Assignment 2 Sound

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Albashaer International School

American Division
Science Department
Grade 8

Name: ……………………………………………..Class: ………………Date:……………………………

Worksheet 1

A.What is sound?
1. All sounds that people hear travel to the ears as .
2. Sound waves travel through all kinds of —solids, liquids, and gases.
3. Objects that are produce sound waves.
a. As the object moves outward, it pushes air molecules closer together, producing a(n) __________________.
b. As the object moves inward, it pulls air molecules farther apart, producing a(n) ______________________.
c. A(n) is a series of rarefactions and compressions.
4. Matter vibrates back and forth in the same direction as the sound waves travel; so sound waves are classified as
_______________________ waves.
5. The distance between a point on a wave and the nearest point just like it is called the ____________________.
6. The number of wavelengths that pass a given point in 1 second is a sound wave’s
; its SI unit is .
7. A sound wave with a(n) high frequency is produced by
an object that vibrates quickly.

B. Speeds of Sound Waves

1. The ______________ of sound waves depends on the kind of material the waves are traveling through.
2. Sound waves generally travel fastest through ________________ and slowest through _______________.
3. Sound waves generally travel faster through ___________ air and slower through _________________ air.
C. The Human Ear
1. People hear things when sound waves come into contact with their _____________________.
2. The outer ear sound waves.
3. The middle ear ____________________ sound waves. Three tiny _________________strengthen the sound
waves as they travel to the inner ear.
4. The inner ear changes vibrations to that travel to the brain.
5. Humans hear frequencies from _______________ Hz to ________________Hz.
D. Sound and Pitch
1. How high or low people perceive a sound to be is the of the sound.
2. Sounds with a low frequency have a(n) pitch.
3. When you speak, you use your to make sounds.

Albashaer International School
American Division
Science Department
Grade 8

E. Sound and Loudness

1. How loud or soft people perceive a sound to be is related to the _______________________of the sound.

2. The of a sound wave indicates how much energy the sound has.

3. The loudness of a sound can be measured in .

F. Using Sound Waves

1. A sound that is reflected is a(n) .

2. systems use reflected sound to calculate distance. The

distance of an object can be calculated from the time difference between when
leaves the system and when it returns to the system.
3. Bats use to hunt and to help them navigate.

4. Ultrasound scanners convert sound waves to images of internal body parts.

Key Concept How are sound waves produced?

Directions: Use the diagram to answer each question below.

1. What does the illustration represent?

2. What are the lighter and darker areas called?

3. What material does this drawing represent?

4. What do the dots represent?

5. What is the distance between the middle of one dark area or light area and the middle of the next one called?

Albashaer International School
American Division
Science Department
Grade 8

The diagram below shows an oscilloscope with a sound wave produced by a musical
Each square represents a distance of 1cm.
(a) Use the above fact to state the wavelength and amplitude of wave.
(b) The diagram (ii) shows a new sound produced by the same musical
instrument. State the wavelength and amplitude of wave (ii).

Albashaer International School
American Division
Science Department
Grade 8

label the parts of the ear, then answer the following questions :

d. e.
a. Explain the function of the outer ear.

b. Contrast the functions of the middle ear and inner ear.


c. Assess the importance of the eardrum.

Choose the correct answer:

1. When sound waves move through a medium, in what direction do the particles in the medium move?
A. The particles always moveb.side to side.
B. The particles always move up and down.
C. The particles always move in the same direction as the wave.
D. The particles always move perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

2. Which of the following is a type of echolocation used to create images of objects that could otherwise not be
seen inside the human body?
A. sonar technology
B. radar technology
C. frequency technology
D. ultrasound technology

3. For what purpose do bats use ultrasonic waves?

A. sonar
B. ultrasound
C. echolocation
D. Doppler effects

4. A few boys are sledding on snow in their favorite park. They notice that it is harder to hear someone shouting
from the top of the hill to the bottom than it is in the summertime. What factor is most likely affecting the sound
of their shouting?
A. altitude
B. frequency
C. pressure
D. temperature

Albashaer International School
American Division
Science Department
Grade 8

5. Which term is used to identify the number of vibrations that occur during a unit of time?
A. sound
B. volume
C. amplitude
D. frequency

6. Which of the following is the definition of the term amplitude?

A. the amount of energy in a wave
B. the back-and-forth movement of an object
C. a unit of measurement for the volume of a sound
D. the distance between one crest to the next crest of a wave

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