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2019 - An average of 25 million views per month.

2022 - An average of 13 million views per month.

In 2 years, Slogo, formerly known as Slogoman, has experienced almost a 50% drop off in his
viewership on Youtube. Once a true giant of the Youtube Gaming community, things are
beginning to decline for Slogo. There hasn’t been a well documented reason, or set of reasons
for this, but we’re going to explore some of the potential issues that could be responsible for
Slogo’s fall.

Slogo, who’s real name is Josh Temple, was born on May 16, 1997, in Surrey, England. Josh
joined Youtube way back in 2013. Back then, he was just a kid who loved playing GTA V, and
started uploading gameplay videos of himself playing missions and talking about the game in
general to whoever was watching. Thanks to his friendship with fellow YouTuber
TheGamingLemon who had already built an army of subscribers, it didn’t take long for
Slogoman’s channel to grow a decent following, while he was still mainly posting gameplays of

Things grew slowly for a while but in 2016 things really kicked off for Slogo when he started
collaborating with other popular Minecraft YouTubers like Crainer and Jelly. He was even part of
Pewdiepie’s short lived youtube network, Revelmode. He officially shortened his channel name
from Slogoman to just Slogo in 2019.

He still played GTA, but added games like GMod, Gang Beasts, Roblox and many others. Over
the years he has become most known for his Minecraft content, with this now being the main
source of his content collaborating with other creators like Kewbblekopp and Crainer and Jelly,
with Jelly taking the place of Kwebblekopp in the group when he decided to go his own way and
split from them in 2019.

Over the years, Slogo has stuck to a pretty strict schedule of uploading two videos each day to
his channel, which is pretty wild, even if gaming, and youtube, is your full time job. The amount
of effort Josh has put into his channel just shows his commitment to making a long career from
doing what he loves.

He would go on to amass over 11 Million subscribers, and 6 Billion views. Milestones that many
creators only dream of passing in their Youtube careers. Not to mention the 1.5 million followers
he has on Tiktok too.

One of the things that set Slogo apart from other gaming YouTubers is his upbeat and energetic
personality. He's known for his infectious laugh and positive attitude, which have helped him
attract a dedicated fanbase. Slogo is also known for his skill at Minecraft, particularly in mini-
games like Sky Wars and Bed Wars. He's also done a number of real-life challenges and vlogs,
which have helped to showcase his personality outside of gaming, making his audience just
love him even more and helping him grow his audience into a loyal fan-base.

Now, in 2023, he finds himself more separated from his former crew after parting ways with
Crainer in May of 2022, and his channel numbers seem to be reflecting that, but why is this the
case, what’s causing Slogo’s numbers to drop by almost half in just 2 years?

I think it’s firstly important to note that there’s a huge part of this that is completely out of his
control. As a content creator tied to gaming, popularity will always be dictated by the games you
play, and what you enjoy. Games come in and out of the spotlight all of the time and the
creators that make content on those games follow these trends. If Minecraft, or the other titles
Slogo plays, aren’t popular and being searched on Youtube, then his numbers are going to take
a hit.

Something Slogo’s critics have highlighted though is the lack of innovation in his content. He
seems pretty against trying out new things or new games, and while he's known for his
Minecraft videos so he may not want to move away from what’s brought him his success, some
viewers feel that he hasn't done enough to mix things up or try new and popular games or other
video formats to attract new viewers, and keep the existing ones interested enough to keep
coming back. His audience could simply be getting bored of the same video over and over
again, and going elsewhere for more innovative content.

YouTube's algorithm is constantly changing too, which can make it more difficult for creators to
gain traction. Some creators have speculated that changes to the algorithm have hurt their
channel's performance. This may be another factor that’s out of Slogo’s control and responsible
for some of the decline in his views but again, keeping up with this stuff is something that
successful Youtubers manage and find ways to work around, and if this really is one of the
things bringing those numbers down for Slogo, he surely isn’t doing a great job of making
tweaks and changes to his content to get picked up again by the Youtube algorithm and shown
up in search results for people looking for new gaming content.

Slogo hasn’t been managing his relationships with his fellow creators very well either. The
gaming niche on YouTube is super competitive, and Slogo faces stiff competition from other
creators in the space. Some of his former collaborators, like Jelly and Crainer, have gone on to
create their own successful channels, which may have actually taken some of Slogo's
viewership away. When you rise up with other creators, keeping that connection is important to
share viewers, and it looks like Slogo doesn’t pull as much of an audience without his former
buddies there in all of his videos. It might be a competitive space but it’s also a tight community
and keeping things sweet with your peers can go a long way to reach new audiences and gain
more views. This is something Slogo has really struggled with since he stopped making content
with Crainer.
There’s also a lot of speculation surrounding Slogo’s personal situation. While he hasn’t gone
into detail about any personal issues he may be facing in his vlogs, in actual fact he hasn’t said
anything at all to indicate there’s something going on, some viewers have noticed that his
videos have become less frequent in recent months and that he doesn’t seem to be as focussed
on creating great content as he once was. Something his fans obviously care about. Hopefully
Slogo can clear this up for everybody wondering some time soon.

While it is possible that he's dealing with personal challenges that have impacted his ability to
create content. It’s worth remembering that it’s also totally possible Slogo has just decided to
take a step back and put less focus into his content without any personal issues being to blame.
After 7 years of being a huge name in the gaming niche on Youtube, breaking massive
milestones along the way and amassing a net worth that’s speculated to be $17.99 million, it’s
easy to see why he might want to take a break and enjoy the pay off from his hard work. It’s
hardly like he needs the money. We have to remember that, when he started his journey, he
was just Josh, just a kid from England, and now he’s 25, a young man that probably regrets
some of the sacrifices he had to make to ensure his youtube channel became the success it did.
Josh had a love for sports as a kid and played Rugby, something he gave up to focus on
Youtube. He also had a keen interest in psychology while he was at college but never went on
to study it further. I know for sure that, if I were in his shoes, I would want to spend some time
now re-visiting some of the other things in my life that I enjoy, having made my youtube career a
successful one.

Whatever is behind it, there’s no doubt that Slogo is experiencing a substantial fall after almost
10 years of growth on Youtube. 2 years past his peak audience and monthly view numbers, he’s
down by almost 50%. It might sound bad, but these figures are actually relatively small
compared to some other creators on the platform like Kwebblekopp, who has lost a huge part of
his audience over recent years.

That peak was also pretty record setting, with the channel being the most watched gaming
channel on the Youtube platform in 2020 while the covid pandemic had everyone in lockdown
across the globe, and with a peak like that, a drop off was always going to happen, but we
maybe expected it to hit a little less hard than it has for Slogo.

Slogo still has a massive following and is one of the most popular gaming creators on YouTube,
even with the drop off in numbers. It's also possible that his channel could rebound in the future,
at any time, especially if he's able to refresh his content or try new formats. If he is just taking
some time away to deal with personal stuff, enjoy a more laid back lifestyle for a while or even if
he’s just become a little out of touch with what’s popular, he could come back bigger and
stronger whenever he likes just by refreshing his content a little. Whatever happens, there is no
debate that Slogo is truly one of Youtubes’ greatest-ever gaming creators, and who knows what
the future holds for his channel.

Script for shorts version.

2019 - An average of 25 million views per month.

2022 - An average of 13 million views per month.

It’s hard to deny that Slogo, formerly known as Slogoman, has experienced a huge drop off in
his views over the last two years, but why is this the case?

Is it a lack of new ideas with his content, and just sticking to the same old games and video

Is it just the competitive nature of the gaming niche on Youtube and other creators stealing his

Or is Slogo just taking some time to catch up on personal issues and enjoying the benefits of his
years of hard work?

In truth, it could be any, or all of the above reasons that are causing the decline in Slogo’s

Not only that, even though his channel has lost 50% of it’s average views per month over the
last two years, Slogo is still one of Youtubes most recognisable and successful gaming creators,
and is one of the top minecraft channels of all time, helping Slogoman, Josh, who started as a
kid from Surrey, England, build a net worth of almost 18 million dollars. Not bad, huh?

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