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zulma huaura padilla

mis hábitos de comida con oraciones
countable and uncountable

hello my name is zulma huaura, i am going to talk

about my eating habits and how this affects my
In the morning my breakfasts tend to be very varied,
most of the time I usually have oatmeal and eat two
eggs with two slices of bread, but when I have
breakfast on the street, it is usually something like
junk food, like coffee with some milk and breads with
pork rinds or hamburgers.
in the afternoon for lunch at one thirty, my meals are
very varied but most are good meals. I always prepare
my lettuce and carrot salad, then I prepare two slices
of chicken, rice, also two potatoes and a lemonade
drink but with little sugar,
finally my dinner. It is usually something very light,
for example, vegetables with fried chicken and drinks
only from a bottle of water.
I feel that my diet is not very bad because I always try
to eat as healthy as I can to stay healthy.

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