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Turkey's Prospects

Author(s): Whit Mason and Andrew Mango

Source: The Wilson Quarterly (1976-) , Winter, 2001, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Winter, 2001), pp.
Published by: Wilson Quarterly

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Wilson Quarterly (1976-)

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Letters may be mailed to One Woodrow Wilson Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.
20004-3027, or sent via facsimile, to (202) 69 J -4036, or e-mail, to
The writers telephone number and postal address should be included. For reasons of space, letters are usually
edited for publication. Some letters are received in response to the editors' requests for comment.

World War II, seemed to confirm the virtues of

Turkey's Prospects jealously guarded sovereignty. Turkey's unique
I would like to add a few remarks to the two argu- experience of nationalism set this value on a col-
ments made in your articles on Turkey ["The lision course with the other founding principle
Turkish Dilemma," WQ, Autumn '00] that of Kemal ism- the importance of joining the
may point toward how Turkey's chronic polit- West. Just as few in Europe and the United
ical dysfunction may end. States have pondered the possible unforeseen
Though Cengiz Çandar obviously doesn't implications of the European Union's becom-
share the worshipful attitude toward Ataturk of ing a Eurasian power, which Martin Walker
the Kemalist elite, in saying that Atatùrk notes in his essay, few Turks anticipated that the
"invented the tools necessary to turn an sacrifice of sovereignty would be a conse-
empire into a republic" he nevertheless over- quence of joining Europe, and only now are
states the founder's contribution. The only they beginning to grapple with it.
"tools" essential for transforming Turkey are the Joining Europe would have another unin-
minds of Turkey's citizens. tended-but enormously beneficial- conse-
In fact, thoroughgoing as Ataturk s revolution quence: undermining the very patriarchy that
may appear, it hardly touched the keystone of has so infantilized Turkish society. In practice,
Turkey's stultifying political culture: patriar- the authority of a Turkish father depends as
chal authority. Mustafa Kemal himself was much on the rigidity of the economy and the
dubbed "the Father of Turks." Over three- lack of credit as on traditional culture. European-

quarters of a century later, Turks still speak of scale prosperity and finance would erode this
the "Daddy State," and former president authority by giving ambitious young people
Siileyman Demirel, who last summer reluc- the material wherewithal to strike out on their

tantly left office after seven years, was also own.

known as "Dad." As Çandar says, Turkey's current position is

Ataturk seemed to understand that liberat- full of ironies. If Turkey does manage to join the

ing the minds of the Turkish people was the key European Union, it will have realized Ata-
to joining the West. Unfortunately, given his mil- tiirk's dream in spite of the authoritarian gen-
itary background and the need to expel foreign erals and senior bureaucrats who claim, mis-
invaders, Atatùrk adopted an authoritarian leadingly, to be his political heirs.
style that inadvertently recreated the very Whit Mason

structure he'd sought to demolish. Fellow, Institute of Current World Affairs

This patriarchal structure has ensured that Istanbul, Turkey
patronage overshadows principle and encour-
aged Turks to ape the forms of the West with- Allow me to congratulate you for publishing two

out understanding, much less internalizing, well-argued articles on the domestic situation
their underlying essence. As the writer Çetin and international posture of Turkey. Even if
Altan pointed out, the Westernizing reforms that there are gaps in Martin Walker's knowledge of
started with the Ottomans generated in Turks history (the Ottoman dynasty, which descend-
an appetite for Western goods but not the ed from a Turcoman warlord, did not trace its
capacity to manufacture them. ancestry to the Prophet Muhammad; Cyprus
Turkey's history has created other obstacles was conquered by the Ottomans in the 16th, not
to emulating the West. While the two world wars the 14th, century; "mountain Turks" was
discredited nationalism in Europe, Turkey's never the official term for Kurds), the fact
experience, particularly its neutrality during remains that his main argument is well worth

4 Wilson Quarterly

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considering. It is by encouraging the ebrate the anniversary of the French Revol-
European Union to accept Turkey as a full ution, which, as Çandar rightly says, provided
member that the United States may be creat- the inspiration for Atatiirk's reforms. Turkey
ing problems for itself, given that the EU and will get there too, but it will take time and
the United States often pursue different policies patience. In the meantime, order has to be pre-
in the Middle East and the former Soviet served. Turkey has a freely elected parliament,
Union. The flaw in Walker's argument is that and it is a safe and friendly country, to which for-

the implementation of a common EU foreign eign officers like to be posted and which
and defense policy and Turke/s full member- tourists enjoy visiting. Let us keep it that way,
ship in the EU are still distant prospects. Of remembering the awful example of Iran, where
course, while the process goes on, all the par- liberal criticism of the Shah opened the way to
ties to it will pursue their national interests. government by illiberal mullahs.
One should concentrate, therefore, on Andrew Mango
Turke/s actual approach to current problems Author of Ataturk (2000)
rather than on hypothetical changes that EU London, England
membership may bring to it.
One hesitates to cross swords with Cengiz
Çandar, both because he is a distinguished More on Privacy
analyst of Turkish affairs and because his lib- I read the article "The Genetic Surprise" by
eralism is in tune with current orthodoxy. Yet Phillip J. Longman and Shannon Brownlee
the fact remains that the reforms being imple- with great interest [WQ, Autumn '00]. The
mented in Turkey today became possible only authors do not mention that there is, in fact, a
after the military "engineered" the fall of the federal law that prohibits discrimination based
demagogic government led by the Islamist on genetic information in the private insur-
politician Necmettin Erbakan in 1997,
just as the late prime minister Turgut
Ôzal was able to open the country to
the global free market only because the
military had taken power in 1980. The
moderate stance of the Islamic Virtue

Party today owes much to the banning of

its predecessor, the Welfare Party. The
B The Art of War I

| ^j:
Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ôcalan
would not have called on the militants

of his Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) to

end their insurrection and leave the
country had he not been captured,
tried, and sentenced to death. Advocates
of liberal solutions to Turkey's domestic
divisions are thus the beneficiaries of

measures, often harsh, that are taken by

the military in the name of Kemalism, the

legacy of Ataturk. The current efforts at '"***- ^ftfiTzu

ff^vc; vn<:v l-.csus e OiMMr-TABi
democratization are a delicate process sv -Hf i)>\.\M ! x i\v; w/o\ (jar,!.?

that could threaten public order in view

of the antipathy and mutual fear "This luminous translation gave me a much
between secularists and Islamists. clearer understanding of Sun Tzu's deeper
On Republic Day, October 29th, an purpose - to make war unnecessary."

Islamist daily came out with the headline - James A. Autry, coauthor of Real Power:
Business Lessons from the Tao Te Ching
"Congratulations on your 77th anniver-
sary." This is not surprising: More than a ÉSHAMBHALA

century had to pass before French Available at your bookstore now
Catholics could bring themselves to cel-

Winter200l 5

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