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Evolving Understanding of

Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in the Term Infant

Linda S. de Vries, MD, PhD,* and Frances M. Cowan, MRCPCH, PhD†

Our aim was to document changes in the evaluation and prognosis of term-born infants
with neonatal encephalopathy of hypoxic-ischemic origin, with particular reference to our
own experiences and influences, and to summarize the debate on causation and the relative
importance of antenatal and perinatal factors. High quality neonatal cranial ultrasound and
magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy have enabled the accurate early visualiza-
tion of different patterns of hypoxic-ischemic brain injury and prediction of their associated
outcomes. Long-term follow-up shows that cognitive and memory difficulties may follow
even in children without motor deficits. The very early use of electrophysiologic methods
has allowed broad prognostic categorization of infants when this is not possible from
clinical assessment or imaging, providing a rationale for entry into intervention trials, such
as therapeutic hypothermia. This work has also shown that most of these infants have
evidence of acute hypoxic-ischemic brain injury that explains their symptoms and
Semin Pediatr Neurol 16:216-225 © 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.

A lthough there are many papers in the early and mid 20th
century discussing the pathophysiological mechanisms
of what was commonly termed “birth asphyxia,” there are a
Amiel-Tison3 and Brazelton,4 that could be performed
quickly even in very sick infants in the incubator and re-
corded on a simple proforma by circling the appropriate
few describing the clinical examination of affected infants image for each item examined.5 More recently, this examina-
and none that describe investigations that help either to con- tion has been assessed in a large population of well newborn
firm the diagnosis or to predict outcome. Even in the early term infants, and an optimality score has been developed that
1980s, the assessment of full-term infants with neonatal en- is applicable to the first few postnatal days.6 The predictive
cephalopathy (NE) after “birth asphyxia” was limited to neu- value of the examination at different neonatal postnatal ages
rologic examination and preliminary electroencephalogram in encephalopathic infants has been also assessed.7
(EEG) studies and prognosis was discussed only in very The Sarnat classification2 for documenting the severity of
broad terms.1 Later in the decade, bedside cranial ultrasound NE and, from that, predicting outcome was more reliable in
started to be used, and during this period the concept of the past as compared to now, because the infant’s clinical
multidisciplinary neonatal neurology was first introduced to state was less often affected by artificial ventilation and in-
the neonatal intensive care unit of the Hammersmith Hospi- fants were given fewer drugs with a sedative effect. At this
tal by Professors Victor and Lilly Dubowitz. The neurologic time, continuous amplitude-integrated electroencephalo-
assessment was based on the work from Sarnat and Sarnat2 gram (aEEG) monitoring was only just starting in Sweden
who had published their staging classification for NE on the and was not generally available.8 Although overt clinical sei-
basis of only 21 infants, several years earlier. Lilly Dubowitz zures were treated, subclinical seizures mostly remained un-
developed her own neurologic assessment using items from diagnosed.
Although cerebral ultrasound was being introduced, it was
mainly used in the preterm infant. Imaging was still relatively
*Department of Neonatology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, UMC, Utre- limited by narrow fields of view and poor tissue penetration
cht, The Netherlands. in the term infant, and its role in detecting injury and pre-
†Department of Paediatrics and Imaging Sciences, Imperial College, Com- dicting outcome was not quickly established. However, sev-
prehensive Biomedical Research Centre, London, United Kingdom. eral groups reported positive findings as early as 1983.9 An
Address reprint requests to Frances M. Cowan, MRCPCH, PhD, Department
of Paediatrics, 5th Floor Hammersmith House, Hammersmith Hospital,
emphasis on the importance of echogenicity in the central
DuCane Rd, London W12 HS, United Kingdom. E-mail: f.cowan@ gray matter was reported a few years later,10,11 noting that this echogenicity takes time to develop (48-72 h) postnatally un-

216 1071-9091/09/$-see front matter © 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Evolving understanding of HIE 217

less the lesions are hemorrhagic in nature, in which case Around this time, Professor Kenneth Cross at the London
echogenicity is seen almost immediately.11 Hospital was investigating the regulation of cerebral blood
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was being introduced flow in newborn infants using strain-gauge plethysmogra-
to the Hammersmith Hospital during the same period by phy.16 Although this technique was not readily applicable by
Graeme Bydder12 and he, together with Lilly Dubowitz and the bedside in sick infants, a comparison was made between
Jackie Pennock, undertook the first pediatric and then neo- the plethysmographic method and Doppler blood flow ve-
natal magnetic resonance (MR) scanning. They realized the locity measurements, which were also being introduced into
importance of neonatal specific coils and sequences for opti- neonatal assessment.17 Using Doppler, it was possible to do
mal neonatal imaging and also the preparation and supervi- repeated bedside measurements. It was found that in asphyx-
sion needed to put an infant safely in an MR scanner. It was iated infants, velocity recordings were often normal on the
soon possible to perform single-slice MRI in our NE popula- first day but became abnormal for the next few days in infants
tion, though usually not when infants were still ventilated or with poor outcomes.18 This was one of the observations that
in the first postnatal week. The normal features of the neo- led to the concept of a “window of opportunity” before per-
natal brain as well as patterns of brain injury were recog- manent damage was established in NE of hypoxic-ischemic
nized. Lesions in the basal ganglia and thalami (BGT) were origin.
better visualized with an inversion recovery sequence than Concurrently, in the 1980s, Professor Osmund Reynolds
with computed tomography (CT) scanning, and mild to se- at University College London led a team who were develop-
vere white matter lesions, such as encephalomalacia, were ing the use of phosphorus MR spectroscopy in infants with
also recognized (Fig 1). perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. They concluded
Besides neuroimaging, there was also an interest in neuro- that when there were reduced values for phosphocreatine/
physiology. Continuous EEG was introduced and a 2-chan- inorganic phosphate (PCr/Pi), indicating severely impaired
nel EEG system became available; however, rather than im- oxidative phosphorylation in the brains of these infants, the
mediate analysis of the recording, as is nowadays possible prognosis for survival without serious impairments was very
using pattern recognition on a single or 2-channel aEEG, poor, and that when adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and/or
analysis of the recording would be performed later away from total phosphorus was reduced, death was almost inevitable.19
the bedside, and thus longer term EEG recording was not an They also put on a firm footing the notion that in newborn
immediate clinical tool.13 Additional information was ob- infants with severe intrapartum asphyxia, there was a latent
tained with visual evoked potentials (EPs), and subsequently period of a few hours after birth before energy failure became
somatosensory EPs were noted to be useful by the team led by detectable. This latency was thought to be due to a variety of
Professor Paul Casaer in Leuven and colleagues.14 Using all damaging sequelae initiated by the acute hypoxic-ischemic
these techniques [neurologic assessment, neuro-imaging episode and reperfusion of the brain. They proposed that
(cranial ultrasound and MRI) and neurophysiology (EEG and irreversible injury to brain cells after an episode of acute
EPs)] simultaneously, the concept of “an integrated ap- hypoxia-ischemia may be prevented or ameliorated by the
proach” to neonatal neurology was introduced, which led us prompt use of neuroprotective agents. The same group also
to begin recognizing and understanding better the different introduced the combined use of magnetic resonance spec-
patterns of injury seen in encephalopathic infants, which troscopy (MRS) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
were not dissimilar from those described in the primate stud- which gives cotside information about cerebral oxygenation
ies of Myers15 in the mid-1970s. and hemodynamics.20
To appreciate the predictive value of the techniques men-
tioned in the preceding paragraphs, all infants at the Ham-
mersmith Hospital and also at University College Hospital
who survived the neonatal period were seen in a well orga-
nized follow-up clinic where specific neurodevelopmental
testing was performed. At the Hammersmith Hospital, they
were able to repeat the brain MRI scans of many children in
infancy and childhood and showed a good relationship for
site and pattern of injury between the neonatal and later
imaging and also with early outcome.21
Over the next decade, refinement of the techniques men-
tioned earlier improved our ability to predict neurodevelop-
mental outcome and our understanding of NE in the full-
term infant. At that time, clinical assessment of infants with
Figure 1 Neuro-imaging in 1994 of a full-term infant with “acute
NE could be more difficult because of the introduction of
near total asphyxia.” Transverse computed tomography (A) and therapies, such as the use of muscle relaxants during treat-
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), inversion recovery (IR) se- ment of persistent pulmonary hypertension, and the greater
quence (B). Abnormalities in the basal ganglia are seen only with use of anticonvulsant drugs, particularly for treating subclin-
MRI, as areas of increased signal intensity. ical seizures recognized on continuous aEEG monitoring.
218 L.S. de Vries and F.M. Cowan

Cranial ultrasound improved with the use of higher reso- nial ultrasound Doppler, aEEG, visual EPs, and somatosen-
lution transducers. Eken et al22 compared cranial ultrasound sory EPs was assessed by the Utrecht group in a group of 34
findings with autopsy findings in 20 infants, additionally infants within 6 hours after birth.27 They noted that cranial
using high resolution 10 MHz transducer to visualize the ultrasound and Doppler were often normal at this early stage
cortex better, and found the technique reliable for lesions in and the techniques were not informative unless already ab-
the thalamus (sensitivity 100%; specificity 83%), for cortical normal; when this was the case, outcome was almost uni-
lesions (77% and 100%), and for lesions in the white matter formly poor and likely injury had occurred antenatally or had
(80% and 75%). Similar observations were made by Ruther- been evolving for a long time before delivery. However, the
ford et al23 in the same year, when they showed that the early aEEG and EPs were very predictive of outcome, both
incidence of abnormal findings in the BGT and periventricu- good and poor. Because the aEEG was considerably less time
lar white matter was much greater with MRI than with ultra- consuming to set up and less disturbing for the infant than
sound. The infants were, however, particularly at risk of a EPs and as it also allowed ongoing continuous monitoring,
poor outcome when abnormalities were seen in the BGT on this became the method of choice for early assessment in term
MRI as well as on ultrasound. In contrast, a normal ultra- NE (Figs 3 and 4). The aEEG was subsequently shown to be
sound or isolated findings of intraventricular hemorrhage, predictive of outcome as early as 3 hours after birth, making
subarachnoid hemorrhage, or transient flares were associated it a suitable technique for selection of infants who could
with a normal outcome in infancy in ⬎90% of their infants. benefit from neuroprotective intervention, such as hypother-
Huge progress was made in the development of MR neu- mia (Figs 3 and 4).28
roimaging. MRI played an important role in visualizing the A study from the Hammersmith group of 25 full-term
abnormalities of the BGT and in understanding the timing infants with NE, who had an EEG recorded within the first 72
and evolution of injury. An important observation was made hours after birth and a neonatal brain MRI scan after the end
by Rutherford et al24 in 1998, who recognized that an abnor- of the first week, showed that both EEG and MRI were pre-
mal signal intensity of the posterior limb of the internal cap- dictive of outcome. A normal MRI was always associated with
sule (PLIC) was highly predictive of later abnormal neurode- a normal EEG background activity and normal outcome, and
velopmental, and particularly motor outcome. The first study severe abnormalities on MRI were associated with marked
was also performed in the Hammersmith Hospital,25 using EEG abnormalities and an abnormal outcome. When the
diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in newborn infants with MRI showed moderate abnormalities, the EEG, in all cases
neonatal stroke The introduction of DWI helped to further but one, identified which patients would have a normal or
improve detection of BGT injury within days after onset of abnormal outcome.29
the insult, and although time-dependent, calculation of the In 1993, the first studies using cerebral proton MRS in
apparent diffusion coefficient made the assessment of hypoxic-ischemic injury were published from the group in
changes more robust (Fig 2).26 London and the group in Utrecht.30,31 The Dutch group ex-
aEEG became more widely used and the usefulness of early amined infants at a mean age of 8 days and found a highly
assessment for prognosis in encephalopathic term infants us- significant reduction in N-acetyl aspartate and/or choline ra-
ing a multidisciplinary approach with a combination of cra- tio in infants with an adverse outcome compared with those
with a normal outcome; lactate was seen only in infants with
severe grades of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE).
The Hammersmith group subsequently studied case and
control infants within 18 hours of birth with 1H MRS and also
did later 31P MRS studies.32 In the asphyxiated infants, there
was a negative correlation between the ratio of lactate and/or
creatine in the first 18 hours after birth and PCr/Pi at 33-106
hours (P ⬍ 0.001). Again, poor PCr/Pi ratios predicted a poor
outcome. The lactate/creatine ratios were high in the 6 se-
verely affected subjects in the first 18 hours, suggesting that
after birth asphyxia, cerebral energy metabolism is abnormal
during the period when 31P MRS characteristically gives nor-
mal results. The Hammersmith group also showed that lac-
tate could be found much later than just the immediate peri-
natal period in infants with HIE, severe injury, and abnormal
Figure 2 Full-term infant with “acute near total asphyxia.” MRI (IR neurodevelopmental outcome, but not in those with normal
sequence) (A) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) (B). The IR
neurodevelopmental outcome or in control subjects.33 These
sequence shows mildly increased signal intensity in the lentiform
nuclei and thalami, and myelination in the posterior limb of the
data suggested both that pathologic postasphyxial processes
internal capsule appears to be present though thin and not optimal. may not be confined to the period immediately after injury
These pathologic changes in the basal ganglia and thalami are better and that treatments affecting these later processes may be of
seen with DWI, and increased signal intensity is also seen in the benefit.
hippocampi. The posterior limb of the internal capsule appears Follow-up was extended to early childhood. In a study of
abnormal on the DW image. 68 infants (15 of whom had died and 19 of whom had cere-
Evolving understanding of HIE 219

Figure 3 The “integrated approach” in a full-term infant with neonatal encephalopathy. (A) single channel amplitude-
integrated electroencephalogram (aEEG), showing repetitive seizures on aEEG, confirmed on the raw electroenceph-
alogram below. There is some effect on the aEEG after phenobarbital administration; (B) coronal and (C) parasagittal
views of a cranial ultrasound examination showing slitlike ventricles and diffuse echogenicity in the thalami and the
white matter and low echogenicity in the cortex, giving an accentuated white matter-cortical signal difference. A
Doppler measurement taken from the middle cerebral artery (D) shows a low resistance index ⬍ 0.55, because of an
increase in diastolic flow.

bral palsy), it was found that some of the 34 who had been Throughout this period and till the present time, the inci-
considered normal at 2 years had minor neurologic dysfunc- dence of NE thought due to hypoxia-ischemia has remained
tion and/or perceptual-motor difficulties (15%), or only cog- relatively unchanged at about 1-2/1000 live full-term births,
nitive impairment (2%), when assessed at early school age.34 and it still carries a high risk for subsequent neurodevelop-
The overall outcome of the whole group of infants strongly mental disabilities.35 The rates are much higher in popula-
reflected the pattern of lesions on neonatal brain imaging. tions from less developed countries.36 The long-term out-
Although 83% of those with a normal outcome had normal come relates to the severity of the neonatal condition, but is
neonatal scans or minimal white matter lesions, 80% of those better predicted from neonatal MRI than any other single
with minor neurologic dysfunction and/or perceptual-motor investigative modality.37,38
difficulties had mild or moderate basal ganglia or more To define that the NE is secondary to perinatal asphyxia,
marked white matter lesions. several markers are needed, such as abnormal fetal heart rate
tracings, poor umbilical cord gases, and low Apgar scores,
although individually, these markers have been shown to not
correlate very well with subsequent outcome.39,40 Indeed, a
very rigid system of defining intrapartum injury was pro-
posed by MacLennan,41 but acceptance of this has not met
with universal agreement.
NE is “a clinically defined syndrome of disturbed neuro-
logic function in the earliest days after birth in the term in-
fant, manifested by difficulty with initiating and maintaining
respiration, depression of tone and reflexes, subnormal level
of consciousness and often seizures”.2 The widely used 3 level
staging system of mild, moderate, and severe encephalopa-
thy, based on clinical symptoms and electoroencephalogra-
Figure 4 MRI (IR sequence) (A) of the same infant as in Figure 3,
performed on day 3, and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map phy, was developed by Sarnat and Sarnat.2 The development
(B) showing extensive abnormalities in the cortex and white matter, of encephalopathy in full-term infants within hours to days
more on the left side and some associated lesions in the basal gan- after birth is now considered essential to be confident about
glia. an underlying perinatal insult41 NE can develop for reasons
220 L.S. de Vries and F.M. Cowan

other than hypoxia-ischemia, for example, because of meta- Where Are We Now?
bolic disorders, and a combination of markers supporting the
presence of perinatal asphyxia as well as the development of At the beginning of the 21st century, we are using more or
early NE is obligatory. less the same battery of tests for assessing infants with NE that
Many studies have investigated the underlying cause of were introduced in the preceding 20 years, with modifica-
early encephalopathy from an epidemiologic perspective and tions and optimizations.
some in a defined population.42,43 These studies are often
retrospective or, if prospective, have not had sufficient data to
define the underlying cause of the encephalopathy. They Clinical Assessment
have, however, provided important data supporting the view Clinical assessment has not really changed, but the introduc-
that for many infants it is possible to find antenatal events or tion of hypothermia treatment for HIE has led to more formal
background maternal illness that suggests an onset of brain documentation of early neurologic states. The Thompson
injury or brain dysfunction before labor. They argue then that score48 is now increasingly used, as this assessment has been
the difficulties often documented in the course of labor and shown to differentiate between good and poor outcomes
delivery are secondary to fetal compromise predating labor, even within the first hours after delivery in comparison with
and that evidence of poor oxygenation or fetal hypotension in the Sarnat classification that becomes reliable only 24 hours
labor are not the prime cause of the encephalopathy. The after birth2 However, as with all clinical examinations, the
term “birth asphyxia” is now no longer used, and even “hy- use of different treatment regimes and co-occurring illness
poxic-ischemic encephalopathy” is a diagnosis used with cir- makes early prediction of outcome on clinical grounds alone
cumspection and only when other etiologies of encephalop- unreliable.49
athy have been excluded and there is positive evidence to
support this. This process can be difficult and thus the term
“neonatal encephalopathy” has come into vogue; this is cor- Cranial Ultrasound
rect, but it is all encompassing and not necessarily helpful.
Identifying antenatal factors that may increase the risk of Cranial ultrasound has unfairly not been regarded as partic-
susceptibility to or intolerance of stress in labor does not ularly useful, but it does play an important role and is very
prove that the brain damage responsible for the adverse long- useful when performed with good equipment and experi-
ence.50,51 A cranial ultrasound scan should be done on ad-
term outcome did not occur in labor; this is supported by the
mission for any infant with NE, to document that there is no
widespread observation that babies born by prelabor cesar-
major developmental abnormality that may account for the
ean section for nonfetal reasons rarely develop an encepha-
symptoms; that there are no signs that might suggest a con-
lopathy unless they have a specific metabolic or developmen-
genital infection or a metabolic disorder, for example, calci-
tal problem.
fication, germinolytic cysts, lenticulostriate vasculopathy and
The Hammersmith and Utrecht group combined their
unusual cortical folding in Zellweger syndrome, or a hypo-
neonatal MRI data obtained within 2 weeks after birth from
plastic corpus callosum and mild uniform white matter echo-
360 full-term infants with NE.44 They found that ⬎90% of
genicity in nonketotic hyperglycinemia; and that there is no
these infants had evidence only of perinatally acquired le-
evidence of long-standing injury.52,53 Furthermore, the pres-
sions on their MRI, with a very low rate of established ante- ence of echogenicity in the white matter or the basal ganglia
natal brain injury or other confounding diagnoses. Addition- on the admission examination, without atrophy, is highly
ally, they did not find high rates of antenatal problems in suggestive of a recent but probably prelabor onset of an in-
these cohorts. These data were not obtained from a popula- sult, which has led to NE and needs to be taken into account
tion base, but they provide evidence that antenatally estab- when looking at underlying risk factors and the effects of
lished damage in infants with an acute encephalopathy is not intervention, such as hypothermia. Such information is not
common. The data do not, of course, exclude damage occur- only very important clinically but has major medicolegal im-
ring or starting just before labor or early in its course. Since plications. Leijser et al54 were able to show that predictive
then, there has been some return to the view that intrapartum value of an abnormal signal intensity of the PLIC on MRI
difficulties are relevant for a significant proportion (35%) of could also be recognized on cranial ultrasound, seen as a line
term-born infants with both NE, and of those who develop of reduced echogenicity in between areas of increased echo-
cerebral palsy.45 genicity in the BGT. There was a strong correlation between
Although NE is generally considered a disorder affecting seeing the PLIC on ultrasound and both loss of the normal
term or near-term infants, it may also affect the preterm in- PLIC signal on MRI and motor outcome. Although there is no
fant. Clinically, it is more difficult to define the encephalop- question that MRI is superior to ultrasound for prognosis in
athy because the symptoms are either not recognized or may NE, ultrasound can give important early information and can
occur in preterms for other reasons, and the use of the Sarnat be used to document the evolution of lesions, and is an im-
staging has not been tested in this population. However, the portant tool, particularly in many places where MRI is not
injury which is often not recognized early can often be severe available. A normal ultrasound scan with no evidence of at-
and outcome is poor.46,47 rophy in association with good head growth gives very useful
Evolving understanding of HIE 221

prognostic information at early follow-up in situations where although less common than the patterns outlined earlier in
MRI is not available. the text. Li et al59 pointed out that infants with this type of
injury are significantly less mature and tend to have a milder
encephalopathy and fewer clinical seizures relative to new-
Magnetic Response Imaging borns with the 2 more common patterns of injury.
With the wider use of MRI, the recognition of different pat- Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke and perinatal hemor-
terns of injury has become established; 2 main patterns are rhagic stroke can occur, but these lesions are usually not
clearly distinguished: related to perinatal asphyxia and are therefore outside the
scope of this review.60,61
1. A basal-ganglia-thalamus pattern predominantly affect-
Although MRI is considered superior in recognition of the
ing bilaterally the central gray nuclei and perirolandic
patterns mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, Chau et al
cortex. Associated involvement of the hippocampus
recently showed that the agreement for the pattern of injury
and brain stem is not uncommon. This pattern of injury
was also good for CT and diffusion-weighted MRI (67%
is most often seen after an acute sentinel event and is
agreement). The extent of cortical injury and focal-multifocal
also referred to as a pattern following “acute near total
lesions, such as strokes and white matter injury, were, how-
asphyxia.”55,56 This pattern is typical of the term infant,
ever, less apparent on CT than on diffusion-weighted MRI.62
but in preterm infants it tends to affect the lower basal
ganglia and brainstem and spare the cortex.46,47
2. The watershed predominant pattern of injury affecting Later Imaging
mainly the white matter and, in more severely affected
Long-term effects seen on brain imaging after NE of hypoxic-
infants, also the overlying cortex in the vascular water-
ischemic origin are now being studied, and a reduction in
shed zones (anterior-middle cerebral artery and pos-
especially the posterior part of the corpus callosum was
terior-middle cerebral artery).57 The lesions can be
found to be associated with a poor performance on the Move-
uni- or bilateral and predominantly posterior and/or
ment-ABC, relating structure to motor function in children
anterior. Although loss of the cortical ribbon, and
without cerebral palsy.63
therefore the gray-white matter differentiation, can be
Using new MRI techniques, such as diffusion tensor imag-
seen on conventional MRI, DWI highlights the abnor-
ing and fractional anisotropy maps, Nagy et al64 showed that
malities and is especially helpful in making an early
even in adolescents who had not developed cerebral palsy
diagnosis (Fig 5).57 A repeat MRI may show cystic evo-
after HIE, fractional anisotropy values were lower in white
lution, but more often atrophy and gliotic changes will
matter compared with controls, in regions including the cor-
be recognized.23 This pattern of injury is typically
pus callosum and the internal capsule.
thought to be seen following “prolonged partial as-
phyxia.” It is also more common after hypotension,
infection, and hypoglycemia, all of which may be asso- Electrophysiology
ciated complications of more prolonged partial as-
aEEG was used as one of the selection criteria for the CoolCap
phyxia (Fig 5).57,58
and TOBY trials.65,66 In the former it was shown that infants
Additionally, there are infants with lesions restricted to the with severely abnormal background activity were less likely
periventricular white matter not dissimilar from the so-called to benefit from hypothermia.65 In an MRI study comparing
punctate white matter lesions described in preterm infants; lesions in infants who were cooled and not cooled, the bur-
these can be distinguished as a separate pattern of injury, den of lesions was less in the cooled infants and less in those

Figure 5 Full-term infant with “prolonged partial asphyxia.” (A) Transverse neonatal MR (IR sequence) image, and (B)
DWI performed on day 5, showing cortical highlighting and low signal intensity in the white matter on the IR. The
increased signal intensity on DWI is very striking around the Sylvian fissures, in the corpus callosum, and in the
posterior watershed zones, with sparing of the central gray matter. (C) Gliotic changes were seen in a same distribution
on the fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence at 2 years of age.
222 L.S. de Vries and F.M. Cowan

whose aEEG was classified as moderate compared with se- Follow-Up

vere. However, in this study, the infants were not random-
ized, and this observation, although likely to be real, should Most studies reported so far have focused on early neurode-
be tested in a larger randomized study.67 velopmental outcome at 18-24 months, looking mainly at
The first randomized controlled trial for the treatment of development of cerebral palsy or severe cognitive deficits.75
Infants with mild NE have been reported to have a normal
subclinical seizures was initiated by the Utrecht group. Al-
outcome, whereas those with severe NE will either die or
though the number of infants enrolled was small, it was of
invariably develop cerebral palsy and cognitive deficits.34,37,76
interest to see that the seizure burden was reduced in those
Pin et al38 reviewed 13 empirical studies meeting strict inclu-
treated for clinical as well as subclinical seizures and the MRI
sion criteria, and found no adverse outcome under 3 years in
score was higher, indicating more lesions in those who re-
infants with mild NE, but outcome was poor in 32% of those
ceived therapy only for clinical seizures.68 Further support of with moderate NE and almost all of those with severe NE.
the potentially harmful effect of neonatal seizures on subse- Very similar data were found in an earlier review by Di-
quent outcome was given by Glass et al69 They studied 77 lenge.77 The infants with moderate NE have a variable out-
newborn infants at risk of neonatal seizures and assessed with come, and other techniques, such as neuroimaging tech-
neonatal MRI. Those with neonatal seizures were noted to niques, in particular MRI, and neurophysiological tests,
have worse motor and cognitive outcomes compared with especially aEEG and EPs, are required to more accurately
those without seizures, after controlling for severity of injury predict neurodevelopmental outcome.27,78
on MRI. The magnitude of effect varied with seizure severity. Only a few studies provide detailed assessment of longer
aEEG is now available as a digital device with simultaneous term outcome.34,76,79 The American College of Obstetricians
access to the raw EEG, and 2-channel recordings rather than and Gynecologists task force on NE and cerebral palsy made
a single channel are now most widely used, allowing us to a statement that an acute intrapartum event (most often as-
diagnose unilateral lesions at a time when infants present sociated with a sentinel event) could only result in cerebral
with focal seizures and MRI is still awaited. With 2-channel palsy of the tetraplegic or dyskinetic type and could not result
aEEG and access to the EEG, about 80% of seizures can now in isolated cognitive deficits.41 This view has been held for a
be recognized.70 Seizure-detection algorithms are being de- long time.
veloped and have already shown their potential value.71 Con- A recent review by Gonzalez and Miller,80 however, pro-
tinuous aEEG recordings will be increasingly used to see the vided data showing that survivors of NE after perinatal as-
effect of (new) antiepileptic medication, to be studied in mul- phyxia are at increased risk of cognitive deficits, even in the
ticenter randomized controls. absence of motor deficits. This finding agrees with data pub-
Combining aEEG and NIRS, Toet et al72 showed that the lished in 1989 by Robertson et al,76 looking at long-term
regional oxygen saturation (rSo2) increased and the frac- outcome at 5.5 and 8 years after NE. They found that non-
tional cerebral tissue oxygen extraction decreased after 24 disabled survivors of moderate NE were similar to controls
with respect to receptive vocabulary and perceptual motor
hours in infants with an adverse outcome. The aEEG data
skills, but showed marked delays in reading, spelling, and
gave the closest relationship with outcome; the rSo2 also
arithmetic. These children were more likely to be at least 1
showed a significant correlation but only at 24 hours after
grade behind controls or behind those with mild NE.
birth. The combination of an increased rSO2 and de-
A recent study by Marlow et al79 analyzed 65 children with
creased fractional cerebral tissue oxygen extraction re-
NE at 7 years of age, who were testable using standard tests of
flects less use of oxygen by brain tissue because of neuro- cognition and language. They classified infants as having
nal cell death, with a consequent decrease in uptake of moderate NE when they presented in the first week after birth
oxygen by the brain. with either seizures alone or any 2 of the following: abnormal
consciousness, difficulty maintaining respiration (of pre-
sumed central origin), difficulty feeding (of presumed central
Magnetic origin), and abnormal tone and reflexes, with all lasting ⬎24
Resonance Spectroscopy hours. The children with severe NE had to fulfill one or more
of the following criteria: ventilation for more than 24 hours,
Although still not widely used, MRS is especially helpful 2 or more anticonvulsant treatments required, and are coma-
when an MRI is performed on day 1, when changes on con- tose or stuporous. Of note, requiring ventilation and 2 or
ventional MRI are often restricted to cerebral edema and at a more anticonvulsant drugs would be considered moderate
time when changes in the PLIC are not yet visible and DWI NE by most clinicians, so some of the children classified as
changes may still become more extensive.73,74 Chemical shift having severe NE may represent more severely affected mod-
imaging is now also available, giving an image of N-acetyl erate NE children. No neonatal imaging or electrophysiolog-
aspartate and lactate distribution rather than spectra taken ical data were available for these children, although no chil-
in a specific region of interest. MRS is also very useful in any dren with a diagnosis other than encephalopathy as a result of
infant in whom another or additional cause for encephalop- presumed hypoxia-ischemia were included. They reported
athy is suspected, for example, nonketotic hyperglycinemia that those with moderate NE were not different from controls
and mitochondrial disorders. with respect to general cognitive ability, but were lower in
Evolving understanding of HIE 223

language and sensorimotor domains, as well as narrative follow-up. However, suboptimal head growth,87 behavioral
memory and sentence repetition. The children were more problems, squint, and delays in language acquisition are
likely to require extra educational assessment, teaching pro- common. Several studies have now shown that they “grow
vision and support, even though they did not have any overt into their deficits” and it is this group in particular that needs
neuromotor impairment. Among the more severely affected follow-up well into early childhood. Miller et al88 were first
children, referred to as severe encephalopathy, memory for able to recognize cognitive deficits associated with the water-
names, orientation, and reported everyday memory function shed pattern of injury at 30 months, while the problems were
were also significantly poorer than for either comparison largely overlooked when seen at 12 months. More recently,
children or the moderate encephalopathy group. the same group also showed a correlation with verbal IQ at 4
Specific memory impairment has been the topic of recent years of age.89
studies, initially noting a specific and severe impairment of
episodic memory (context-rich memory for events) with rel-
ative preservation of semantic memory (context-free memory Conclusions
for facts).81 Since then, others have found problems in verbal Over the last 3 decades, enormous progress has been made in
learning and/or recall and in visual recall in school-aged chil- the diagnosis and early prediction of outcome in full-term
dren and adolescents with moderate NE. These findings infants with NE. Some of the techniques that have been de-
stress the importance of detailed examination of the develop- veloped can be performed continuously and at the bedside
mental effect of NE on memory function.82,83 (cranial ultrasound and Doppler, aEEG, EPs, and NIRS),
whereas others need transportation of the infant (MRI/MRS).
Predictive values of some of these techniques may change
Long-Term with the introduction of an intervention, such as hypother-
Outcome into Adolescence mia, which may have an effect on the aEEG or on MRI.
It has become increasingly clear that childhood survivors
Data on long-term outcome are scarce and often lack sophis-
of NE, including those without cerebral palsy, are at in-
ticated neonatal neuroimaging data. In a recent study by
creased risk of cognitive, behavioral, and memory problems.
Lindström et al,84 of children aged 15-19 years with moder-
Now, longitudinal monitoring of educational and behavioral
ate NE, most had cognitive deficits (81%). The children were
development is recommended in children with all degrees of
considered eligible for the study based on an Apgar score ⬍7
NE, as we have become aware that the children without ob-
at 5 minutes and meeting clinical criteria for moderate NE. Of
vious motor deficits may still be at risk of having problems at
56 eligible children, 13 did not agree to participate. Of the 43
school. Long-term follow-up is also essential to appreciate
children who did participate, 13 (30%) had cerebral palsy,
fully the effect of new neuroprotective and, hopefully, repar-
22 (51%) had cognitive dysfunctions without cerebral palsy,
ative strategies that are being and will be introduced over the
and only 8 (19%) had no obvious impairments. A first study,
next few years. Long-term studies of infants treated with
using diffusion tensor imaging, showed long-term white mat-
hypothermia are awaited.
ter disturbances that persist into adolescents with moderate
It is hoped that in the future, there will be more popula-
HIE in a small group of 8 teenagers.64
tion-based case-control studies of NE detailing information
More recently, studies have shown a relationship between
on antenatal and perinatal events together with early electro-
the patterns of injury as recognized with neonatal MRI and
physiology and brain imaging, to define the pattern of lesions
later neurodevelopmental outcome. The children with the
and timing of lesion onset. It is essential that such studies
BGT pattern of injury are often so severely disabled that they
have appropriately chosen and studied controls to under-
will not be included in long-term follow-up studies.85 Ability
stand the role of antenatal prelabor factors in the etiology of
to sit by 2 years of age and walk by 5 years of age occurred in
NE and also, and likely more importantly, the significance of
only a minority of a group of children who showed involve-
events and management of labor. Prevention of this devastat-
ment restricted to the lentiform nuclei and ventrolateral thal-
ing problem that seems mostly to affect fetuses thought to be
amus, whereas those with more extensive injury, including
developing normally throughout pregnancy up to term age
injury to the perirolandic cortex and hippocampus, were not
should be the ultimate goal.
able to reach these goals.86 Himmelmann et al85 studied 48
children at a mean age of 9 years (range 4-13 years) with
dyskinetic cerebral palsy mostly because of BGT injury, and Acknowledgments
found that most had a severe motor disability (Gross Motor The authors appreciate all the researchers whose work has
Function Classification System levels of IV and V). The rates been discussed in this review—in particular they thank Drs
of learning disability (35 of the 48) and epilepsy (30 of the Floris Groenendaal and Mona Toet in Utrecht and Prof. Mary
48) in this group were high and increased with the severity of Rutherford in London for their particular contributions.
the motor disability.
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