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NOTES RECEIVABLE ● The computation corresponding entry shall be as follows:

✓ Claims supported by formal promises to pay usually in the form of notes.

✓ Standing alone, the term “notes receivable” represents only claims arising
from sale of merchandise or service in the ordinary course of business.
✓ Thus, notes received from officers, employees, shareholders and affiliates
shall be designated separately.

Initial measurement
● Conceptually, notes receivable shall be measured initially at present value.
● However, short-term notes receivable shall be measured at face value.
o Cash flows relating to short-term notes receivable are not
discounted because the effect of discounting is usually not
● Interest-bearing notes receivable ● The interest receivable shall be written off if interest income already
o Measured at face value which is actually the present value upon recognized shall not be realized meanwhile the allowance shall be deducted
issuance. from the current balance of the notes receivable.
● Noninterest-bearing notes receivable
o Measured at present value which is the discounted value of the - - END - -
future cash flows using the effective interest rate.
Subsequent measurement THEORY
● Subsequent to initial recognition, long-term notes receivable shall be
measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. 1. Which of the following is a method to generate cash from accounts
Meaning of amortized cost a. Assignment only c. Both A and B
● The “amortized cost” is the amount at which the note receivable is measured b. Factoring only d. Neither A nor B
✓ Minus principal repayment 2. The equity of the assignor in assigned accounts is equal to
a. assigned accounts receivable
✓ Plus or minus cumulative amortization of any difference between the initial b. bank loan balance
carrying amount and the principal maturity amount c. assigned accounts receivable minus the bank loan balance
✓ Minus reduction for impairment or uncollectibility d. bank loan balance minus the assigned accounts receivable

● For long-term noninterest-bearing notes receivable, 3. It is a predetermined amount withheld by a factor as a protection against
the amortized cost is the present value plus customer returns, allowances and other special adjustments
amortization of the discount, or the face value minus a. Equity in assigned accounts c. Commission
the unamortized unearned interest income. b. Service charge d. Factor’s holdback

LOAN RECEIVABLE 4. Which of the following is true when accounts receivables are factored
● A financial asset arising from a loan granted by a bank or other financial without recourse?
institution to a borrower or client. a. The transaction may be accounted for either as secured borrowing or sale
Initial measurement b. The receivables are used as collateral for a promissory note issued to the
● At initial recognition, an entity shall measure a loan receivable at fair value factor by the owner of the receivables
plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the c. The factor assumes the risk of collectability and absorbs any credit losses in
financial asset. collecting the receivables
● Transaction costs that are directly attributable to the loan receivable include d. The financing cost should be recognized ratably over the collection period
direct origination costs. of the receivables
✓ Direct origination costs should be included in the initial measurement of the
loan receivable. 5. If financial assets are exchanged for cash and other consideration but the
✓ However, indirect origination costs should be treated as outright expense. transfer does not meet the criteria for a sale, the transferor and the transferee
should account for transaction as
Subsequent measurement I. Secured borrowing
● PFRS 9 provides that if the business model in managing financial assets is II. Pledge of collateral
to collect contractual cash flows on specified dates and the contractual cash a. I only c. Both I and II
flows are solely payments of principal interest, the financial asset shall be b. II only d. Neither I nor II
measured at amortized cost.
● Accordingly, a loan receivable is measured at amortized cost using the 6. If receivables are hypothecated (pledged) against borrowings, the amount of
effective interest method. receivables involved should be
a. Disclosed in the notes
Origination fees b. Excluded from the total receivables, with disclosure
● Lending activities usually precede the actual disbursement of funds and c. Excluded from the total receivables, with no disclosure
generally include efforts to identify and attract potential borrowers and to d. Excluded from the total receivables and a gain or loss is recognized
originate a loan. between the face value and the amount of borrowings
● The fees charged by the bank against the borrower for the creation of the
loan are known as “origination fees”. 7. Notes receivable discounted with recourse should be
a. Included in total receivables with disclosure of contingent liability
Impairment of loan b. Included in total receivables without disclosure of contingent liability
● PFRS 9 provides that an entity shall recognize a loss allowance of expected c. Excluded from total receivables with disclosure of contingent liability
credit losses on financial asset measured at amortized cost. d. Excluded from total receivables without disclosure of contingent liability
● An entity shall measure the loss allowance for a financial instrument at an 8. After being held for 60 days, a 120-day 8% interest-bearing note receivable
amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses if the credit risk on that was discounted at a bank at 12%. The amount received from the bank is equal
financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition. to
a. Face value less discount rate at 8%
Measurement of impairment b. Face value less discount rate at 12%
● The amount of impairment loss can be measured as the difference between c. Maturity value less discount at 8%
the carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows d. Maturity value less discount at 12%
discounted at the original effective rate.
9. If a note receivable is discounted without recourse 3. On December 31, 2025, ABC Company sold an equipment with a carrying
a. The contingent liability may be disclosed in either a contra account to note amount of P2,000,000 and received a non-interest bearing note requiring
receivable or in a note to the financial statements payment of P500,000 annually for ten years. The first
b. Liability for note receivable discounted should be credited payment is due December 31, 2026.
c. Note receivable should be credited
d. The transaction should be accounted for as a borrowing as opposed to a sale The prevailing rate of interest for this type of note at date of issuance is 12%

PROBLEMS Present value of 1 at 12% for 10 periods 0.322

1. On January 1, Deliela Company assigned P500,000 of accounts receivable Present value of ordinary annuity of 1 at 12% for 10 periods 5.650
to X Finance Inc. The company gave a 14% note for P450,000 representing
90% of the assigned accounts and received 1. On December 31, 2025, what is the carrying amount of the note receivable?
proceeds of P432,000 after deduction of a 4% fee. On February 1, it remitted a. P5,000,000
P80,000 to X, including interest for 1 month on the unpaid balance. As a result b. P2,175,000
of this P80,000 remittance, accounts receivable assigned and notes payable c. P1,610,000
will be decreased by what amount? d. P2,825,000
Accounts receivable Notes payable
a. P80,000 P74,750 2. What is the gain on sale of equipment to be recognized in 2025?
b. P80,000 P80,000 a. P3,000,000
c. P72,000 P74,750 b. P2,175,000
d. P74,750 P80,000 c. P825,000
d. P0
2. Shiella Corporation factored P6,000,000 of accounts receivable to X
Enterprises on October 1, 2021. Control was surrendered by the corporation. 3. What amount of interest income should be recognized for 2026?
X accepted the receivables subject to recourse for nonpayment. X assessed a a. P600,000
fee of 3% and retains a holdback equal to 5% of the accounts receivable. In b. P339,000
addition, X charged 15% interest computed on a weighted-average time to c. P319,800
maturity of the receivables of 54 days. The fair value of the recourse d. P300,000
obligation is P90,000.
Question 1: The corporation will receive and record cash of: 4. What is the carrying amount of the note receivable on December 31, 2026?
a. P5,296,850 c. P5,476,850 a. P2,325,000
b. P5,386,850 d. P5,556,850 b. P4,500,000
c. P2,825,000
Question 2: Assuming all receivables are collected, the corporation’s cost of d. P2,664,000
factoring the receivables would be:
a. P313,150 c. P433,150 Loans Receivable
b. P180,000 d. P613,150 4. XYZ Bank granted a loan to a borrower on January 1, 2025. The interest
rate on the loan is 10% payable annually starting December 31, 2025. The
3. Dan Corporation received a P300,000, 6-month, 12% interest bearing note loan matures in five years on December 31, 2029.
from a customer. The note was discounted the same day by Sea Bank at 15%.
As a result of the discounting, it should recognize: Principal amount P4,000,000
a. P0 interest expense c. P5,850 interest expense Direct origination cost 61,500
b. P18,000 interest revenue d. P5,850 interest revenue Origination fee received from borrower 350,000

4. Jvion Company received from a customer a 1-year, P500,000 note bearing The effective rate on the loan after considering the direct origination cost and
annual interest of 8%. After holding the note for 6 months, it discounted the origination fee received is 12%
note at a nearby bank at an effective interest rate of 10%. What amount of
cash did it received from the bank? Requirements:
a. P540,000 c. P513,000 1. Compute the carrying amount of the loan receivable on January 1, 2025.
b. P523,810 d. P495,238 2. Prepare a table of amortization for the loan receivable.
3. Prepare the journal entries for 2025 and 2026.
5. Mamelia Company accepted from a customer a P4,000,000, 90-day, 12%
interest bearing note dated August 31, 2021. On September 30, 2021, it Loan Impairment
discounted the note with recourse at Sea Bank at 15%. However, the proceeds 5. On January 1, 2025, ABC Bank loaned P3,000,000 to a borrower. The
were not received until October 1, 2021. The discounting with recourse is contract specified that the loan had a 6-year term and a 9% interest rate.
accounted for as a conditional sale with recognition of a contingent liability. Interest is payable annually every December 31 and the principal amount will
What is the loss on note receivable discounting? be collected on December 31, 2030. Interest is collected for 2025.
a. P40,000 c. P17,000
b. P23,000 d. P20,000 On December 31, 2025, the bank determined that the loan has a 12-month
probability of default of 2% and expected to collect only 90% of the loan.
Notes Receivable On December 31, 2026, the bank determined that there is a significant
1. Pinnacle Company sold to another entity a tract of land costing increase in the credit risk of the loan but no objective evidence of impairment.
P5,000,000 for P7,000,000 on January 1, 2025. The buyer paid Based on relevant information, the bank concluded that there is a 30%
P1,000,000 down and signed a two-year promissory note for the probability of default over the remaining term of the loan and it is expected
remainder of the purchase price plus 12% interest payable annually that only 60% of the loan will be collected. Interest is collected for 2026.
every December 31. The note matures on January 1, 2027.
Requirement: Prepare journal entries for 2025, 2026 and 2027. On December 31, 2027, the borrower was under financial difficulty and the
2. Pinnacle Company manufactures and sells electrical generators. On January loan was considered impaired. The bank agreed that only 40% of the principal
1, 2025, the entity sold an electrical generator costing P700,000 for will be collected on the due date. Interest is collected for 2027.
The present value of 1 at 9% is 0.65 for 5 periods, 0.71 for four periods and
The buyer paid P100,000 down and signed a P900,000 non-interest bearing 0.77 for three periods.
note payable in three equal installments every December 31. Requirements:
1. Prepare the journal entries for 2025, 2026 and 2027.
The prevailing interest rate for a note of this type is 12%. The present value of 2. Compute the carrying amount of the loan receivable on December 31, 2025,
an ordinary annuity of 1 for three periods is 2.4018. 2026 and 2027.
Requirement: Prepare journal entries for the current year.

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