Questionário de Inglês Técnico Com Base A Matriz

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Tema 1: Source of Information

1. What is the most reliable source of news and current events?

- Answer: The most reliable source of news and current events can vary depending on
individual preferences, but generally, reputable news outlets such as BBC, CNN, The
New York Times, and Reuters are considered reliable.

2. How can you determine if a website or source is credible?

- Answer: To determine if a website or source is credible, you can consider factors
such as the author's expertise, the publication's reputation, the presence of citations and
references, cross-referencing information with other reliable sources, and assessing the
overall objectivity and bias of the content.

3. What are some reliable fact-checking websites?

- Answer: Some reliable fact-checking websites include Snopes,,
PolitiFact, and The Washington Post's Fact Checker.

4. Is social media a reliable source of information?

- Answer: Social media can be a platform for sharing information, but it is important
to critically evaluate the credibility of the sources behind the information shared.
Misinformation and false news can spread rapidly on social media, so fact-checking and
cross-referencing are essential.

5. Can personal blogs be considered reliable sources of information?

- Answer: Personal blogs can provide valuable insights and opinions, but they are
generally not considered as reliable sources of factual information. It is important to
verify the information presented in personal blogs through credible and verifiable

6. How can one stay informed about current events and news?
- Answer: Some ways to stay informed about current events and news include
regularly visiting trusted news websites, subscribing to reputable news outlets,
following credible journalists and news organizations on social media, listening to news
podcasts, and reading newspapers or magazines.
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using online news sources?
- Answer: Advantages of online news sources include easy accessibility, up-to-date
information, and the ability to access news from various perspectives. Disadvantages
include the presence of misinformation, potential bias in reporting, and the need for
critical evaluation of sources.

8. Are academic journals a reliable source of information?

- Answer: Academic journals are generally considered reliable sources of information
as they undergo a rigorous peer-review process. However, it is still important to assess
the reputation of the journal and the expertise of the authors within their respective

9. How can one avoid falling for misinformation and fake news?
- Answer: To avoid falling for misinformation and fake news, one should verify
information from multiple reliable sources, fact-check claims using reputable fact-
checking websites, be skeptical of sensationalized headlines, and critically evaluate the
credibility of the sources.

10. Can personal experiences be considered a valid source of information?

- Answer: Personal experiences can provide subjective insights and perspectives, but
they are not necessarily considered as universally valid sources of information. When
discussing objective facts or making general claims, it is important to supplement
personal experiences with verifiable data and evidence.
Tema 2: Typical PC

1. What are the essential components of a typical PC?

- Answer: The essential components of a typical PC include a webcam, monitor,
software (such as a word processor), speakers, CD/DVD drive, CPU (Central
Processing Unit), printer, keyboard, mouse, and modem.

2. Define hardware and software in relation to a computer.

- Answer: Hardware refers to the electronic or mechanical parts of a computer system
that can be seen or touched, such as the monitor, keyboard, and CPU. Software, on the
other hand, is a set of instructions or programs that tell the computer what to do, such as
operating systems, applications, and games.

3. What is the function of the CPU in a computer?

- Answer: The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the heart of the computer and is
responsible for processing data and coordinating the activities of all other units in the
computer system.

4. Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

- Answer: RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of memory in a computer where
instructions and data are temporarily stored for processing by the CPU. It is volatile
memory, meaning its contents are lost when the computer is powered off. ROM (Read
Only Memory) is a type of memory that stores permanent instructions and data. It is
non-volatile memory and retains its contents even when the computer is turned off.

5. What are peripherals in relation to a computer?

- Answer: Peripherals are physical units that are connected to a computer and include
input devices (such as keyboards and mice), output devices (such as monitors and
printers), and storage devices (such as hard disks and DVD-RW drives).

6. What is the purpose of disk drives in a computer?

- Answer: Disk drives are used to read and write data on disks, such as CDs, DVDs,
and hard disks. They allow for the storage and retrieval of data and programs.
7. What are the functions of a PC in terms of input, processing, output, and
- Answer: A PC performs the following functions:
- Input: Data is entered into the computer using input devices such as keyboards,
webcams, and scanners.
- Processing: The data is manipulated and processed according to the instructions
provided by software programs.
- Output: The results of the processing are displayed on the screen or in printed form
using output devices like monitors and printers.
- Storage: Data and programs are stored in memory systems (such as RAM or hard
disks) where they are available for processing and long-term storage.

8. Where are external devices typically plugged into a computer?

- Answer: External devices such as scanners, modems, and other peripherals are
typically plugged into ports located at the back of the computer. These ports enable
communication between the computer and the external devices.
Tema 3: Web Design

1. What is HTML, and how is it used in web design?

- Answer: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a special language used to create
web pages. It consists of coded instructions that are interpreted by web browsers to
produce hypertext, which is a combination of text, graphics, and links. HTML is the
backbone of web design, providing the structure and content of web pages.

2. How can you view the HTML code of a web page?

- Answer: To view the HTML code of a web page, you can choose the "View Source"
option in your web browser. This will display the raw HTML code used to create the
web page.

3. What are the different options for building a website using HTML?
- Answer: There are multiple options for building a website using HTML. You can
learn how to write HTML tags and code the instructions yourself. Alternatively, you can
use an HTML editor, which is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
application that allows you to visually design the layout and convert it into HTML code.
Another option is to use web templates provided by web-based site builders, where you
can simply fill in the information you want on the page.

4. What are some basic elements found on a web page?

- Answer: Some basic elements found on a web page include text (displayed in
various sizes, styles, and fonts), links (connections to other web pages or external files),
graphics (images in formats like JPEG or GIF), tables (used for displaying tabular data
or creating page layouts), and frames (subdivisions of a web page that display different
HTML documents).

5. What is the purpose of CSS in web design?

- Answer: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to separate the presentation style
from the content of a web page. It allows for the styling of elements on a page, such as
text or background color. Using CSS makes web pages easier to maintain, reduces
download time, and enables easy application of presentation changes across a website.
6. What are some multimedia files that can be included in web pages?
- Answer: Web pages can include multimedia files such as animations, audio files, and
video files. Audio files can be recorded in formats like MIDI, WAV, AU, or MP3.
Technologies like Shockwave and Flash enable the inclusion of video and animations.
Additionally, Java applets can be used to add interactivity to web pages.

7. What is a plug-in, and why is it needed to view certain content on web pages?
- Answer: A plug-in is additional software that enables a web browser to support
specific types of content, such as video, animations, or audio files. To see or hear these
files on a web page, users need to download and install the appropriate plug-in for their
web browser.
Tema 4: Internet Security

1. Who are crackers or black-hat hackers, and what types of crimes do they
- Answer: Crackers or black-hat hackers are computer criminals who use technology
to perform various crimes. Some of the crimes they commit include virus propagation,
fraud, intellectual property theft, and other forms of illegal activities on the internet.

2. What are some examples of internet-based crimes?

- Answer: Internet-based crimes include scams, email fraud, phishing (bank fraud),
and cyberstalking. Scams and email fraud aim to obtain money or valuables from
individuals, while phishing targets banking information such as passwords or credit card
details. These crimes often use emails or websites that appear to be from legitimate

3. What is piracy, and what types of files are commonly pirated?

- Answer: Piracy refers to the illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted software,
information, music, and video files. It is a widespread issue on the internet, and the files
commonly pirated include software programs, music albums, movies, and video games.

4. What is malware, and what are its main types?

- Answer: Malware (malicious software) is software created to damage or alter
computer data or operations. The main types of malware are as follows:
- Viruses: Programs that spread by attaching themselves to executable files or
documents and propagate to other files or programs on the computer. They can have
specific triggers, such as activating on a particular date or day.
- Worms: Self-copying programs that exploit security flaws in computer networks to
move from one computer to another without human intervention. They do not require
attachments to documents or programs like viruses.
- Trojan horses: Malicious programs disguised as innocent-looking files or embedded
within legitimate software. They can affect the computer in various ways, including
creating a backdoor for data collection. They do not copy themselves or infect other
- Spyware: Software designed to collect information from computers for commercial
or criminal purposes. It is often hidden in fake freeware or shareware applications
downloaded from the internet.
5. What are some preventative tips to enhance internet security?
- Answer: Here are some preventative tips to enhance internet security:
- Avoid opening email attachments from unknown sources and be cautious of file
- Run and regularly update antivirus programs or virus scanners.
- Install a firewall to prevent spyware from gaining access to the internal network.
- Regularly make backup copies of files.
- Be cautious when accepting files from high-risk sources.
- Use digital certificates for online business transactions and avoid sharing credit card
- Maintain a skeptical attitude towards online content and verify information from
reliable sources.

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