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MA111 Lab Test Version 1 (Total Mark = 28) (TIME: 1 hour)



There are 3 questions and ALL are compulsory.

On the Command Window, click on the Help and go to “Find Selected Function”. The
MATHEMATICA Help window will open. Browse through the Help menus and read through
the information given. To get help on any command, just type the keyword (or command) in the
search tab.

Question 1 (1+1+1+1+2)+ (1+1+1+1+2)+(=12 marks) from week 2 and 3

a) Use the command “Plot” to plot the system of linear equations. You must show the
i) x -axis and y -axis
ii) x -interval from x = −7 to x = 9
iii) different colour for each line
iv) legend (key)
v) State of the system of linear equations has no solution or one solution or many
solutions. Explain your answer.
a) y = 2 x + 2 b) − 2 x + y = −6
y = −x + 6 − 6x + 3y + 9 = 0

Question 2 (2+3)+(3+1) = 9 marks) from week 4 and 5


 4 −2 
 −1 2 −3  −1 −3  −3 0 
A= , B = , F= , G =  3 −30 
 0 1 −1  −1 2   0 −1 15 −1 

i) Compute the following (Your answer must be in matrix form (use the command

c) G T + ( B−1A ) )
a) 2F4

−1 1
ii) Varify that B = . Comment on your answer.

1|P a ge
MA111 Lab Test 1 Version 1 Week 7, Semester 1 2023
Question 3 (3+(3+1) = 7 marks) from week 4 and 5
i) Convert the system of linear equations shown below to a matrix equation of the form
AX = b and solve the system. Use the command “LinearSolve”. Your answer must be
in matrix form (use the command “MatrixForm”).

x + z = 3

y + z = 0
x + y + z = 1

ii) Varify that AA −1 = A −1 A . Comment on your answer. Your answer must be in

matrix form (use the command “MatrixForm”).

2|P a ge
MA111 Lab Test 1 Version 1 Week 7, Semester 1 2023

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