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Year: 2023 Term: I PAO

Course: Differential Equations 2 Lecturer: Jesús Aponte

Evaluation: Reading Control 1 Date: May 23, 2023
Name: Signature:
1. (3 points) Find the general solution of the equation
x = t x 0 + log x 0 .

Solution: By deriving both sides of the ODE we obtain

x 00 1
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x 00 = x 0 + t x 00 + =⇒ x 00 t + = 0.
x0 x0

The general solution satisfies x 00 = 0, or x(t ) = C1 t + C2 , by substituting in the given equation one has

C1 t + C2 = C1 t + log C1 =⇒ C2 = log C1 .

Therefore, the general solution is

x(t ) = C1 t + log C1 , C1 > 0.

2. (3 points) Make a suitable change of variable to transform the second-order ODE

x 00 + sin t x 0 + t = 0,
into a first-order ODE on the unknown y. If you were able to solve the new equation for y, how the solution
of the original equation would be?

Solution: Let y = x 0 . Then the given ODE becomes

y 0 + sin t y + t = 0.

If were able to solve the equation then x wound be

Z t
x(t ) = x0 + y(s ) d s,

where x0 = x(t0 ).

3. (4 points) Let x : [0, 1] → R be a continuous function such that

x(t ) ≤ 2 + s x(s ) d s, ∀ t ∈ [0, 1].

Show that
x(t ) ≤ 2e 1/2 .
Solution: We just must apply Gronwall’s Lemma on the interval [0, 1]. For all t ∈ [0, 1],
s ds 2
x(t ) ≤ 2e 0 = 2e t ≤ 2e 1/2 .

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