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Learning Area: COOKERY 10

Learners Name:_____________________________
Grade Level:________________________________

LO3: Present Egg Dishes
3.1. Select suitable plates according to standards, present egg dishes
hygienically and attractively using suitable garnishing and side dishes
sequentially within the required time frame.
LO4: LO 4. Evaluate the finished product
4.1 rate the finished products using rubrics
Read the information sheets 3.1very well, then find out how much you can
remember and how much you can learned by doing self check 3.1


Information Sheet 3.1

Part of serving food is presentation. It should appeal to your mouth, nose, and
eyes. You don’t have to be a trained chef to learn the basics of plating, which is
the art of presenting food in an attractive way.

1. Set the table properly. Your day-to-day meals might be free-for-all, but if you’ve
got guests coming over, it’s nice to have the knives and forks in the right places.

2. Choose your plates wisely. Make sure your

serving plates are big enough to let each food item
stand out, but small enough that the portions
don’t look tiny.

3. Read the clock! A fool proof way to arrange food on a plate is to place the
carbohydrate (rice, pasta, bread, etc.) at “11 o’clock,” the vegetables at “2
o’clock,” and the protein at “6 o’clock” from the diner’s point of view. This will
also help you portion correctly, if you remember that vegetables should cover
about half of the plate, starch one fourth, and protein one fourth.
4. Just like with centerpieces, it’s good to have a little bit of height, but don’t
overdo it or your guests won’t know how to proceed! If you have a mound of
mashed potatoes (mid-height), you may want to lean your pork chop against it so
that it is standing up (high), with a row of snow peas (low) in front. Or, top some
rice (low) with sliced grilled chicken (cut into a few diagonal slices, and fan them
out) (mid-height) and cross asparagus over top of it (high). and cross asparagus
over top of it (high).

5. Be odd. Don’t be strange, but things generally

look more interesting when they’re in sets
of odd numbers, rather than even numbers.

6. Play with color and texture. Even if you’re just serving Tomato Soup and Grilled
Cheese Sandwiches, a green paper napkin can make this simple meal look really

7. Play with Height. This Chicken Stir-fry with Broccoli looks more interesting
because of the high mound of rice sitting next to it.
8. Garnish appropriately. Don’t lose sight of the recipe you made in the first place!
Any garnish on the plate should be edible and should enhance the flavor of the
main dishes. Grilled salmon might be served with a lemon wedge, for example.
Garnishes, like the cut-up fruit with the fried egg below, are also a great way to add
color or texture.

Different Techniques in Presenting Egg Dishes Attractively.

Scrambled egg and bun on a plate Boiled eggs on white plate with with cereal
bread garnish
Scrambled egg with herbs Fried egg with bacon and toasted bread

Egg in a sandwich Hard-boiled eggs in different sizes and shape

Scrambled egg in Manhattan plate


Egg in a sandwich Hard-boiled eggs in different sizes and shape

Scramble egg in manhattan plate Deviled

Baked eggs Hard boiled Easter eggs

Fried egg with topping Soft boiled egg

Shaped poached egg Baked eggs in potato bowls

A garnish is an item or substance used as a decoration or embellishment

accompanying a prepared food dish or drink. In many cases, it may give added or
contrasting flavor. Some garnishes are selected mainly to augment the visual
impact of the plate, while others are selected specifically for the flavor the y may
Example of garnishes
1. Carrots
2. Celery
3. Cucumber
4. Fried onions
5. Lemon basil
6. Radish
7. Nuts
8. Ginger
9. Parsley
10. Sesame seed


How much have you learned?

Directions: Select at least five suitable plates in plating and describe on how to
present egg dishes attractively. (2 points each.)

Directions: Identify the different ways in presenting cooked eggs. Write your
answer in your paper.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.
Here are some tips on how to handle eggs:

Purchasing: Do not buy dirty, cracked, or outdated eggs.


1. Store at 45 o F or below.
2. Store in closed container.
3. Store away from strong odors.
4. Refrigerate leftover egg dishes in shallow containers.
5. Do not allow drippings to contaminate eggs.


1. Keep refrigerated before and after cooking.

2. Keep everything clean.
3. Use only clean, not cracked eggs.
4. Cook thoroughly.
5. Wash container used for egg thoroughly.
6. Use egg separator


1. Serve promptly after cooking.

2. Keep cold food cold, hot food hot.
3. Use ice or cold packs when transporting.
4. Avoid eating raw eggs or food that contain raw eggs
Directions: Prepare and cook French omelet individually using the given
recipe. Present your product in an artistic way. Your product and
performance will be evaluated using the given rubric.

Tools/Equipment Needed:
Small bowls
Sauté pan
Ingredients Needed:
Three eggs
Salt and pepper
Clarified butter
1. Prepare the necessary equipment.

2. Beat two or three eggs on a small bowl first

until well-mixed. Do not whip until frothy.
Season with salt and pepper. A tablespoon
water may be added to make the omelet

3. Place an omelet pan over high heat.

4. When the pan is hot, add one tablespoon

clarified butter to coat the inside of the pan.
Give it a second to get hot.

5. Add eggs to the pan.

6. With one hand, vigorously shake the pan

back and forth. At the same time, stir the
eggs with a circular motion with the bottom
side of the fork, but do not let the fork
scrape the pan.

8. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the

omelet slides to the opposite side.

9. For filled omelet, spoon the filling across the

center of the egg.
10. With the fork, fold the sides of the omelet
over the center.

11. Grasp the handle of the pan, and tilt the

omelet into the plate so it inverts and
keeps an oval shape.

Your Output will be rated using the scoring rubric below:

Dimensio P E R F O R M A N C E L E V E L

Needs Atte Poin
Excellent Satisfact Satisfactory
Improvement mpt ts
(5 pts.) ory (3 pts.)
(2 pt.) (0 Ear
(4 pts.)
pt.) ned
1. Use of Uses tools and Uses Uses tools Uses tools No
tools and equipment tools and and atte
equipmen correctly and and equipment equipment mpt
t confidently at equipme correctly but incorrectly
all times nt less and less
correctly confidently confidently
and sometimes most of the
confiden time
tly most
of the
2. Manifests very Manifest Manifests Manifests No
Applicatio clear s clear understandin less atte
n of understanding underst g of understandin mpt
procedure of the step- by- anding the step-by- g of the step-
s step procedure of the step by-step
step- by- procedure procedure
step but seeking
procedu sometimes clarification
re seeks most of the
clarification time

Works Works Works Works No

independently indepen independentl independentl atte
with ease and dently y with ease y but with mpt
confidence at with and assistance
all times ease and confidence from others
confiden sometimes most of the
ce most time
of the
3. Safety Observes safety Observe Observes Not observing No
work precautions at s safety safety safety atte
habits all times precauti precautions precautions mpt
ons sometimes most of the
most of time
the time
4. Final Output is very Output Output is Output is not No
Output presentable is very presentable so atte
and taste presenta and taste is presentable mpt
exceeds the ble and little below and taste is
standard. taste the standard. not within
meets the standard.
5. Time Work Work Work Work No
managem completed complete completed completed atte
ent ahead of time d within ___(mins./ho ___(mins./ho mpt
allotted urs/days) urs/days)
time beyond beyond

NOTE: Write your answer on a piece of paper by writing the procedure on how you
prepare your French Omelet and based score on the rubrics above. Happy cooking!

Learning Module Cookery 10 pp. 78-90

Quarter 1-Week 3
Answer key

Self-check 3.1
Answer may vary.

II. Identification
1. scrambled egg and bun on a plate with cereal bread
2. fried egg with bacon and toasted bread
3. egg in a sandwich
4. hard-boiled eggs in different sizes and shape
5. devilled
6. hard-boiled eggs in different sizes and shape
7. egg in a sandwich
8. scramble egg in Manhattan plate
9. fried eggs with topping
10. soft boiled egg

Answer may vary. Score refer to rubrics
Cookery 10
Quarter 1-week 4-6
Answer Key

Module 5-Lesson 5
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. b
1. Chunkier
2. larger
3. Al dente
4. 2 to 2 ½
5. Recipe
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A
Answers may vary

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