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Hello , Good morning. it’s a

pleasure to see you here .i introduce
myself, my name is Abel Alfonso.
Today ami and my group will talk to
You about the typical foods of our
Country el salvador next my group
Will introduce itself

G-hello,how are you i hope you can

lend me well. My name is gustavo
M-hello,Good morning, it is a pleasure
to see you all gathered here. I
introduce my self, my name is maría

A-hello,Good morning,it’s a pleasure

that you are here, please introduce
me, my name is alba carolina

G-the my partner Gustavo will tell you

about his typical comida pay attentio
This tuber, deeply rooted in Latin
American cuisines, is part of the
lunches or snacks of Salvadorans and
that you can enjoy if you visit

the country.

Fried Cassava
Typical dishes of El Salvador. Fried
yucca. Photo by ElSalvadorViajar.
After cooking, boiled, cassava is served
in this traditional way. Served with
some pork, tomato, watercress, carrot,
onion, and the typical and delicious
p-This is how my partner maría
continues to talk to them about her a
typical food

M-well, it´s my turn to talk about the
This preparation serves as a
snack and is prepared from a
puree of very ripe bananas;
Balls are made that are filled
either with beans or milk, to
fry them in plenty of oil and
at the end sprinkle sugar.
Similar to the well-known
"empanadas" in some South American
countries, this preparation is made
with corn dough seasoned with
achiote. It is stuffed with meat or
chicken, seasoned with vegetables,
and then fried. It is a simple and
special way to get to know another of
the typical foods of El Salvador.

p-This is how my partner Alba

continues to tell you about her typical

A-well,it was my turn to talk about the

Similar to the well-known
"empanadas" in some South American
countries, this preparation is made
with corn dough seasoned with
achiote. It is stuffed with meat or
chicken, seasoned with vegetables,
and then fried. It is a simple and
special way to get to know another of
the typical foods of El Salvador.
This meal is accompanied with a
special tanning and tomato sauce.

p-Until here our theme has

arrived,thank you, i hope you liked it

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