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In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills

 talk about clothes and accessories. Collaboration

 listen to a fashion designer talking about her favorite clothes. Work in pairs to discuss ways to help students feel happy at school,
 talk about their belongings with possessive pronouns. Lesson
Communication Write an invitation to a party,
 read about Mismatched Socks Day. Creativity DesignLevel
their own clothes,
 use the infinitive ofSchool CENEI
purpose to talk about what people use
Critical Thinking Decide what to take to a desert island,
things for. Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 0
 write an invitationDate
to a party.
January 30th 31st Group A
February 1st
 watch a video about traditional clothes around the world.
Unit 6: Cool clothes
 identify the value of taking care of their things.
Lesson 1  Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a set
In this lesson, students will: of word cards with the following words: hat, sunglasses,
dress, pants, scarf, gloves, bracelet, umbrella, coat, T-
 • watch a video about traditional clothes around the world.
• talk about traditional clothes shirt, socks, leggings, skirt, sneakers, boots, and helmet.
 Say Work as a group and put the words into four groups.
You can choose the groups. After a few minutes, invite
students to share and explain their groupings. For
example, students may put hat, sunglasses, and helmet
into a group of things you wear on your head.
 Have students open their books to p. 64. Say Today,
we’re going to watch a video. Draw their attention to the
clothes people are wearing in the photos. Ask Where do
people wear these traditional clothes? Let’s find out!
Play Video 7. Have students match the photo to the
correct country.
 Have students compare answers with a partner. Then
check answers as a class.
 Point to the words and ask What can you remember
from the video? Look at the words. What did you hear?
 Have students check the boxes and then compare
answers with a partner. Play Video 7 again. Then check
answers as a class.
 Tell students to read the sentences and choose the
correct answer. Then have them compare answers with
a partner.
School CENEI Level 4th
 Check answers as a class by inviting students to read
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit
aloud the correct sentences..
Date February2nd
2nd, 3rd, 4th  Have Group
Examination A
students discuss the questions in pairs. For
School CENEI Level 4th
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit
Date February 6th 7th 8th Group A

Test Review

School CENEI Level 4th

Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 0
Date September 19, 20, 21 Group A

Unit 7
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills

Lesson 2 
In this lesson, students will:
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Review vocabulary from level 3. Collaboration: work as a group to write an animal
 Review gramar from level 3. fact file.
 Listen and complete information about giant Communication: ask and answer personal
pandas. questions.
 Write an animal fact file. Creativity: invent a puzzle.
School CENEI Critical Thinking:Levelidentify the
4thitem that doesn´t
Teachers belong.
Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 0
Lesson 2 Date September 22, 23, 24 Students must find the
Group A one that doesn´t
In this lesson, students will: belong, ask them to look at the first group of
Unit 0:
 Review and use vocabulary from level 3.
Look and Remember
words and discuss which doesn´t belong.
 Ask and answer personal questions. Ask students to do the activity individually,
 Talk about their favorite things. check answers with the class.
 Resources: CPT, studentbook page 8  Give students time to write their puzzles.
When they finish, have partners tell which
doesn´t belong.
 Draw students´attention to the first question.
Invite students to give the correct order
(How old are you?). Give them time to
work on their own, check the questions as a
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Jobs. Collaboration: work together as a team.
 Talk about everyday actions and actions Communication: talk to classmates about their daily
happening now. routines.
 Talk about how often they do actions. Creativity: make a poster about a family member´s
 Write interview questions. job.
 Learn about smoke jumpers and stop Critical Thinking: categorize Jobs.
motion. School CENEI Level 4th
Lesson 1, words. Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer  Draw students
Unit attention
1 to the photos, play
In this lesson, studentsDate
will: September 26, 27, 28 track and have students
Group A repeat. Play tr.
 Talk about different jobs. again, pause after each word to ask
Unit 1: All Kinds ofquestions
Jobs about the different jobs and ask;
 Listen to information about smoke jumpers
Does this person wear a uniform?
and identify true statements about their  Refer students to the jobs in activity 1 and
job. ask; Who works outside? Who helps
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, other people? Elicit one job from activity 1
video about smoke jumpers. for each question.
 Draw students attention to the main photo.
Ask; What do you think the man is
doing? Invite students to share their ideas.
Say, we´re going to listen an audio about
Smoke Jumpers, play tr. once have
students read the sentences. Play tr. again
check answers as a class.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Jobs. Collaboration: work together as a team.
 Talk about everyday actions and actions Communication: talk to classmates about their daily
happening now. routines.
 Talk about how often they do actions. Creativity: make a poster about a family member´s
 Write interview questions. job.
 Learn about smoke jumpers and stop Critical Thinking: categorize Jobs.
School CENEI Level 4th
Lesson 2, grammar.  Draw students attention into the box, play tr.
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 1
In this lesson, studentsDate
will: have students listen and follow along their
September 29, 30, Oct. 1 books.Group
After listeningAgive students more
 Use the simple present to talk about
everyday actions. Unit 1: All Kinds ofexamples,
Jobs emphasizing important changes in
the verbs.
 Use the present progressive to talk about  Tell students to complete the text, deciding if
actions happening now. the action is happening now or whether it´s an
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, every day action. Point out that they should
online practice. decide by looking at the time expressions
(every day, right now). Have students
complete the text individually and then
compare answers.
 Point out that the words in the questions are
in the correct order and students have to add
words to make a complete question. Have
students write the questions in their notebook.
Then check as a class.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Jobs. Collaboration: work together as a team.
 Talk about everyday actions and actions Communication: talk to classmates about their daily
happening now. routines.
 Talk about how often they do actions. Creativity: make a poster about a family member´s
 Write interview questions. job.
 Learn about smoke Schooljumpers and stopCENEI Critical Thinking:Levelcategorize
motion. Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 1
Lesson 3, reading Date October 3, 4, 5  Draw students
Group attentionA to the photo, ask
In this lesson, students will: Unit 1: All Kinds ofstudents;
Jobs What´s he doing? Why? Tell
 Read about the process of making an students that they´re going to read the text
and find out.
animated movie.
 Play tr. and have students follow allong in
 Answer the questions about the text. their books. Then ask; What´s the movie
 Think about the jobs of a movie director about? Would you like to watch Walking
and a designer. with Giants?
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,  Have students look at the words in bold in the
text and match them with the meanings, have
online photos and video. students complete the activity individually
then compare answers.
 Give students 2 minutes to read questions 1-4
and find the answers in the text. Check
answers as a class.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Jobs. Collaboration: work together as a team.
 Talk about everyday actions and actions Communication: talk to classmates about their daily
happening now. routines.
 Talk about how often they do actions. Creativity: make a poster about a family member´s
 Write interviewSchool
questions. CENEI job. Level 4th
 Learn about smoke jumpers and
Teachers stop
Luz, Critical Thinking:
Aidee and Fer Unitcategorize1Jobs.
motion. Date October 6, 7, 8 Group A
Lesson 3, grammar 2
Unit 1: All Kinds ofDraw
Jobsstudents´attention to the adverbs of
In this lesson, students will: frequency and the frequency scales in the
 Talk about how often they do routine grammar box. Play track, pause after each
activities. adverb for students to repeat. To check
 Identify the position of adverbs of comprehension ask; If you do something a
frequency in sentences. lot, which adverb do you use? …
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,  Say; Now we´re going to read more about
online practice. how Hans Weise makes movies. Have
students copy the sentences into their
notebooks, make sure students are putting
the adverbs in the correct place. Check
answers as a class.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Jobs. Collaboration: work together as a team.
 Talk about everyday actions and actions Communication: talk to classmates about their daily
happening now. routines.
 Talk about how often they do actions. Creativity: make a poster about a family member´s
 Write interview questions. job.
 Learn about smoke jumpers and stop Critical Thinking: categorize Jobs.
Lesson 5-6 Song and Writing CENEI  Song; Level 4thlisten, follow the song
tell students to
In this lesson, studentsTeachers
will: Luz, Aidee and Fer in theirUnit 1
books, and guess the four jobs.
Date October
 Sing a song about different jobs 10, 11, 12 Group A
Then discuss ideas as a class. Have
Unit 1:
 Read and interview with an engineer All Kinds ofstudents
and Jobs to listen and sing the song.
answer questions about it.  Writing; write the following words on the
 Write interview questions. board: robot, planet, Mars, space,
 Interview a family member about his/her camera. Tell students to discuss what job
job. the words may be ralated to. Ask; What´s
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, his job? (He´s an engineer at NASA)
online practice.  Have students complete the questions, tell
them the words are in the correct order, but
some words are missing in each question.
 Ask; What jobs do people in your family
do? Tell students to choose 1 person from
their family and write questions to ask about
his/her job.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about musical instruments. Collaboration: work in pairs.
 Listen to information about the Recycled Communication: ask a classmate about recent past
Orchestra of Cateura. events.
 Talk about complete actions in the past. Creativity: dance in different ways.
 Discuss music in different countries. Critical Thinking: evaluate a show or movie.
 Use adverbs of manner to talk about how
they do things.
Lesson 1-2 Words and Grammar 1  Tell students to open their books, Draw their
In this lesson, students will: attention to the photos. Play tr. and have
 Talk about music and instruments. them repeat the words. Ask; Which words
 Listen and respond to information about are musical intruments? Which words
the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura. are people? Which words are type of
 Use the simple past to talk about music?
completed actions in the past.  Say; we´re going to read a text about
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, orchestras. Have students complete the
online material. CENEI Level
text, then 4th as a class.
check answers
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer  Say; we´re
Unit going to listen
2 a boy talking
Date October 13, 14 15 Group A
about the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura.
Unit 2: Move to the Play
Musictrack once, students should focus on
the most important pieces of information.
Play track again and have them choose the
correct answers, compare as a class.
 Have students in their books, play tr. have
them listen and follow along in their books.
 Ask; What do we add to visit to talk about
the past? (ed) What do we use to make
questions in the past? (did).
 Have students read the text one and
complete it indivually, then check answers
as a class.
 Do the first sentence as an example. Then
have students write the sentences
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about musical instruments. Collaboration: work in pairs.
 Listen to information about the Recycled Communication: ask a classmate about recent past
Orchestra of Cateura. events.
 Talk about complete actions in the past. Creativity: dance in different ways.
 Discuss music in different countries. Critical Thinking: evaluate a show or movie.
 Use adverbs of manner to talk about how
they do things.
Lesson 3-4 Reading and Grammar 2  Say; We´re going to read a text called
In this lesson, students will: Indian Music and Dance, play tr. and have
 Read and respond to a text about Indian students follow the text in their books.
music.  Ask; Did the dancers carry or kick their
 Use adverbs of manner to talk about how drums to the field? (carry). Have students
they do things. complete the sentences individually then
 Talk about how they do everyday. check answers as a class by inviting
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, different students to read aloud a sentence
online material. each.
 Tell students to look at sentence 1. Ask; Is
Soumik´s brother a musician?. Have
students correct the sentences individually
School CENEI Level 4th
in their notebooks, check answers as a
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 2
Date October 17, 18, 19 class. Group A
 Play tr. once and have students follow along
Unit 2: Move to the Music
in their books. Ask; Do we put the adverb
at the beginning or the end of the
sentence? (at the end). What ending do
we use to make and adverb? (-ly).
 Tell students to read the text. Then ask;
What instrument is text about? (drums).
Tell students to look at the first space, ask;
What do we need to add to loud? (-ly). Have
students complete the text individually.
Check answers as a class and their spelling.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about musical instruments. Collaboration: work in pairs.
 Listen to information about the Recycled Communication: ask a classmate about recent past
Orchestra of Cateura. events.
 Talk about complete actions in the past. Creativity: dance in different ways.
 Discuss music in different countries. Critical Thinking: evaluate a show or movie.
 Use adverbs of manner to talk about how
they do things.
Lesson 5-6 Song and Writing  Give students a few minutes to read through
In this lesson, students will: the song lyrics. Play tr. have students listen
 Listen to a song about how people dance. and follow along in their books. Say we´re
 Identify the value of being yourself. going to listen again, raise you hand when
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, you hear and adverb, pausing when
online material. students raise their hand. After listening,
check that students have listed all the
 Ask; Where do you think the people are?
(They´re at the theater) What are they
doing?(They´re singing) Explain that the
photo is from a musical called Annie. A boy
went to see the musical and wrote about it.
Have students read the text. Then ask; Did
School CENEI Jack like the show?
Level 4th Have students read
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer the information
Unit in the2 gray box. Then have
Date October 20, 21, 22 them answer
Group questions A 1-4, check as a
Unit 2: Move to the Music
 Direct students´ attention to part A, point to
the gray box. Invite students to read the
review again and complete the sentences.
Now direct attention to part B. Have them
read the sentences, ask them to match,
check as a class.
School CENEI Level 4th
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 3
Date October 24, 25, 26 Group A
Unit 3: Let´s Celebrate
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about how people celebrate. Collaboration: find out about a partner´s
 Listen to information about a harvest festival. experiences.
 Use the simple past to talk about Communication: ask and answer about festivals
celebrations and recent events. they attended.
 Make Wh- questions in the simple past. Creativity: decide which international festival they
 Write an e-mail to a friend. Would attended.
 Watch a video about celebrations around the Critical Thinking: identify ways to be a Good
world. neighbor.
 Identify the value of being Good neighbor.
Lesson 1-2 Words and Grammar  Play tr. and have students repeat the words.
In this lesson, students will: Check their understanding.
 Talk about things you do when you  Have students discuss the questions. Invite
celebrate. individual students to share their ideas with
 Listen to information about a harvest the class.
festival.  Draw students´attention to the girl in the
 Use the simple past of some common photo. Ask; What´s she wearing? Do you
irregular verbs. think she wears these clothes every
 Ask and answer questions about a festival. day? Explain that the girl is wearing
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, traditional clothes because she´s going to a
online material. celebration. Play tr. have students read the
questions. Play track again then have
students compare answers.
 Direct students´attention to the green
grammar box, play tr. Practice the base
forms of the verbs and the irregular simple
past forms. Check answers as a class.
 Ask if anyone has been to a festival
recently. Ask for details using the verbs from
the activity, such as; Did people put up
decorations? Did you eat special food?
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about how people celebrate. Collaboration: find out about a partner´s
School CENEI Level 4th
 Listen to information about a harvest festival. experiences.
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 3
 Use the simple
Date past to talk about
October 27, 28, 29 Communication:
Group ask andA answer about festivals
celebrations and recent events. they attended.
Unit 3: Let´s Celebrate
 Make Wh- questions in the simple past. Creativity: decide which international festival they
 Write an e-mail to a friend. Would attended.
 Watch a video about celebrations around the Critical Thinking: identify ways to be a Good
world. neighbor.
 Identify the value of being Good neighbor.
Lesson 3-4 Reading and Grammar.  Direct students´attention to the photo, ask;
In this lesson, students will: Do you like chocolate? What types of
 Read and respond to a text about food chocolate do you think are in the
festivals in Italy. picture? Have students share ideas as a
 Identify true and false sentences about the class.
text.  Say; you´re going to read about 2 food
 Form and as Wh- questions in the simple festivals in Italy: a chocolate festival and an
past. ice-cream festival. Play tr. have students
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, listen and follow along in their books. Have
online material. students find the words (flavors, mint and
sculptures) in the text and think about their
 Tell students to read the sentences and
check in the text to see if they are true or
false. Check answers as a class.
 Tell students to look at the verbs and find
the simple past form of the verbs in the text.
Have students complete the activity
individually. Check answers as a class.
 Say; Can you Remember how to make
questions in the past? Invite students to
give examples using did. Say you can
answer these questions with yes or no.
School CENEI Level 4th
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 3
Date October 31, November 1 Group A
Unit 3: Let´s Celebrate
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about how people celebrate. Collaboration: find out about a partner´s
 Listen to information about a harvest festival. experiences.
 Use the simple past to talk about Communication: ask and answer about festivals
celebrations and recent events. they attended.
 Make Wh- questions in the simple past. Creativity: decide which international festival they
 Write an e-mail to a friend. Would attended.
 Watch a video about celebrations around the Critical Thinking: identify ways to be a Good
world. neighbor.
 Identify the value of being Good neighbor.
Lesson Teachers Activity. (day off)  Students will review the simple past tense of
In this lesson, students will: the verb to be (was-were) doing extra
 Reviewing past tense of verb to be, verbs activities on line.
in simple past tense.  Students will carry out activities related to
 Resources, online material. regular verbs in the simple past tense.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about how people celebrate. Collaboration: find out about a partner´s
 Listen to information about a harvest festival. experiences.
Schoolpast to talk aboutCENEI
 Use the simple Level ask and
Communication: 4thanswer about festivals
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 3
celebrations and recent events. they attended.
Date November 3, 4, 5 Group A
 Make Wh- questions in the simple past. Creativity: decide which international festival they
 Write an e-mail to a friend. Unit 3: Let´s Celebrate
Would attended.
 Watch a video about celebrations around the Critical Thinking: identify ways to be a Good
world. neighbor.
 Identify the value of being Good neighbor.
Lesson Song and Writing  Explain the meaning of the word neighbor
In this lesson, students will: (is a person who lives near you – in the
 Listen to and sing a song about a street same building or on the same street).
party. Give students a few minutes to read through
 Read an e-mail about a wedding. the song lyrics. Then play tr. have students
 Use connectors in an e-mail. listen and follow along in their books.
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,  Use the photo, have students’ attention to
online material. the photo. Ask; What celebration is it?
(wedding) Have students raise their hands
if they ever been to a weeding. Explain that
School CENEI Level 4th
Uma went to a wedding and wrote an e-mail
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 3
Date November 7, 8, 9 to a friend
Group aboutAit. Have students read the
text again and discuss what Uma and her
Review family did at the wedding.
 Read aloud the information in the box. Ask
them to read the e-mail again and find the
Lesson Review Units 1, 2 and 3  Review grammar and vocabulary from Units
answers. Then check as a class.
In this lesson, students will: 1, 2 and 3
 Direct students’ attention to part A, read the
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,
information about time connectors and have
online material.
students find them in Uma´s e-mail. Now
direct attention to part B, have students read
the text quickly. Then have them work
individually to complete the e-mail with the
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Sports. Collaboration: share relevant information about an
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object
Schoolpronouns. CENEI Creativity: create
Level a fact file about an athlete.
 ListenTeachers
to and sing a song Luz,
Fer Critical Thinking:
Unit reflect on3their abilities now and in
with sports. November 10, 11, 12 the past. Group A
 Watch a video about three famous athletes
Exam 1 Units 1-3
from the past.
 Identify the value of having fun doing sports.
Lesson Words and Grammar  Draw students attention to the small photos
In this lesson, students will: and the words, 4th
play tr. and have students
School CENEI Level
 Talk about sports.
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer repeat
Unit the words.4
 Listen toDateinformation about a Paralympic
November 14, 15, 16  Read
Group aloud the A
questions, have students
sport. Unit 4: Sports answer them individually and then check
 Use can and could to talk about ability. answers as a class.
 Talk about what they could do at the age of  Draw students´attention to the main photo,
five. ask; What sport do you think these
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, people are playing? Play tr. and have
online material. students complete the information. Review
answers as a class.
 Draw students´attention to the green
grammar box, play tr. then ask; What
words do we use to talk about ability
now?(can/can´t) And in the
 Tell students to scan the text, read aloud the
instructions. Then say look for clues to
decide whether the verb is in present or the
past. For example, if the text says; When
she was 14, do you think the verb is in
present or past? (past). There are other
School CENEI Level 4th
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 4
In this unit, students November 17 Group
Twenty-First A
Century kills
 Talk about Sports. Unit 4: Sports
Collaboration: share relevant information about an
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object pronouns. Creativity: create a fact file about an athlete.
 Listen to and sing a song about having fun Critical Thinking: reflect on their abilities now and in
with sports. the past.
 Watch a video about three famous athletes
from the past.
 Identify the value of having fun doing sports.
Lesson Teachers Activity. (day off)  Students will review can and could doing
In this lesson, students will: extra activities on line.
  Review vocabulary to talk about sports.
 Resources online material.
School CENEI Level 4th
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 4
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
Date November 21, 22 Group A
 Talk about Sports. Collaboration: share relevant information about an
Unit 4: Sports
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object pronouns. Creativity: create a fact file about an athlete.
 Listen to and sing a song about having fun Critical Thinking: reflect on their abilities now and in
with sports. the past.
 Watch a video about three famous athletes
from the past.
 Identify the value of having fun doing sports.
Lesson Teachers Activity. (day off)  Students will review Wh- questions doing
In this lesson, students will: extra activities on line.
 Resources online material.  Review irregular verbs (affirmative, negative
and interrogative).
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Sports. Collaboration: share relevant information about an
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object pronouns. CENEI Level
Creativity: 4th
create a fact file about an athlete.
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 4
 Listen to and sing a song about having fun Critical Thinking: reflect on their abilities now and in
Date November 24, 25, 26 Group A
with sports. the past.
 Watch a video about three famousUnit 4: Sports
from the past.
 Identify the value of having fun doing sports.
Lesson Reading  Have students look at the photo, play tr. and
In this lesson, students will: have students follow the text in their books.
 Read a text about an Olympic swimmer.  Invite students to read the questions then
say; find the answers in the text. Check
 Use adjectives to talk about how they feel.
answers as a class.
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,  Draw students´attention to the adjectives in
online material. the box, explain students their meanings.
Then have students discuss the questions
and have them answer in their notebooks.
 Show students a video of Eric Moussambani
swimming at the Olympics.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Sports. Collaboration: share relevant information about an
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object pronouns. Creativity: create a fact file about an athlete.
 Listen to and sing a song about having fun Critical Thinking: reflect on their abilities now and in
with sports.School CENEI the past.Level 4th
 Watch a video about threeLuz,
Teachers famous athletes
Aidee and Fer Unit 4
from the past.
Date November 28, 29, 30 Group A
 Identify the value of having fun doing sports.
Unit 4: Sports
Lesson Grammar  Draw students attention to the grammar box.
In this lesson, students will: Play tr. and have students listen and follow
 Use object pronouns to replace nouns. in their books. Play tr. again, pause after
each sentence. Clarify who the object
 Answer questions about sports and
pronoun refers to.
athletes.  Tell students to read the text, ask; What did
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, the student find? (the medal). Look at the
online material. grammar box. What word can we use
instead of the medal(it). Have students
complete the activity individually and then
check answers as a class.
 Read aloud the instructions. Then have
students work alone to complete te
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Sports. Collaboration: share relevant information about an
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object pronouns. Creativity: create a fact file about an athlete.
 Listen to and sing a song about having fun Critical Thinking: reflect on their abilities now and in
with sports. the past.
 Watch a video about three famous athletes
from the past.
 Identify the value of having fun doing sports.
Lesson Song and Writing  Give students a few minutes to read through
In this lesson, students will: the song lyrics. Play tr. Ask; Did the person
 Listen to and sing a song about doing in the song like sports when he was
younger? (no). Does he like sports now?
 Read fact files about famous athletes.  Display the photos, say; They´re famous
 Use when School
to talk about actionsCENEI
in the past. Level Let’s find
athletes. 4th out more about them.
 Resources Teachers Luz, Aidee
CPT, studentbook, and Fer
workbook, Unit
Tell students to 4
read the fact files, ask;
Date December 1, 2, 3 Group A
What do you think is the most interesting
online material.
Unit 4: Sports thing about each person?
 Tell students to read the information in the
box and discuss the questions. Say; When
we give information about people, we
start with the earliest fact -When he was
Young-and talk about events in order.
 Direct students´attention to part A. Read
aloud the question and elicit the answers.
Point out that the comma separates two
ideas/sentences. Explain that the when
clause comes at the beginning refers to an
exact time.
 Now direct attention to part B. Read aloud
the instructions and do the first item as an
example. Have students do the task
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about Sports. Collaboration: share relevant information about an
 Listen to information about a Paralympic athlete.
sport. Communication: find out what sports their partner
 Use can and could to talk about ability. enjoys doing.
 Use object pronouns. Creativity: create a fact file about an athlete.
 Listen to and sing a song about having fun Critical Thinking: reflect on their abilities now and in
with sports. the past.
 Watch a videoSchoolabout three famous athletes
CENEI Level 4th
from the past. Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 4
 Identify the Date
value of having December 5, 6, 7
fun doing sports. Group A
Lesson Song and Writing Unit 4: Sports  Have students open their books, say; Look
In this lesson, students will: at this statue of a famous man. What do
 Watch a video about famous athletes from you think he’s famous for? Then say; Let
´s watch the video. After watching the video,
the past.
ask; Do you know these famous
 Identify information about the different athletes? Invite students to share anything
athletes. they know about the athletes.
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,  Have students read the sentences and
online material. decide which name goes in each sentence.
Then play video again for students to check
their answers.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about natural and man-made features. Collaboration: respond to a partner´s idea.
 Use comparatives and superlatives Communication: ask and answer questions about
adjectives. various topics.
 Read and respond to a text about Dubai. Creativity: write a travel brochure.
 Write a travel brochure. Critical Thinking: identify whether features are
 Watch a video about Incredible places. natural or man-made.
 Identify the value of exploring new places.
Lesson Words and Grammar  Have students open their books, Draw
In this lesson, students will: students attention to the small photos and
 Talk about natural and man-made the words. Play tr. and have students repeat
the words. Say; When something is man-
geographical features.
made, a person built it. Ask; Is this bridge
 Use the comparative and superlative forms man-made or natural? (man-made).
of adjectives that are short or end in -y.  Tell students to look at the words in the box.
 Use the comparative and superlative form Draw students attention to the first space in
of adjectives that are irregular. the text and elicit the answer. Tell students
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, to complete the text, looking for context and
grammar clues. Have them complete the
online material.
activity individually and then check answers
as a class.
School CENEI  Say; We´re going
Level 4th to listen to a boy talk
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer about
Unit his vacation
5 with a friend. Play
Date December 8, 9, 10 track
Grouponce and have
A students listen. Have
students complete the activity individually.
Unit 5: Incredible PlacesSay; Let´s listen again and check. Play tr.
 Have students listen and follow along in
their books. Say; Comparative adjectives
are used to compare two people or
things and superlative adjectives are
used to compare more than two people
or things.
 Say; Write two sentences to describe
each place. Before students write their
sentences, have them brainstorm adjectives
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about natural and man-made features. Collaboration: respond to a partner´s idea.
 Use comparatives and superlatives Communication: ask and answer questions about
adjectives. various topics.
 Read and respond to a text about Dubai. Creativity: write a travel brochure.
 Write a travel brochure. Critical Thinking: identify whether features are
 Watch a video about Incredible places. natural or man-made.
 Identify the value of exploring new places.
Lesson Reading  Draw students´attention to the photo. Ask;
In this lesson, students will: What do you see in this photo? Give them a
minute to name things they see. Students may
 Read a text about Dubai. identify buildings, skyscrapers, houses,
 Identify true and false sentences about the ocean.
text.  Ask students to look at the photo again. Ask;
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, What do you think you´re going to read
about? Play tr. and have students follow the
online material. text in their books.
School CENEI Level should4th
 Students use photos that accompany a
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer textUnit
to predict what5 they´re going to read about
Date December 12, 13, 14 and actívate
Group prior
Aknowledge. Have students do
the task individually. Check answers as a class,
Unit 5: Incredible Placesinviting individual students to read aloud a
statement and say if it´s true or false.
 Say; Look at the four words in bold in the
text (important, popular, exciting and
dangerous). Have students complete it
individually. Invite individual students to read
aloud a complete sentence.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about natural and man-made features. Collaboration: respond to a partner´s idea.
 Use comparatives
School and superlatives
CENEI Communication:
Level ask and 4th answer questions about
adjectives.Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer various topics.
Unit 5
 Read and Daterespond to a text about Dubai.
December 15, 16, 17 Creativity: write
Group a travel
A brochure.
 Write a travel brochure. Unit 5: IncredibleCritical
PlacesThinking: identify whether features are
 Watch a video about Incredible places. natural or man-made.
 Identify the value of exploring new places.
Lesson Teachers Activity. (day off)  Students will review grammar 1 and
In this lesson, students will: vocabulary from unit 5.
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,
online material.
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about natural and man-made features. Collaboration: respond to a partner´s idea.
 Use comparatives and superlatives Communication: ask and answer questions about
adjectives. School CENEI Level 4th
various topics.
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 5
 Read and respond to aDecember
text about19
Dubai. Creativity: write a travel brochure.
Date – 30 holidays. Group A
 Write a travel brochure. January 2 – 6 training Critical Thinking: identify whether features are
 Watch a video about Incredible workshop.
places. natural or man-made.
 Identify the value of exploring new places.
Lesson Grammar  Have students open their books, play track once.
In this lesson, students will: Play track again for students to repeat. (Give
students more info and examples about
 Use comparative and superlative forms of comparative and superlative forms of long
long adjectives. adjectives).
 Give opinions by making comparisons on  Draw students attention to the first space and
ask; Do you see than in the first sentence?
different topics. (no). So, do we need to use the comparative
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, or the superlative? (superlative). Do we write
School CENEI Level
the most tall or 4th
the tallest? (the tallest). Why?
online material.
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit
Is tal 5 adjective? (short). Say;
a short or long
Date January 9, 10, 11 Group
Read A If you see than in the
each sentence.
sentence, use the comparative. Decide if you
Unit 5: Incredible Placesneed to use -er or more. If you see than, use
the superlative. Decide if you need to use -est
or most and Remember to use the. Check
answers as a class, inviting individual students to
read aloud the complete sentences.
 Say; In your notebook, write sentences about
the different topics. Check for correct use of
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about natural and man-made features. Collaboration: respond to a partner´s idea.
 Use comparatives and superlatives Communication: ask and answer questions about
adjectives. various topics.
 Read and respond to a text about Dubai. Creativity: write a travel brochure.
 Write a travel brochure. Critical Thinking: identify whether features are
 Watch a video about Incredible places. natural or man-made.
 Identify the value of exploring new places.
Lesson Song and Writing  Give students a few minutes to read through the
In this lesson, students will: song lyrics. Ask; Which four places are
mentioned in the song? (cave, lake, castle,
 Listen to a song about exploring. town).
 Read a travel brochure about Finland.  Have students open their books ask if anybody
 Use capital letters correctly. knows about Northern Lights and Aurora
Borealis. Have students open their books and
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, read the text. Ask; Would you like to go to this
online material. resort? Why? Why not? Invite students to give
their reasons.
School CENEI  HaveLevelstudents to4th
read the information in the gray
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 5
box. Say; Useful information is information
Date January 12, 13, 14 youGroup
need to know, A for example, how to get to
the place or what to take. Tell students to find
Unit 5: Incredible Placesthe information in the travel brochure. Invite
students to share their answers with the class.
 Direct students´attention to part A. Ask; When do
we use capital letters? (for people´s name,
days, months, countries, and so on). Now
direct attention to part B. have students underline
the letters in the sentences that need to be
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about natural and man-made features. Collaboration: respond to a partner´s idea.
 Use comparatives and superlatives Communication: ask and answer questions about
adjectives. various topics.
 Read and respond to a text about Dubai. Creativity: write a travel brochure.
 Write a travel brochure. Critical Thinking: identify whether features are
 Watch a video about Incredible places. natural or man-made.
 Identify the value of exploring new places.
Lesson Video  Have students open their books. Ask; What
In this lesson, students will: do yo see in the photos? Why do you
 Watch a video about amazing natural think people visit these different places?
What can you do there? Give students
time to discuss the questions. Play video.
 Use superlative adjectives to describe Ask; Where´s the river in photo A?
places School CENEI (Brazil).
Level Where4th are the mountains in
 Resources CPT,
Teachers studentbook, workbook,
Luz, Aidee and Fer photo
Unit B? (Italy).
5 Where are the rocks in
online material.
Date January 16, 17, 18 photo
GroupC? (China).
 Play video again for students to complete
Unit 5: Incredible Placesthe sentences.
 Ask; What can you remember about the
three places? Have students answer the
questions individually, check as a class.
(play video again if is necessary and pause
after each segment so students can write
their answers).
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about clothes and accessories. Collaboration: work in pairs to discuss ways to help
 Talk about their belogings with possessive students feel happy at school.
pronouns. Communication: write an invitation to a party.
 Use the infinitive of purpose to talk about Creativity: desing their own clothes.
what people use things for. Critical Thinking: decide what to take to a desert
 Write and invitation to a party. island.
 Watch a video about traditional clothes
around the world.
 Identify the value of taking care of their
Lesson Words and Grammar  Have students open their books, play tr. and
In this lesson, students will: have students follow the text in their books.
 Talk about clothes. Ask additional comprehension questions
such as; What clothes usually have
 Listen and respond to an interview.
pockets? (pants, jackets).
 Use possessive pronouns.  Say; Look at number 1. What word is
 Talk about who objects in the class belong missing? (sneakers). Have students
to. complete the sentences. Then check
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, answers as a class.
online material.  Have students read the questions and
underline key words. For example; nine,
favorite, etc. This helps them focus on what
to listen for. Point out that they may hear
words from all three options but only one
School CENEI answer
Level will be correct.
4th Students need to
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer understand
Unit the audio
6 might have synonyms
Date January 19, 20, 21 ofGroup
the words they A see on the page.
 Play tr. have students complete the activity
Unit 6: Cool Clothes individually. play tr. again for students to
check answers.
 Draw students attention to the green
grammar box, play tr. check comprehension
of the pronouns by saying, for example:
This is my shirt. This, shirt is …,
emphasizing my and eliciting mine. Repeat
School CENEI Level 4th
Teachers Luz, Aidee and Fer Unit 6
Date January 23, 24, 25 Group A
Unit 6: Cool Clothes
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about clothes and accessories. Collaboration: work in pairs to discuss ways to help
 Talk about their belogings with possessive students feel happy at school.
pronouns. Communication: write an invitation to a party.
 Use the infinitive of purpose to talk about Creativity: desing their own clothes.
what people use things for. Critical Thinking: decide what to take to a desert
 Write and invitation to a party. island.
 Watch a video about traditional clothes
around the world.
 Identify the value of taking care of their
Lesson Reading and Grammar  Have students open their books, say; Scan
In this lesson, students will: the text. Why are the children wearing
 Read a text about mismatched socks. mismatched socks? (to help stop
bullying). Play tr. give students a moment
 Decide whether sentences about the text
reflect on the text.
are true or false.  Read the text aloud as a class, then have
 Use infinitives os purpose to talk about students match the words in bold to their
objects are used for. meanings. When they finish the task, invite
 Identify useful objects for a desert island. students to read aloud each definition and
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook, the correct word.
 Have students read the text again and
online material.
decide if the sentences are true or false.
Have them complete the task individually
and the check answers as a class by inviting
students to read a sentence aloud.
 Play tr. once while students follow in their
books. Say; we can use to and a verb to
explain why we do something. For
example: we do sports to … (have fun)
and we come to school to … (learn new
 Direct students´attention to the sentences
halves in the activity. Have them work
individually to match and form sentences.
Then check answers as a class, inviting
In this unit, students will: Twenty-First Century kills
 Talk about clothes and accessories. Collaboration: work in pairs to discuss ways to help
School CENEI Level 4th
 Talk aboutTeachers
their belogings Luz,
with possessive
Aidee and Fer students feel
Unit happy at 6school.
pronouns.Date January 26, 27, 28 Communication:
Group write A an invitation to a party.
 Use the infinitive of purpose to talk about Creativity: desing their own clothes.
Unit 6: Cool Clothes
what people use things for. Critical Thinking: decide what to take to a desert
 Write and invitation to a party. island.
 Watch a video about traditional clothes
around the world.
 Identify the value of taking care of their
Lesson Song and Writing  Ask; What´s you favorite thing in the
In this lesson, students will: whole world? Invite individual students to
 Listen to and sing a song about old tell you about something special to them.
Say; We´re going to listen to a song
objects in the family.
about three special things. Before we
 Identify the value of taking care of their listen, scan the lyrics and find which
things. three things are in the song. Play tr. and
 Read an invitation to a party. have students listen and follow the lyrics in
 Write times, dates and adresses. their books. Ask; Do you have a special
object that your grandma, grandpa gave
 Resources CPT, studentbook, workbook,
you? Invite individual students to share their
online material. answers.
 Draw students´attention to the photo, say;
They´re having a sleepover. What kind of
party do yo think that is? (a party where
you sleep at a friend´s house). Say; Read
the text to check your ideas.
 Invite students to read the information in the
gray box. Say; Find the answers to the
questions in the invitation. Have them
answers the questions individually and then
check answers a class.
 Direct students´attention to a part A. invite
students to read the information in the gray
box. Clarify the use of a.m. and p.m. Review

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