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Juan Manuel Mendieta Carrillo 69235


Pursuing my Purpose.


"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what
you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer. As a third-semester student pursuing
a degree in Civil Engineering in Bolivia, I have embarked on a journey to shape my future and
make a lasting impact on the world. Civil engineering, with its vast scope and potential to create
positive change, has captured my interest and fueled my ambition. Throughout my academic informa on
journey, I have come to realize that my true purpose lies in using my engineering skills to
contribute to the development and well-being of my community and society as a whole. In this
essay, I will outline my personal objective in life, which is to apply my knowledge and skills as a
civil engineer to tackle pressing societal challenges, promote sustainable development, and
improve the quality of life for people in Bolivia and beyond. Thesis statement

Body Section

Topic Sentence
Since I began my journey as a Civil Engineering student, I have been driven by a strong
sense of purpose and a burning desire to make a meaningful impact on the world. In my third
semester at university, I have witnessed the immense potential of engineering to shape the Evidence
future of my country, Bolivia. Every day, I strive to excel in my studies, aiming to achieve
outstanding grades and unlock opportunities that will allow me to contribute significantly to
Bolivia's development. I am committed to leveraging my education and skills to drive positive
change in Bolivia and contribute to its growth and progress.
Conclusion Sentence

Civil Engineering possesses the capacity to change the world in various aspects. Firstly,
infrastructure plays a fundamental role in societal development. Civil engineers are responsible
for designing, constructing, and maintaining vital infrastructures such as roads, bridges,
buildings, water and energy systems. These structures form the backbone of the economy and
people's quality of life. Additionally, Civil Engineering has a direct impact on environmental
sustainability. Civil engineers work on planning and designing projects that minimize
environmental impact and promote sustainable practices. Lastly, Civil Engineering also
addresses social and humanitarian challenges, such as ensuring access to basic services in
marginalized communities. In summary, Civil Engineering is a versatile and powerful discipline
that can transform the world through the construction of robust, sustainable, and socially
responsible infrastructure.
As a student, I understand the importance of investing time and effort into my education.
I constantly challenge myself to go beyond the prescribed curriculum, seeking additional
knowledge and refining my skills through practical experiences and extracurricular activities. By
maintaining high academic standards, my goal is to position myself as a strong candidate for
scholarships, particularly at esteemed institutions like the “Politecnico di Milano”. The prospect
of studying at such a renowned university fills me with excitement as it would provide me with
the necessary knowledge, resources, and network to bring about substantial change in Bolivia.

My dream of studying at the “Politecnico di Milano” is not solely driven by personal

aspirations; it is rooted in a genuine desire to positively impact my country. Bolivia, a nation
abundant in natural resources and cultural diversity, faces numerous challenges in terms of
infrastructure development, sustainable practices, and social welfare. By acquiring advanced
knowledge in civil engineering, I aim to leverage my skills and expertise to address these
challenges and contribute to the growth and well-being of Bolivia.


My goal as a Civil Engineering student is to make a significant impact on the world.

Through my studies, I have seen how engineering can shape the future of Bolivia. By excelling
in my classes and seeking opportunities to learn and grow, I aim to contribute to the
development of my country.
Restate thesis

Civil Engineering has the power to change the world in important ways. It involves
designing and building structures like roads, bridges, and buildings that are essential for
economic growth and people's well-being. Civil engineers also focus on protecting the
environment by using sustainable practices in their projects. They also work to ensure that
everyone, including those in marginalized communities, has access to essential services.

As I pursue my studies, my dream is to study at a prestigious institution like the

“Politecnico di Milano”. I want to use my education and skills to address Bolivia's infrastructure
needs, promote sustainability, and improve the lives of its people.
main point

In conclusion, my journey as a Civil Engineering student represents my determination to

make a positive difference. Through hard work and dedication, I hope to contribute to Bolivia's
growth and create a better future for all. With the support of fellow engineers and global
partners, we can build a brighter and more sustainable world for generations to come.

Strong closing

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