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We all have heard the very encouraging and motivating promises of our parents, those

which help us power through and be done with it, the ones which claim that once we are
done with our 12th, its all-smooth sailing and picnic days. That life will just be roses
without the thorns and sweet limes will come our way instead of sour lemons. And the
naïve, still-hopeful child in us believed that. But the bitter epiphany hits us when we are
asked what are our plans after school, after college, after masters and a never-ending
series of afters. Its like giving a pop-quiz where we are supposed to come prepared but
instead, we chose to watch Netflix and are now at fault for not knowing the answers.
Saying I’ll just swing it will fetch sorry glances and later a lecture from our parents,
while telling our plans would mean losing sleep and overthinking it just because that
distant relative does not approve or is jealous or just pointed out some slight hiccup
that we may not have figured yet.
All this is still bearable if you have your friends to share these woes with and distract
yourself with harmless juvenile foolery at school. Now just think about the plight of the
“COVID Batch”, that is, the batch of 2020-21. The world turned upside down, it was the
first time we were going through something like this, there was an uncertainty in the air
which even the tension of our results could not match and we could not put a proper full
stop to our beautiful school journeys. Icing on the cake was class 12th boards. The one
exam on which (supposedly) our lives depended. The one exam due to which all family
functions, festivals and fun was cancelled for a whole year, for everyone living under
one roof. The whole world stopped, people lost their jobs and businesses were shut
down but the strongest specie of human race was forced to go on fighting, the doctors
and the students. On one end are highly trained professionals witnessing the wonders of
their textbook coming to life, even if it was very scary and, on other end, us, rookie at
life and trying to grasp at what was happening. During a time when even the most
intelligent brains in the world could not figure what next, we still had to go on with our
life as if nothing is out of place, instantly adjust to a whole new way of teaching and play
the never ending “What Next” game.
For a natural overthinker and planner like me, this was my worst nightmare.
Uncertainty and apprehension were never my friends and that certainly did not change.
With COVID not being enough, our boards were cancelled and I was ripped from all the
control I had over my life at that point of time. What if they don’t give me enough
marks? The news says cut-off will skyrocket (they were right for once)! What if I don’t
get into a decent college? These thoughts kept me awake at night and I literally dreaded
every proceeding day. I somehow just wanted to skip a few months ahead to find myself
in a place where I don’t have to worry about literally everything in my life. I had no idea
about what was going to happen and I hated it. People around me certainly didn’t help.
The what next series picked up and everyone was very curious about how CBSE was
coping. There were even questions like how much marks will you get? Like how could I
possibly know! The thing is people don’t understand that even without a pandemic all of
us have a very load already on our minds. The daunting thought of life all on our own
and us in charge looms over our heads like a knife and we are constantly trying to focus,
distract ourselves and do whatever we feel is the best for us. Their questions put us off
track and make us anxious. All those worries and uneasiness comes back and we spiral
back to square one. Yes, none of us is perfect and our plans may not be most efficient.
Some of us may even not have a plan. But at least were all trying and we know that it is
our life at stake. Your intentions might be good but this prying does more harm than
good. Give us time to figure things and if we need help, we will come to you. But for the
moment just give us a few happy, encouraging words, tell us you believe in us and are
there and that is all that matters for us.

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