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Welcome Message of Induction of Officers & Acquaintance Party

To our ever supportive school head sir Daniel C. Cañete, Senior High School
Coordinator Maam Aniceta Mobilla, my dear hardworking& dedicated fellow teachers,
parents, students, to all the newly elected class officers ,the Math club officers, ladies &
gentlemen good afternoon.
WELCOME to the Sta. Rosa National High School “INDUCTION OF OFFICERS &
ACQUAINTANCE PARTY 2022” I know that everyone is excited on this occasion umulan
bumagyo dayon gud an aton event. Ok la iton nga uran basta enjoy the moment. This is
the experience that you missed during pandemic.Kaya sulitin na ninyo ngayon sumayaw
at magsaya. Iwasan ang bangayan at away away. Love love lang para good vibes la
permi. Ok ba mga children of GOD?
Anyways, my great wishes and prayers to our newly elected officers. May they
be guided by the grace of the almighty to lead all the Sta. Rosa NHS students into a
more prosperous future. May God grant them the wisdom and the foresights needed to
mobilize the cooperative to remain relevant and is ready to take on greater challenges
ahead. Thank you and God Bless Us All!

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