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English 3 It was a very fascinating course and also very

important for mefor my learning. I didn't go to campus

because it was remotelearning. The teacher gave us a
week to be able to learn thetopics and solve the
activities with ease. Most of the activitiesthat were left
to us were to record ourselves talking to eachother.
We didn't do any meetings through the zomm app.
The tutor answered all our questions as much as possible,
the development guides were clear and we interacted
through the forums. It was very interesting to learn this
way, so I liked this new modality, so that I can put into
practice everything I have been learning.
Thank you very much see you later.

Hi Mi name is Royer Juan Mendoza Jaque , I am

23 years old, I live in Lima and I am studying industrial
engineering at the Technological University of Peru.

Inglish tree it was a very fascinayding course and alss very

important for mi for may lerning . I didn't go Da campus
bicouss it was rimout leerning. Da teacher gueip us a
week tu bi eivol tu lern Da topics and solve Da activities
with isssss . Most of the activities that were left to us ,
were to record aar·selvz talking to each other. Wi
didn't du ei·nii meitings throo Da zomm app. Da
teacher answerdd all your questions as much as
passibold . the development gaixx wer clir and wi
interackted throo the forums. It was very interesting to
lernn this way, so I liked this new modality , so that I can
put into practic everything I have been learning.

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