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Fighting Global

• Who are the IMF, G8, World
Bank, WTO etc
• The anarchist economic
alternative to globalisation
• Africa, anarchism & neo-

Our Globalisation liberalism

• The media and the anti
capitalist globalisation
• Reviews of No LOGO and
Globalise This!
• Anarchism & the Anti-
Globalization Movement
The world's 225 richest people have a combined wealth equal to the combined annual income of the world's 2.5
billion poorest people. A 4 percent levy on their wealth would provide adequate food, safe water and sanitation, basic
education, basic health care and reproductive health care for all those in the developing countries.
In the USA the wealth of the top 1% is greater than that of the bottom 95%. In Mexico 40 people own 30% of the
wealth in that country of 95 million people. The housing crisis in Ireland demonstrates how even during an economic
boom the gains don't go to the working class.
The last 40 years have seen massive economic development and an increase in human knowledge. In the last 50
years man has gone to the moon and sequenced the human genome. But the capitalist system which delivered these
miracles is unable to help the tens of millions who die every year because they lack access to basic medicine and
clean water. According to the UN 2.6 billion people have no access to sanitation, 2 billion have no electricity and 100
million are homeless.
This inequality is fundamental to the way that capitalism works. This is why anarchists have and will continue to be
at the heart of the anti-capitalist protests. But protest is not enough, we want to change the world.
This pamphlet tells you about the global bodies that capitalism has constructed and how we can oppose them.

Workers Solidarity 2001

PDF edition

Globalisation: the end of The United Nations

The United Nations was the great hope
for many as an alternative to war, or to a

the age of imperialism? peace where rich countries could do as

they please. Even today many well-mean-
ing people all too often refer to the UN as
if it was an alternative to US or NATO
IT HAS BECOME increasingly fashionable to use the term domination of the globe. The UN may
claim to be a global body representing all
globalisation as a description of the international economy and in-
countries, but in reality - for effective in-
ternational political relations. Globalisation is meant to have taken tervention - it may only act with the say
over from imperialism, when a handful of large states openly and so of a tiny number of powerful military
directly ran most or the world. powers. These are the five permanent
The bosses' magazine, The Economist, particular nation state therefore has to members of the Security Council (USA,
ran a major article on this New World be questioned. Again the Economist is Britain, France, Russia and China), each
Order called 'The New Geopolitics' last unusually honest here in asking what is with the ability to veto any intervention
July. It described this supposed transfor- "the central reason why a state remains". that goes against their interests.
mation: "The imperial age was a time It answers "the State is still the chief In effect the UN is a cover behind which
when countries A, B and C took over the wielder of organised armed force". these countries can wage war when it
governments of countries X, Y and Z. The suits them - as when the UN supposedly
Recent wars clearly divide into two types.
aim now is to make it possible for the peo- went into Iraq to protect Kuwaiti sover-
Some involve geographic neighbours
ples of X, Y and Z to govern themselves, eignty in the 1991 Gulf war. But they can
fighting each other, commonly over bor-
freeing them from the local toughs who stop the UN acting in other cases, so for
der demarcations like India and Paki-
deny them that right." instance no UN body invaded the US to
stan. Others involve interventions by
Many on the left, including some anar- countries that may be 1000's of km's protect Nicaraguan sovereignty when the
chists, have critically adapted this de- away, most commonly on the basis of 'hu- Reagan administration were mining its
scription of the New World Order. Cen- manitarian intervention' as with the UN harbours in the 1980's.
tral to this is the idea that the rapid interventions in Iraq and Somalia or the Even where the smaller countries disap-
movement of money made possible by the NATO intervention in Kosovo. But when prove and partly block military action be-
'information age' and the growth of mul- we look at these second type of interven- hind the UN banner, the NATO countries
tinationals means that the age of impe- tions we find that, far from the distant have proved adapt at ignoring calls for
rialism - when powerful nation states countries being a random collection or negotiated solutions and using UN reso-
dominated the world - has been replaced selected according to size, every single lutions as an excuse for war as in the
by a more abstract and invisible but one of these interventions has been led ongoing bombing of Iraq. Often these ex-
equally powerful rule by capital which is by one country, the USA. cuses are astounding hypocritical. NATO
not tied to any state. could bomb Serbia supposedly to protect
Beyond this the second and third most
At first sight such a description seems important forces in the intervention will ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo from
compelling, it is 'common sense' that in- also be drawn from a very small pool of Serbian paramilitaries yet stands by
ternational trade has increased and that countries including Britain, France and while Turkey (a NATO member) massa-
treaties like the European Union are Italy. Clearly, on the military side at cres ethnic Kurds.
breaking down the old nation state. But least, such interventions are not random The Security Council mechanism by
does globalisation provide us with an ac- but are dominated by a small number of which the major powers control the UN
curate description of how the world what the more old fashioned amongst us and hence military intervention is quite
works? would term imperialist powers. well known on the left. However what is
In fact the Economist article admits that The US is the dominant power and, with not so widely realised are the similar
"...before the first world war some rich its NATO junior partners, has proved mechanisms that exist by which - with-
countries were doing almost as much able to dictate to any and every other out resorting to arms - the major imperi-
trade with the outside world as a propor- nation on the planet. Indeed NATO has alist powers, and the US in particular,
tion of GDP as they are doing now (and no realistic rivals. The closest you might can control the world economy. Once this
Japan was doing far more)". Assuming come is an imaginary alliance of China is revealed the idea of globalisation be-
'rich' to be a polite word for 'imperialist' and Russia. This would face a power with comes no more then a cheap card trick
here, what has changed is in fact the not only a larger and far better equipped designed to disguise and take away our
sheer volume of world trade (and wealth) military force but which also has over ten attention from the imperialist domina-
along with the fact that smaller countries times the economic muscle (NATO's GDP tion of the world.
are now far more involved. in 1997 was 16,255 billion dollars, Rus- Economic control - Debt, the World
sia's was 447, China's 902). Bank and the IMF
End of the nation state?
However the spread of democratic ideas, One aspect of this economic control has
But this is not the end of the nation state.
and knowledge about other countries, has recently got a lot of attention, if perhaps
In fact since 1914 the number of states
meant that 'old style' imperialism has lost a little indirectly. That is the massive
had rocketed from 62 to 74 by 1946 and
its popularity. That is why imperialism debt owed by 'Third World' countries. The
today it stands at 193. The other surprise
today is far more likely to hide behind Jubilee 2000 campaign, which demands
is that in the wealthy nations state
'humanitarianism' and a whole range of that 'unpayable' debt be abolished, has
spending as a percentage of GDP (a meas-
supposedly international bodies. When had considerable success in mobilising
ure of the relative wealth of a country)
we look at these 'international' bodies, tens of thousands on demonstrations in
has actually increased since 1980. The
however, we find that they are con- support of this demand. Some 800,000
central idea of globalisation - capital be-
structed in such a way that only the ma- people in Ireland alone have signed the
coming increasingly independent of any
jor powers have a real say in decision
petition for the abolition of the debt. What tions to hand over control of at least part would take over the running of the coun-
is seldom mentioned is the central part of their economies to the IMF and World try, often with American aid but some-
debt plays for the western powers in dic- Bank. This occurred in the 1980's when times with Russian aid.
tating how third world economies are or- individual countries became unable to
As US dominance grew a post-colonial
ganised. repay loans. At that stage the IMF and
system was constructed where, in return
World Bank would step in and 'offer' to
The debt crisis of the late 1970's and early for accepting terms of trade favourable
facilitate re-structuring of the loans pro-
1980's proved an ideal leverage for the to US business, the local ruling class
viding the country concerned imple-
western powers to force 'free trade' on the would be allowed some local control.
mented an IMF dictated 'Structural Ad-
'third world'. This occurred when third Some, of course, were not happy with this
justment Program'.
world countries faced with falling in- but by the 1980's the debt crisis on the
comes and rising interest rates defaulted Typically these involve removing barri- one hand and the collapse of the USSR
on their loans. ers to imports and removing whatever on the other meant they had little choice
protection of workers 'rights' and pay and most came over.
Before this many countries had followed
exists. This is usually achieved through
a policy of 'import substituionism' which The US has constructed a 'New World Or-
high inflation, privatisation and anti-
meant that they tried to manufacture der' in which it pulls almost all the eco-
union laws (and indeed physical repres-
goods like, for instance, cars that they nomic and military strings. With such
sion). Alongside this, spending on educa-
had previously imported. Without sug- control there is no need for it to rely on
tion and health are slashed. In the 1980's
gesting this sort of policy offered a posi- 'old fashioned' direct imperialist control.
an official of the Inter-American Devel-
tive alternative role it did have one big Through the IMF/World Bank and the
opment Bank described these as "an un-
disadvantage for the imperialist powers, World Trade Organisation (WTO) it can
paralleled opportunity to achieve, in the
it tended to deny them both markets and set the rules of global trade with its jun-
debtor countries, the structural reforms
cheap raw materials. ior partners of the G7 nations (the seven
favoured by the Reagan administration".
most powerful economies).
What the imperialist powers wanted, and
The payoff
what they essentially have won, was a Recently it has not flinched from using
system where the third world provided It shouldn't be imagined, through, that these powers on its 'junior partners' in
cheap raw materials & labour and acted this means the local ruling class likes particular with its attempts at imposing
as a market to consume the products of these policies. In reality today most Latin Genetically Modified foods on reluctant
companies with their bases in the impe- American economies are controlled by European states. The handful of 'rogue'
rialist countries. But for obvious reasons locally born but US educated economics states that are reluctant to accept its rule
this would not be a popular policy for the graduates. As Latin American intellec- have been easily contained, militarily and
people of those countries, except perhaps tual Xavier Gorostiaga observed "Neo-lib- economically in the case of North Korea
the few who could be promised a share of eralism has united the elite's of the South and Cuba or bombed into the stone age
the profits generated if they would ad- with those of the North and created the in the case of the ongoing war against
minister the system. biggest convergence of financial, techno- Iraq.
logical and military power in history".
When the debt crisis hit in the mid- Those who suffer from this new imperial
1980's, starting with Mexico's declaration In 1960, the income of the wealthiest 20% order include the workers and peasants
that it was unable to repay loans in 1982, of the world's population was 30 times of the developing world. Real wages in
the World Bank and the International greater than that of the poorest 20%. To- most African countries have fallen by 50-
Monetary Fund stepped in. Despite the day it is over 60 times greater. The top 60% since the early 1980s and in Mexico,
fact that these institutions are household 20%, though, is too crude a measure. Ac- Costa Rica and Bolivia average wages
names most people have very little idea cording to the UN "the assets of the 200 have fallen by a third since 1980. But
of what they do or how they function. richest people are more than the combined workers in parts of the developed world,
Until recently they were quite happy to income of 41% of the world's people." and in particular the US, have also seen
keep things that way. falling living standards and wages.
This highlights what is perhaps the ma-
One dollar - one vote jor post-war change to the imperialist This global economic order had given new
system. Before the war the old colonialist weapons to the major companies by which
In summary, both these bodies are de-
countries like Britain and France had they can dictate economic policy to even
signed in a way which favours the pow-
controlled it. They favoured a very obvi- the governments of the developed world.
erful western nations - they are based on
ous system of direct rule with the local The threat of mass withdrawal of invest-
the pro-business principle of "one dollar
ruling class being composed of people sent ment has essentially ended the post- war
- one vote". What is more, their internal
out from the imperialist country for that social democratic compromise throughout
decision making structure gives the US
purpose. This system caused great re- Europe, in particular in countries like
a veto - enabling it to block any decisions
sentment amongst the local middle class Britain.
that go against it's economic interests.
as it denied them the possibility of pro-
They are technically part of the UN struc- The nation state continues to be central
motion into these roles, and more often
ture, but in reality the western powers to this 'New World Order'. Multination-
than not the racist nature of the imperi-
have an even greater say in them then als may trade everywhere but their head-
alist power meant the local middle class
they have in the UN. In the case of the quarters, administrative and research
had to put up with all sorts of petty op-
IMF the US holds 17% of the vote while facilities are concentrated in the imperi-
only 15% is required for a veto. In the alist nations. The recent trade war about
case of the World Bank it has managed The post-war years saw many anti-colo- bananas grown in the Caribbean, for in-
to insist that every single president is a nial revolts in which the working class stance, was fought between US and Eu-
US citizen. Thanks in particular to the and peasants, under middle class lead- ropean based transnationals, despite the
debt crisis, the power of these institutions ership, united to throw out the imperial- fact that neither grows significant quan-
is so great that no country can defy their ists. With the growth of these move- tities of bananas.
dictates without losing the ability to en- ments, and the growth in the military and
Andrew Flood
gage in foreign trade. economic might of the US, the old impe-
rialist powers were frequently defeated [based on an article in Workers Solidar-
The debt crisis forced most developing na-
and a section of the local ruling class ity No 58 published in Oct 1999]
industry that seeks to overturn the ban on

Against the WTO the use of asbestos in construction.

The WTO is a rich man's club. It is integral
to the global nature of modern capitalism.
But it is meeting growing opposition. The

Against Capitalism WTO only serves the interests of multina-

tional corporations
The WTO is not a democratic institution,
The problem with the World Trade Organisation is not simply a prob- and yet its policies impact all aspects of so-
lem of bad decisions, it is a problem with capitalism itself. The deci- ciety and the planet. The WTO rules are
sions of the WTO may often seem to be crazy to ordinary people but written by and for corporations with inside
access to the negotiations as is shown be-
to business they make sense. It represents the continued ascendancy low
of profit over people.
The WTO has ruled that it is:
With or without the WTO we live in a crazy can be reformed or abolished this would 1) illegal for a government to ban a product
world, where people count for nothing while make any real difference. It is the capital- based on the way it is produced (i.e. with
capital counts for everything. How else can ist system itself that is rotten and that must child labor); and
we explain how according to the UN "the be got rid of.
assets of the 200 richest people are more than 2) governments cannot take into account the
the combined income of 41% of the world's behaviour of companies that do business
people." And the poverty of those at the bot- What is the World Trade with vicious dictatorships such as Burma.
tom is thrown into stark relief when you Organisation? Under the guise of removing "barriers to
consider that over one billion live on less
trade", corporations are using the WTO to
then a dollar a day. The result of this glo- The World Trade Organisation is the inter-
dismantle hard-won environmental protec-
bal madness; 17 million children die every national body that tries to set rules for trade
tions. In 1993 the first WTO panel ruled
year of easily preventable diseases. More between countries. It was set up out of the
that a regulation of the US Clean Air Act,
generally one third of people in the Third General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
which required domestic and foreign pro-
World do not reach the age of 40. (Gatt) in 1995. Its conferences are domi-
ducers alike to produce cleaner gasoline,
nated by the imperialist powers (the US,
We must be clear that abolishing or reform- was illegal.
Canada, the EU and Japan) who can afford
ing the WTO will not in itself make a sig-
to send huge 'negotiation' teams and who The WTO's fierce defense of intellectual
nificant change to these figures. The prob-
determine the agenda each day. In turn the property rights-patents, copyrights and
lem is with the capitalist system itself, a
policies these teams argue for are deter- trademarks-comes at the expense of health
system that can put a man on the moon but
mined by the wishes of big business in the and human lives. The US government, on
cannot provide clean water to all of the
form of the multinational based in these behalf of US drug companies, is trying to
world's population. This is not because the
countries. block developing countries' access to less
system is run by bad people – the rules of
expensive, generic, life-saving drugs.
competition and profit which today we are The WTO has the power to decide that any
meant to worship means that if it doesn't given country is erecting barriers to trade. During a the most recent period of rapid
turn a profit it's not worth doing. Often this translates into multinationals growth in global trade and investment -
objecting to laws that give some local pro- 1960 to 1998 - inequality worsened both in-
It is worth organising against the WTO pre-
tection to workers or the environment. ternationally and within countries.
cisely because it is a figurehead of world
Right now for instance Canada is taking a
capital. But lets not fool ourselves that if it [based on Anarchist News No 21 Nov 1999]
case on behalf of its multinational asbestos
ers and that their high prices were needed

TRIPS and the WTO - killing to reward their innovations. They neglected
to add that they in fact spend far less money
on research than on marketing and only a
tiny amount of money is spent on combat-

millions for massive profits ing the serious diseases of the third world.
The dirty work for the drug companies is
done by the US government, which was re-
sponsible for the TRIPS clause of the WTO.
In Africa millions of people are sick and dying from AIDS although drugs
This clause grants them a global 20-year
exist which could significantly improve their health and lengthen their
monopoly over the drugs, which they de-
lifespan. However, even though these drugs could be produced cheaply velop, and provides for trade sanctions
enough to fight against the epidemic, they are currently far too expensive against any country which doesn't protect
for virtually any African to afford. The reason that they are denied any this monopoly.
chance of lifesaving treatment is the lust for profits of the pharmaceutical
multinationals, which own patents for the drugs. However, the TRIPS agreement did allow
for some exceptions to this law of patents
The World Trade Organisation's Agreement TRIPS agreement, India, Brazil and several
on drugs. In cases of national epidemics,
on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual other countries developed industries capa-
governments can unilaterally take over the
Property Rights (TRIPS) was created to al- ble of copying the formulas of drugs and
production of certain drugs and produce
low multinational corporations to demand mass producing cheap generic versions
them locally at a price set by the govern-
that their 'ownership' of intellectual patents which could then be distributed all over the
ment. This is known as 'compulsory licens-
be respected in all countries. Among other third world. These generic drugs often cost
things, it allows them to prevent third world less than one-tenth the price of the patented
countries from making cheap versions of the drugs. However, the 4 enormous multina- Yet this small concession is too much for
AIDS drugs which are currently the only tionals, which dominate the pharmaceuti- the multinationals. The US government has
hope of survival for tens of millions of Afri- cal industry, didn't like this. used aggressive tactics against any coun-
cans. try that makes use of these licences, threat-
Despite the fact that they already made fat
ening them with sanctions and loss of trad-
The cost of manufacturing patented drugs profits, they argued that they needed to be
ing privileges. India, Brazil and the Domini-
is a tiny fraction of their price. Before the protected against these generic manufactur-
can Republic have already faced these
threats. vance. Innovation and new technologies are on the road to the new world order.
never the product of one mind or one com-
In Africa, despite the fact that AIDS is Happily, this huge crime is not without its
pany; rather they build on a multitude of
clearly a rampant epidemic, the US govern- opponents. The wave of anti-capitalist and
minuscule advances achieved over many
ment did everything it could to prevent the anti-globalisation protests against the WTO
years of rational inquiry.
development of generic AIDS drugs. It was and other international financial institu-
only a few months before the presidential For one company to claim ownership of an tions has shown that there is significant
election, after Al Gore had been embar- idea, which is built upon the discoveries of opposition to corporate and capitalist rule.
rassed by protestors during his campaign, countless scientists working over centuries, Activists in the US suceeded in raising the
that Clinton reversed the US policy and is preposterous. The corporations who own issue of AIDS in Africa through a campaign
promised not to 'retaliate' against African these ideas are thieves, stealing the prod- of protests and demonstrations. The scale
countries which attempted to make generic uct of centuries of thought from humanity of the disaster in Africa is such that the US
AIDS drugs. Now, with the elections over, and repackaging it to safeguard their mas- government was forced to back down when
and Bush at the helm it seems likely that sive profits. If property is theft, intellectual the reality of the situation was brought to
this reversal won't last long. property is grand larceny. public attention.
TRIPS is concerned with all elements of It is no surprise that the WTO is the or- Still this is but a temporary setback to the
intellectual property rights, life-saving ganisation responsible for TRIPS. The WTO march of the new world order. The multi-
drugs are only the most emotive and obvi- is designed to promote and defend the rights nationals will continue their advance; their
ously unjust part of the agreement. The of corporations on a global level. TRIPS is project remains very much alive. The move-
agreement essentially copper-fastens the their attempt to appropriate for themselves ments of opposition need to continue to grow
monopoly of developed countries, especially all the achievements of human science, to and develop if they are to have any chance
the US, over all aspects of be sold back to us at a profit. The aggres- of stopping the inhumane system that is
technology.Developing countries are forbid- sive support of the US government for the being constructed around us. For Africa, it
den from copying the products and proc- WTO and TRIPS is virtually enough to force could already be too late to stop the disas-
esses of the developed world, ensuring that every developing country to comply. ter.
they will never be able to challenge their
Sanctions or trade restrictions by the US Chekov Feeney
position at the bottom of the global economic
would be enough to cripple most develop-
order. [based on an article in Workers Solidarity
ing economies. If this causes the unneces-
No64 published in May 2001]
This private ownership of ideas and inno- sary deaths of millions of voiceless Africans,
vation is a detriment to all scientific ad- so be it. They are merely collateral damage

mayor of Cochabamba that unless it

General Agreement pivatised there would be no World Bank

money for the water system. In July 1997
World Bank officials told the Bolivian presi-
dent in Washington that the privatisation
on Trade in Services of the Cochabamba water was a pre condi-
tion for debt relief from themselves and In-
ternational Monetary fund.
“Suspicion is growing that national governments are no longer in the driving seat-that
most crucial decisions on trade and economic policy are being made in the boardrooms The second issue of significance is that
of multinational corporations and round the table at the World Trade Organisation” Bechtel having incorporated International
Water Limited as a Dutch company is now
New Scientist Editorial June 9th 20001 suing the Bolivian Government under a
Increasingly decisions made behind closed “Liberalization” means privatisation. True 1992 trade agreement between Holland and
doors by Bureaucrats in the World Trade the treaty makes allowances for some coun- Bolivia for $25 million in damages and lost
Organisation (WTO), the European Union tries being introduced at a slower rate but profits!
(EU) and the like are impacting directly on it also states clearly that liberalisation once Well you might say corrupt tin pot dicta-
everyones’ lives. The General Agreement achieved must be “irreversible. Services are torships in South America – it could never
on Trade in Services is once such decision. to be taken out of the hands of governments happen in the Western World. Think again!
The GATS were first brokered in 1994 as and sold to the highest bidder. What does One of the key articles in GATS as currently
part of the much older General Agreement this mean in practise? under negotiation is article VI.4 the so-
on Tariffs and Trade first signed in 1948. called “Necessity test”. In a trade dispute
In the Spring of last year thousands of resi-
According to the WTO the GATS agree- final authority will rest with the GATS Dis-
dents of Cochabamba Bolivia seized control
ments cover 160 services sectors including putes Panel to decide whether a national
of the cities central plaza to protest at a
telecoms, transport, distribution, postal law restricting the operation of a
dramatic increase in their water bills which
services, real estate, insurance, construc- transnational company is “necessary”
had more then doubled in one go. There
tion, environment, tourism and entertain-
was a violent military crackdown and up- A very weak version of such a necessity test
ment. Few people realised when the deal
risings throughout the country. Six people is already incorporated in the North Ameri-
was first done that the WTO also includes
were killed and hundreds injured. (A full can Free Trade Agreement. Recently the
healthcare, education, housing, water,
account of this struggle can be found at state of California banned a petrol additive
waste management and other basic serv- The targets of MBTE that was contaminating water sup-
ices usually run by government agencies.
the protest was Aguas Del Tunari (ADT) plies. The Canadian manufacturer of the
The agenda of the GATS agreement is quite the local water utility that had just been chemical filed a complaint and is looking
simple to privatise as many services as pos- privatised and a major part sold to Inter- for $976 million. According to them the
sible opening them to international compe- national Water Limited an affiliate of the Californians should dig up every petrol tank
tition. You can access the text of the agree- San Francisco based Bechtel Group. The in the state and reseal them and hire a
ment on the WTO’s website ( government had to back down and cancelled swarm of inspectors to make sure that it is
The preamble states the aims as ADT’s contract. done just right. To just take the chemical
“wishing to establish a multilateral frame- What is significant about this besides the out would be “trade restrictive”. According
work of principles and rules for trade in serv- heroic struggle are 2 things to Gregory Palast in the Observer (April 15th
ices with a view to the expansion of such 2001) “The GATS version of the Necessity
Firstly at every stage of the way the WTO Test is NAFTA on steroids”
trade under conditions of transparency and
and the World Bank insisted in this priva-
progressive liberalization”
tisation. In February 1996 they told the Conor McLoughlin
harsh. More to the point the SAPs have
a played an important role in the long
Your money or Your life term economic strategy of the West. This
strategy is all about making Third World
economies more dependent (the word

The World Bank and its actions.. they use is integrated!) on Western needs
and in particular more open to exploita-
tion by Western multinationals; SAPs
also guarantee the West a massive sup-
If you've ever owed money to a bank, you'll know it's not a pleasant ply of cheap labour.
experience. Depending on whether they think you're good for the Democracy...?
money, the bank will either screw you in the short term or milk you
dry over the longer haul. Banks are in the business of making money The power that the IMF and WB now
have is enormous. They are dictating to
and generally they'll stop at nothing to get their way.
millions of people about how they should
Right now across the world, the lives of banks) the IMF and WB moved in and live and in what way. For many their
millions of people are in the hands of two 'lent' money to a wide range of countries policies mean an early death, or if that
of the most powerful financial institu- who were about to default on these loans. doesn't come then a life of harsh exploi-
tions ever created - the International This saved the big 'private banks' from tation and low wages.
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World disaster and it also put the IMF and WB
Bank (WB). These banks hold the lion's into an unassailable position of power - What do anarchists say about what
share of the debt currently owed by the that they have never relinquished since. should be done? There are a few points
'Third World'. This debt first accumulated that need to be made. Firstly we have to
Force ask why it is the world economy (and the
in the '70s when poorer countries bor-
rowed in order to develop their econo- lives of millions) is under the control of
Since the mid 1980s nearly 70 countries
mies. But when the world recession hit just a small number of Western bankers?
in the world have been 'forced' to adopt
in the '80s huge numbers of countries Should this be happening and why do we
'Structural Adjustment Programs' de-
found they couldn't repay their loans – have to accept it? Secondly, in the world
signed and developed by the WB and the
this was when the IMF and WB first right now, there is a massive surplus of
IMF. Backed up by the massive economic
stepped in. wealth. The personal fortune of Bill Gates
power of the United States, Japan and
alone would sort out most of the major
the European Union these SAPs (as they
Turmoil health and educational needs of billions
are known) were supposed to 'revive'
of people (with change left over). So the
To understand why the so called 'debt Third World economies. Instead they've
problem in other words in not the gen-
crisis' has happened we need to look back led to disaster and massive poverty. Be-
eration of wealth but how it is distrib-
at why the WB and IMF were set up. This cause of SAPs, local economies and wages
uted. And the problem of wealth distri-
relates to when the world economy col- have collapsed; basic services like sani-
bution as we all know, is one of power
lapsed for the first time 70 years ago – tation, water, health and education have
and politics. Lastly we need ask ourselves
an event often called The Great Depres- fallen apart. Meanwhile the burden of
why the 'Third World' is in such debt? If
sion. One of the major consequences of debt has been forced onto the poorest of
we look at the issue we will see that much
the Great Depression was a realisa-
of the problems of the Third World
tion by those in power that the world's
stem from the historic exploitation
economic system was unstable. This
of the African, Asia and Latin
instability has given rise to massive
Americas by the West - or to use a
poverty and social turmoil and one of
more accurate term, the problem
the most worrying consequences of
stems from imperialism. This is a
this was the trend towards revolution
legacy that we shouldn't accept and
in Europe, Asia and South America.
a legacy that has to be fought
When World War 2 neared conclusion, against.
bankers and financiers from the
Anarchists want a democratic
Western countries met at Breton
economy. We want every 'unit' of
Woods to consider how best to mini-
the world's economy (down to
mise future economic instability and
smallest workplace, office and
collapse. One of the key decisions
farm) to be organised along egali-
taken was to set up IMF and the WB.
tarian lines - election of managers,
These two institutions would be fi-
assemblies to organise work and
nanced by the Western powers and
work conditions; participation and
their primary role would be to 'man-
active decision making by workers
age' the international financial mar-
in all the aspects of the work that
kets - releasing money in times of
they do. This is the sort of 'macro-
shortage, withdrawing cash in times
economics' that we are planning for
of surplus.
in the long term. But first - and this can-
the poor with the result that poverty has
The WB and the IMF played a major role not be forgotten for one moment - we must
increased, life expectancy has deterio-
in avoiding a world depression when they wrest real power and control from the
rated and infant mortality has soared.
took over responsibility for the 'bad debt' hands of the WB, the IMF.
incurred by 'Third World' countries by the While it's not difficult to see why the
Kevin Doyle
mid 1980s. Much of this debt was initially SAPs have failed (instead of promoting
owed to private banks like Barclays, investment they sucked the money sup- [based on an article published in Work-
Credit Lyons, Chase Manhattan etc. In ply from local economies) it is important ers Solidarity No60 published in Septem-
order to stave off a disaster (and the col- to remember that these programs were ber 2000]
lapse of a number of major Western never intended to be anything other than
whose role it is to preserve. We are not

What is wrong pleading with them to be reasonable. We

are saying their world must come to an end!
The world's people need an economy based
on filling their needs, not on making prof-

with the G8?

its. We need a political system without pro-
fessional politicians; a federation of self
managed communities and workplaces.
This is not a demand we make of the G8 -
the world we need cannot come from above
Make no mistake, in Genoa, as elsewhere two incompatible visions of the world but must be won through the struggle of all
will collide. On the one side are the G8, the most powerful governments of the of us below.
planet. They are Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Italy, Russia
and the United States. On the other are tens of thousands of ordinary people, Debt relief & Democracy
many of them citizens of these countries.
Polls show huge majorities in favour of debt
The G8 summits effectively decide what sort consumption expenditures while the poor- cancellation. In Britain for instance 69% of
of world you and your children will live in. est 20 percent accounted for only 1.3 per- the public would have liked to see the gov-
Behind closed doors decisions are made that cent. And things are getting worse, not bet- ernment celebrate the Millennium by can-
mean our environment is sacrificed to profit, ter, three decades ago the poorest 20% ac- celling Third World debts. In Ireland hun-
our health service is run down and priva- counted for 2.3 percent. dreds of thousands signed a Jubilee 2000
tised and millions of people continue to die petition for debt cancellation.
But this is not simply a case of the people
for want of clean water and basic medicine.
of the rich western countries screwing the While the G8 summit, for PR reasons, talks
The G8 summit will plan directives to the people of the third world. The figures dem- of poverty relief the reality is that even the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the onstrate this also. The United States is the limited debt cancellation programs agreed
World Bank, which impose cuts in educa- most powerful economic power on Earth. In to date have been farcical. The report From
tion and healthcare through "Structural 1999 Bill Gates had more wealth than the Debt to Poverty Eradication revealed that
Adjustment Programmes". According to bottom 45 percent of American households. "The total reduction in debt repayments de-
Trocaire "Sub Saharan Africa still pays As of 1995 the wealth of the top one per- livered for all 41 countries since the adop-
US$37 million each day in debt repayments cent of Americans was greater than that of tion of the HIPC (Highly Indebted Poor
while seven million children die annually the bottom 95 percent. And there also things Countries) programme in 1996 amounted to
as a direct result of the loss of resources are getting worse. In 1999 Business Week only US$1.1 billion. In that time, the 41
through debt repayments". These are the revealed that top executives earned 419 HIPC countries paid a total of US$35 bil-
results of the neo liberal (or free market) times the average wage of a blue-collar lion towards their outstanding debts".
dictatorship that the G8 is imposing on the worker, up from 326:1 in 1998. In 1980, the
planet. ratio was 42:1
[based on an article published in Anar-
In 1998, that 20 percent of the world's peo- We say the G8 is at the top of a system of
ple living in the highest-income countries exploitation and human misery, a system
chist News 22, July 2001]
accounted for 86 percent of total private

2) A decreased quality of service for the

Opposing the Nice treaty same reasons, in particular for those who
for one reason or another are less profitable
or less able to pay for the service
Seattle, Quebec, Prague and Nice are all in the maintenance of vicious low pay and 3) Job losses, speed ups and longer hours
cities which have seen furious confronta- anti-union regimes on the edges of the EU. for those who work in providing these serv-
tions between those pushing the agenda of Workers fleeing these regimes for the EU ices.
capitalist 'globalisation' (neo liberalism) and are drowning in their hundreds as they at-
those who oppose it. Those pushing this tempt the dangerous night crossing from The Nice treaty will set up a European
agenda are made up of the world's elite - North Africa to Spain. Rapid Reaction Force whose aggressive
politicians and billionaires. They meet be- purpose is revealed by its design - it is to be
In this 'global' world the multinational drug able to intervene up to 4,000 kilometres
hind closed doors, discussing secret docu-
companies are trying to use 'intellectual from the borders of Europe! Ireland will not
ments and surrounded by thousands of riot
property' laws to prevent the manufacture only supply troops to this force but will have
police, to prevent interruption from the 'un-
of cheap anti-AIDS drugs for the tens of to spend £450 million on it.
washed masses' protesting outside.
millions dying because of AIDS in Africa.
The people of the planet have no say what- They want to protect profits rather than EU Commission President Romano Prodi
soever in their decision making. Our rulers save lives. Nice includes the introduction in an interview with The (British) Inde-
and bosses make the decisions in secret. of qualified majority voting on intellectual pendent on 4 February 2000 said "If you
property matters which will make it easier don't want to call it a European army, don't
The real agenda of the Nice treaty is a world to agree and enforce such laws. call it a European army. You can call it
for profit not people. We won't stop this 'Margaret', you can call it 'Mary-Anne', you
agenda by voting against the treaty but it Biotechnology companies want to force the can find any name, but it is a joint effort for
is a minor part of building a struggle for a importation of genetically modified foods peace-keeping missions". The bombing of
different world. One based on globalisation into Europe and even to outlaw the label- Baghdad and Belgrade were both carried
in the interests of all the world's people ling of foodstuffs to indicate they contain out under the cover of 'peace-keeping'.
rather than the wealthy minority who run GM foods.
the system now. The bosses want us to provide not only the
The EU imposed 'free market' in "trade in labour to make their profits but also the
In the 'global' world the bosses are build- services" means privatisation of public serv- muscle to protect them. As Des O'Malley
ing, borders are removed for money but are ices. This targets not only obvious services TD explained "Irish troops should be pre-
reinforced to prevent the free movement of like transport and telecommunications but pared to fight to defend North Sea oil"
people. This has human costs, not simply also education and healthcare. This results (speaking to a delegation from the Peace
in terms of unemployment in Ireland (e.g. in and Neutrality Alliance,14/5/98).
the movement of Fruit of the Loom textile
1) The increased cost of services as the pri- [based on an anarchist Vote no to Nice leaf-
factories from Donegal to Morocco) but also
vate business seeks to maximise its profits let distributed for the Irish referendum]
ple that a democratic economy has signifi-

The anarchist economic cant advantages to the 'authoritarian'

economy of today. What are these advan-

alternative to globalisation It destroys the profit motive in the sense of

bosses and owners taking cut of the wealth
that workers actually make.

An immediate question springs to mind: has an alternative society every Second is destroys the alienation from work
existed, and has such a society existed for long enough to be useful to us as that is so much part of working life nowa-
an alternative model to the economic model of capitalism. The answer to days.
both these questions – and this may surprise you - is YES. The most elabo- Thirdly it makes workplaces, factories plans
rate and extensive alternative economy ever created in human history ex- and farm more accountable to the commu-
isted in Spain between the years 1936-38. Estimates of the number of people nities and area they are part of - since
involved range between 5 and 7 million; the sorts of industries that took workplaces in general draw their
part were both urban and rural in nature. workplaces from local communities and
What was it about this society that made it fumeries, food processing plants and brew- these work now participation in a meaning-
alternative? I would say there were two eries. ful way in the running of their workplaces,
principle features that made the Spanish factories and offices, they are far more likely
On the land the scale of the revolutionary to not operate in more environmentally
Revolution Model an 'alternative to capital-
transformation was equally dramatic. The friendly and accommodating manner to
ism'. In the first place, production and dis-
major areas being Aragon where there were their nearby communities
tribution of goods and services was to serve
450 collectives, the Levant (the area around
human needs and not profits. In some sec- So to sum up on the question we have in
Valencia) with 900 collectives and Castille
tions of the alternative economy created in front of us today, The Spanish worker col-
(the area surrounding Madrid) with 300
Spain during the revolution, money was lective formed at the height of the revolu-
collectives. Not only was the land collectiv-
abolished. As long a people made a reason- tion there are one of the best examples of
ised but also in the villages, workshops were
able contribution to the work of the com- how alternative to capitalism can actually
set up where the local trades - people could
munity or collective there were free to part function and thrive. The collectives were
produce tools, furniture, etc. Bakers, butch-
take of the goods and services that that com- large-scale and involved a wide range of
ers, barbers and so on also decided to col-
munity was able to produce. In sense the communities, geographical areas and indus-
economy operated in the direction of the phi- tries. From a practical, economic point of
losophy, 'From Each According To Their Spain is an important and valid example of view they worked. And to this day they re-
Ability, To Each According to Their Needs'. how a democratic economy geared towards main the most extensive democratisation
people's needs can actually work. The of a large-scale economy ever achieved on
The second feature of this alternative eco-
economy lasted for nearly two years and this planet.
nomic model in Spain was what we might
survived in a climate that was less than
call 'the democratic element.' And perhaps There is I think one final point that needs
hospitable. Remember that Spain in that
it is this as much as anything that marks emphasis if we are to appreciate fully the
time was immersed in the Civil War and
this Spanish example out as one of the most achievement and potential of the Spanish
just as importantly there was bitter politi-
unique and far reaching in the annals of Revolution model. In part this has to do with
cal struggle to be contended with - with
human history. Democracy is a much the politics of means and ends, in parts this
anarchists on one side defending workers
abused word, but in the Spanish revolution has to do with the aspirations of the Span-
self-management, with liberals and the
for one of the very first times in human his- ish anarchist movement. The Spanish an-
Spanish Communist party opposed to the
tory, workers replaced the 'authoritarian' archist wanted to create a society that
idea. These aspects placed enormous pres-
running of economy with a democratic al- emerged during the revolution in Spain in
sures on the alternative model of economic
ternative. What do I mean by this, 'a demo- 36. The wanted to created democratic self-
organisation, nevertheless that model sur-
cratic alternative'? Basically what I am say- management by workers. And this is why
vived and even thrived until its eventual
ing is that in any workplace - from a fac- during the decades prior to the Revolution
military suppression towards the end of the
tory to an office to farm to a hospital, the they emphasised and re-emphasised the
Civil War.
administration or management of the en- need for democratic accountability and
terprise was on the basis of an elected and In the context of the discussion here today methods in the anti-capitalist movement in
recallable management. In other words in- then, the example of democratic economic Spain. This is something we can learn from
stead of having the management of a com- model that emerged in Spain emphasises today. If we want our struggle to take us in
pany imposed by the 'owners' or the share- some key points that are pertinent to our the direction of a self-managed, participa-
holders of a company the workers on the discussion here today: tory democracy then we have to put those
basis that they were the ones who did the features high on our agenda and we have
work and made the wealth decided that they Firstly it refutes the argument of the bosses
to make them also part of our practice. We
should select the management. This idea is and those capitalist economist who say we
have to understand that means and ends
more generally called 'workers self-manage- can only run a modern economy with a
are connected.
ment' and I would argue that it has to be in heavy dollop of authoritarianism; what
place if we are ever to talk meaningfully they're often talking about here is of course Kevin Doyle
about a real alternative economy. slave labour conditions and wages.
[based on a talk given to the Dublin S26
In the Spanish revolution a huge number Secondly we can see in the Spanish exam- collective’s post Prague workshops]
of industries were collectivised and run
democratically. In the Catatonia area, the Anarchism and the Spanish Revolution
industrial heartland of Spain, for example On June 19th 1936 Franco’s coup was defeated in most of Spain by
over 3,000 enterprises came under workers workers who seized arms and stormed the barracks. Most of them were
self-management. This included all public anarchists and they went on to collectivise industry and agriculture in
transportation services, shipping, electric large areas of republican Spain as well as forming militias to fight the
and power companies, gas and water works, fascists. The web page below has 100’s of documents and photos
engineering and automobile assembly produced at the time and afterwards about this experience, its successes
plants, mines, cement works, textile mills and failures and why it was defeated.
and paper factories, electrical and chemi-
cal concerns, glass bottle factories and per-
Freedom, Self-Management,
From the Czech Republic: Contrary to some Czech environmentalists
and stalinists, ORA-Solidarita does not be-

Why we organise against the IMF lieve, that the IMF/WB can be reformed in
some way to reduce world poverty and ex-
ploitation. They are key institutions of the
global capitalist system whose purpose is
the accumulation of profits. As such the in-
The Czech anarchist organisation Solidarita/Organisation of Revolutionary Anar- stitutions are only important to multina-
chists is working as part of INPEG, the Czech alliance organising the protests in tional capital if they are maximising its
Prague this September. In October one of their members will be speaking in Ireland profits (and thus the exploitation of the glo-
about these protests. Vadim Barek, Solidarita's international secretary explains what bal working class).
the IMF means to workers in the Czech republic and why they are organising against We do not seek a return to a national capi-
the summit. talism's protectionism. This meant the same
The elite of global capitalism will come to- globalisation will try to make the IMF/WB exploitation for workers and it gave birth
gether in Prague to plan our planet's and summit impossible in the same way that a to neo-liberalism. Contrary to Trotskyists
its working-class inhabitants exploitation coalition of trade unionists, environmental- we do not call for the creation of "workers'
for the next century. The whole event will ists, human rights activists and anarchists states" and the replacement of the IMF/WB
cost Czech taxpayers about 22,500,000 dol- obstructed the WTO conference in Seattle by a "Development Bank". This only leads
lars. A 70 million dollar loan has also been last year. towards a globalisation of totalitarian state
taken to reconstruct the Congress venue for capitalism, which we - in the Eastern Bloc
During our activity in workplace struggles
the financiers needs. Their security will be – overcame in 1989.
(like in the engineering factories Zetor,
provided by 11,000 cops armed to their
Kralovopolska, CKD DS…) we are trying The cause of a today's worldwide misery is
teeth. The preparation of the state repres-
to put the everyday problems of workers in capitalism in all its forms and that is why
sion against opponents of capitalist
the context of IMF/WB policy. We make in- it has to be dismantled. Revolutionary An-
globalisation has swallowed up all the
formation stalls in front of factories and in archists fight for a genuine socialism based
states budget reserve of 3.5 million dollars.
the streets. We agitate among workers. We on freedom and workers' self-management.
IMF/WB and Czech Republic put both direct and indirect pressure on Socialism means a society and economy or-
Czech union confederations to take part in ganised from the bottom up for a fulfilment
In 1990 the then Czechoslovak government
the protests. of human needs and not for an accumula-
took a loan from the IMF of 3.9 billion dol-
tion of profits for a few. Socialism thus can
lars. In turn the government promised to But the resistance against a multinational
be created only by a global revolutionary
liberalise and restructure the economy. The capital has to be multinational too. That is
anti-capitalist movement of the working
EU has pressured Czech governments to why we organised actions of solidarity with
class. That is why the ORA-Solidarita sup-
take loans from the European Bank for protests in Seattle and to highlight
ports and instigates both national and in-
Reconstruction and Development under the globalisation of the resistance movement.
ternational unification of social resistance
same conditions.
movements and fights for their libertarian
Now 10 years later the results are clear. and revolutionary character.
Since 1989 working-class families' real in-
[based on an article originally published in
comes have dropped by 13% (farmers by
Workers Solidarity No60, September 2000]
28%). In 1997 the value of basic social ben-
efits [education, healthcare, housing] had
fallen 44% - their share of GDP has dropped
from 2.7% (1991) to 1.7% (1998). Purchas-
ing power of pensions is 10% lower than
before the 'Velvet Revolution'. The real
value of the minimum wage has decreased
by 60% since 1991.
narchist news
Unemployment has grown to 9% (in some
regions it has reached 20%) and about
on the internet
130,000 workers do not receive their wages
[In all the former East Block countries com- It’s not surprising that the national media - owned by the state or by
panies in trouble save money by not paying the super rich - refuses to advertise anarchist news or activity. But
wages for months at a time]. Privatisation now you can bypass the censors if you have access to the internet.
of the Czech railways is going to take the
jobs of some 10,000 railway workers. Re-
cently the World Bank (WB) has used its In your web browser go to
share in Nova Hut steel works to prevent This page, designed to be friendly for new internet users shows you
the creation of a possibly viable steel con-
key sites on the internet linked with Irish anarchism, international
sortium of the largest Northern-Moravian
steel plants. Steel workers already have and Irish radical news and a huge variety of anarchist history and
problems with receiving their wages and theory.
during the next few years about 20,000 of To get regular news and announce-
them may lose their jobs.
ments from the WSM by email
The Globalisation of resistance send a message to
This is why ORA-Solidarita together with with the text subscribe ainriail.
other anarchist, environmentalist and so-
cialist groups is taking part in the prepara- This free service is a low volume list
tions for international protests against IMF/ with an average of only 4 posts/week
WB. These will culminate in a Day of Ac-
tion on September 26th. Opponents of
Africa, anarchism unions and
Fortress Europe
& neo-liberalism
While neo-liberal reforms have certainly affected workers in the
Although the European bosses do not want
to allow immigrants from North Africa to
enter Europe (it is estimated that between
200 and 1000 drowned trying to enter Spain
West, it is in Africa where they have had most impact. Neoliberal in 1998*) they do want access to these same
policies seek to reduce state control over the national economy in people as cheap labour.
favour of private capitalists - the so-called 'free market'. These poli- The EU is continuing the exploitation of the
cies have been most widely applied in Africa for the simple reason people of North Africa through creating a
that they are the policies promoted by the international financial special trade zone of some of the North Af-
institutions (IFI's), the World Bank, IMF and WTO. rican countries similar to the free trades
zones North America has created in Mexico.
Many African countries are chronically *Policies to promote a 'flexible' workforce. In Ireland this has been most visible with
broke. They must regularly borrow money This essentially means the large scale sub- Fruit of the Loom closing plants in the north
to finance the public sector and to service contracting of labour and a reduction in west of Ireland and opening new plants in
their existing debt. The IMF is willing to workers' rights, wages and conditions. Morocco where workers are paid one sev-
provide loans as long as the government will Workers at Wits University in enth of what the (low paid) Irish workers
carry out a neo-liberal reform package, Johannesberg recently saw their salaries were paid.
known as a Structural Adjustment Program cut by almost 70% and lost all of their ben-
(SAP). efits under a recent restructuring plan. Morocco is a monarchy, infamous for jail-
ing political prisoners in an underground
The SAPs often impose harsh conditions *Policies to promote competitiveness. This jail in the desert. As might be expected, one
which cause huge suffering amongst the involves reducing tarrif barriers and reduc- of the services provided for the European
poor. Such changes would never be tried by ing taxes on businesses and the rich to at- bosses is the suppression of trade unions.
the ruling class in the powerful countries tract investment. As a result of this, local An International Confederation of Free
as they often lead to instability and violence industries can be undermined by cheap Trade Unions (ICFTU) report notes that "21
borne out of desperation. Tellingly an SAP imports causing massive job losses as hap- Moroccan trade unionists were imprisoned
was one of the elements which contributed pened to the South African textile indus- in 1999 for trade union activities, and that
to the increased tension in the lead up to try. Sales taxes (VAT) are introduced as they were tortured during their detention."
the Rwandan genocide. alternatives to company and income tax.
This causes increases in prices of goods for ICFTU also revealed a dispute where "when
Neo-liberalism in 5 steps a trade union was set up in November of
workers and big increases in profits for
In concrete terms the neo-liberal policies bosses. last year at a subsidiary of the Irish [sic]
which have been widely implemented in Fruit of the Loom group in the town of Sale
Anarchist Resistance - a factory employing over 1,200 workers - a
Africa over the last 2 decades are:
This opposition has normally come from whole arsenal of anti-union tactics was un-
*Removal of state control over prices and leashed: the recruitment of militiamen to
community groups or independent trade
money. This has meant that subsidies on intimidate participants at the union assem-
unions. African anarchists have formed part
basic goods such as food and fuel have been bly, the dismissal of eight leaders elected by
of this resistance. In Nigeria the anarcho-
removed. In some countries even the most the grass rootsthe governor of Sale .. sided
syndicalist Awareness League was involved
basic foodstuffs have become too expensive with the Fruit of the Loom management,
in the general strike against fuel price rises
for the poor. Food riots against SAP meas- stating bluntly that he didnt want any un-
which succeeded in forcing the government
ures have occured all over the continent, ions in his prefecture."
to reduce the price significantly.
notably in Zimbabwe. In Nigeria in June
2000, an IMF-driven increase in the price In South Africa anarchists have actively Moroccan workers, like Irish workers,
of fuel provoked a week long general strike opposed the government's neo-liberal GEAR should be supported in their fight for bet-
and mass resistance. plan since its introduction in 1996. Most ter pay and working conditions. A student
recently anarchists have been working in led anti-sweatshop campaign in the US has
*Large cuts in public spending. These have forced over 60 universities to form a Work-
the Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF). The
caused massive layoffs of public sector work- ers Rights Consortium, to monitor working
APF is an alliance of left wing activists,
ers in many countries. Hundreds of thou- conditions in plants which manufacture
some radical unions and mass-based com-
sands of workers have been retrenched clothes they sell.
munity groups such as the Soweto Electric-
(made redundant) in Senegal, Zambia and
ity Crisis Committee whose constituency is If you are a member of Mandate or another
Tanzania to name but a few. Other cutbacks
numbered in millions. It was established to union that organises retail workers you
in public spending have seen reduced so-
campaign against the privatisation of serv- could demand that your union fills this role
cial programs and increased charges. Cur-
ices in the government's IGOLI 2002 plan and regularly reports to the members on
rent Structural Adjustment demands for
for privatising Johannesberg's municipal any disputes. As part of this, direct links
Mozambique include a fivefold increase in
services. South African anarchists are com- should be built with unions in the relevant
health charges.
mitted to fighting privatisation every step plants in the countries concerned. This
*Privatisations of state owned corporations of the way. would be the first step to showing solidar-
such as electricity, water and transport. ity with workers in Morocco and elsewhere.
Chekov Feeney
These privatisations have often merely re- They are being exploited by the same gang
placed a state monopoly with a private mo- [based on an article in Workers Solidarity of bosses who exploit us. An injury to one is
nopoly which has generally led to price rises No62 published in January 2000] an injury to all.
and the effective barring of the services to
vast numbers of the poor. In South Africa, * this figure is from an Inter Press
Download and print out extra Service news report full text is at
electricity and water cut-offs have become
common in the townships of Soweto as part copies of this pamphlet from
of the ANC's neo-liberal GEAR policy. [based on an article in Workers Solidarity
No63 published in March 2001]
tions. A Patriot journalist shooting an
The media and the anti capitalist globalisation movement altercation got violently kicked in the
groin by a police officer"

Learning from Nice In hindsight Nice deserves to be remem-

bered for the extreme bias shown by the
media. Despite hundreds of hours of cov-
You may remember back in early December (2000) the news being dominated for erage the media ignored key issues. The
several nights by coverage of the European Summit in Nice. An endless stream of counter summit attended by thousands
politicians and political experts offered us their opinions on what new voting ar- of people was completely ignored. It fi-
rangements might be introduced. You might even be aware that there was some nally closed when the police fired tear
opposition on the streets of Nice to the summit, on December 7th most TV news gas into the venue! Coverage of the dem-
items started with brief footage of a bank being set on fire
onstrations was laughable - confined to
The Nice summit became a focus for op- also used in Seattle, Prague and Mel- a few images of unexplained 'violence'.
position because the 'Charter of Funda- bourne. At dawn up to 6,000 demonstra- Once more the demonstrators were pre-
mental Rights' it introduced was, despite tors marched on the 'Acropolis' in dif- sented as a handful of violent hooligans
its name, yet another attack on the ferent groups and by different routes. As without any alternative to capitalist
rights of workers across Europe. It also they reached the police barricades they globalisation.
would allow the EU Commission to di- were attacked with tear gas and baton This shouldn't be a surprise, after all the
rectly negotiate with the WTO and so charges. One group that broke through media is owned and controlled by the
impose the deregulation of services in- to within 100 metres of the centre was very governments and corporations
cluding health, education and water. If also attacked with stun grenades and pushing capitalist globalisation. It's very
you were relying on the media you were rubber bullet pistols. hard for the individual activist to over-
probably unaware these issues were come this unless they have internet ac-
Reuters reported that "Several East Eu-
even on the agenda! cess (see below). If you do then a number
ropean leaders, due for talks with the
On the eve of the Summit around 80,000 EU, stepped out of their cars at the for- of sources were carrying reports from the
people marched through Nice. Most were tress-like Acropolis convention centre demonstrators. But most people don't
behind the banners of the European coughing and wiping tears from their have internet access and so publications
Confederation of Unions with around eyes." Other mainstream media reported like this are the only way of reaching
10,000, including many anarchists, be- that at times tear gas was sucked into them.
hind the banner of the Collective for a the ventilation system of the conference Andrew Flood
Counter-Summit. itself, making Chirac cough during his
opening speech. [based on an article published in Work-
The French state had already taken sig- ers Solidarity No62, January 2000]
nificant steps to undermine the demon- It was during all this that a bank was
stration. A train carrying up to 2,000 set on fire and several cars were over- * French Indy Media Centre - part of a global net-
demonstrators was stopped crossing the turned. These images were used by work of web pages that allows anyone to add their
Italian border at the town of Vintimille many TV news programs without any own text reports, photos or video for others to look
by hundreds of CRS riot police. When real explanation of the context in which at.
they left the train they were attacked they arose. And of course there was no See
by Italian police firing tear gas. The Irish coverage of the peaceful solidarity pro-
Times carried a front page picture of this test in Dublin that night. is an excellent source for in-
confrontation without bothering to ex- ternational anarchist news in many languages.
At the same time police in Nice launched
plain what had caused it. The WSM and 17 other anarchist groups produced
attacks on reports from independent
Meanwhile in Nice French riot police at- media. IMC reported that "A Zalea TV a statement for Nice that was distributed there in
tacked the thousands of demonstrators journalist was arrested .... He was bru- four languages. See
who at the end of the demonstration had tally knocked to the ground and hand-
headed to the train station to show soli- cuffed throughout the afternoon... Three nice2000.html
darity with the Italians. As the French Kri-prod reporters were arrested as they
IMC* later reported "The Schengen were shooting video of the demonstra-
Agreement 'guaranteeing' freedom of
movement in Europe had been violated,
preventing the Italians from going to
Nice. Since the Italians were not con-
sumer goods, they did not have the right
More free anarchist publications online
to cross the border." This pamphlet is a print out of a PDF file from the Struggle site.
This denial of freedom of movement was There are dozens more PDF files at this site that anyone can print
not just happening on the borders, it was out and distribute for free. To get instructions and download them
also happening in France itself. Collec-
tives had formed to demand free trains go to
for the demonstrations to allow unem-
ployed people to attend. But at the sta-
tions the trains were to leave from,
Paris, Dijon, Lyon and Bordeaux, the
police were waiting and confrontations
occurred. At the worst in Bordeaux there
were several injuries and arrests.
On the opening day of the summit the
more determined protesters tried to
blockade the conference centre, a tactic
The sweatshops are, after all, nothing

Review: NO LOGO
new. They existed in the west, alongside
hellish factories, and unsafe mines about
a century ago[1], and it wasn't because
the Victorians had just discovered adver-
tising. Bosses always try to keep their
No Logo by Naomi Klein (Flamingo overtime. Most of the workers in these costs down, because decent pay and safe
Press, IR £11.13/stg£8.99) factories are young women, migrants working conditions just eat into their
from other provinces, because they are profits. Conditions didn't improve be-
The publication of No Logo was perfectly,
thought to be easier to dominate, and less cause the rich had a change of heart -
if unintentionally, timed. Just as the N30
capable of organising themselves. Even every pay rise, every reduction in the
demonstrations in Seattle made head-
when workers start to unionise, they can working week, every safety standard had
lines around the world, No Logo arrived
be summarily fired, and large-scale agi- to be fought for. The same struggle is
to explain some of the reasons for that
tation faces the constant threat that the going on around the world today, and it's
movement. So although Naomi Klein has
factory will be simply packed up and a fight against capitalism, not logos.
made it clear that she is not an 'official'
moved to another zone. Solidarity with
spokesperson for the movement - that This is why No Logo is ultimately disap-
these workers, and outrage at the condi-
this movement has no official pointing. When it tries to be constructive,
tions they live in, was one of the driving
spokespeople - at a time when observers and suggest actions we can take, too
forces of the Seattle and Prague protests.
(and even some participants) wondered much time is spent talking about 'sub-
what was going on, No Logo provided Where No Logo fails is in its attempt to verting' advertisements, or painting over
some answers. tie these different themes together. Klein billboards. Ads may be annoying, and this
tries to argue that companies have to kind of thing can be fun, but it doesn't
Klein starts by discussing how advertis-
spend more money on 'branding', and this really accomplish anything. Consumer
ing and general business practices have
is why production is moving to sweat- boycotts are explored, even while their
changed in the last twenty years. Essen-
shops. Companies can't afford to have weaknesses are admitted. [2] So there's
tially, companies decided that they were
factories and a brand, so they ditched the less room to explore ways that we in the
no longer in the business of selling prod-
factories. But its not just the big brands west can help sweatshop workers get or-
ucts, because products are messy, they
that are made in sweatshops. Nike run- ganised, and how we can help their strug-
can be copied, or even improved on. But
ners may be made in Indonesia, but so gles, which should be the objectives of any
if you are selling an idea, an experi-
campaign. No Logo is still an inter-
ence, a set of associations, it's much
esting book, and possibly a good in-
harder for another company to com-
troduction for those who don't know
pete with you. Sportswear is a good
much about the issues involved. But
example of a market where price,
as a political analysis, or a guide to
and even quality, isn't that impor-
action, it's severely limited by Klein's
tant - people choose between Nike
unwillingness to admit that the prob-
and Adidas because of their ad cam-
lem is not advertising, but capitalism.
paigns, not their shoes.
At the same time as companies
started this emphasis on brands Footnotes
rather than products, they started
1 There are some direct parallels - in
moving out of manufacturing. Own-
China, textile workers are frequently
ing a factory was thought to tie a
locked into their factories so the
company down, because then you
women will have no choice but to
have the constant expense of wages,
work, and 'outside agitators' can't get
as well as the money tied up in
in. Because textiles are highly flam-
buildings and equipment. Manufac-
mable, there have been several fires
turing still has to take place of
at these factories, and in some cases
course, if not by you then by your
the factory has burned down with the
suppliers, but then dealing with
workers still trapped inside. Exactly
workers can be someone else's prob-
the same thing - doors locked in a tex-
lem, and you can concentrate on
tile factory, for the same reasons,
building your brand.
with the same tragic results - hap-
Now a lot of the actual manufactur- pened in New York in the early 20th
ing of clothes, computer parts, and century, most notably the infamous
other industries has moved to the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire.
developing world. Unlike the west,
2 Boycotts may be effective when they
where workers expect a decent
have a single clear target, like Shell's
wage, and are organised enough to
actions in Nigeria, but they may just
demand it, in the free trade zones
prompt a whitewash campaign, and
in China, Indonesia, the Philippines,
are the own-brand runners in your su- a series of apologies from the companies
Mexico, and many more countries, facto-
permarket. Gap shirts are made in sweat- concerned, until they think the spotlight
ries can be run with little outside inter-
shops, but so are the shirts in the depart- has moved on to someone else. Since Nike
ference. The description of these free
ment store. The sweatshops aren't a re- has been a focus of the anti-sweatshop
trade zones, where workers sometimes
sult of branding, they're a product of the campaign, Reebok can pose as the ethi-
work up to 100 hours a week, in appall-
desire of companies to cut costs. Some cal alternative, even though their work
ing conditions, is the most interesting and
companies will then keep their prices low, practices are exactly the same.
useful part of the book. Workers there are
while others will spend a lot on advertis-
barely paid enough to live on, and often
ing, but hope to make even more by [based on an article from Red & Black
work compulsory (and sometimes unpaid)
charging higher prices. Revolution No5, 2001]
USA is the place where it is all happen-
Review: Globalise This! ing - that the solutions, as much as the
desire for real change, begin and end
there! There is so much wrong with this
The WTO and Corporate Rule sort of outlook (that posits change at the
USA Congressional level as a real and
Globalise This! - The Battle Against Of course this is a lovely idea, but what tangible strategy for the new movement)
The WTO and Corporate Rule by planet is the author living on? Grieder that one wouldn't know where to begin.
Kevin Danaher and Roger Burback cites the precedent of 1977 legislation in
This isn't the place to go into what anar-
(Common Courage Press US$16.00/ the States - the Foreign Currupt Prac-
chists propose instead, but isn't there a
stg£10.22) tices Act - that made it a domestic crime
real need in this sort of book for an
for US multinational to bribe officials in
Globalise This! is one of the more impor- article(s) that hits at some home truths
their international operations. Indeed,
tant and informative books to come out about the system we are trying to over-
interesting! But FCPA is a far cry from
of the Battle of Seattle. Published by throw? Let's face a few basics:
an action that would really effect multi-
Common Courage Press ("Our Goal is to
national operations and right to 'profit'. (a) change must begin and come from
turn pens into swords") the thrust of the
book from the very beginning is towards Standard political analysis (and a read-
(b) the type of change we need must
the activist and 'the citizen' interested in ing of recent history) would suggest that
tackle authoritarianism in society and
doing something about what is wrong on if an attempt was made at even a princi-
root it out;
this planet. As the blurb says "The WTO, pled level to wrest power and the right
(c) last but not least, the emancipation of
World Bank and IMF must - and can - be to profit from capitalists (via an act of
people must be in the hands of the peo-
stopped. This book tells us how." Congress), their reaction would be far
ple themselves! The Congress (and espe-
different and more extreme; it is reason-
In terms of style and structure the book cially the US Congress) is far removed
able to suggest that such measures would
is well set out. There are four sections: from these simple but important rules of
not even be "allowed" get to Congress's
the first on What Happened At Seattle, engagment!
the second on Dealing With Diversity, the
There is much to commend in this book,
third on The Case Against the WTO, and Unfortunately there are plenty more
but not so much in the solutions it offers.
the fourth, Ways To Restructure The naïve prescriptions of this nature lying
But perhaps having these 'solutions' set
World Economy. Overall this format gives about in this section. The view seems to
out here in the manner they have been,
something to everyone - eyewitness ac- be that we can 'humanise' capitalism. If
is useful for the debate that they can (and
counts, background and facts, arguments only it was so!
undoubtedly will) provoke. Common
to be put to the unconvinced. Moreover
But another aspect to the contributions Courage have done us a very good serv-
the style, while somewhat uneven due to
in this section that is worrying (and grat- ice in that respect.
the number of contributions, is engaging
ing!) is that many of the actions/ solutions
and personal. Kevin Doyle
proposed are predicated around 'reforms'
The politics of course are the main thing, in the US Congress and so on. Some of [based on an article from Red & Black
so what about these? It should be borne the contributors obviously feel that the Revolution No5, 2001]
in mind that this book is something of a
celebration, and in this sense it probably
does shy away from being too self-criti-
cal. Nonetheless, some issues are tack-
led. For example,in Where Was The Col-
our in Seattle? (by Elizabeth Martinez),
the issue is raised about why the over-
whelming majority of the participants at
the protest were, as the author puts it,
Similarly in terms of the acknowledging
the 'anti-authoritarian' practices and or-
ganisational methods of protesters at
Seattle, the book is good and informative.
Clearly this 'anti-authoritarianism' has
given the authorities a lot of problems;
but the point also needs to be brought out
that this structure principally suits the
participants - allowing for great momen-
tum of action in what is a diverse move- Don’t hate the media become the media
ment of groups, organisations and indi-
It's when the book gets on to its propos- International anarchist news
als for the future (Part 4 - Ways To Re-
structure The World Economy) that it is
at its weakest. Take for example the ar-
ticle It's Time To Gone On The Offensive? DIY Publishing - put up your own story,
Here's How. Here Willian Grieder ad-
vances the idea of putting manners on
photos, audio or video and see others at
the 'multinational corporations'; this will
be done through the enactment of legis-
lation in the US Congress.
an international class war rooted in capi-
Revolutionary Anarchism talism, and its current crisis of profitabil-
ity. Notwithstanding the hype about the
"new economy" and the "new prosperity",
& the Anti-Globalization capitalism has been in crisis since around
1973. Average growth rates in the West in

Movement the 1950s were around 5% per year; by the

1970s, they fell to 2%; by the 1980s, the fig-
ure was closer to 1%. And so, big business
has been trying to restructure itself for sur-
Riot police battling youth. Armed forces locking down a major Ameri- vival and renewed profit through the im-
can city. Tens of thousands under anti-capitalist banners. Western plementation of neo-liberalism:
youth and workers physically battling the WTO and imperialism. casualization, privatization, subcontract-
These potent images of the 'battle of Seattle', November 30, 1999, ing, welfare cutbacks, regressive tax reform,
were seared into the minds of militants the world over, inspiring and the deregulation of trade and money
movements. All of these policies are in the
millions upon millions fighting against the class war from above that
interest of the dominant sections of the capi-
some call 'globalization'. Followed by further mass protests in Wash- talist class - the giant transnational corpo-
ington and Davos, and two massive international coordinated ac- rations.
tions on May1, 2000 and September 26, 2000, Seattle marked, by any
Outside And Against The State
measure, an important turning point for the global working class
and peasantry. The capitalist nation state is not the victim
of capitalist globalization, as some suggest
"The Idea That Refuses To Die" clawing our way back to our rightful place
- usually from a nationalist, state-capital-
as a movement of millions, a movement that
And anarchists were in the thick of these ist, or reformist perspective - when they
can help dig capitalism's grave.
protests and solidarity actions, whether in argue that the development of large com-
Rio, Johannesburg, Prague, Istanbul, New Anti-Capitalist, Not Just 'Anti- panies and large multi-lateral institutions
York or Dublin, demonstrating an impres- Globalization' like the IMF and WTO leads to a loss of
sive organizational ability, growing credibil- 'sovereignty' by a supposedly innocent na-
When we enter the 'anti-globalization' tion state, which is then 'forced' to adapt to
ity, and rising popular appeal.
movement, though, we must enter as con- the 'new reality' of 'globalization'.
In the bourgeois media, anarchists have scious anti-capitalists. 'Anti-globalization'
assumed a prominence unknown since the is a vague term that opens the resistance These sorts of argument have some serious
1960s, amazingly receiving even more credit to capitalism to all sorts of pitfalls. political implications. They divert attention
than was our due for our role in the new away from the role of the nation state in
Many aspects of globalization - if by this driving neo-liberal restructuring. They also
'anti-globalization' movement. Anarchism
we mean the creation of an increasingly tend to suggest that the nation state - 'our'
was, the New York Times exclaimed, "the
integrated world economic, political and nation state - is an innocent victim that 'we'
idea that refuses to die." The authoritarian
social system- should be welcomed by an- must ally with and defend against a 'for-
left, shocked at being so outflanked and
archists. The breaking down of closed na- eign' globalization. On the contrary, anar-
outmaneuvred by the anarchists, suddenly
tional cultures, greater international con- chists recognise that the nation state is one
found it necessary to write vicious, and of-
tact, a consciousness of being "citizens of the of the main authors of globalization, and,
ten grossly dishonest, polemics against an-
world", concern for developments halfway in particular, the capitalist aspects of glo-
around the world - all are positive develop- balization.
It is ironic, then, that the anarchist move- ments.
ment remains wracked with disagreement The IMF, World Bank, and WTO are organi-
We should not line up with those who, un- zations made up of member nation states,
about how it should orientate itself towards
der the banner of 'sovereignty' and 'nation- as is the United Nations. It is the nation
the 'anti-globalization' movement.
ality' call for the enforcement of national state that has implemented neo-liberal at-
Orientating To The Movement culture, national foods, closing of the bor- tacks on the working class the world over.
ders to 'foreign' influences and so forth. This It is the nation state that has allowed giant
While the Platformist tradition of anar-
outlook - even if dressed up in 'anti-imperi- corporations to operate globally, by disman-
chism, and many anarcho-syndicalists have
alist' clothing - is xenophobic and directly tling the closed national economies of the
strongly identified with the new movement,
implies support for local nation-states. 1945-1973 period, which were characterised
many other comrades seem reluctant to
become more involved in the new move- We must support the possibilities for the by the thinking that "what's good for Ford
ment. Some are rightly concerned about the development of a cosmopolitan interna- is good for America."
presence of reformist and middle-class ele- tional culture, the globalization of labour It is neo-liberal restructuring, implemented
ments such as NGOs in the movement; oth- and the labour movement that are emerg- and enforced by the nation state, which has
ers point to the unexpected support of far ing with globalization. We must totally op- made it possible for international labor
right groups such as fascists and Islamic pose the religious fundamentalists, nation- markets, international capital movements,
fundamentalists for 'anti-globalization'; for alists and fascists whose problem with glo- and international production chains to
others, there are suspicions about the role balization is that it opens people to new emerge on the scale that has taken place (I
of right-wing trade union leaders in the ideas that challenge backward prejudices include many Third World nation states
movement. and cultural practices. Culture is not static. here, including 'my' own, South Africa: wit-
It is changed and reshaped through strug- ness the fact that the South African capi-
These concerns are valid. But they should
gle, and we anarchists should only defend talist class government is reducing tariffs
not be used as reasons not to be involved in
those elements of national cultures that are faster than the WTO requires. When the
the 'anti-globalization' movement. The new
progressive and pro-working class. WTO asked South Africa to open up its tex-
movement represents an important devel-
opment for the international working class What anarchists oppose are the neo-liberal, tile industry over 12 years, our rulers vol-
and a massive opportunity for the anarchist capitalist, aspects of globalization. We op- unteered to do the job in just eight! So capi-
movement at the dawn of the twenty-first pose attacks on wages, working conditions talist globalization is not something simply
century. Seizing the moment, being in- and welfare, because these hurt the work- imposed on 'us' by the global system, impe-
volved, shaping the movement - this is the ing class and because they are in the inter- rialism, etc., although these play a role).
best opportunity available today to implant- ests of capitalists. The nation state is part of the problem. One
ing anarchism within the working class and is as bad as another in this respect. There-
These capitalist aspects of globalization are
fore anarchists do not agree with people like semblies and summits, rather than the class - anarchists should raise demands
Ralph Nader who argued, roughly, 'Vote me, delegation of all responsibility to a small for worker and community self-manage-
so I can save our democracy from the big coterie of leaders. ment of social services and infrastruc-
companies', because anarchists know that - Decentralised coalitions which allow ture, and stress the right of the working
the role of the State is to serve those com- the maximum initiative from below. class to a decent life.
panies: this is what the State does! This is - Building the capacity of organisations
Aims And Objectives
where we part ways with those who think through promoting horizontal linkages
the state is an ally of labuor and the poor in between groups, and by ensuring the The aim of these tactics and demands is
the fight against capitalist globalization. widest dissemination of information to simple. These points are put forward as
the 'base' members of the structures means to develop a powerful, democratic,
As such, anarchists cannot agree with idea
- Fights and demands that promote class and internationalist working class coalition
of a right/left anti-globalization coalition, or
polarization and expose the class basis centred on unions, but also involving com-
the liberal myth that we have now moved
of neo-liberalism. munities, tenants, students, etc. Further,
'beyond left and right.' (Witness the Seattle
these points are also meant to help develop
protests: the liberals gave semi-fascist Pat We can raise 'reformist' demands with a
a libertarian and anti-capitalist conscious-
Buchanan a platform, but whined when the class war bite. (For example, take a com-
ness of the international nature of the class
anarchists attacked Niketown). pany in a financial crisis. The bosses will
struggle, the opposition between the work-
say let's save money by outsourcing work-
Against National Protectionism ing class, on the one hand, and the state
ers and slashing jobs. Anarchist militants
and capital on the other, and a generalised
We fight outside and against the State, try- can instead raise the apparently 'reform-
confidence and belief in the desirability,
ing to organize internationally. True, cheap ist' demand that the company can be saved
necessity and possibility of self-managed
imported goods do threaten jobs 'at home'. by slashing management salaries by 80%.
stateless socialism (i.e. anarchy).
But the solution is not to call on the state This will expose the unfair nature of the
to ban these goods: it is to organize work- system, the class wage gap, and the refusal Many in the 'anti-globalization' movement
ers in all the sweatshops around the world. of bosses to really consider alternatives - will not accept these aims. But this is pre-
We fight for international labour unity, an because they sure won't consider this one - cisely why our intervention in the anti-glo-
international minimum wage, international all of which will deepen class polarisation!) balization movement as militants with clear
labor standards, and never national protec- ideas and tactics is so vital.
2) Fighting the government: anarchists
tionism and trade bans.
must be there arguing against national pro- And this is also why we need anarchist po-
Anarchists want self-managed, class-con- tectionism, against arguments to 'engage' litical organizations with theoretical and
frontational struggle, rather than 'engag- the local state, against calls for the state to tactical unity and collective responsibility,
ing' the system. Anarchists want to build 'stand up' to capital, against multi-class groups of the type advocated by Nestor
self-managed forms of struggle and action, coalitions and calls for nationalisation. In- Makhno and Peter Arshinov in the Organi-
rather than placing our faith in technocracy, stead, our focus must be on promoting the zational Platform of the Libertarian Com-
elections, or 'our' governments. In this pic- self-emancipation of the working class munists in 1926. Unity, clarity, dedication
ture, the use of violence is a tactical ques- through its own struggles, organizations, are our indispensable revolutionary weap-
tion, not a principle: lock down or burn down and efforts, on the need to mobilize outside ons against an enormously powerful and
are choices to be made according to the situ- and against the state, and on class strug- confident capitalist enemy. We can win.
ation. This is precisely what the liberals and gle anti-capitalism).
pacifists refuse to see.
This means:
- Fighting for practical international soli- Lucien van der Walt [Bikisha Media Col-
Into The Anti-Globalization
darity with workers in sweatshops and lective] email:
in subcontracting companies through Originally published in the North Eastern
We must enter the new anti-globalization campaigns, actions etc., informed by the Anarchist c/o Sabate Anarchist Collective,
movement. True, it is full of reformists and overall perspective of winning interna- PO Box 230685 Boston, MA 02123 email:
middle class elements. But this is precisely tional labor standards (a global mini- website: http://
why we must be involved! To stand back is mum wage, global basic conditions of em-
to surrender the new movement, with its ployment, etc.) and global trade union-
immense revolutionary potential, to the ism of the base. This is the real working
reformists and middle class. It is to abdi- class basis for opposing cheap imports:
cate our revolutionary duty to merge revo- better wages for all, rather than a race
lutionary anarchism with the struggles of to the bottom where we see who can earn
the working class, to prevent the revolt of the least, or chauvinist protectionism.
the slaves being used to hoist another elite - Labour-based regulation of working
into power. conditions, through practical solidarity
It is not a question of whether we should be action, rather than appeals to the WTO,
involved. It is an issue of how. etc. to enforce labour standards through
a social clause in free trade agreements
The aims of anarchist involvement are etc.
surely: - Exposure of the class basis of neo-lib-
1) To promote the self-management of eralism as an attempt to drive down
struggle: at every point, anarchists must wages and working conditions, and open
fight for organisational forms, protest up the economy for privatisation and
forms, and decision-making forms that rest speculation, and hence, of the need for a
upon the active involvement of the work- class response that has no illusions in
ing class and provide an opportunity for the the capitalist state
class to self-manage the struggle, win con- - Opposing privatisation because it
fidence, and fight from below. harms the working class through job loss
and worsening social services, and not
This means: because we think nationalisation is some
- Occupations, rather than elite sabotage. sort of step towards socialism and work-
- Marches and protests and riots, rather ers' control. Instead of calling for more
than policy advocacy. nationalisation as an alternative to pri-
- Action committees operating through vatisation - which won't happen and in
mandates and accountability through as- any event won't empower the working
narchist Platform
The Anarchist Platform is an international email list for anarchist who agree with How to join these lists
the points it outlines below and are willing to work locally for organisations in agree-
ment with these points. It currently has members on all the world continents and has Anarchist Platform
been translated into many languages. To join this list please email
It arose from discussion between the Irish in common work. As such list members are Your email
Workers Solidarity Movement and the South expected to actively pursue this agenda and should have the subject ‘Anarchist Plat-
African Workers Solidarity Federation not simply lurk (a common feature of other form’ and should include the following
(which has now dissolved). Because of this lists). 1. A statement that you agree with the
background the points assume a common
We invite you to look at the ‘Anarchist Plat- points and want to subscribe to the list.
understanding of what anarchism is. Prob-
form’ points below and if you agree with 2. A short introduction that can be posted
ably the book “Anarchism” by Daniel
them to subscribe to the international anar- to the list saying where your from and what
Guerin contains the best detailed explana-
chist mailing list Anarchist_Platform. If you if any organisations your involved with.
tion of anarchist history and theory from this
find you don’t agree with them all but are
in partial agreement we invite you to sub- 3. Specify whether you want to subscribe
After the dissolution of the WSF the WSM scribe to AP_discuss instead for ongoing dis- to the list or the digest. The digest means
decided to use the points agreed to launch cussion. you only get one mail every three days con-
the Anarchist-Platform email list. The pur- taining all that periods posting so it may
The ‘Anarchist Platform’ points are below be better for you if you have limited email
pose of the list is to bring together anarchists
followed by instructions on how to sub- access.
who agree with the points both for the ex-
scribe to these lists
change of information but also in the hope
that they will meet up with others on the
list in their geographical region and engage Email .
When you have subscribed post a short in-
troduction message indicating where you

——— Anarchist Platform ——- disagree with the ‘Anarchist Platform’

We identify ourselves as anarchists and with we fight for the democratic structures typi- tions who agree with these principles to fed-
the ‘Platformist’ tradition within anarchism cal of anarcho - syndicalist unions like the erate on an international basis. However we
which includes groups and publications 1930’s CNT. However the unions no matter believe the degree of federation possible and
such as “The Organisational Platform of the how revolutionary cannot replace the need the amount of effort put into it must be de-
Libertarian Communists” the “Friends of for anarchist political organisation(s). termined on success at building national
Durruti” and the “Manifesto of Libertarian organisations capable of making such inter-
We also see it as vital to work in struggles national work a reality rather then a matter
Communism”. We broadly identify with the
that happen outside the unions/workplace. of slogans.
organisational practise argued for by this
These include struggles against particular
tradition but not necessarily everything else *Useful URLS for documents above
oppressions, imperialism and indeed the
they did or said. That is it is a starting point
struggles of the working class for a decent Daniel Guerin’s anarchism
for our politics and not an end point
place and environment in which to live. Our
The core ideas of this tradition that we iden- general approach to these, like our approach
tify with are the need for anarchist organi- to the unions is to involve ourselves wher- The Organisational Platform of the Libertar-
sations that seek to develop ever the greatest number are found and ian Communists”
within this movement to promote anarchist
• Ideological Unity
methods of organisation involving direct
• Tactical Unity democracy. Friends of Durruti

• Collective Action and Discipline We actively oppose all manifestation of

prejudice within the workers movement and Manifesto of Libertarian Communism
• Federalism
identify working alongside those struggling
Anarchism will be created by the class strug- against racism, sexism, [religious] sectarian-
gle between the vast majority of society (the ism and homophobia as a priority. We see
working class) and the tiny minority that the success of a revolution and the success
currently rule. A successful revolution will of the elimination of these oppressions af-
require that anarchist ideas become the lead- ter the revolution being determined by the
ing ideas within the working class. This will building of such struggles in the pre- revo-
not happen spontaneously. Our role is to lutionary period.
make anarchist ideas the leading ideas or
We oppose imperialism but put forward an-
as it is sometimes expressed to become a
archism as an alternative goal to national-
‘leadership of ideas’.
ism. We defend grass root anti-imperialist
We work within the trade unions as the movements while arguing for an anarchist
major focus of our activity where this is a rather then nationalist strategy.
possibility. We therefore reject views that
We identify a need for anarchist organisa-
dismiss activity in the unions. Within them

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