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Performance Standards:

• Demonstrate understanding of the benefits that can be derived from practicing dual/combative
• Perform regularly in dual/combative sports to achieve fitness
• Describe the nature and background of the sport
• Appreciate the role of martial arts (Arnis) in physical and emotional discipline.


SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
Lord God, the powerful above all. You dominate the world with your overflowing love.
You sacrificed everything just to save us and washed away all our sins. The supreme-being
that never fades and everlasting shaping the world. I am very sorry for all the sins I have
committed and repeatedly doing it.
I am very sorry that at times I lose faith in you.
I ask for your forgiveness of all the mistakes and ungrateful things I made. I am very sorry
for all the things I’ve done. I am sorry that sometimes I ignore your presence and randomly
create sins. I thank you for the life, for the air I breathe, the water I drank and for the
environment you lend us.
I thank you for the wonderful day everyday
I thank you for the all the people around us.
I thank you for all the graces you bestowed upon us every second.
I thank you for guiding and protecting us every minute and never turned us down.
I thank you for watching over our parents.
Thank you, Lord God, for helping me in guiding and educating my students.
Thank you for giving me strength in molding my students.
I kindly ask you to guide, protect and provide us our needs. I humbly ask for your protection
for my family and friends.
I do hope that you will drive away all the bad things from us.
I also ask to provide us health everyday so that we can go on in our life. I humbly ask, Lord
God that you will help me guide my students.
Thank you, Lord God for everything.


SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
• Skills in Arnis
• Stances

• Discuss the brief history of Arnis
• Execute properly the fundamental skills
• Identify the importance of fundamental skills in Arnis

II. LESSON: Historical Background of Arnis


Apalin, R. & Balmores, T. Arnis. University of Santo Tomas. Retrieved from
Presas, R. (1997). Modern Arnis: The Filipino Art of Stick Fighting. OHARA PUBLICATIONS,


SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

As a martial art, was spawned in the Philippine soil. It was known in ancient Philippines as Kali, an
ancient Malayan word which implies a large bladed weapon longer than a knife. This art was
practiced primarily to self-defense by the pre-Spanish Filipinos who were noted for their friendly
nature and legendary hospitality.
It is a close-combat affair, thus skill in parrying and striking must be developed with utmost dexterity.
The expert use of the leg and the leg-hip fulcrum maneuver to outbalance and throw an opponent
must be perfect. Unlike other martial arts which: make use of complex body maneuvers. Arnis as it
was then and as it is now in its modern form, puts emphasis on the use of the stick and the hand-
arm movements.

Must have been derived from tjakalele which is a native fencing in Indonesia. The linguistic kinship
is not without basis considering that what is now Indonesia was once, in ancient times a part of the
Sri Vishayan and Madjapahit empires whose sphere of influence reached the Philippines.
However, about 200 B.C., the Malaya migrated to the Philippines and brought with them the long
knife. Their coming enriched the Filipino arsenal in the fighting arts. Besides their stick, bows and
arrows, the early Filipinos were now also experts in the use of bladed weapons and daggers.
As testimony of the Muslims’ love for the bladed weapon is their variety of styles and types of knives
which includes the kris, bolo, kalis, barong, gunong, kampila, gayang, pira, punal, itak, banjal,
bangkcon, lahot and the panabas. Inter-regional contact and influence brought about the trade and
travel linked the Muslim fighting art with the bladed weapon in the South with the Kalis, the
forerunner if Arnis of the Tagalogs, in the north. Kalis, a term which was shortened for Kali for
convenience, is also a fighting art which uses a long-bladed weapon or knife, stick or cane and

Is the best known and the most systematic fighting art in the Philippines. It is perfected art after a
long historical development from the Kali systems designed to train the students to defend himself
against armed or unarmed attacks. Arnis, as it is commonly called, has been also known in the other
dialects as estocada among the Tagalog provinces and estoque or fraile in other regions.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
ARNIS as Fighting Arts
Three Forms of Play
✓ Espada y daga - (sword and dagger) in which a long wooden sword and a short wooden
dagger is used
✓ Solo baston (single stick) in which a single long muton or baston (wooden stick or rattan cane
hardened by drying or heating) is used
✓ Sinawali, a native term applied because the intricate movements of the two muton resemble
the weave of a sinawali (crisscross fashion), the bamboo split weave pattern used in walling
or matting.

Three Traditional Training Methods
✓ Muestrasion or Pandlag - which teaches the artistic execution of the swinging movements
and stroking for offense and defense in repetitive drills
✓ Sangga or Patama or Sombra Tabak – wherein striking, thrusting and parrying in a
prearrange manner is taught
✓ Larga Muton or Labanang Totohanan - in which two trainees engage in a free practice trying
to outmaneuver each other using all their skills

The History of Arnis dates back before the
colonization of the Spaniards, during those
periods it was called Kali and the techniques of
the art is focused on bladed weapons fighting.
Kali was widely practiced throughout the
archipelago; both nobleman and commoners
were enthusiast and practitioners of the said art.
Also, during those days Kali is being taught in a
school like training grounds, which was called Bothoan along with military tactics, Alibata (Native
Alphabet), and herbal medicines.

On the dawn of April 27, 1521, the Portuguese navigator and warrior named Ferdinand Magellan
was defeated by a native warrior chief named Lapu-lapu this was the recorded incident which Kali
was used against foreign invaders. Forty years after that event, on April of 1564 another warrior
SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
navigator from Spain named Miguel De Legaspi landed in Abuyog Leyte Philippines. He was aware
of the unfortunate fate of Magellan so took a non-hostile approach to avoid battle with the native.
He befriends the warrior chief Malitik, it is at this point he witnessed the deadly fighting skills of the
natives through a demo to entertain them. Afterwards he traveled to the nearby island of Sugbo and
met another warrior chief named Tupas, he took a non-hostile approach to again avoid confrontation.
For the second time he witnessed the formidable fighting techniques of the natives through a demo.
Years have passed by Spain was able to colonize the Archipelago thru the use of religion and what
was then regarded as modern weapons such as Muskets and cannons. The Spaniards claimed the
Archipelago and named it “Philippines” in honor of the King Philip of Spain. This was the start of the
dark age of Kali, in the year 1764 the Spanish overlords banned the practice of Kali to the natives.
Using the alibi that the natives were wasting time practicing it instead of tilling the fields. However,
the natives knew too well that their colonizers were just afraid that such skills would be used in a
revolution against them because due to oppression the revolutionaries were gaining support from
the natives. The natives, hidden from the watchful eyes of their colonizers, practiced Kali secretly.
Due to some cultural influence of the Spaniards the term Escrima, Estoque, Fraile, and Kaliradman
were used to regard the native fighting system. It was also during these periods when the natives
were able to develop the stick fighting techniques of the art, which was proven to be as versatile as
the bladed weapons technique. Even the Moro-Moro stage play to entertain the colonizers was
utilized as an excuse to practice the fighting system.

In 1873 the fighting system was renamed “Arnis” derived from the word Arnes which means colorful
trapping on defensive armors used on the Moro-Moro plays. Some of the heroes of the Philippine
revolution were also practitioners of Arnis namely Andres Bonifacio, the spouses Diego and Gabriela
Silang, and the young General Gregorio Del Pilar. The National Hero Jose Rizal was also reported
practice the fighting system. As well as the founder of Aglipayan Church Rev. Gregorio Aglipay was
also recorded as a practitioner of the art. After hundreds of years with Spanish colonization the
Japanese invaders took their place to invade the Philippines during the World War II, again experts
of the native fighting arts were called upon to fight for the country’s freedom. Kali, Escrima or Arnis
whichever term the individual prefers to use was once again employed on the battlefield. Its
efficiency was put to a test again but this time against the Japanese invaders. The Filipinos fought
side by side with the Americans. Natives with skills in the fighting art signed up to be freedom fighters
known as “Guerillas”. It is also these “Guerillas” who were usually front liners during the encounter
and they were usually sent on a commando mission for reconnaissance against the Japanese.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
After the war ended and peace took its path in 1975 then Major Favian Ver also noted enthusiast
and practitioners of Arnis formed the National Arnis Association of the Philippines (NARAPHIL) with
the objective to unite all Arnis group in the Philippines, but unfortunately according to records the
Generals effort was futile, some claimed that the association that the General led tends to favor only
one group and ignored the request for recognition of the majority of the existing Arnis clubs.
After the Historical EDSA revolution General Favian Ver was exiled and NARAPHIL as a dominant
Arnis grouped ceased, eventually another brotherhood of Arnis was formed by a group of great
Masters on Arnis. July of 1986 Arnis Philippines (ARPHI) was established with the same objective
as NARAPHIL, at present time the government sanctioned groups NARAPHIL and ARPHI exist
together with a nongovernmental organization PIGSAI, these organizations share a common goal
which is to promote, preserve, propagate, and regain the popularity of Arnis throughout the country
because economically even though the Filipino Martial Arts be it Arnis, Escrima, or Kali earned its
popularity in the different parts of the world. It is less popular in the Philippines. Its birthplace,
probably due to strong colonial mentality influence or just plain negligence of the Filipinos to their
Cultural Heritage, but these noble groups are striving to ensure that the next generations of Filipinos
will be able to claim their cultural heritage and once again have these Filipino Martial Arts as
the national system of fighting art.


Respect- for one's opponent as a person and as a fighter, and as a sportsman. It should always be
remembered that an opponent is a human being with a dignity as you have and worthy or respect.

Sportsmanship- on the other hand is a measure of a fighter or player. The laurels of victory should
never be worn with superiority but with humility. Victory is not a stamp of invulnerability but rather
a reason for magnanimity.

Character - Refinement in character is important. A student must be taught the moral (and
religious) values of everything. It is an obligation of the teacher of Arnis to mold the character of the
student in such a way that his behavioral structure would be motivated by righteous desire. It is what
a man is that counts not the number of trophies he won. In spite of the abetted fallacies of values of
the present world, it is who you are that will matter in the end.

Sincerity- Sincerity for victory's sake is not at all - consuming end of an Arnis player. It is the
sincerity in him to his fellowmen and to his art that makes him shines in the array of men. The will

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
to win maybe inculcated, but such tutelage should never end after the tick of the ultimate seconds
in the game but beyond the canvas and the arena of competition. The martial art of Arnis, it should
be remembered, is a good medium of developing man’s sense of dedication in all his everyday
endeavor and involvement. Sincerity is the mother of trust makes an institution of what has been
shattered by doubts. A man who is not sincere will never have a true friend.

Discipline - Arnis is a molder of discipline. It is the responsibility therefore, of the teacher of the art
to guide the students to this end. Strict compliance of rules and norms of conduct is an athlete's
obligation. Proper behavior in the sport and in life itself will be the gauge of success. Personal
discipline is important. The kaleidoscopic invitations and temptations of life should never undermine
man in his obligation to his art, to himself and his fellowman. A student should learn to control himself
in the pursuance of his goal, not only to his art but also to life in general.

Self-control- Losing one's head means defeat. One should learn to control his temper. If he hopes
to achieve success in every endeavor. In Arnis, self -control is important for without it, life and the
good health of another may be lost. The possession of an ability to kill or maim a person should be
handled with the extreme caution and prudence.

Etiquette - Etiquette is allied to the main cardinal rules in Arnis. One's norm and standard should
never be imposed upon others. One should learn to respect others. Giving credence to the standard
and ability of another person should or will best prepare anybody in any endeavor. The pacific ways
of human understanding will stay unruffled if exercise of proper etiquette and respect whether it is
in sporty competition or in life itself is observed.

Student's loyalty -loyalty should be emphasized to the student, loyalty to the art, to a fellow player,
and to his teacher. Ingratitude to one is ingratitude to the other. A student should be loyal to a fellow
player because any disloyalty to him is disloyalty to the art itself. More important, a student should
be loyal to his teacher. Everything one has learned is owed by him to his teacher. Personal whims
should never cause one to be ungrateful.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.


1. Stand straight with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, trunk straight ahead and
your arms spread outward, palms down.
2. Begin twisting your upper body at the waist, first to the left, bringing your right arm around to
your left as you move your left arm back and to your right. Now twist back
3. In the opposite direction and repeat. Go back and forth ten or 20 times.


1. Stand straight with your heels close together

and your arms loosely at your sides.
2. Pick your left knee up, grasping your shin with
your left hand and assisting your knee all the
way up until you can touch your chest.
3. Repeat with the right knee. Do a set of ten or

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

1. Stand straight with your feet ap-

proximately shoulder-width apart, your
arms raised high over your head.
2-4. Begin bending at the waist and
swing your upper torso down to the
right in an arc until you are bent for-
ward near the ground.
5-6. Now bend back up and to your left in an arc until you return to the starting position. Now
repeat in the opposite direction


This is a variation on the old toe-touching exercise.

1. Stand straight with your feet approximately two shoulder-widths

apart and your arms spread at your sides, palms out.
2. Bend at the waist and bring your right arm down, touching the
ground in front of your left foot with your palm. Bring your left arm
back behind your head.
3. Repeat on the opposite side, left palm toward right foot. Do 20

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

This is for loosening up the muscles in the wrists and arms, particularly important in Arnis.

1. Stand straight with feet spread comfortably apart

and your arms spread wide at your sides grasping a cane in
each hand, palms forward.
2-3. Twist your arms forward and then back, stopping
when the sticks are parallel to the ground and then reversing
the direction, back and forth. To make the exercise more
difficult, grasp each stick near one end.


1. Stand straight with your feet spread

comfortably apart and your arms at your sides.
2-5. Swing your arms simultaneously in front of
you, then over your head and back behind
you in a 360-degree arc. Swing them
backward several times, then stop and
swing them forward for several repetitions.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

1. Position your body above the floor with your palms

flat supporting most of your weight and your knees off the
ground, legs on tiptoes.
2. Lower your body until your chin is close to the
ground in standard push-up fashion.
3. Vary the push-up exercise by first raising your hips
while keeping your chin low to the ground, then,
4. Lower your hips as you straighten your elbows and
raise only your head away from the ground. Repeat.

There are only a few specific stances or ready positions in Modern Arnis, but learning them is
essential before they become a part of your automatic response in a self-defense situation. Effective
balance and the ability to move swiftly backward and forward to facilitate blocking and striking are
the backbone of Arnis or any martial art.

Stances or ready positions are not static things to be assumed and then maintained throughout
practice. The body flows into each appropriate stance as the situation demands. The first few
postures shown here are formal stances and the assumed ready positions are preparatory to starting
each practice session.

Also included in this section is the formal courtesy of Modern Arnis, performed at the beginning and
end of any practice, and the proper way to hold the traditional cane or stick.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

To grasp the Arnis stick properly, hold it firmly as if shaking

hands (A) and fold your thumb on top of your first finger.
Do not leave the thumb exposed (B) on top of the stick, as
this may cause injury. Keep the wrist relaxed.


(A)The closed attention stance is assumed during the courtesy, before

any practice session and at the end of a practice session. Your heels
are together, feet pointed outward at a 45-degree angle. The stick is held
horizontally with your arms relaxed on either side. Your eyes are focused
straight ahead. (B)The open attention stance is identical to the closed
stance, except that your feet are spread approximately shoulder width


This stance is assumed in preparation for a direct frontal

assault. The legs are in the same position as the informal
attention stance, but the knees are slightly bent and the stick is
now held out with the right hand (at a 45-degree angle
respective to the ground) and the left hand is held directly
behind it to guard, or support a block.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

Similar to the open leg ready stance, but the legs are spread further
apart, approximately two shoulder widths and the knees bent further.
The stick and opposite hand are in the same position as the open leg
ready position.


In this stance, the right foot is planted forward and the weight distributed
evenly on both feet. The stick and opposite hand are still held up in the
ready position. The left forward position is assumed by stepping
forward with the left leg. Your trunk re-mains facing forward.


The weight is now shifted slightly to the rear foot, about 60 percent
on your rear foot and 40 percent on your front foot. The feet are
now forming an L-shape with the toes of the back foot pointing 90
degrees to the left. The stick and hand remain in the same ready
position. The left back stance is assumed by stepping forward with
the left leg.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

Similar to the forward stance except that the trunk is now twisted
45 degrees to the right or left of the forward stance to face an
assault from another direction. The front knee is bent deeper
and more weight is on the forward foot. Both heels and toes
remain planted firmly on the ground. The hands and stick remain
in the same ready position.


Learning to employ body shifting in Arnis is extremely

important. Virtually all the techniques in this book employ
some degree of body shifting to move.


(1) You and your opponent tare about five feet apart.
When your opponent moves in with a backhand strike, (2)
you should step forward at a 45-degree angle (with your
left foot) and block, closing the distance. In set 2A shows
how to shift if attacked with aforehand strike.

Your body away from the opponent's angle of attack, yet close the distance so that an effective
defense can be used (counterstrike, disarm, takedown).

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

(1) If you are too close to your opponent, when he steps in

with a backhand strike (2) you should step back 45 degrees
(with your right foot) in order to maintain a working distance
from him while still avoiding the angle of his attack. In set
2B shows how to shift if attacked with aforehand strike.


This is the official modern Arnis salute. (1) Face your

partner/opponent with your feet together, body erect
holding your stick parallel to the ground in both hands
(palms down). (2) Move your left foot until your feet are
shoulder width apart in an open leg stance. (3) Bring your
left foot back and raise your stick up in your right hand
so that it is perpendicular to the ground, and bring your
left hand up, palm flat against your chest. (4) Return to the open leg stance with your stick held
horizontally in both hands (the same as step 2). Bow and say the “Pugay Po!”.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

Modern Arnis uses a ranking system similar to the Dan ranks used in Karate or other Japanese
systems. There are some minor variations between organizations as to the exact number of belts.
There are 10 or 11 black belt ranks in Modern Arnis, depending on the organization. They are
numbered in Tagalog:

1. Isa (pronounced as i-sah or e-sah; which literally means "one")

2. Dalawa (pronounced dah-la-wah; as literally means "two")

3. Tatlo (pronounced as tat-loh; literally means "three")

4. Apat (pronounced as Ah-pat; literally means "four")

5. Lima (pronounced as li-mah;literally means "five")

6. Anim (pronounced as ah-neem; literally means "six")

7. Pito (pronounced as pi-toh; literally means "seven")

8. Walo (pronounced as "wah-loh"; literally means "eight")

9. Siyam (pronounced as si-yam; literally means "nine")

10.Sampu (pronounced as sam-po; literally means "ten")

11.Labing-isa (in some organizations) (pronounced as lah-bing-i-sah; literally means "eleven")

Many groups use a "zero-degree" black belt rank as a probationary stage that comes before Isa.
The actual name of the ranks is gender-specific. For men the rank is referred to as Lakan (Tagalog
for male) while for women it is referred to as Dayang (Tagalog for "female"). Thus, a first-degree
black belt in Modern Arnis would be referred to as either a Lakan Isa or a Dayang Isa, depending
on his or her gender. The "zero-degree" rank, if used, is referred to as simply Lakan or Dayang. The
black belt is traditionally bordered with red; however, some groups use a plain black belt. In addition
to rank, titles such as Datu, Commissioner, Master of Tapi-Tapi, Senior Master, Punong Guro, etc.,
have occasionally been granted to certain high-ranking individuals. The title Guro is typically given
to all Lakans and Dayangs.

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.
Name: Date:
Year & Section: Score:

Midterm Learning Activity

(Combative Sport | Arnis)

Instructions: (Photoshoot) Take a picture of yourself executing all the

preparation stances of Arnis including the courtesy. Label them
properly and wear your PE attire. Use a stick in executing it.
Note: You can send it thru messenger and gmail.
Gmail Account:

SJC VISION: Saint Joseph College, a catholic school, envisions an evangelized and evangelizing community providing excellent integral education and involvement in
social transformation.
SJC MISSION: We commit to build the Saint Joseph College Educative Family (SJCEF) centered on Christ; to form every member in to an integral human person imbued
with the gospel values and equipped with excellent quality education; and to be an active agent in making a humane society.

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