
8. wardrobemanager
1. is responsible for acquiring the needed quest for costumeacquisitions;
2. tears or soils the costumes after the dressparade;
3. takes charge of the maintenance ofcostumes;
4. donates costumes which are alreadyobsolete.
9. stagehands
1. refer to backstageworkers;
2. discards the set in good repair throughout the run of theshow;
3. sometimes change the scenery of a playproduction;
4. often are the members of the constructioncrew.
10. propertiesmanager
1. sees all properties in goodcondition;
2. is responsible for the acquisition of allprops;
3. lists all properties needed in theshow;
4. purchases the same for theshow.

III. Authentic LearningActivity

Instructions. Subject yourself for a business interview via zoom application, where
youareapplyingforjobwithallthenecessarydocumentsathandforpossiblepresentation in
seeking for a greener pasture. Please wear business attire during the conduct of this
activity. Your instructor will give you the meeting credentials (i.d. and password/code) after
filling out the required forms for thisactivity.

Muchas gracias! You did a great job…If you have not

completed the task, or you have difficulty in accomplishing the
activity, please send me a message to our google class or you
may ask clarifications through a text message or phone calls on
the contact number included on your course guide. “Take more
challenges…Dig deep within yourself to conquer your fears in
doing the next activities. Never let anyone bring you down. You
got to keep going. Be prayerful on your journey and ask the Lord
to guide your verbose exploration to this course… Go on…” You
may now take the assessment.


I. Recognition Type. SimpleRecall

Directions. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. A kind of writing a letter, which is used in a transaction,

specifically inbusiness.
2. The word “very” in the complimentary close part of the letter
exemplifies this word as a sign of veneration to the recipient of theletter.
3. This format in business writing indents paragraphs instead of
placing them all on theleft.
5.Acommunication,whichisintendedforthoseatyourownlevel in
6. This part of the business letter contains the greeting in apolite
7. (True or False) Business writing is considered as business
8. What part contains the name to whom the letter iswritten?
10. This ends a letter in a polite and business-likemanner.
11. This is an exposition about scientific subjects and about
various technical subjects associated with thesentences.
12. It refers to the theory of organizing one’swriting.
13. This pertains to a piece of technical writing designed to meet
a specificneed.
14. It suggests an aesthetic quality of prose determined by the
awkwardness or smoothness with which sentences are puttogether.
15. Business letters, reports, articles, and abstracts are some of
the …
16. It has to do with margins, spacing, subheads, the title page
and thelike.
17. This is called as the art of establishing a meaningful pattern
of relationships among a group offacts.
18. It refers to the act of dividing the unit into itscomponent.
20. It is the gathering together of things into logicalgroups.

II. AuthenticAssessment

• writeacriticalanalysisonthedeliveryofthecommunicationstrategymodalitiesyou have
chosen in mastering the learning content of thiscourse.
• undergo an on-line recorded interview via zoom application in the rudiments of
actual reporting of any business endeavors using different communication

• produce a research report and studies on migration incommunication.

• report to the class as scheduled for the majorassessment

My hats off for your great job done. Deo gracias a todos!
If you have not completed the tasks, or you have difficulty in
accomplishing the activity, please send me a message to our
google class, or you may ask clarifications through a text
message or phone calls on the contact number included on your
course guide. You may write your insights or thoughts about the
activity on the space provided… “Sometimes struggles are
absolutely what we need in life. God allows us to go through life.
Without obstacles, we would not be as strong as what we could
have been. In this pandemic world, life has to go on with our
thrust to continue to learn as learning is a lifelongprocess…”

Write your thoughts

Add / insert
photo here

Unit III – Communication for Various Purposes

Migration in communication has so much grown that

changing from time to time. Hence, the communication for
various purposes on this module covers work tenacities
(business reports, formal reports including business letters,
transcription of minutes of meetings, interview and public
speaking) and academic thrusts (research and proposals).
Theactivitieslaidengageonetoanalyzeasituationinorder to
apply theories so as to crop a range of opportunities for
self-confidence and improvement in any situation, be it on
the realm of other speech communities across theglobe.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

• defendthepower-pointpresentationoftheuseofbusinessandformalreportsinan
occupational undertaking via zoomapplication;
• producearesearchreportandstudiesoncommunicationforvariouspurposeseither on
work and or academic related disciplines which will be presented and defended via


I. Simple Recall – Objective Type: Completion/Fill in theblanks

Directions. Carefully read the following sentences. Fill in the blank provided before each
number with the correct answer.

1. The name, position, and signature of the sender are found in

which part of theletter?
2. A format, which positions all the parts of the letter to the left,
single space, and justified, where double spaced is used only when starting a new

3. All the parts of the letter are tabbed on the left, single space,
and justified except the heading and the closing in whichformat?
4.Acommunication,whichisintendedforthoseatyourownlevel in
5.Mr.Pajuway,ManageroftheCompany,wouldliketoinformall the
employees about the recent problem of the business, he would like to give them
remindersregardingtheirperformance.Asheissobusywithothermattersinthecompany, he has
to make this kind of business letter to reach hisorganization.
6. What is often used to deliver a message, announcement, new
set of rules or whatever information concerning anyorganization?
7. This letter is written to formally make someone consider or do
8. (True or False) The body of the business letter must be
creatively done using hifalutin words and figures of speech to impress the recipient of the
9. (True or False) The signature of the sender is not always an
important element in the businessletter.
10.Apartofthebusinessletter,whichcontainsthereturnaddress and
the date on the last line of theletter.
11. In a formal definition, this is the subject of definition, or the
term to bedefined.
12. This is referring to the family or class to which the subject of
distinguishing traits and qualities are pointed out so that it is set apart from therest.
14. This is referring to the series ofactions.
15. This is used as the substitution of a familiar word or phrase
for the unfamiliarterms.
17. This seems less tangible than the other end products of
technical writing. It seems more like a skill than aproduct.
18. A type of abstract that gives the gist or essence of a piece of
19. In technical writing, youshouldavoid or
20. Any entry that is notsubdivided.

II. MultipleChoices.Readeachitemcarefully.Choosetheanswerfromthegivenselection. Write

the letter of your choice on the space provided before eachnumber.

01. The following are the types of descriptive researchexcept

a. ethnographicstudies c. casestudies
b. surveys d. developmentalstudy

2. This type of research seeks to quantify or reflect in numbers the observations on

the characteristics of the population beingstudied.
a. qualitativeresearch c. explanatoryresearch
b. quantitativeresearch d. exploratoryresearch
3. This type of research describes a situation or a given state of affairs in terms of
specified aspects or factors –
a. interventionresearch c. extensiveresearch
b. correlationresearch d. descriptiveresearch
4. Who is a person that needs accurate information before selecting a course of
a. a manager c. a decisionmaker
b. anadministrator d. decisionmaking
5. Which of the following is not part of the connection between research and the
improvement of man’swelfare?
a. improveconditionwelfare c. newskills/practices/behavior
b. betteroutcome d.research
6. What is a research that investigates relationships between factors orvariables?
a. interventionresearch c. correlationresearch
b. extensiveresearch d. explanatoryresearch
7. What should be formulated in searching key words or phrases that is pertinent to
the problem or question orinterest?
a. indexes c. searchterms
b. references d.glossary
8.Itisthe“blueprint”ofthestudy.Itguidesthecollection,measurementandanalysis of
a. researchoutline c. researchframework
b. researchchart d. researchdesign
9.Oneoftheresearchmethodsapproachtodeterminethegrowthanddevelopment of a
group, organization orinstitution.
a. contentanalysis c. surveymethod
b. experimentalmethod d. historicalmethod
10. There are most common of them that are history, selection, testing, instruments,
maturation, and morality–
a. validitythreats c.statistics
b. reliability d.variable
11. Which of the following steps that is not a part of Scientific Method–
a. datacollection c. identification of aproblem
b. drawingofconclusion d. informationdissemination
12. It maybe a question about the unknown characteristics of a population or about
factors that explain the presence or occurrence of aphenomenon.
a. problem c. analysisproblem
b. researchproblem d. criticalproblem
13. A variable that is “assumed caused” of a problem. It is an assumed reason for
any “change” or variation in a dependent variable–
a. dependentvariable c. independentvariable
b. antecedentvariable d. assumptionvariable
present for the conduct of thestudy?
a. validID c.certificate
b. validjustification d. present relevantdata

15. This type of research attempts to explain possible factors related to problems
which have been observed in a descriptivestudy.
a. explanatoryresearch c. interventionresearch
b. descriptiveresearch d. extensiveresearch
16. The most common types of sources of information for a research problem are,
a. generalreference c. primarysources
b. secondarysources d.glossary
17. A type of sources which shows where to locate other sources of information
related to a certaintopic.
a. glossary c. generalreference
b. primarysources d. secondarysources
18.Oneoftheresearchmethodsthatobtaindatatodeterminespecificcharacteristics of
a. contentanalysis c. surveymethod
b. experimentalmethod d. historicalmethod
19. In listing a note or index card the bibliographical data of the pertinent sources
selected it includes the following,except:
a. author ofthe source c. itstitle
b. releaseddate d. name ofpublication
20. This objectives relates directly to the research problem and states clearly what
the researcher will do and expects to find out–
a. specificobjective c. specialobjective
b. importantobjective d. immediate/generalobjective
21. It examined the study that are identified in the specific objectives–
a. specialobjective c. specificvariables
b. importantobjective d. immediate/generalobjective
22. What type of hypothesis might state that an independent variable is associated
with a dependentvariable?
a. singlehypothesis c. researchhypothesis
b. hypothesis d. unconstructivehypothesis
sources guided by the searchterms?
a. indexes c.sources
b. references d.glossary
24. It is usually used when the intention of the researcher is to ascertain the quality
of message or information found in a document or in massmedia.
a. contentanalysis c. surveymethod
b. experimentalmethod d. historicalmethod
25. Also called the research hypothesis, is the positive form of the form of the null
a. alternativehypothesis c. nullhypothesis
b. researchhypothesis d.hypothesis
26. It states whether the relationship between two variables is direct or inverse or
positive or negative–
a. alternativehypothesis c. directionalhypothesis
b. hypothesis d. non-directionalhypothesis
27. It is a theory that explains why a problem under study exists and explains the
connection between certain factors and the problem–
a. ConceptualFramework c. ResearchFramework

b. SpecialFramework d. TheoreticalFramework
28.Wheneverapretestisgiven,itmaymaketheexaminees“testwise,”andthiscan therefore
affect the posttest results–
a. selection c.history
b. testing d.maturation
29.Isanegativestatementwhichindicatestheabsenceofarelationship/correlation between
a. alternativehypothesis c. nullhypothesis
b. researchhypothesis d.hypothesis
30. It is a concept that stands for a variation within a class of objectives or persons –
a. concept c.variables
b. idea d.theory
31. Variables can be classified as, except:
a. dependentvariable c. independentvariable
b. antecedentVariable d. assumptionvariable
32. It is a factor or a characteristic which is found before (ante) the independent variable.
a. dependentvariable c. independentvariable
b. antecedentvariable d. interveningvariable
33. A kind of category which all the possible responses are included among the options of
responses –
a. exhaustivecategories c. mutually exclusivecategories
b. exclusivecategories d. mutualcategories
34. It is a set of concepts which explains the occurrence of a certain phenomenon –
a. competingtheory c.theory
b. assumptions d. dependentvariables
35. It refers to the extent to which a measurement does what it is supposed to do, which is
to measure what it intends to measure –
a. validity c. validitythreats
b. reliability d.variable
36. People and things change over time and this change can threaten the validity of
conclusions –
a. selection c.instrumentation
b. testing d.maturation
37. It is a written work of the page or near the front which displays its title –
a. ApprovalSheet c.Abstract
b. TitlePage d.Acknowledgment
38. The act of officially saying that something was created for a particular purpose or to
remember or honor a particular person –
a. Dedication c.Abstract
b. Introduction d.Acknowledgment
39. Adoes not specify the direction of the relationship between variables. It merely states
the presence or absence of a relationship between two variables or that one variable
influences another–
a. alternativehypothesis c. directionalhypothesis
b. hypothesis d. non-directionalhypothesis
40.Developmentof is/are designed to improve the welfare ofman.
a. process c.programs
b. project d.project/programs

41. A should be closely monitored to check progress and quality of

a. projectdevelopment c. projectproposal
b. projectimplementation d. projectorganization
42.A are statements of what the researcher intends todo.
a. alternativehypothesis c. researchobjectives
b. nullhypothesis d. researchhypothesis
43.A whichgivesapersonafeelingofdiscomfort.Itcouldbeastateofaffairs that
needs to be changed or anything that is not working asexpected.
a. problem c. analysisproblem
b. researchproblem d. criticalproblem
44. There are three general categories of research, the descriptive research,
experimental interventionresearch,and .
a. interventionresearch c. extensiveresearch
b. correlationresearch d. explanatoryresearch
45.Acategorythatdonotoverlap.Itis when a respondent cannot be
assigned to more than onecategory.
a. exhaustivecategories c. mutually exclusivecategories
b. exclusivecategories d. mutualcategories
46. may also used to explain the possible confounding influence of other
variables on the assumed relationship between the major variables of the study–
a. competingtheory c.theory
b. assumptions d. dependentvariables
47. This suggests the type of analysis to bedone.
a. specialobjective c. specificobjective
b. importantobjective d. immediate/generalobjective
48. This explains the existence of a problem. It serves as basis for examining and
analyzing the connection between or among the studyvariables.
a. researchoutline c. researchframework
b. researchchart d.statistics
49. These are expressed in measurableterms.
a. specialobjective c. specificobjective
b. variables d. immediate/generalobjective
50. This enables the researcher to learn how to conceptualize a research problem
and properly identify and operationally define study variables–
a. literature c.methodology
b. relatedstudy d.hypothesis

III. OBJECTIVE TEST-Recognition Type: Cluster Variety. Given below are the terms in
Argumentation and Debate. Before each number, write TRUE if the definition/explanation
iscorrectandwriteFALSEifthedefinition/explanationiswrong.Allanswersmustbewritten on the
answer sheet provided by theteacher.

1. PublicSpeaking
1. is more highly structured, much more detailed planning and preparation
than ordinaryconversation.
2. organizes your ideas to present them in most persuasive way, ormanner.
3. requires more formallanguage.
4. requires a different method ofdelivery.

2. Listening
1. the vibration of sound waves on the eardrums and the firing of
electrochemical impulses in thebrain
2. is paying close attention to, and making sense of what wehear.
3. is important because this may be the cause of trouble not only in the
business but also in thefamily.
4.amethodofgeneratingideasforspeechtopicsbyfreeassociationofwords and
3. Language
1. is the most remarkable of all humancreatures.
2. helps create our sense of reality by giving meaning to theevents.
3. is a method used wherein you are going to use astory.
4. is the key to appreciateimagery.
4. Argumentation
1. is generally defined as the “art of influencing others, through the medium
of reasoned discourse, to believe or act as we wish them to believe oract.
2. is the process of influencing the belief or behavior of a hearer or reader,
through spoken or writtenspeech.
3. is a process that creates belief or disbelief through an appeal toreason.
4. is a process that creates belief or disbelief through an appeal to the
5. Statistics
1. don’t speak forthemselves.
2. is a numericaldata.
3. can be found in any kind of reputable publication such as books,
4. can be used in combination – stacked up to show the magnitude or
seriousness of anissue.

IV. Choose an item from Column A that matches two (2) of the items in Column B. In
andtwo(2)numbers.Note.(3-pointeachitem)Allanswersmustbewrittenontheseparate answer
ColumnA ColumnB
1.A.graphs 1. is a visual aid that summarizes a large block of
B.photographs 2. is a visual aid used to show statistical trendsand
C.drawings 3. visual aids drawn, written, or printed on a sheet of
4. a good way to simplify and clarifystatistics
5. can be extremely effective as visualaids
2.A.ethics 1. Latin word means“kidnapper”
B.criticalthinking 2. Stealing of speech entirely form a singlesource
C.plagiarism 3. It presents another person’s language or ideasas
your own
4. to restate or summarize an author’s ideas in one’s
own words
5. the first ten commandment to the United States

3.A.speaker 1. a research aid that catalogues articles from oneor

more newspaper
B.librarians 2. can help you find your way, locate sources, even
track downinformation
C.researcher 3. an outline listing of the books andperiodicals
owned by a library
4. is a time-honored way to collect informationamong
5. areexpertsontheirownfields,trainedinlibraryuse and
4. A.spatialorder 1. a method of speech organization in which themain
points follow a time pattern
B.causalorder 2. is also used in speeches explaining a processor
demonstrating how to do something.
C.chronologicalorder 3. is a quotation or parenthesis used to supporta
4. a testimony from people who arerecognized
experts on theirfields
5. torestateortosummarizeasource’sideasinone’s own
5. A.good delivery 1. is the highness or lowness of the speaker’svoice.
B. methodsofdelivery 2. refers to the loudness or softness of thespeaker’s
C.practicingdelivery 3. is used to enhance the rhythm of yourspeeches.
4. does not call attention toitself.
5. conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly,interestingly
and without distracting theaudience.

V. OBJECTIVE TEST-Recognition Type: Designed True-False Test. On the space before

eachnumber,writethesymbol“+”ifthestatementisTRUEandthesymbol“-“ifitisFALSE. (Note:
2-point each correct answer) All answers must be written on the separate answer

1. The eyes are the “windows of thesoul”.

2. The graph is a graph that uses one or more lines to show changes in statistics
over time orspace.
3. Informative speech is a speech designed to convey knowledge and
4. Of all the kinds of public speaking, conviction is the most complex and the most
5. Reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion on the basis ofevidence.
6. A symposium is a public presentation in which several people present prepared
speeches on different aspects of the sametopic.
7.Achartisavisualaidthatsummarizesalargeblockofinformationusuallyinlist form.
rehearsed, it all sounds spontaneous to theaudience.
9. Transition is a word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one
thought and is moving out on toanother.
10. The second step in speech making is choosing atopic.

VI. OBJECTIVE TEST-Recognition Type: Modified True-False Type. Write TRUE on the
besubstitutedfortheunderlinedword(s)tomakethestatementTRUE.(Note:3-pointeach correct
answer) All answers must be written on the separate answer sheetprovided.

1. Clustering is a method of generating ideas for speech topics

by free association of words andideas.

2. Central idea is a one sentence that sums up orencapsulates

the major ideas of aspeech.
3. Conducting a situational audience analysis is the first stage
in learning about youraudience.
hand experience or insight on atopic.
5. Bibliography is a list of all the sources used in preparing a
6. Learning how and when to pause is a minor challenge for
most beginningspeakers.
7. Kinesics is the study of nonverbal body motion as a
systematic mode ofcommunication.
8. Credibility consists of supporting materials like – examples,
statistic, testimony that used to prove or disprovesomething.
9. Speeches of presentations are given when someone is
receiving publicly a gift or anaward.

found on the last pages of this module in order to check your work. If
you didn’t get it the first time you took the tests. Try answering and
rechecking once again in order to develop mastery learning from the
substanceofthetopicspurposelylaidforyou.Remember:“Thesource of
stillness in learning alone with this modular modality is also to become
closer to God. Many failed to see the beauty of life and embraces
failures which is the result of depression and hopelessness
becausetheyneveracknowledgethepresenceofGodintheirlife.God loves
you and pray that things will be alright after this pandemic time…Just
go on and keeplearning…”

Thenextsectionisthecontentofthisunit.Itcontainssubstantiveinformationofthe topics
based from the learning outcomes. Hit it! Please conscientiously read the learning


3. Communication for VariousPurposes

A. Work Purposes (Workplace Communication)
1. BusinessReports
are categories of assignments in which you examine a situation and
a. Memorandum
A memorandum is a printed report that is organized for a person
or committee in order to afford them with facts about a certainmatter.
Click it! Please view some samples of memoranda forms on this site.

b. LetterReport
Letter reports exemplify assurance to fast and precise closing
experiences. Letter reports accelerate the process by providing a short,
written assessment and recommendation to the client by titlecompanies.
Browse it! Kindly view the samples of the letter report on thissite:

c. Bulletins
are momentary news report or announcement that's written or spoken is
a bulletin
Trek it! You may visit this site for the samples of bulletin

d. LaboratoryReport
A laboratory report affords a proper record of anexperiment.
Explore it! You may find samples and parts of laboratory report on this

e. FieldReport
The tenacity of a field report in the social sciences is to label the
observationofpeople,places,and/oreventsandtoanalyzethatobservation data
in order to recognize and classify conjoint themes in relation to the
research problem supporting thestudy.
Learn it! Please view this site for the samples of this topic:

f. PeriodicReport
Summary of proceedings that presents basically the similar type of
informationsimplifiedatregularbreakssuchaseveryday,week,month,etc. Also
called repetitivereport.

Clickit! Please view some samples of memoranda forms on thissite.


2. Formal Reports

A formal report is an official report that contains comprehensive

information, research, and data necessary to make business decisions.
This report is usually written for the purpose of answering a problem. Some
examples offormal reportsinclude: Inspection Report.

a. ProgressProposal
A proposal in progress refers to a proper report proposal in progress
Browse it! Kindly view the samples of the progress proposal on this site:

b. ProgressReport
A progress report outlines the activities you've carried out, the
responsibilitiesyou'veaccomplished,andthepointersyou'vereachedvis-à- vis
your projectenterprise
Browse it! Kindly view the samples of the progress reporton this site:

c. RecommendationReport
A recommendation report deals an answer to a problem or evaluates
possible answers and recommends one. Before suggesting or
recommending a solution, the report needs to classify the problem.
Trek it! You may visit this site for the samples of recommendation reports:

d. AnnualReport
A yearly report is a wide-ranging report on a company's activities
throughout the preceding year. Annual reports are envisioned to give
stockholders and other interested people evidence about the company's
happenings and pecuniary routines.
Click it! Please view some samples of annual report forms on this site:

e. FeasibilityStudy
A probability study is an assessment of the expediency of a projected
project or system.
Trek it! You may visit this site for the samples of feasibility studies:

f. ProjectReport
A Project Report is a file which affords particulars on the general
picture of the projected business. The project report stretches an accountof
the project proposal to determine the forecasts of the anticipated
Click it! Please view some samples of project report forms on this site:

g. ResearchReport
An exploration report is a dependable basis to report details about a
conducted research and is most often deliberated to be a true testimony of
all the work done to garner specificities of research. The various sections of
a research report are: Summary. Background/Introduction. Implemented
Click it! Please view some samples of research report forms on this site.

3. Business Letters (https://work.chron.com/10-types-business-letters-9438.html)

An occupational letter is a writing form that uses formal language and

a. SalesLetters
Typical sales letters start off with a very resilient statement to
capture the interest of the reader. Since the drive is to get the reader to do
something, these letters include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to
the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to
act, such as including a telephone number or website link.
Click it! Please view some samples of sales letters on this site.

b. OrderLetters
Order letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a
manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These
letters must enclose detailed information such as model number, name of
the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is
sometimes included with theletter.
Browse it! Kindly view the samples of order letters on this site:

c. ComplaintLetters
The arguments and tenor you choose to use in a letter complaining
to a business may be the pivotal factor on whether your complaint is
gratified. Be direct but tactful and always use a professional tone if you
want the company to listen toyou.
Trek it! You may visit this site for the samples of complaint letters:

d. AdjustmentLetters
A modification letter is normally sent in reply to a claim or complaint.
If the adjustment is in the customer’s favor, start the letter with that news.
If not, keep your tenor factual and let the customer know that you
understand thecomplaint.
Learn it! Please view this site for the samples of this topic.

e. InquiryLetters
Inquiry letters ask a question or occasion information from the
recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it unblemished and brief
and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact
information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.
Explore it! You may find samples and parts of inquiry letters on this site:

f. Follow-UpLetters
Supplement letters are usually sent after some type of preliminary
communication. This could be a sales department acknowledging a
customer for an order, a businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting
or a job seeker inquiring about the status of his application. In many cases,
these letters are amalgamation thank-you note and salesletter.
Click it! Please view some samples of follow up letters on this site:

g. Letters ofRecommendation
Probable employers often ask job applicants for letters of reference
beforetheyhirethem.Thistypeofletterisusuallyfromapreviousemployer or
professor, and it describes the sender’s relationship with and opinion of the
Browse it! Kindly view the samples of letters of recommendation on thissite:

h. AcknowledgmentLetters
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts. Businesses send
them to let others know that they have received a prior communication, but
action may or may not have taken place.
Trek it! You may visit this site for the samples of acknowledgment letters:
i. CoverLetters
Cover letters usually complement a package, report or other
merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being
sent and what the recipient should do with it, if there is any action that
needs to be taken. These types of letters are generally very short and
Learn it! Please view this site for the samples of this topic:

j. Letters ofResignation
When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter of resignation is usually
senttohisimmediatemanagergivinghimnoticeandlettinghimknowwhen the
last day of employment will be. In many cases, the employee also will detail
his reason for leaving thecompany.
Click it! Please view some samples of letters of resignation on this site:

4. Transcription of Minutes of Meetings

means striking the accurate equilibrium between reproducing too little and
too many notes you took at your meeting.
Click it! Please view some discussions and samples in transcribing the minutes of meetings
on this site:

5. Interview
An interview is fundamentally a structured conversation where one participant
asks questions, and the other provides answers. In common phraseology, theword
"interview" refers to a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an
Browse it! Kindly view the verbose discussion of this topic on this site:

6. Public Speaking
Public speaking is the practice or act of performing a speech to a live
face-to-face, speaking of a single person to a group of listeners. But in this
pandemic time, the use of technology is public speaking is verypopular.
Trek it! You may visit this site for further discussions on this topic:

B. Academic Purposes
Academiccommunication encompasses presenting ideas effectively
and formally in an educational environment. If you join an institution ofhigher
education, you can use these skills to contribute to the academic conversation with
your teachers and peers.
Learn it! Please view this site for discussion enhancement of this topic:

1. Academic Research
experts can understand. It goes way beyond the mere distribution of researchresults.
Explore it! You may find discussion and samples of this topic on this site:
2. Research Proposal
the sciences or academe, and generally constitutes a request for sponsorship of that

research, and on the soundness of the proposed plan for carrying itout.
Click it! Please view other discussions and samples of this topic on this site:

To further confirm and boost your knowledge as to the

content of this unit, please methodically do the following exercises
laid to amplify your understanding of communication for various
purposes. Always do you best with honesty in answering and doing
brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,
because you know that the testing of your faith produces
perseverance.” Let perseverance finish its work so that you may
mature and complete, not lacking anything…” Consequently, do the
learning activities to absolutely learn from thisend.…

Learning Activities

I. Multiple Choices. Read each item carefully. Choose the answer from the given
selection. Encircle the letter of your choice on the space provided before each

1. What type of research which is conducted because a problem has not been properly
defined? It is likewise used to determine the best research design, data collection method
and collection of subject and often concludes that a perceived problems does not actually
a. expositionresearch c. qualitativeresearch
b. quantitativeresearch d. exploratoryresearch
2. It is a process of collecting selecting, and reading books, journal articles, reports,
abstracts, and other reference materials, including electronic sources (CD-ROM) and the
World Wide Web (www/http) to get relevant information about the problem under
investigation –
a. researchproblem c. collectingresources
b. investigation d. review of relatedliterature
3. Some researchers cannot answer their research questions because they do not have
clear measures of their variables. A variable must be according to how it is used in the
study, so that it can be properly measured–
a. learnedcorrectly c. operationallydefined
b. preciselyObserved d.analyze
4.Inanexperimentalstudy,athreattovalidityoccurswhentheelementsorsubjects selected for
the experimental group is very different from those selected for the control group–
a. selection c.history
b. testing d.maturation
5. A research that refers to single and multiple case studies, it may include quantitative
evidence, relies on multiple sources of evidence and benefits from the prior development
of theoretical proposition?

a. hypothesis c. casestudy
b. experimentalresearch d. non- experimentalresearch
6. The problem must beand. It must be of interest to the one investigating it. It should yield
answers that will contribute to knowledge and development–
a. timelyandrelevant c. appropriate andexact
b. clearandfeasible d. proper andprecise
7.Aresearchthatisdesignedtodescribeanexistingproblemsituationandexamine the
underlying factors that contribute to the emergence of the problem, the nature of which is
not yet wellknown.
a. exploratoryresearch c. pure basicresearch
b. explanatoryresearch d. keenresearch
8. What type of research that evaluates the effect or outcome of a particular
phenomenon under controlledconditions?
a. appliedResearch c. explanatoryresearch
b. keenresearch d. intervention/experimentalresearch
9.Thistypeofresearchattemptstodescribeanexistingsituationand/orexplanatory certain
patterns of behavior using either both qualitative and quantitative research techniques.
a. purebasicresearch c. explanatoryresearch
b. qualitativeresearch d. keenresearch
10. This type of research emphasizes verbal descriptions of human behavior and
practices in an attempt to understand how the units or members of the study population
experience or explain their own world.
a. qualitativeResearch c. explanatoryresearch
b. quantitativeresearch d. exploratoryresearch
11. Focuses on the identity of the human subject, multiculturalism, feminism, and human
relationships to deal with the concepts of "difference" and "otherness" without essentialism
or reductionism, but its contributions are not always appreciated.
a. PostModernistSchool c. ModernistSchool
b. PostMortemSchool d. ClassicalSchool
wherethesubjects(thesamepeople)arefollowedupovertime,somecasesmaydropout, thus
resulting in a loss ofcases
a. selection c.instrumentation
b. mortality d.maturation
13. When severaloptions areavailable, isabouttheoptionsthatcanhelpthe
a. making c.processing
b. data d.developing
14. This type of research aims to see an immediate solution to a problem; it focuses on
variables or factors which can be changed by intervention in order to achieve a desired
a. appliedresearch c. explanatoryresearch
b. keenresearch d. intervention/experimentalresearch
15.AnInteractionisttheoryofdeviance.Thistheorycentersonhowindividualslearn how
to become criminals, but does not concern itself with why they becomecriminals.
a. TheoreticalFramework c. Differential AssociationTheory
b. Beccaria SchoolofThought d. Differential IdentificationTheory

16. A research that is to understand or explain a prevailing situation or explain a

relationshipbetweenfactorswhichmayhavealreadybeenidentifiedinexplanatorystudies, and
why the relationshipexists.
a. exploratoryresearch c. pure basicresearch
b. explanatoryresearch d. keenresearch
17. Sometimes there are events in the life of a research project, but which are not part of
the project, that can increase or decrease the expected project outcomes –
a. selection c.history
b. testing d.maturation
18. It is used to determine the effectiveness of a treatment or an intervention or the “cause
and effect” relationship of certain phenomena under controlled condition.
a.contentanalysis b. surveymethod
c.experimentalmethod d. historicalmethod
19.Whatistheethicalprinciplethatthemoralworthofanactionissolelydetermined by its
contribution to overall utility? This is also a form ofconsequentialism…
a. utilitarian c.ethics
b. ethicalstandard d.utilitarianism
20.Itinvolvesasystematicwayofgainingknowledgeortheprocessoftestingideas (hunches,
guesses, or hypotheses) to se if an idea holds true in a given situation or under
a. historicalmethod c. surveymethod
b. experimentalMethod d. research scientificmethod
21. A type of sources which results of many research studies that are published in
journals or monographs. These articles or reports are generally written by those who
actually conducted the study –
a. glossary c. generalreference
b. primarysources d. secondarysources
22. This refers to publications where authors cite the work of others. The most common
secondary sources are books, reviews, yearbooks and encyclopedias –
a. secondarysources c.glossary
b. generalreference d. primarysources
23.Avariablethatis“assumedeffect”ofanothervariable.Itisthechangethatoccurs in the study
population when one or more factors are changed or when an intervention is introduced –
a. dependentvariable c. independentvariable
b. antecedentvariable d. assumptionvariable
24. It is one of the parts of literature reviews that briefly reports what experts think or what
other researchers have found about the research problem –
a. summary/synthesis c.introduction
b. body d.conclusion
25. It is one of the parts of literature reviews that “ties together” the major findings of the
studies reviewed. It represents a general picture of what has been known or thought of
about the problem to date.
a. summary/synthesis c.introduction
b. body d.conclusion
26. It is one of the parts of literature reviews that describes briefly the nature of the
research problem and explains what led the researcher to investigate the question –
a. summary/synthesis c.introduction
b. body d.conclusion

27.Thispartpresentsthecourseofactionsuggestedbytheliterature.Basedonthe state of
knowledge revealed by the literature, the researcher could further justify the need for
a. summary/synthesis c.introduction
b. body d.conclusion
a. dependentvariable c. independentvariable
b. antecedentVariable d. interveningvariable
29. Researchers make educated guesses to tentatively answer the research questions,
from these they select the more logical and theoretically sound guesses –
a. alternativehypothesis c. researchhypothesis
b. hypothesis d. unconstructivehypothesis
30. It refers to the consistency, stability and dependability of the data. A reliable
measuring device is one which, if used for the second time, will yield the same results as it
did the first time –
a. validity c.statistics
b. reliability d.variable
31.Whenaresearchinstrument,suchasaquestionnaireorameasuringdevice,like a weighing
scale or a thermometer is changed during the study period between thepretest and the
a. selection c.instrumentation
b. testing d.maturation
32. This is the document that shows your panel has approved the content of your thesis or
dissertation, and a copy of it will remain in your official records –
a. ApprovalSheet c.Abstract
b. TitlePage d.Acknowledgment
33. It is a brief summary of a research article, thesis or any in-depth analysis of a
a. Dedication c.Abstract
b. Introduction d.Acknowledgment
34. An author's statement recognized his use of the works of other authors or a
declaration or avowal of one's act or of a fact to give it legal validity –
a. Dedication c.Abstract
b. Introduction d.Acknowledgment
35. The following are the steps in making researchexcept:
a. rigid control of theresearch
b. statisticalanalysis
c. selection of the researchtopic
d. decision on ahypothesis
e. decision on how the variables can be used fordata
36. When are we going to define aproblem?
a. when the solution is alreadydone
b. when the problem is partiallysolved
c. when the problem is alreadyidentified
d. when the solution is alreadydiscovered
37. In doing a research, what is the first thing a researcher does for the problem to
a. enumerating first theproblem

b. determining the cause of theproblem

c. research theproblem
d. identify and clearly define theproblem
38. A research problem can only be investigated if resources like time, money, and
personnel areavailable.
a. A research problem must befeasible.
b. A research problem must beclear.
c. A research problem must beethical.
d. A research problem must beappropriate.
problem statement. The used of ambiguous terms must be avoided–
a. A research problem must befeasible.
b. A research problem must beclear.
c. A research problem must beethical.
d. A research problem must beappropriate.
40. When to start reviewing relatedliterature?
a. When research problem is still beingconceptualized.
b. When research problem is still on dataanalysis.
c. When research problem is beingdefined.
d. When research problem is partiallyover.
41. What is the first thing to remember in defining a researchproblem?
a. examines current availabledata/statistics
b. seeks educated opinions from persons concerned with theproblem
c. determines the probable reasons for the existence of theproblem
d. reviews relevant literature and previous studies on theproblem
42. The conduct of the study should not pose any danger, embarrassment, hurt or
any risk to the research respondents or subjects or any one–
a. A research problem must befeasible.
b. A research problem must beclear.
c. A research problem must beethical.
d. A research problem must beappropriate.
43. These are the list which is under the table of contents,except:
a. Title Page, Approval Sheet, AbstractAcknowledgment,Dedication, Table of
Contents, List of Figure, List ofTables
b. Title Page, Introduction, Abstract Acknowledgment,Dedication,Table of
Contents, List of Figure, Statement of theProblem
c. Introduction, Title Page, Statement of the Problem,Dedication, Table of
Contents, List of Figure, List ofTables
d. Abstract Acknowledgment, Introduction, ApprovalSheet,Dedication, Table of
Contents, List of Figure, List ofTables
44. What is the specific title of Chapter 1 in a thesisbook?
a. Review of RelatedLiterature
b. Methods and Procedure ofData
c. Presentation and Analysis ofData
d. The Introduction and ItsSetting
45. What is the specific title of Chapter 2 in a thesisbook?
a. Review of RelatedLiterature
b. Procedures and Source ofData
c. Presentation and Analysis of Data
d.. The Introduction and ItsSetting

46. What is the specific title of Chapter 3 in a thesisbook?

a. Review of RelatedLiterature
b. Methods, Procedures and Source ofData
c. Methods and Source ofData
d. The Introduction and ItsSetting
47. What is the specific title of Chapter 4 in a thesisbook?
a. Summary, Conclusion andRecommendation
b. Methods and Procedure ofData
c. Presentation and Analysis ofData
d. The Introduction and ItsSetting
purpose of explaining, describing or makingpredictions
a. criminologicalresearch c.research
b. BasicResearch d.re-search
49. What is a way of looking at natural phenomena that encompasses a set of
philosophical assumptions and guide one’s approach toinquiry?
a. paradigm c.examples
b. objective d.model
50. Which among the following is not the step in the scientificmethod?
a. determining c. forming ahypothesis
b. doing thelibraryresearch d. systematicorganization

II. CriticalAnalysis
Directions. Make a critical analyses and answer the following questions based from your
learning observations in our university.

1. What is that one big issue or problem in our university related to the English
2. What factors or reasons could have led to this issue orproblem?
3. If you were to conduct research related to the issue or problem you have identified
(Nota bene: Avoid “what” questions; ask how and why questions?)
4. How would you address these questions in terms of data to analyze techniques in
analyzing those data,etc.?

Muchas gracias! You did a great job…If you have not

completed the task, or you have difficulty in accomplishing the
activity, please send me a message to our google class or you
may ask clarifications through a text message or phone calls on
the contact number included on your course guide. “Just like
crushedgrapesstoredinisolationtocreateaperfecttastingwine, your
journey in times of this pandemic, makes your own to discover
yourself while learning alone and gain wisdom. Only chosen
handpicked grapes are crushed ready for pouring out…” Go
on… You may now take theassessment.


I. Recognition Type. SimpleRecall

Directions. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

1.Itpertainstoatypeofresearchaimedatthediscoveryofbasic truths
development of a theory which is carried out in the laboratory. It is often called a field
3. A characteristic of research, which starts and ends with a
4.Thisresearchisdoneinanorderlymannersothatinvestigators can
have the confidence of theoutcomes.
5. The researcher must subject his belief to empirical inquiry and
test it against a reality-referent such as collection of data, which identifies research as an
6. The researcher reduces the arrays of individual events and
objects in a more understandable categories ofconcepts.
7. The researcher may use the results of a study, and one
researcher may build upon the research results ofanother.
9. The researcher assumes a skeptical doubting or questioning
10. It is a scientific investigation of phenomena, which includes
the collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of facts that link man’s speculation
11. A type of variable also known as stimulusvariable.
12, A type of variable also known as responsevariable.
13. A special type of independent variable, a secondary variable
which is introduced to discover whether it modifies to an observedphenomenon.
14. It cancels out or neutralizes any effect on the observed
15. A type of variable known as exogenousfactor
16.Atype/levelofscale,whichisusedforplainclassification,with no
corresponding numericalvalue.
17. It is used for ranking categoriesonly.
18. It gives the same interval at any point in thescale.
19. It has the properties of the intervalscale.
20. It is an expanded reiteration of the title but expressed as a
21. It means reasons or justifications on why the researcher will
undertake thestudy.
22. The major problem is stated in what kind and or type of
23. The specific and or minor problems are stated in what kind
or type of asentence?

24. It is referred to as a wise and or intelligentguess.

25. A type of hypothesis statednegatively.
26. A type of hypothesis statedpositively.
28. Where do we draw or base ourhypotheses?
29. A written presentation on the planned investigation of a
research problem or issue which the researcher contemplates to undertake for hisstudy.
30. A scholarly report of an investigation, the product of which
contributes to knowledge. It has practical value. It contributes to an area of specialization
and requirement for graduation for a master’sdegree.
31. It refers to kinds of information researchers obtain on the
subject of theirresearch.
32. It is the device the researcher uses to collectdata.
33. It refers to the whole process of collecting data. It involves
not only the selection or design of the instrument but also the condition under which the
instruments will beadministered.
34. These are conditions on characteristics that the
experimenter manipulates, controls, orobserves.
35. The section gives the background of the research and the
rationale for conducting thestudy.
36. This section specifies the procedure for analyzingdata.
37. This section specifies the procedure in datagathering.
38. This section states the area ofcoverage.
39. This chapter describes the published and unpublished
studies that are related or relevant to the presentstudy.
materials used in the preparation of thestudy.

II. Recognition Type. SimpleRecall

Directions. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
observation of people, places, and/or events and to analyze that observation data in order
3. It refers to that comprehensive report on a company's activities
interested people information about the company's activities and financialperformance.
5. It is a document which provides details on the overall picture of
theproposedbusiness.Thisreportgivesanaccountofthe projectproposaltoascertainthe
prospects of the proposedplan/activity.
6. This business letter starts off with a very strong statement to
capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something.
7. These letters are sent by consumers or businesses to a
manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letters mustcontain

specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and
expected price.
8. These letters are normally sent in response to a claim or
complaint.Ifthisletterisinthecustomer’sfavor,begintheletterwiththat news.
_ 9. These letters ask a question or elicit information from the
recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and succinct and list exactly
what information youneed.
10. These letters usually accompany a package, report or other
merchandise. They are used to describe what is enclosed, why it is being sent and what
11. These reports exemplify commitment to fast andaccurate
closing experiences. Letter reports expedite the process by providing a short, written
appraisal and recommendation to the client by title companies.
12. Thisreport provides a formal record of anexperiment.
information updated at regular intervals such as every day, week, month, etc. Also called
recurring report.
14. These letters are usually sent after some type of initial
communication. This could be a sales department thanking a customer for an order, a
businessman reviewing the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker inquiring about the
status of his application. In many cases, these letters are a combination thank-you note
and salesletter.
15. This type of letter is usually from a previous employer or

III. Authentic Assessment(A)

Directions.Makeacriticalanalysesandanswerthefollowingquestionsbasedfromyour learning
observations in ouruniversity.

1. What is that one big issue or problem in our university related to the English
2. What factors or reasons could have led to this issue orproblem?
3. If you were to conduct research related to the issue or problem you have identified
(Nota bene: Avoid “what” questions; ask how and why questions?)
4. How would you address these questions in terms of data to analyze techniques in
analyzing those data,etc.?

IV. Authentic Assessments(B)

• defendthepower-pointpresentationoftheuseofbusinessandformalreportsinan
occupational undertaking via zoomapplication;
• producearesearchreportandstudiesoncommunicationforvariouspurposeseither on
work and or academic related disciplines which will be presented and defended via
• report to the class as scheduled for the majorassessment.

My hats off for your great job done. Deo gracias a todos!
If you have not completed the tasks, or you have difficulty in
accomplishing the activity, please send me a message to our
google class, or you may ask clarifications through a text
message or phone calls on the contact number included on your
course guide. You may write your insights or thoughts about the
activity on the space provided… “Life is a journey… Trust that
something happens out from the intense pressure… Just keep
walking until you will reach the summit in duetime…”

Write your thoughts

Add / insert
photo here



Igoy, Judy Imelda L., et. al. Technical Writing and Reporting. Bulacan: Trinitas Publishing,
Inc., 2004

Mehra, Achal (2001). AMIC, Newspaper Management in the New Multimedia Age, Kefford
Press Pte, Ltd.


Nem Singh, Rosario P. & Calixihan, Jovita O (2004). Fundamentals of Technical Writing.
Metro Manila: National Bookstore.

Santos, Vergel O (2002). The Newsriting Formula. Communication Consulting Center, Inc.,

Soriano, Robert F. (2000).BroadcastManagement, 1stEd., Booklore Publishing


Vicente, Corazon C., et. al (2004). Technical Writing. Quezon City: Popular Book Store.


academic purposes.
academic research.
P8M9eKr7wPrqSaSA&q=communication+for+academic+research. (n.d.).
communication aids.
https://www.google.com/search?q=communication+aids. (n.d.).
communication strategies.
https://www.google.com/search?q=communication+strategy+meaning. (n. d.).
evaluating text/images.
December 02, 2019.
geosemiotics. https://www.google.com/search?q=geosemiotics. (n.d.).
global communication. https://www.google.com/search?q=global+communication. (n.d.).
human migration. https://www.google.com/search?q=migration(n.d.).
interview. https://www.google.com/search?q=Interview. (n. d.).
kinds of communication strategy.
https://www.google.com/search?q=kinds+of+communication+strategies. (n. d.).

language registers. https://www.google.com/search?q=language+registers. (n.d.).

language varieties.
https://www.google.com/search?q=language+varieties. January 23, 2020.
linguistic Landscape. https://www.google.com/search?q=linguistic+landscapes. (n.d.).
local communication. https://www.google.com/search?q=local+communication(n.d.).
online landscapes. https://www.google.com/search?q=online+landscape+meaning. (n.d.).
registers. https://www.google.com/search?q=registers+in+linguistics. (n.d.).

research proposal.
https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+a+research+proposal%3F&oq.(n. d.).
The Acknowledgment Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Samples+of+Acknowledgment+Letters. (n.d.).
The Adjustment Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Samples+of+Adjustment+Letters. (n.d.).
The Amplitude Modulation Station.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amplitude_modulation. (n.d.).
The Annual Report.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Samples+of+Annual+Report+Forms. (n.d.).
The Broadcast Media.
https://www.google.com/search?q=the+broadcast+media. (n.d.).
The Business Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Business+Letters. (n.d.).
The Business Reports.
https://www.google.com/search?q=business+reports&oq=business+reports. (n.d.).
The Complaint Letters.
The Feasibility Study.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+feasibility+study. (n.d.).
The Field Reports.
https://pro-papers.com/samples/category/field-report-example. (n.d.).
The Follow-up Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+follow+up+letters. (n.d.).
The Formal Reports.
https://www.google.com/search?q=formal+reports&oq=Formal+Reports. (n.d.).
The Frequency Modulation Station
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_modulation. (n.d.).
The Hybrid Amplitude/Frequency Modulation Stations.
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080. (n.d.).
The Inquiry Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+inquiry+letters. (n.d.).
The Laboratory Reports.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+laboratory+report. (n.d.).
The Language.
https://www.google.com/search?q=the+english+language. (n.d.).
The Letter of Inquiry.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+inquiry+letters. (n.d.).
The Letter Report.
https://www.google.com/search?q=sample+of+letter+report&oq. (n.d.).

The Letters of Recommendation.

The Letters of Resignation.
https://www.google.com/search?q=the+letter+of+resignation. (n.d.).
The Media.
https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Media. (n.d.).
The Memorandum.
https://www.google.com/search?q=sample+of+a+memorandum. (n.d.).
The Newspapers.
https://philnews.ph/2019/07/16/parts-of-newspaper/. (n.d.).
The Order Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Samples+of+Order+Letters. (n.d.).
The Periodic Reports.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Samples+of+Periodic+Report. (n.d.).
The Print Media.
https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Print+Media. (n.d.).
The Progress Report.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+progress+report. (n.d.).
The Project Report.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+project+reports. (n.d.).
The Project Proposal.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Progress+Proposal+Samples. (n.d.).
The Radio Broadcasting.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_broadcasting. (n.d.).
The Recommendation Report.
The Research Report.
https://www.google.com/search?q=research+report+forms. (n.d.).
The Resignation Letter.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+letters+of+resignation. (n.d.).
The Sales Letters.
https://www.google.com/search?q=samples+of+sales+letters. (n.d.).
The Television.
transcripts-and-maps/television-broadcasting-programming. (n.d.).
The Video Disc.
https://www.britannica.com/technology/videodisc. (n.d.).
Transcription of Minutes of Meetings.
https://www.google.com/search?q=Transcription+of+Minutes+of+Meetings. (n. d.).

Analytic Rubric Number One

Nota bene:

This rubric is adopted from the Office of the Instructional Materials Development numbered

Name: Date: TotalScore: Year/Program:

Course: AY: Semester:

Production of a News script in a Simulcast Radio Broadcast/Power Point

Presentation Reports and Critical Analysis as to the content of the Evaluation of the
Global Linguistic Landscapes.

5 4 3 2 1 T
Completeness Complete Complete in Incomplet Incomplet
in all Complete some e in many e and
aspects in most aspects and aspects does not
and aspects includes and include
includes and some includes compone
all includes components few nts
componen most componen
ts componen ts

Submit Submit Never sub

Submit manuscript manuscrip mit manus
Promptness manuscrip several t days after cript
t before
t on time hours after the
thedeadline deadline
Material Material Material is Materialis No
reflects reflects interesting somehow evidence
Analysis and very high high level and coherent of
Synthesis of level of of coherent with few analysis
Ideas/Originalit thought coherence ideas; with original of thinking
y of Material and , show some logic ideas. No evid
coherence above displayed. ence of
.Ideas average Some high level

are originality original form of

personal, of ideas. ideas. thinking
original. Provides
Structure personal
is very explanatio
clear. n,
and very
Material Material Material Materialis Material
could be could be could be somewhat is some-
described described described organized what dis-
by all of by 3 of the by 2 of the and organized
the following: following: intelligible, and un-
following: 1) well- 1) well- useful, intelligible
Cohesiveness, 1) well- organized, organized, and , and in-
Usefulness organized, 2) well- 2) well- appropriat Appro-
and 2) well- developed developed, e priate
Appropriatenes developed , 3) easy to 3) easy to
s of Material , 3) easy to understan understand,
understan d, 4, easy 4, easy to
d, 4) easy to used, 5) used, 5)
to use, 5) appropriat appropriate
appropriat e for OBE for OBE
e for OBE

Name and Signature of Learner

Name and Signature of Faculty

Analytic Rubric Two

Recorded video for the simulcast newscast via zoom application

Ideas/Content Participation Grammatical Delivery

4 Consistently focuses Each interlocutor Each Each co-
on topic; provides assumes an participant interlocutor
much information on active role in observes the delivers clearly
survey results; presentation; new the content of the
gives at least vocabulary and talk; the
three pieces of correct usage pronunciation and
information and of phrases and enunciation levels
asks all other clauses in the are appropriate;
questions in the discourses with
dyadic form for co-interlocutor
input; appropriately;
few or no
errors; tenses
of verbs,
agreement and
the basic
patterns are
used in the
recorded dyad;
3 General focus on Each member Each Always
topic; provides assumes an participant intelligible,
adequate active role, but observes much although there are
information on any member may new some accent and
survey results; dominate; gives at vocabulary and intonation lapses;
least two pieces the correct
of information and usage of
asks most of the phrases and
other participants clauses in the
for input discourses with
few or no
errors; tenses
of verbs,
agreement and
the basic

patterns are
used in the
recorded dyad;
2 Moves away from Uneven Some new Pronunciation or
focus; provides participation by vocabulary is intonation
inadequate the other used, often problems partially
information on interlocutor; one appropriately; impede
surveyresults; member is syntactical comprehensibility
passive; the other errors are
member offers common; past
only one piece of tense forms
information and often
asks only one incorrectly
other participant said;
for input;
Unfocused; little Uneven Little use of Very difficult to
information about participation by new understand
1 survey results is one member; the vocabulary; because of
given other does not what is used is pronunciation or
participate; often used intonation
member neglects inappropriately; problems
either to offer many
information or to syntactical
elicit input from errors; past
others tense forms
incorrect or



This rubric is modified by the author and is anchored by Linda Uscola. Based on Rubric for
a Play, P. 292 POLIA Handbook, Last updated 5-17-01.

Nota bene:

This rubric is extracted from the performance tasks among the pioneer AB MC students of
JRMSU Main Campus in July 2005 who underwent the Intensive Training and Enhancement for
Media Arts and Skills (ITEMAS).

Name: Date: TotalScore: Year/Program:

Course: AY: Semester:

Analytic Rubric Three

Performance of the student-reports in media productions based on the following


Part Personal Qualities Rating

I Percentage 20% Rating Remarks
1.Emotional Stability and
MentalHealth 5%
2. Personal Appearance 5%
3. Health and Vitality 5%
4. Honesty, Character, and
Integrity 5%
Part II Competence in the
Rudiments of Percentage 60%
Newspapering, Radio & TV
1. Planning 5%
Broadcasting/Newspapering 20%
Skills and Strategies
3. Devotion/Attitudes 20%
towards thework
4. Evaluation of Output 15%
Part III Radio, TV
Broadcasting/Newspapering Percentage 20%
Management and Discipline
1. Maintenance of Office 10%
2. Maintenance of
Discipline/Code, etc. among 10%
Total 100% 100%

Analytic Rubric Three - Descriptions

Specifications on the Performance of the Student-Trainees based on the following


Part 1 Personal Qualities Rating 20% Specifications/Descriptions

1.Emotional Stability and 5% -free from fears/worries; not

MentalHealth supersensitive to criticism; not easily
irritated; is free from shyness; meets
unexpected situation well; enjoys
covering events;
2. Personal Appearance 5% -is alert and well-poised; is well groomed;
impresses one as being refined and
cultured; clothes are pressed and clean;
appears to be in good appearance;
3. Health and Vitality 5% -is enthusiastic and cheerful; is dynamic
and awake; vigilant; alert to the potential
possibilities in every situation; has a
happy facial expression; has reserve
energy, seldom or never absent because
of some ailments;
4. Honesty, Character, and 5% -shows good sense of values; is
Integrity trustworthy and loyal; is in obligation with
regard to radio, tv broadcasting and
newspapering; finds way of informing the
public of what is happening around; does
intensive job; is up to date to submit all
Part II Competence in the
Rudiments of 60%
Newspapering, Radio &TV
1. Planning 5% -written articles are first hand, clear and
effective; shows logical relationship in
planning individual parts in relation not
only in newspapering but in casting news
articles in radio and television stations;
chooses wisely learning experiences and
materials of subject; uses a variety of
materials of instruction likebulletin
boards, flannel boards, radio recording,
etc. besides facts from different events;

2.Radio,TV -enhance the radio, tv skills (following the

Broadcasting/Newspapering 20% KBP Code, certain legal tv provisions);
Skills and Strategies
3. Devotion/Attitudes 20% -writes without always conferring to the
towards thework instructor and radio/tv critics; is unable to
unfold the issues, facts and etc. logically
using grammatically correct English as
the medium requires; (for Visayan and
Filipino articles – he must follow correct
and logical patterns, styles and
techniques which are employed by some
media men); broadcast the articles
exactly so as to inform the public in
4. Evaluation of Output 15% -provides fixing skills activities that apply
to rules, concepts or generalizations;
plans appropriate evaluating instruments
to measure attainment of stated
objectives in the rudiments of
newspapering/radio and tvbroadcasting;
interprets issues based on facts, etc.;
Part Radio, TV
III Broadcasting/Newspapering 20%
Management and Discipline
1. Maintenance of Office 10% -hasunderstoodbyhearttheassignments
accorded to the office, etc.; keeps all
wastes after doing all articles; cleans the
office before and after the slated
2. Maintenance of -conscientiously follows the provision of
Discipline/Code, etc. among 10% the legal bases of operations…
Total 100

Sample Format – Radio/Television Production/Programming

Nota bene:
The learner may have the option to use or modify the formats below in the final
showdown of the radio/television production/programming.

Exploration Sample No. 1. News Today Format

Newscaster’s Introduction:
Good (morning, afternoon, evening) everyone and welcome to
News Today. It’s (day), the th day of


Iam from (school).

Filler 02:

Apleasant (morning,afternoon,evening)toallourteleviewers.Iam
, years ofagefrom (school).

We invite you to joinusthis in this news program. We will be

giving with you the latest updates and developments happening in ourcommunity….

Exploration Sample No. 2. News Today Format

Newscaster’s Introduction:

Newscaster No. 01

Good everyone! Welcome to the special edition of our News

Today live here at the number network in the country and one of the leading televisions
across theworld.

TGIS (Monday, Tues, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)!

Thanks God! It’s (day) of the (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) weekof
(month),year (2020).

It’s (month, date,year).I’m ,


(age)yearsfrom (school), inviting you to stick around for

the latest updates of our news brought to you by the student newscasters across the

Newscaster No. 02

Apleasant (day, afternoon, night) to all our televiewers! Iam

(name), (age) years old from

We would like you to ‘catch-as-catch can’ at this hour to know the current
issues that beset in today’s world.

This is a special program participated in by the selected students of the


Furthermore, this program serves as a training ground for us to develop our


Newscaster No. 03

It’s a minute ticked off by (hour)inthe (morning,

afternoon).It’snow (time).

I’m (name), (age) years old also from


On behalf of my companions, we invite you tojoinus for

arecapitulationoftheleadinglocal,nationalandinternationalnews isbrought
toyouby (advertisement).

The headlines!

Newscaster No. 01 – gives the headline for local news ….

Newscaster No. 02 – provides the headline for national news ….
Newscaster No. 03 – reads the headline for international news ….

*commercial break*
Local News (first batch of reporters)
Filler 01:
Youarewatching arecapitulationoftoday’slocal,
national and international news. We will be back after some commercialbreak.

*commercial break*

National News (second batch of reporters)

Filler 02:

News Today is brought to you by the

(advertisement tagline). For a view of the national news today, let’s take a look at the
leading news as published in today’snewspaper.

Filler 03:
Don’t go away yet, we will be right back after some commercials from our
*commercial break*

International News (third batch of reporters)

Filler 4:
You are stillwatching , a production ofthe

News Today is aired and viewed Monday to Sunday. Aside from informing
you on the recent news, this is at the same time, a competition among students for the
selection of the Most Outstanding Student TV Newscaster.

So keep watching… Sports, showbiz and weather updates will follow…

*commercial break*

Newscaster No. 01
That’sallforNewsTodayJuly28,2020edition.Thankyouforwatchingus. See
you again tomorrow with another set of student newscasters from

Iam (name).It’sbeenourpleasuretobringyouthe

Newscaster No. 02
And I am (name). We comefrom
. Don’t go away yet, the movie
(Title of the Movie) thru the compliments from/of
will follow right after NewsToday.

Newscaster No. 03
Good_ (day, afternoon, night)Philippines!
We hope that you have enjoyed watching our newscast, the

Iam (name). Onbehalfof

and (name of otherstudent-newscasters)…

We say goodbye and mayyour (day, afternoon, night)be



For ease in understanding the module, the following terms are hereby defined:

Unit I – The Glocal Communication and Registers in Linguistic Migration

bottom-up discourse is an unofficial symbolic discourse.

geosemiotics pertains to a space wherein language is used in its context.
global communication or international communication is the development
andsharing of information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in international
settings ... language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used in a speech community
there is a social and or common interaction among its members. It is the fundamental unit
of literature. Consequently, language makes literature.
linguistics refers to the scientific and systematic study of a language.
local communication is being able to communicate with the members of
your local area. It can either be in your local language (mother tongue), or a common
language that you speak within your town.
Migration as used on this module, pertains to human migration is the movement
of people from one place to another with the intentions of settling, permanently or
temporarily, at a new location (geographic region).
registers is defined as the way a speaker uses language differently in different
circumstances. ... These variations in formality, also called stylistic variation, are known
as registers in linguistics. They are determined by such factors as social occasion,
context, purpose, andaudience.
symbols is a kind of language that does not use a word or kinesthetic action.
top-down discourse relates to a symbolic discourse created by people with

Unit II – The Communication Aids and Strategies

bar chart refers to a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with
height or lengths.
bubbl,us is a browser-based mind mapping tools that is great for project planning,
collaboration, and brainstorming purposes.
chartpertainstoadiagramthatmakesinformationeasiertounderstandbyshowing how two
or more sets of data arerelated.
cyberspace exemplifies a concept describing widespread interconnection digital
diagram is a visual symbol, made with the help of lines and geometrical forms
without pictorial elements to explain mostly a process or parts of something.
drawings refers to a form of visual art in which a person uses various drawing
instruments to mark paper or another two-dimensional medium. This is useful in portraying

edmodo is an education technology company offering a communication
collaboration and coaching platform for k-12 school and teachers.
flowcharts pertains to a step-by-step diagram of a procedure. It allows the user to
see the order in which the steps must be completed.
google drive relates to a safe place for all your files and puts them within reach
from any smartphone, tablet or computer.
graphic aids denotes teaching tools that assist in differentiating instruction, offering
greater access to content and help in better comprehension of new information.
maps shows geographic relationships.
netiquette refers to the use of good manner in online communication such as e-
mail, forums, blogs, and social networking sites to name a few. It is important to use
netiquette because communication online is non-verbal.
netizens pertain to the modern term for online users.
online landscape is the language landscape that caters to video production.
usually photographic film or an electronic imagesensor.
pie chart is a circle divided into segments. It is usually used to show percentages.
portals exemplify to an idea of website or service that offers a broad range of
services, such as e-mail, games, quotes, search, news and stocks.
sites is a page or collections of pages on the world wide web that contains specific
information which was all provided by one person or entity and traces back to a common
uniform sources locator (URL)
tables refer to sets of facts and figures arranged in columns and rows.
wikispaces other is an educational wiki platform for educators classroom to
collaborate with the students.
you tube pertains to an online landscape that caters to video production.

Unit III – The Communication for Various Purposes

argumentative speech is a speech with the main purpose to make

listeners/audience believe one’s idea is better than theother.
classification refers to the gathering together of things into logical groups.
differentia is the part of a formal definition in which the particular subject’s
distinguishing traits and qualities are pointed out so that it is set apart from the rest.
end products pertain to business letters, reports, articles, and abstracts.
genus exemplifies the family or class to which the subject definition belongs.
impromptu speech refers to a presentation of message without preparation
informal definition is the substitution of a familiar word or phrase for the unfamiliar
informative speech has the main purpose to inform factually.

interpretation is the art of establishing a meaningful pattern of relationships among

a group of facts.
interview refers to a two-part interaction involving asking and answering
layout has to do with margins, spacing, subheads, the title, page and the like.
memorized speech is referring to a recitation of written message from memory
outlining/outline refers to the theory of organizing one’swriting.
partitioning is the act of dividing the unit into its components.
persuasive speech has the main purpose of convincing the readers or audience to
support one’s idea.
pitch refers to the highness or lowness of voice inflections.
public speaking is a way of making one’s idea to the public.
read speech pertains to a word-for-word reading of a written message.
report (technical) is a piece of technical writing designed to meet a specific need.
sentence outline serves as an analytical device for studying other people’s writing.
species refers to the subject of definition, or the term to be defined in a formal
technicalwriting is an exposition about scientific subjects and about various
technical subjects associated with thesciences.



Dear Student:

The evaluation form will help us in the production of upcoming editions of the
instructional materials. Please fill out the form and detach before submitting the IM to your
professor at the end of the semester. Put in a sealed envelope and submit this form to the
Instructional Materials Development Office (IMDO) in your campus. Thank you for your

Director for MaterialsDevelopment

Name(Optional) :
Course in which the IM is used:
AcademicYear : ( )1st Semester ( ) 2ndSemester
DateofEvaluation :

Title :
Author(s) :

Please rate the IM on the scale of 1-4

4 –stronglyagree 3– agree 2.disagree 1 – stronglydisagree

1. The IM is well-organized, complete and is integral to the understanding of the

2. The utilized learning outcomes which target future skills and graduateattributes.
3. The content is well-structured, internationalized, and are based on the learning
4. The learning activities and assessments are congruent with thelearningoutcomes.
5. There are adequate spaces for the learning activities andassessments.
6. The language used is gender-sensitive, easy to understand, and is appropriate to
the level ofusers.

7. The examples/illustrations, and body text are clear, set in APA 7thedition format,
and are appropriate to the level of theusers.
8. The IMs are free from errors, misspellings and irrelevantpictures/illustrations.
9. The IM contains front and back contents (e.g. preface, acknowledgment, rubrics,
answer key, appendices,glossary)
10. The IM follows the institutional format of theUniversity.

Overall rating of the IM (please check one)

( )highly useful ( )useful ( )somewhatuseful ( ) useless

For other comments and suggestions, please use the space below. Thankyou.

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