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Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

Authoritarianism, Fascism, and the Sudden Rise of Far- Right Movements

Murtaza Rizvi

Bishop Paul Francis Reding Catholic Secondary School


Ms. De Luca

June 5, 2023
Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

Background of the Issue

Liberal democracy and capitalism have been the two leading political and economic

concepts for the last century of Western history. Now, however, the future of these two concepts

is increasingly uncertain. Democratic capitalism is displaying signs of systemic faults and

contradictions in the United States, Europe and Australia (Rudd, 2018). With the slow rise of

far-right movements in Europe, the United States, and many other areas, many question whether

those movements will cause the repeat of state fascism. Famous Marxist writer Nico Poulantzas

can act as an important reference point for this debate. Poulantzas warned that capitalist

democracies would soon shift toward a sort of “authoritarian statism” (Sotiris, 2023). This would

preserve the forms of liberal- democratic rule while also neglecting civil liberties (Sotiris, 2023).

This concept seems more realistic and possible now than ever before. The United States is a

perfect example of a capitalist state that is slowly moving into authoritarianism. In recent years,

the US Republican Party has witnessed a concerning shift towards increased authoritarianism

and extremism, with little indication of potential moderation in the near future. Despite

experiencing electoral setbacks in the 2022 midterms due to fielding candidates perceived as

excessively radical by the public, the GOP has chosen to amplify and empower far-right

legislators such as representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz. Governor Ron

DeSantis of Florida has embarked on an endeavor to reshape the public education system

according to his own vision, leading to the removal of books from school shelves. Across the

United States, Republican lawmakers have enacted abortion bans that jeopardize the lives of

pregnant women. Additionally, the rights of transgender individuals face numerous challenges

and threats across the nation. In the past year, a significant number of 60 countries witnessed a

decline in political rights and civil liberties, while only 25 countries experienced improvements.
Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

The year 2021 saw fewer overall improvements compared to any other year since the beginning

of the current period of global democratic decline (Freedom House, 2022). At present,

approximately 38 percent of the global population resides in countries rated as Not Free, marking

the highest proportion since 1997. Conversely, only two out of every 10 people live in Free

countries (Freedom House, 2022). Due to situations like this, it is apparent that the rights and

liberties of people are severely at risk. As long as capitalism continues in a way that enables

authoritarianism and fascism, every single citizen of a capitalist society is at risk of being


Interventions that have been tried by the international community

International law has traditionally been characterized as "Westphalian," acknowledging

the equal sovereignty of all states and granting them the autonomy to determine their preferred

forms of governance (Ginsburg, 2020). From a doctrinal standpoint, this implies that

international law does not display a strong inclination towards favoring democracy or

dictatorship. While it is true that human rights treaties protect crucial aspects of democracy, such

as freedom of speech and assembly, enforcement efforts have been effectively redirected by

authoritarian states (Ginsburg, 2020). An example of this is Article 25 of the International

Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which ensures that citizens have the right to engage in

public affairs and participate in authentic and regular elections (Ginsburg, 2020). However,

authoritarian states that have agreed to these treaties have effectively evaded obeying the laws of

the treaty by arguing that the methods and modes of public participation differ across systems

(Ginsburg, 2020). Faced with a broad liberal perspective on international law and its

interpretations, both authoritarians and democrats have started formulating their own approaches.

They employ international legal reasoning as a defensive tool, utilizing it to justify their actions
Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

and shield themselves from external scrutiny and condemnation (Ginsburg, 2020). To conclude

this issue, The International laws that surround the rules and regulations of democracy are not

nearly rigid enough to prevent authoritarian regimes. It is necessary for us to pay attention to

these faults and prevent not only the loss of civil liberties, but also the death of democracy.

Formal Request

I hope to bring attention to the pressing issue of capitalism's descent into authoritarianism

and the inherent risks it poses to democratic values and civil liberties. While I understand that

there are numerous worthy causes for the UN to prioritize, I believe this issue deserves

consideration due to its global implications and the threat it poses to fundamental human rights.

The current trend of democratic capitalism displaying systemic faults and contradictions in

various regions, particularly in the United States, Europe, and Australia, demands urgent

attention. The rise of far-right movements and the erosion of civil liberties have raised concerns

about a potential shift towards authoritarian statism. These developments not only undermine the

principles of liberal democracy but also endanger the lives and freedoms of individuals within

capitalist societies. In light of the escalating authoritarian tendencies, I urge the UN to take the

following steps to address this issue:

1. Acknowledge the Threat: The UN should formally recognize and acknowledge the threat

posed by capitalism's descent into authoritarianism on a global scale. This

acknowledgment will serve as a catalyst for international action and cooperation.

2. Strengthen Human Rights Protections: Enhance the existing international human rights

framework to explicitly address the risks and challenges associated with authoritarian

tendencies within capitalist systems. This may involve reinforcing protections for civil

liberties, freedom of speech, assembly, and the rights of marginalized groups.

Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

3. Promote Democratic Governance: Encourage and support initiatives that promote

democratic governance, transparency, and accountability within capitalist societies. This

could include fostering international partnerships for capacity-building, sharing best

practices, and facilitating knowledge exchange to strengthen democratic institutions.

4. Monitoring and Reporting: Establish mechanisms to monitor and report on the erosion of

political rights and civil liberties within capitalist states. This will facilitate early

detection of authoritarian trends and enable timely intervention.

As for the required resources, I request the following support from the United Nations:

1. Funding: Allocate resources to conduct research, awareness campaigns, and

capacity-building programs focused on combating authoritarianism within capitalist

systems. Furthermore, I request more funding into education systems to further educate

students about civil rights, International laws, and other necessary concepts.

2. Expertise: Mobilize human resources, including legal experts, researchers, and policy

analysts, to study the issue comprehensively and provide guidance on necessary reforms.

3. Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between member states, civil society

organizations, and academic institutions to collectively address the challenges posed by

capitalism's descent into authoritarianism.

By prioritizing this issue, the United Nations can play a vital role in safeguarding human

rights, democratic values, and the well-being of individuals living under capitalist systems.

Capitalism need not be inherently conducive to authoritarianism, and by taking proactive

measures, we can ensure a future where capitalism and democracy coexist harmoniously. Thank
Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

you for considering this request. I remain hopeful that the UN will take a stand against the

erosion of democratic values and work towards a more just and inclusive global order.


Ejayneburrows. (2022, April 4). Capitalism: Is it making the UN’s sdgs harder to achieve?
Mindless Mag.
Authoritarianism, Fascism, and Far- Right Movements

The global expansion of authoritarian rule. Freedom House. (n.d.).

How authoritarians use international law. Journal of Democracy. (n.d.).

Rudd, K. (2018, September 16). The rise of authoritarian capitalism. The New York Times.

Sotiris, P., Sotiris, P., Finn, D., Blakeley, G., Thomas Piketty Clara
Martínez-Toledano Amory Gethin, Piketty, T.,
Martínez-Toledano, C., Gethin, A., Jäger, A., Ferrero, À., Poulantzas, N., Renton, D., &
Tarnoff, B. (2023, May 1). The work of Nicos Poulantzas is vital for understanding the
authoritarian right. Jacobin.

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