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evoganel get equ yaw o6fd0o pope / entn | ecb [268 Dud wBabuate agian ecsneeinds- 2019/2020 moti Bde , ommE® BADBEICS wade ne- Proficiency course 9 English level 3 edmerexina- FNDE 120% Beam gema- AIZ4ZO pin ome don somo! BR OD \ or 2 pages o2 1 page 2 eages | | 1 Béag oped aegts BQomm- Five engine ims 93.02. 202) 209 886, 092 O8Bst dado oce Gam ceest ADH, 688 o> w5E md GS Gorge HE ecm es eh Bos (mga gato ocs) andin 208, do82t 8, qo} qoumod Bada! Grod BERS oon ears SES Bo Bue.Ordusd «3 avin BLDG O qUAde dOat gina BBO meson. qatan Scanned with CamScanner S| a 23.|_9. unintended “effets that are created 93 9 |) of belonging — 4o__9__ group of people result — regarding + 4c. people -whese *\¢hevscter_..cannot be measured . ce og: | = ° ot : ests pled . Port = 6 on. | EF 02-/F 03. [EF 7 04/7 o5.|T ee aaa l UthOMATE a Scanned with CamScanner Pot on | Functsonall. loccurs.9— __ present. —_This_ gq _worls place not 9 fre Functional. loregs of. the. work. place brea oor et . People! y Lon. inconvenie snk work do. make thete— environments: 2 2 = ++ — FE ame 98°. 39 working from home 5 7° _stuadly-| zing from home. algo __the__-students <9) be. distracted: - ‘from _gtiudieg when »-beimg: _with ~ their» family and __-pets 5 and» because they Ae! enjoying A= nore freedory than» when ~ being 34 ay educational mstitution too. ose | | - Also, the etudents’ chances _i9 berng, Foumnilroa | with many peers and 30 collaborative leqent becomes too _low- Therefore , the quality of | education can also __become lower = Ag_to work place , in studying places _alsa_ nen Friends ove _ met at public areag. So new frends ore reduced - UthOMATE __ chances to make Scanned with CamScanner “Ra (alla al alel_| le |2] oy The _ Ime___graph— ane [the number of deaths of _ environmental peers. betweev- the years,“ ace» and 3020... \ analysing 3 a+ fluctuation canbe seen: over sthe lLyears. : A > Eps pe0n _ well SEE |rocrease _9s_ | 5 [number of -A_salight La steady downwarol > trenc number bof o-deathe had een. sharply From | 2009 +0 andl i 2013) number. of -sleaths —| hed fallen to _95~ | Nevertheless « “in the follows __cle att ___— [asset we wag a slight _%™ _reserve_ but i» 9017 number _of __death case A noticeable z cases closed __ quickly __by 69 _casea- Inerease --m_.- dedth:e. cases. fron: Ee | ea _ witneageds Tyr acini @ shoe pte dealin Les Ee of deaths. \ the end of the decode a hoteeqlale cons be clearly Incregse:: of a death cases - - voted. with othe number i seen - Scanned with CamScanner alalalalaiel_1 1 Ce od con Semin Limeckte,. fox: the _pandemic_and_ \ jeql__qhout the cond. cons.._| thinks. that gesral__-ree dia “trelrable 7a for mation during) Use aeguments.— and xelred. infor mation.._daring pros. At present, socio] _media: mation fer man. | the __main source __of _.™ et only - a. few questions its __-velrabilzty [tnformation -guen hy a. single- tweet “cs spreadt_.-aroundl like wild fire even befare —__| d. Ag a... 2 accuracy of st « being -cheche lresult., the government » hod _»te- tobe _ mo _wequesting the citizens... to__fallar-- up a linfacmation ‘gwen only by. the certified news| gencies within. the country. Tn my __pecspectiv goctal__ media. platforms ore currently unable —.| lto* convey table information. ___ “ s ___- Although mony ore in’ Fowor_of - using | goc:a| . mediq as: .q _made'=to |. convey -inforrmat= fiat people cay he easily _wislead. For on example posts shaved __ through _secia med ayrng, ifferent homemade remedies can revent from getting infected proves thot | the veliobrlity indeed needs to be apeations Tt con be said thet the remedy may have Q_chance of boos ting one’s immunity bat [there 19 no clear _inaleotron to whether it UhOMATE a_ statement Scanned with CamScanner 3 lalalzyafayol [| 1 ee I] lean prevent.__the infected. poe tee cover... falsrfies! ata of erect ing. + an. ubnecessary: feax he. posts with; zero | chance: lwithin the society» lcredbilty Stands. chace of _not_« only, wisleading bat also _starting of F__7) ie vocal _an__example , the _ban _« leonflicts. For the corpses __of the _CovTD__ a Tathe sanasfdean _ started: of F pan of burying |tnfected « then - lead out n+ dragged = [which was > few days: yet = secial » -mecta dro +: fe: week» planting seeds: to ani ethnic .coyfliet | [ ns facing o _paindlemic: 5 each ond = = very force. of = thane should be prioritized. uprevent fection i -cnd 'colosgal.c dare eae to the. drop = to" working: Sector. The wor |ol leannot “afford toi! have 1a.n conflict due to falerfied, .snformatrow:: In odiclutiainy: it con 'Gocial. medialis: eqnnat = aio that. « turne wto _q. méde-. thot conveys cinformeatior fe the creotbstty of wheb id. being haved. to 1 tested sats an mitral level. — Scanned with CamScanner

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